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Gives you all these tools to do dope murder but then you get bad ending if you use them

The game that made me fall in love with immersive sims. Since I just finished a new playthrough I guess now is as good a time as any to finally write a review about it, or something more like a love letter of sorts. There is just something special about Dishonored... maybe it's the subtlely of the world building and level design, the mysterious atmosphere of Dunwall City, or the hilarious dialogue between the guards... all of it and a lot more. It's always a safe place to comeback whenever I need it. Funny how a place so miserable can bring me so much joy. This game seems to check all my weird fantasy wishlist and I love it so much. Arkane Studios are fucking awesome.

who's brilliant idea was it to give you a bunch of cool lethal abilities and then punish you for using them

I imagine it as a bedtime story for disobedient children told by candlelight. Corvo's silence grew on me with time; it adds to the sense that you're playing out a storybook alternately meant to frighten and console

Stealth action game with level designs that allows for a lot of different approaches. The whole morality system is very barebones (killing people bad), but the story itself is decent.

The stealth action genre has been in a real slump lately since the last Splinter Cell and everyone is waiting on Thief 4 and Hitman: Absolution. Dishonored displays a wonderful story, convincing world, and excellent level design, but the most important thing is the superb stealth mechanics this game gives us. You play as Corvo who is a protector of the royal empress. There is an assassination plot and of course, you are framed. You join an underground loyalist group to bring the empresses daughter back to power. In the meantime, you are assassinating higher-ups so Havelock can gain power and restore order, but there is a huge plot twist halfway through that will throw you for a loop. These kind of twists are what I miss in games, and Dishonored not only does this but incorporates random ideas that just make sense. There’s a rat plague that everyone is being locked down from, these rats can actually attack you. Whale oil is used to power machines, sorcery gets involved, and guns. Man, this game is just so freaking entertaining. Well worth the $60 purchase.

Let’s talk about this (I consider) revolutionary stealth system. The game does something that I have been waiting for since I first played Metal Gear Solid, Arkane Studios worked around the infamous movement issue that all stealth games suffer from. Let me indulge you here. When you learn an enemy pattern and you sneak up behind them usually they turn around and you are spotted. Dishonored not only allows quick saves, but you can use your magic skills to counter-attack the stealth genre quirks that frustrate so many fans. I used my ability to see through walls, leaning, and blinking so much that it just made the game not easier, but smoother, more intuitive, and I felt completely in control. That is the beauty of Dishonored. Want to go up on that rock that most games have invisible barriers on? Want to use that rock to go up and over the spiked fence that most games wouldn’t let you do? How about going into that vent using those pipes and that awning? Go ahead. Dishonored lets you by using Blink (teleporting a certain distance) and being able to see through walls made me feel like I was the predator and completely in control.

You are probably thinking to teleport and seeing through walls is cheating right? Not at all. The way the level design is done (which is genius by the way) allows you to take advantage of these naturally laid out areas. There are so many ways to approach an objective. You can go completely non-lethal with sleep darts and choking enemies unconscious. You can carry their bodies and still use your crossbow as well as powers which most stealth games make you completely vulnerable when moving bodies. Or you can use your sword and pistol and just fight your way through but isn’t as rewarding. Along the way, you can pick up runes to upgrade abilities and bone charms which are perks. You are also a thief so you need to steal items and money to afford these upgrades or you will have a very hard time.

This is how the natural feeling of the world comes in. While you’re advancing toward your target you can steal things for money, eat food for health, and find mana potions for magic. You can even deviate sometimes for a few side quests which can be really fun. Unlike most stealth games I never felt lost or frustrated because you always see your objective marker so the game doesn’t even need a map. That is purely genius level design.

At the end of the day, this is all there is to the game, but the story missions are varied enough that you will never feel bored, but I feel is one of the weaker points of the game. Sure you can say the game is repetitive because you run across the same enemies over and over and the occasional plague victim and a group of rats or spitting plants. The plague victims and rats that appear reflect on how you play. Kill people all the time and you make the game harder on yourself. At the end of each level, you will see a score sheet that tells you if you were spotted and how chaotic you were. The game is so much fun and immerses you like no other recent stealth game can.

On top of all this, the art style is phenomenal and beautiful, but it is the attention to detail that draws you in. This steampunk art style looks fantastic, and even the voice acting is top-notch and well delivered. My only complaint here is that the graphics, technically, are a little dated. The game was designed for consoles so the Unreal Engine 3 is naturally used. The PC version looks a tad better with some better lighting effects, better FOV, and anti-aliasing, but in the end, I would have liked to see some DirectX 11 effects here because this game would look amazing with it.

