Reviews from

in the past

tiene un universo muy rico e interesante pero una historia mediocre, las decisiones karmicas son aburridisimas y muchas veces ni tienen sentido el punto traicion en si esta cul pero como que lo que pasa despues se desaprovecha. sus sistemas de combate y magia son buenos pero los deja caer el diseño de niveles hay algunos que están bien como el del primer asesinato, el puente del naturalista y la torre del regente pero sus puntos bajos son extremadamente bajos como los 2 últimos niveles, especialmente la ciudad hundida.

The stealth has some jank but it's really fun nonetheless.

promiscuous girl, wherever you are, im all alone

Lo jugué por primera vez en 2015 y lo jugué de manera loca y sin que me importara matar a alguien, y lo disfruté mucho, pero no es hasta hace 1 mes que decidí rejugarlo, que descubrí las capas que este juego ofrece, hice una ruta de sigilo sin matar a nadie, hablando con todo el mundo y haciendo misiones secundarias, y es increíble la profundidad de jugabilidad que te ofrece este juego, uno de mis favoritos

I killed a dog (what da dog doin)

Definitely played this once before, but barely remembered anything. It's good!

I've always been wary of games that are like "play YOUR way!" and then one particular route seems way more practical and obvious than any other, but

a) here you'll sometimes get new info mid-mission that makes your think about what you're doing, and

b) I'm slowly realising that one route is just MY way, and maybe doesn't seem that practical or obvious to other players. Dumbass.

First-person melee combat is where it falls apart for me, but TBH that's not unique to Dishonored, I've yet to find a game that does it well. Also I pretty much ignored the Bone Charms, didn't seem like most made much difference apart from a few obvious ones (MY way again?). I do wish games would bin "slightly increases x", either make them big and meaningful or skip them altogether.

I decided early on to go mostly non-lethal, and I got the nice ending because I'm nice. I figured the guards only know what they've been told and they're only fighting me because they've been lied to. I'm now away to get the bad ending because ACAB.

I bought this game not knowing what to expect from it: the cover looked super cool at walmart. I'm so glad I did

One of the best and most immersive games i had the pleasure of playing.

They tried so hard... and got so far. But in the end, it falls short in a lot of ways.

Great stealth action combat with a fantastic interwoven narrative. While some particular late game sections can be a bit frustrating, overall it's just a well designed and thought out game.

Played a long time ago and couldnt really get into it. I want to try it again to see if I will like it. I might start with 2 or 3 because they should have better gameplay.

A wonderful steath game. Makes me actually feel a sense of danger for not being stealthy.

Fantastic game. Gameplay mechanics and lore are amazing.

I'm plunging into a world of murder, secretive. I enjoy the thoughtful levels and a bunch of abilities that I combine to achieve the goal of killing. I stop time, shoot a crossbow, hook a mine on a crossbow bolt in flight, and the guard is blown up as soon as the bolt reaches. The game makes me feel cool. And I love it.

Played the tutorial level back in 2017 or so, and while it was interesting, it wasn't something that gripped me. Stealth itself felt a bit too shallow, while the level design was extremely linear. And people were calling this "immersive sim" and back then the only immersive sim I've played (or so had I thought) was Bioshock.... which to me was ultimately a sub-par linear shooter than some generational masterpiece I was led to believe.

Turns out, people actually don't call Bioshock immersive sim much (even though it's supposedly a System Shock's spiritual successor?), and Dishonoured's tutorial level is an extremely poor representation of what the rest of the game is. The stealth and things you can do are very accessible for a first-timers of the genre like myself, but the level design is a delightfully intricate toybox of sort, with each elements carefully sprinkled throughout that nothing is TOO out of reach. When you discover a new way to doing an objective, it feels genuinely emergent, even though when you think about it, the developers definitely put the hints there for you to notice (whether it be clues, visual cues or level design that makes you go "I think I can do that").

