Reviews from

in the past

better call saul season 6 will be a cultural reset.

Final level: walter steps in saul's office "who are you?" "I am Breaking Bad: Criminal Elements" "well then you... better call saul"

When walter said ''we need to break bad'' i came

this game has a perfect user score and it's easy to see why

This game made me break bad

this is the moment skyler become gus fring


Utterly Groundbreaking. Cried Tears of Joy Playing

the part when skyler said "Walt, you have become a Breaking Bad: Criminal Elements" bro... i felt dat

there is no other game makes you feel like you ACTUALLY break the bad this good. its peak its breaking bad

Peak fiction, nothing in the entire medium of gaming comes slightly close to this masterpiece.

I added this to IGDB. You're all welcome

June 6, 2019 the video game industry peaked with the release of Breaking Bad: Criminal Elements

why even bother making new games at this point we've already made it to the top it's all downhill from here

I'm not in the video game shit post review business, I'm in the empire business

You play this with the kid named finger

One of the best video games I've ever played. It perfectly and seamlessly adapts Breaking Bad into the palm of your hand while also being an unforgettable experience. The side story "Mikes Origins: Kid Named Finger" Is something I didn't know I wanted until now, I'd go as far as to say it's better than both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul combined. And as Walter says in season 2 "I NEED TO SEE Breaking Bad: Criminal Elements"

Jesse help im breaking bad so hard right now

i had fun with it... until i saw skyler NUDE!

This was the exact moment Jeff Bezos became Heisenberg