In the end, Dishonored is something fresh, new, and exciting that fans of the genre have been waiting for. The storytelling is similar to Half-Life with exciting stealth and thievery that reminded me of the Thief series. Dishonored is definitely a game of the year material and is something that will keep you busy for a weekend or two. I just wish the game was longer and had a little more mission diversity, but other than that there’s not much else to complain about.

dis an amazingly well made game omigosh i loved it so much!!!!!!!
there are so many ways to approach da missions and it's just!!!!!!!! really good!!!!!!!!!!!!
pls play dis it's so amazing agsdhkjwhebfuhwef

Both Dishonored games are just really solid games. Not much to complain about, but I never really loved either of them. Art style is unique if a little bit cartoonish and weird sometimes. Combat and stealth is fun, story is pretty good.

I deem two aspects as the most important in forming the identity of a stealth game; they are level design and the freedom of choosing to assault or not. Dishonored is a masterfully created combination of both and is thus, one of the greatest stealth games ever.

With one of the most ingenious uses of imbuing player choices into a cause-and-effect system at the centre, it's visible how the world design is such that it keeps track of every stealth choice, and displays its effects through various factors like number of rats, environmental state, NPC dialogue, severity of the plague, etc. Stealth games which are also action-adventure often tend to deviate from the central design philosophy of stealth, and tend to indulge highly in a spectacle with flashy action; Dishonored does not avoid that per se, but it definitely tries to weave around it, albeit intentionally. Despite the narrative urging towards a "correct way to play", it intelligently prioritises player freedom.

The sheer difference in experience based on my own choices of whether to kill, confront or leave alone was a revelation. The disparity between my high and low chaos playthroughs was far more than "bad/good ending", it delivered a whole new experience. While it is true that the Chaos system isn't that well conceived and complete, it serves as perfect leverage to influence the consequences of lethalities into the level designs which brings us to the meticulously crafted world of Dunwall.

Every level is superbly designed with unique pathways, routes and the player has complete liberty to achieve the target in numerous ways, with not a single method breaking the narrative harmony. Especially fantastic is Lady Boyle's Last Party with the sheer complexity of the level layers.

Coming to technical performance, the stealth mechanics are immaculate because of which there's more than enough allure to stick to stealth in combination with the astonishingly innovative ways in which magic complements either style over the unpolished FPS mechanics and slightly janky combat.

Last, but not the least, the downloadable content. Dunwall City Trials is a nightmarish mess, especially for achievement merchants, you can go ahead and skip that. The Knife of Dunwall, in particular, and the Brigmore Witches, with the assassin Daud as the playable character, are remarkable in every manner. While I do not agree with a popular sentiment of the two DLCs being better than the main game, I can definitely see why. Taking all the strengths of the original game, the DLCs script a fabulous story about Daud's quest for redemption which catapult him to the position of the best character in the series by ease. Brilliant.

Every mission of Dishonored serves as a great narrative piece and can be enjoyed and appreciated by any person alike. There's something for everyone. A consummate work of the medium and arguably the best stealth game of the past ten years.

I didn't get my undetected achievment because i didn't notice somebody noticed me at the very end of the intro stage and i'd have to replay the entire game again to get it 10/10

As far as stealth games go i feel this one is one of the most replayable ones, very fun game with fun powers and multiple routes to takes.

A funny thing that happened to me is that when i first played it as a teenager i found it hard as fuck. I replayed it this year again, hardest difficulty, no upgrades and aiming to be undetected the whole game and it wasn't that hard.

Wow, I can't believe I never played this back in the day. A masterwork in level design and stealth mechanics. With this game being as short as it was with as few of levels as it had, the world building felt immense and much bigger than it actually was.

It's amazing how well the morality system is implemented in this game, and how you barely notice your actions affecting the game at first, but by the end you can very bluntly see the outcome of your actions. While I didn't do a no-kill run on this playthrough, I can see how many are motivated to do so since the game rewards you for being as peaceful as possible.

Going back to the level design, the levels are so well built that they are straightforward enough for any player to know how to traverse through them and get to their objective, but complex enough to give the player like 10 different ways to get to their objective.

Very glad I finally got the chance to play through this. While the story is only pretty good the gameplay is masterful and is what evens out any weaknesses in the story.