It's a game made up of the best quests of New Vegas. Or what I always wanted Ubisoft game to be when it has some inexplicable limitations in its systemic gameplay. As it happens, I've always wanted a game like this, without knowing I already had it installed a long time ago.

A perfect game in all regards IMO. This game singlehandedly got me to fall in love with Immersive Sim's all the while creating one of the coolest game universes to explore the lore of.

grafik kalitesi düşük hikaye ve oynanış açısından kaliteli

corvo attano is that fucking guy i ain't gonna lie

buen juego, divertido el sigilo y buena historia

Imagine playing the game in a significantly less fun way where most of your tools and powers are rendered pointless just for a good ending that isn't even all that satisfying to achieve.

This post was made by the High Chaos gang.

it's what need to get made for dh2 to exist so

Bastante inmersivo y con varias formas de completar cada objetivo, muy bueno

This game is excellent. I suck at it, but it's so much fun. Assassin's Creed wishes it could do this.

[ Story: 5/10 | Gameplay: 8/10 | OST: 4/10 ]

DnD rogue simulator.

"Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?"

Gameplay: 5
Art Style: 3.5
Story/Lore: 4.5
System: 4.5
Chracter: 4
Total: 4.3

dont usually play stealth but this was surprisingly fun

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It’s good

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Uma obra de arte do XBOX 360 com certeza é esse jogo, Dishonores é em resumo bem porco, um "simulador de assassino", esse jogo além de ter uma história muito boa, ele tem uma qualidade muito alta em relação ao gameplay, lore e detalhes, mas vamos por partes.

História: não contarei a história do jogo, porém o mundo de Dishonored é um mundo super vivo, ele tem detalhes de seu mundo contados em gravações, livros e cartas. como meu inglês é fraco, eu não consegui aproveitar bem a Lore do jogo, porém tem muitos NPCS que falam nesse jogo, fazendo tu interagir com ele com algumas cutscenes dentro de gameplay....como...half life?! Eu não sei se teve alguma influencia em dishonored, porém tem muitos aspectos desse jogo que se assemelham e muito com Half-Life, tendo NPCS interativos com comportamentos realistas, personagem misterioso que conversa com o personagem pela mente (gman), fisica no jogo e detalhes contados em posters, livros, conversas, dialogos e ambiente. porém essa semelhança não tira o diferencial do jogo, fazendo ele continuar parecendo um produto diferente de Half-Life

Atmosfera: o design visual do jogo foi feito pelo Viktor Antonov...também conhecido por trabalhar em Half-Life 2 (EU SABIA QUE TINHA ALGUMA COISA HAVER COM HAL-LIFE!!!) a atmosfera do jogo passa um sentimento parecido ao sentimento dos mapas vazios de Half-Life, uma calmaria, e a estética da época da peste negra só melhora essa atmosfera, a atmosfera de Dishonored é impecável.

Gameplay: em resumo "um jogo perfeito para matar", você consegue matar TUDO: Ratos, Peixes, Npcs, Inimigos, Aliados, Traidores, Verme, Cachorros, Passaros e mais algumas coisas. claro que antes da penultima missão, você ganhava gameover ao matar personagens importantes, agora, depois disso, você consegue matar até os personagens importantes sem gameover, apenas com uma única excessão (Samuel antes de te levar para a missão), o jogo consegue permanecer dois públicos alvos. os maniacos que gostam de matar tudo oque aparece e os stealthers, o jogo tem um equilíbrio perfeito entre stealth e combate. e matar os inimigos é a coisa mais gostosa de se fazer nesse jogo, a animação, o sangue voando, tudo é tão satisfatório quanto limpar uma mesa pintada de poeira. e também tem o sistema de parkour, que por mais que não seja no nivel Mirror's Edge, ele funciona super bem para um jogo de assassinato.

Finais: o jogo tem 3 finais, um deles é feito de uma maneira estranha e os outros são escolhas que você faz logo no final, apenas um desses finais é meio brochante, os outros são interessantes.

veredito: é um perfeito jogo de assassinato.