Reviews from

in the past

This game has one of the most fun class systems of any game I've ever played. Add on a fun cast of characters, a wild plot, and Revo's incredible music, and you've got yourself an incredible game that isn't your ordinary Final Fantasy.

Pelea a muerte con el SMT4:A para ver quien se lleva a casa el titulo de mejor JRPG de la 3ds

Tremenda ost, el combate / sistema de jobs es divertido y tiene banda de profundidad, el juego constantemente recompensa al jugador por pensar de manera creativa en las peleas.

Lastima que el worldbuilding es medio pedorro y no recuerdo ni un solo NPC del juego.

Nossa, super recomento. Personagens legais, plot que surpreende e sistema de batalha divertido!

The latter half of the game is a slog but god damn the finale really was more than worth it, holy CRAP

Bravely default es si un Final Fantasy con una comprensión entendible y que siguió con la tradición de combate por turnos. Lo cual demuestra que una historia que sea sencilla de digerir y el gameplay por turnos sigue funcionando a día de hoy.

The name pun is one of the highest levels of comedy I have ever witnessed in my life.

Really charming game with awesome and memorable cast. The loop decition drags it a lot for me, i want to see all the lore, but i dont want to feel like im not doing any progress for +20 hours.

I liked messing around with all the different jobs but you'll quickly find out that not all jobs are created equal. Spiritmaster, for example, just straight up breaks the game and makes you invincible. Also the game is very grindy, especially on hard difficulty. I did like the main characters (except Tiz) and many of the bosses were great characters as well.
I did enjoy my time with this game for the most part up untill a certain infamous point and then it got good again at the end.

you are everything to me and im sorry your sequels suck and you got replaced by octoFART traveler

I really liked this game, the combat and class system was a lot of fun but the strange design choices in the final 20% of the game stopped it from being truly great.

Great until... a certain point.

BOF mi rpg por turnos fav. La mecánica del Brave/Deafult está super chula, el estilo artístico precioso, y la historia es sencilla pero con giros muy wapos.

The start of one of my favourite franchises. A solid JRPG with a lovable cast and a good worldbuilding. Played it with the english dub and gotta say, its pretty decent, which is weird.

One of the best implementations of a job system I have ever seen. Almost makes the 3DS a console worth buying.

cool art style but everything else is boring as fuck lol

Really good combat system, excellent job system, wonderful music, but very tedious second half.

Generic plot and horny female character design but the gameplay is fresh and quick but not much more. I guess I'm leaving the JRPGs

Heroically Neutral is the best Final Fantasy game ever made. A gold standard for what a traditional RPG should strive to be, classic ideas with new twists and modern polish and quality.

The titular main systems, "Courage" and "Standard", take the most basic aspect of a Turn Based RPG (i.e. Turns) and turns transforms them into a resource to be used and abused, making even simple actions like attacking (Put yourself into Turn Debt to spam attacks but leave yourself a sitting duck) or defending (amass spare BP to pay off the Turn Loan Sharks when you really need it) feel fresh. The wide variety of classes and the high degree of class customization gives you an incredible amount of freedom with how you want to play; you can tailor your party to make whatever class you think is coolest (cough Dark Knight) viable, and the equally large variety of bosses and challenges later on in the game encourages experimentation with different solutions (or you could break the game balance over your knee with a small loan of a million BP to become part of the Turn 1%). Outside of battles a surprisingly convenient set of QOL options lets you freely control the difficulty and random encounter rates at any time, whether you want to put it at 0% to speed through a dungeon for items or 200% and Easy to grind out a new job (you can even change the rate you acquire gold, experience, and job experience - individually, so you can keep yourself from getting overlevelled if becoming too huge is against your prerogative).

The presentation is probably some of the best the 3DS ever had. The chibi character models and soft textures somehow perfectly utilize the fuzziness of the 3DS' low resolution to blend in with the beautiful handpainted backgrounds; every location and every character in the game is unique and memorable. The soundtrack by Revo is similarly bangertastic, with the memorability and slappability of the main character themes even being used as a core game mechanic. And the english dub cast knocks it out of the park, giving some of the most spirited performances the 3DS' tinny speakers can provide.

Without actually spoiling Defiantly Basic, suffice it to say the story is a great take on the classic formula, with a wide range of memorable and thoroughly developed characters, and an amazingly satisfying conclusion. It does, infamously, stumble near the end; a very significant blight on what could otherwise be a perfect game. It's impossible to downplay; it's tough to get through even for someone who loves the game. But if you can endure it, you're rewarded with one of the most spectacular endings out there. I sincerely pray that one day this game can get remade and its foibles improved, so that more people can experience the beauty of Valiantly Typical without the massive pitfall in the way - as the absolute classic it deserves to be.

Keep all of that in mind for Bravely Default 2 and be ready to be fucking disappointed

Fun characters, good gameplay. I played on an emulator so the whole connectivity/street pass content fell flat. The last half of the game really drags, there's just not enough new content to make it interesting.

The idea of playing bravely default second layer with the same map/locations seems a little painful.

i know the latter half of the game is flawed and may drive some people away, but this is just personally one of my favorite rpgs of all time.

the brave/default system with the different job classes is extremely fun. you can build your team as you wish and create some really broken tactics. the cast of characters will forever be one of my favorites, and the soundtrack is memorable and one of my most played of all time. even the latter half of the game was enjoyable due to the slight changes each chapter brings.

i'm hoping this somehow, someday gets ported to pc/modern systems because i'd love to replay this on a bigger screen

One of the 3DS's all time greats, an incredibly easy to love cast all performed excellently with some of the best character writing in the genre.
On the gameplay front this game's Job System is nigh on untouchable, incredibly well balanced and brimming with options.
A must play for any JRPG fan.

Great game with the absolute worst final act that I have ever witnessed. If you like classic JRPGs with interesting narratives, strategic battles, satisfying progression, and beautiful music, you'll love the first 30 or so hours of this game. If you like completely having your time wasted, you'll love the final act.

I Bravely Defaulted... on my ability to finish this game

I play it sometimes and I find its systems to be pretty cool.

El sistema de endeudar turnos es muy interesante, y he visto vídeos donde la gente le saca provecho con mucha facilidad.
Sin embargo, a mí no se me ocurren esas estrategias por mi cuenta, así que sufrí un poco con varios jefes y combates opcionales.
La trama está curiosa, mas no le perdono que, por seguir el sentido común, desbloquease antes de tiempo el final secreto "malo", y luego tener que aguantar varios capítulos de los protas siendo papanatas hasta llegar al final verdadero. Me dio rabia.
Sigue siendo un muy buen juego.

Bland characters, terrible voice acting, and a story even worse buoyed by a somewhat intriguing battle mechanic in an otherwise run-of-the-mill JRPG. Bravely Default might sport some gorgeous backdrops and a healthy challenge, but under this thin veil lies little more.

Maybe my fave jrpg all time. It just does so much well. Yeah ik the ch 5 -8 complaint but tbh I've never minded it cuz it just meant more BD for me to play.

one of my favourite FF games