Dunwall was such a joy it scurry around though that i bought again to 100% it. The art design and level design are some of my favourite it any game, with a pretty good story to albeit predictible. fuck the dunwall trials though, they can rot in hell

One of the greatest games ever made, nothing else to say.

Glad that the whole "binary moral choice" trend has died down, because it's a mistake here. I felt compelled to hinder myself and play the game in a less fun, non-lethal fashion up until the betrayal, at which point I thought it might be interesting to start killing people. Didn't matter - I still got the lame ending where everything is roses and all the robot people love you. It's a credit to the sturdy blink mechanic and open-ended map design that I still liked this game.

Dishonoured is a game all about stealth and killing as few people as possible. Unfortunately, there are very few actual methods of non-lethally sneaking around. The game has a tonne of different tools at your disposal, and almost all of them are lethal. The two primary ways of knocking people out are: choking & sleep-darts. This means that your blink becomes primarily a way to sneak closer or around guards so that you can choke them out.

However, that doesn't mean that I don't still really enjoy this game. While the mechanics aren't as polished as Dishonoured 2 or Death of the Outsider, the worldbuilding is still as beautiful and detailed as ever, and that's honestly what keeps making me come back.

Não sei muito bem por onde começar pois tenho muita coisa pra dizer sobre esse jogo, mas primeiramente, ele faz parte do meu top 3 jogos DA VIDA, apenas perdendo pro seu sucessor, o dishonored 2 que é meu jogo da vida, porém irei dar o máximo de detalhes sobre o que eu acho sobre ele, vamos começar.

O jogo tem um stealth maravilhoso e intuitivo, pelas DEZENAS de abordagens diferentes, sério, são tantas abordagens pra cada alvo que não consigo nem listar, isso vem bastante pela grande variedade de gadgets e poderes do jogo, que possibilitam varios jeitos de acabar com seu alvo, o level design que é maravilhoso (cada mapa é único e memorável) ajuda muito pra cada abordagem, depois que você rezera o jogo e conhece bem cada mapa fica tudo bem mais divertido

o combate do jogo é consideravelmente simples mas bem desafiador dependendo de como você joga e da quantidade de inimigos que você vai enfrentar, depois que você aprende bem a bloquear os inimigos fica mais fácil, porém ele é bem intuitivo também, isso vem também pelo gore do jogo, é muito legal ver cada execução que o Corvo (nosso personagem) faz em cada inimigo, quando pega o jeito você se sente bem badass matando todo mundo

sobre a história, ela é muito boa, com personagens e acontecimentos incríveis. O Corvo que é o protagonista, não fala uma palavra o jogo inteiro (no 2 ele fala), e isso não impede em nenhum momento que ele seja um personagem carismático e bem desenvolvido, e ele é pra caramba, um dos meus personagens favoritos já feitos

a trilha sonora do jogo é IMPECÁVEL, a minha música favorita (honor for all) vem desse jogo, mais especificamente dos créditos, mas n tenho muito à comentar sobre, apenas que as soundtracks são perfeitas

os gráficos do jogo até hoje continuam bonitos, envelheceram como vinho, cada coisinha no jogo é feita com carinho pelos desenvolvedores, a final, estamos falando da Arkane

há muitos detalhes e ester eggs incríveis no jogo mas que eu não conseguiria listar por aqui, mas tem vídeos no youtube com tudo completo

Uma das DLC's é MARAVILHOSA! Com a minha favorita sendo a Knife of Dunwall, eu acho ela no msm nível da campanha base, ela mostra coisas incríveis que acontecem no meio da história principal, e jogar com o Daud nela é ótimo! Agora as outras 2... Ok.

o jogo não é muito longo, ainda mais depois de já ter zerado, ele só tem 9 missões mas que já é o bastante pra ele ser incrível, quanto mais você joga mais legal ele fica, e mais rápido você zera

finalizando, ele com certeza é um jogo atemporal e uma masterpiece completa, é um dos jogos mais importantes pra mim, amo ele de paixão, é com certeza um 10/10!

I feel so lucky to have discovered Dishonored. It was way back in the day, 2015 or 2016, when I had just gotten my first laptop. I distinctly remember searching for games similar to InFamous, because that was one of my favourite games growing up. I had no idea how different they would be, aside from superpowers. Together with a recommendation from Playstation Access & a GOTY award, I decided to give Dishonored a try.

I disliked the game on my first playthrough. And the second. And the third. It took me 4 playthroughs to properly appreciate this game. Crazy, in retrospect. I attribute my initial disapproval to the Chaos system, my lack of experience and interest in stealth, and my expectations of Dishonored to be an "action" game. Let me elaborate.

Halfway through my first playthrough as a murderous psychopath, I learned of the Chaos system. Way too late for me to understand that I'd be getting the bad ending if I continued on my rampage across Dunwall. And thus, I spent the second half of the game painfully restricting myself to non-lethal stealth, just to end up with everyone hating me anyway. Bad first impression, I'd say.

So I tried again. Full stealth now. I hate sneaking around, and I hate being spotted and not being able to kill. Second playthrough botched.

Third playthrough. Trying to be flexible. Mixing stealth & action, lethality with mercy. Still didn't do it for me.

Fourth playthrough. After a break from the game, came back with no expectations. Took my time. Explored the whole map from top to bottom. Read everything. I loved it. Taking in the beautiful world that Arkane crafted, hearing the stories that are buried in every nook & cranny. Absolutely masterful. That time, I learned that sometimes, there is a right & a wrong way to play. And I'm glad that I stuck with Dishonored long enough to love it.

This game is really, really well made. There isn't that many games that let you do whatever you want in a mission and accomplishes the way Dishonored does, it's just fantastic.

Even with Corvo being a silent protagonist (he doesn't 'talk' that much, only when some choices are made), you grow attached to him. His downfall hurts throughout the whole campaign and his ascension is satisfying.

It's important to mention the level of gameplay and plot details for a game released in 2012. Unique assassinations for each target, dialogues and the whole city situation that changes depending on your 'route' (being at low or high chaos). Its replay factor is here, but one playthrough may be enough.

In my opinion, though, the only, BIG QUOTE, problem, is the absence of methods on doing non-lethal runs. It is hard and really rewarding when you do it, but normally you are limited to sleep darts (10 per quest), Bend Time (at level 2, which you get at the last quests because of the price) or just being really good at stealth gaming (in my case, I'm not!). Still, when you do it, it's really rewarding.

The world building is top-notch and I personally liked the hud aesthetic and the way characters were drawn. It just completes really well the atmosphere and the complete feeling this game brings.

Sorry I have no words to describe how good this is. Probably one of the first "proper" games I got, so I'm biased, but oh my god. The atmosphere, the art direction, the music, the worldbuilding, the gameplay? Games are art and I can prove it.

Story is pretty meh but everything else makes up for it. Probably one of the most influential pieces of media I've consumed that still inspires my own creations to this day.

I love you Dishonored kisses it on the mouth

realmente acho que os jogos da bethesda não são pra mim.
insisti em jogar esse jogo MUITAS E MUITAS VEZES ao longo de MUITOS ANOS e cara, nunca me da vontade de continuar, sei lá.

i don't think i get it 🙁, it's good but definitely not as amazing as most people say.

Very good stealth game that is just about as good as I remember it being the first time I played it. Levels are very large and give you a plethora of options in traversing. Lots of lore to find in notes and books that nicely flesh out the world. All the powers are fun to experiment with, and you can do some crazy stuff with them. Baiting someone to shoot at you, possessing them, then moving them in front of their own bullet is still one of the coolest things you can do in a video game.

My biggest issue if anything is that the game feels like it pushes you a little too hard into killing people. Many of the skills you can use and bone charms you can find are more for a build that involves killing and combat. If you're going for a nonlethal run, there isn't much of a reason to go out of your way to collect things. The game also has a bit of an anticlimactic end. There's a pretty big twist followed by an extremely long and difficult level, then the last two levels are pretty simple and straightforward. I remember that last level being a lot harder than it ended up being.

Regardless, still a fun game to go through even years later, although I don't think I'm ever going to do a "never detected" run ever again. Abused the hell out of my quicksave/quickload keys.

The spiritual successor to the Thief series not only manages to be a masterpiece on its own right, but it also toppes every Thief game ever. Your actions do matter and playing it with no powers and no kills is the real challenge. Do yourselves a favor and play it.

Excelente combinação de Stealth com poderes. Você consegue criar cenas muito dahora.

dishonored has permanently broken the way i interact with the world, i think. i was already pretty parkour-brained but now every building is a dishonored level to me. kinda sucks that you have to be a monarchist, but at least you can be authentic to that political alignment by being a murderous buffoon

In the world of immersive sims, Dishonored reigns supreme over all of the others. Why?

- Level design. Arkane has a very clear mission statement - "play your way" - and the maps are all designed to facilitate that. There are always numerous ways to complete an objective, numerous ways to get to those ways, and a pantheon of powers to get you there.

- Aesthetics. Due to its heavy stylization, Dishonored still looks good. It also facilitates this creepy, unsettling atmosphere as you watch the world around you fall into chaos.

- Satisfying gameplay. You can just hack and slash if you'd like, but cleverness and ingenuity will reward you so much that this game provides you with a ridiculous amount of dopamine hits per mission.

I fucking love Dishonored. One of the greatest of all time.

The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propellin'
Let these words be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
And with that being said, my nigga, let me ask this question:

When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
When shit hit the fan—
(One two, one two, one two)
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propellin'
Let these words be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
And with that being said, my nigga, let me ask this question:

When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
Won't you look to your left and right? Make sure you ask your friends
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

Do you believe in me? Are you deceiving me?
Could I let you down easily, is your heart where it need to be?
Is your smile on permanent? Is your vow on lifetime?
Would you know where the sermon is if I died in this next line?
If I'm tried in a court of law, if the industry cut me off
If the government want me dead, plant cocaine in my car
Would you judge me a drug-head or see me as K. Lamar?
Or question my character and degrade me on every blog?
Want you to love me like Nelson, want you to hug me like Nelson
I freed you from being a slave in your mind, you're very welcome
You tell me my song is more than a song, it's surely a blessing
But a prophet ain't a prophet 'til they ask you this question:

When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
Won't you look to your left and right? Make sure you ask your friends
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propellin'
Let my words be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
And with that—

Do you believe in me? How much you believe in her?
You think she gon' stick around if them 25 years occur?
You think he can hold you down when you down behind bars, hurt?
You think y'all on common ground if you promise to be the first? Can you be immortalized without your life being expired?
Even though you share the same blood, is it worth the time?
Like, who got your best interest?
Like, how much are you dependent?
How clutch are the people that say they love you?
And who pretending?
How tough is your skin when they turn you in?
Do you show forgiveness?
What brush do you bend when dusting your shoulders from being offended?
What kind of den did they put you in when the lions start hissing?
What kind of bridge did they burn?
Revenge on your mind when it's mentioned
You wanna love like Nelson, you wanna be like Nelson
You wanna walk in his shoes, but your peacemaking seldom
You wanna be remembered that delivered the message
That considered the blessing of everyone
This your lesson for everyone, say;

When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
Won't you look to your left and right? Make sure you ask your friends
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

The voice of Mandela, hope this flow stay propellin'
Let my word be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
And if you riding with me, nigga—

I been wrote off before, I got abandonment issues
I hold grudges like bad judges, don't let me resent you
That's not Nelson-like—want you to love me like Nelson
I went to Robben's Island analysing; that's where his cell is
So I could find clarity—like, how much you cherish me?
Is this relationship a fake, or real as the heavens be?
See I got to question it all; family, friends, fans, cats, dogs
Trees, plants, grass, how the wind blow, Murphy's Law
Generation X—will I ever be your ex?
Flaws of a baby step', mauled by the mouth of Pit bulls
Put me under stress, crawled under rocks, duckin' y'all
It's respect—but then tomorrow, put my back against the wall
How many leaders you said you needed then left 'em for dead?
Is it Moses? Is it Huey Newton or Detroit Red?
Is it Martin Luther? JFK? Shooter—you assassin
Is it Jackie? Is it Jesse? Oh, I know it's Michael Jackson—oh

When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
That nigga gave us "Billie Jean," you say he touched those kids?
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?

The ghost of Mandela, hope my flows stay propelling
Let my word be your Earth and moon, you consume every message
As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression
And if you riding with me, nigga, let me ask this question, nigga

"I remember you was conflicted
Misusing your influence
Sometimes I did the same
Abusing my power, full of resentment
Resentment that turned into a deep depression
Found myself screaming in the hotel room
I didn't wanna self destruct
The evils of Lucy was all around me
So I went running for answers
Until I came home
But that didn't stop survivor's guilt
Going back and forth trying to convince myself the stripes I earned
Or maybe how A-1 my foundation was
But while my loved ones was fighting the continuous war back in the city
I was entering a new one
A war that was based on apartheid and discrimination
Made me wanna go back to the city and tell the homies what I learned
The word was respect
Just because you wore a different gang color than mine's
Doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man
Forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets
If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us
But I don't know, I'm no mortal man
Maybe I'm just another nigga”
Shit and that's all I wrote
I was gonna call it "Another Nigga" but, it ain't really a poem
I just felt like it's something you probably could relate to
Other than that, now that I finally got a chance to holla at you
I always wanted to ask you about a certain situa-
About a metaphor actually, uh, you spoke on the ground
What you mean by that, what the ground represent?

The ground is gonna open up and swallow the evil
That's how I see it, my word is bond
I see—and the ground is the symbol for the poor people
The poor people is gonna open up this whole world
And swallow up the rich people
'Cause the rich people gonna be so fat
And they gonna be so appetizing, you know what I'm saying Wealthy, appetizing
The poor gonna be so poor, and hungry
You know what I'm saying, it's gonna be like
You know what I'm saying, it's gonna be
There might, there might be some cannibalism out this muh-fu-
They might eat the rich, you know what I'm saying?

Aight so let me ask you this then
Do you see yourself as somebody that's rich
Or somebody that made the best of they own opportunities?

I see myself as a natural born hustler
A true hustler in every sense of the word
I took nothin', I took the opportunities
I worked at the most menial and degrading job
And built myself up so I could get it to where I owned it
I went from having somebody managing me
To me hiring the person that works my management company
I changed everything, I realized my destiny
In a matter of five years, you know what I'm saying?
I made myself a millionaire, I made millions for a lot of people
Now it's time to make millions for myself, you know what I'm saying?
I made millions for the record companies
I made millions for these movie companies
Now I make millions for, for us

And through your different avenues of success
How would you say you managed to keep a level of sanity?

By my faith in God, by my faith in the game
And by my faith in "all good things come to those that stay true"
You know what I'm saying?
And it was happening to me for a reason
You know what I'm saying, I was noticing, shit
I was punching the right buttons and it was happening
So it's no problem, you know
I mean, it's a problem but I'm not finna let them know
I'm finna go straight through

Would you consider yourself a fighter at heart or somebody that
Somebody that only reacts when they back is against the wall?

Shit, I like to think that at every opportunity I've ever been, uh Threatened with resistance, it's been met with resistance
And not only me but, it goes down my family tree
You know what I'm saying, it's in my veins to fight back

Aight well, how long will you think it take before niggas be like
"We fighting a war, I'm fighting a war I can't win
And I wanna lay it all down"

In this country, a black man only have like
Five years we can exhibit maximum strength
And that's right now while you a teenager, while you still strong
While you still wanna lift weights, while you still wanna shoot back
'Cause once you turn thirty it's like
They take the heart and soul out of a man
Out of a black man, in this country
And you don't wanna fight no more
And if you don't believe me, you can look around
You don't see no loud mouth thirty-year old motherfuckers

That's crazy, because me being one of your offsprings
Of the legacy you left behind, I can truly tell you that
There's nothing but turmoil goin' on so, I wanted to ask you
What you think is the future for me and my generation today?

I think that niggas is tired of grabbin' shit out the stores
And next time it's a riot it's gonna be like, uh, bloodshed
For real, I don't think America know that
I think America think we was just playing
And it's gonna be some more playing but
It ain't gonna be no playing
It's gonna be murder, you know what I'm saying?
It's gonna be like Nat Turner, 1831, up in this motherfucker
You know what I'm saying, it's gonna happen

That's crazy, man, in my opinion
Only hope that we kinda have left is music and vibrations
Lot a people don't understand how important it is, you know
Sometimes I can like, get behind a mic
And I don't know what type of energy I'ma push out
Or where it comes from, trip me out sometimes

Because it's spirits, we ain't even really rappin'
We just letting our dead homies tell stories for us

I wanted to read one last thing to you
It's actually something a good friend had wrote
Describing my world, it says:
“The caterpillar is a prisoner to the streets that conceived it
Its only job is to eat or consume everything around it
In order to protect itself from this mad city
While consuming its environment
The caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive
One thing it noticed is how much the world shuns him
But praises the butterfly
The butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness
And the beauty within the caterpillar
But having a harsh outlook on life
The caterpillar sees the butterfly as weak
And figures out a way to pimp it to his own benefits
Already surrounded by this mad city
The caterpillar goes to work on the cocoon
Which institutionalizes him
He can no longer see past his own thoughts
He's trapped
When trapped inside these walls certain ideas take root, such as
Going home, and bringing back new concepts to this mad city
The result?
Wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant
Finally free, the butterfly sheds light on situations
That the caterpillar never considered, ending the internal struggle
Although the butterfly and caterpillar are completely different
They are one and the same"
What's your perspective on that?
Pac? Pac? Pac?!