Reviews from

in the past

after finishing this game i really felt like i've missed out on a lot, this was truly an unique experience and i really liked the atmosphere, the overall setting and the intricate gameplay design

The morality system is horribly implemented but somehow it did manage to make me feel bad for the things I did. Weird how that works.
Other than that the game feels fantastic to play and the fact that every mission has so many different ways to complete it is cool. I'm a really big fan of how difficult it is to fight when you get caught - not because the gameplay sucks like a lot of other stealth games but because it is fundamentally created to be difficult but stylish, making it so that when you do get away with being caught, it feels great. You're still discouraged from getting caught, obviously, but if you're good enough the game becomes completely different. Not a lot of games can accomplish that.

qualquer crítica feita a esse jogo é anulada no momento que vc lembra que da pra ficar segurando o coração remendado da sua esposa que morreu na sua frente e se vc apontar pros outros ela faz fofoca da vida deles, isso que é amor.

Chef-d'œuvre absolue, la da de dawnwall est absolument, level design avec la verticalité qu'il apporte + les capacités de Corvo en fait un terrain de jeu libre où aucune barrière n'est imposé au joueur. Sans parlé de son univers riche et crédible qui est encore plus étoffé avec les livrables qu'on trouve un peu partout dans les niveaux.
Bref, un pilier des immersives sim

Fucking amazing, definitely buggy and some levels are tedious on replay but the aesthetic alone puts it at 5 stars

Guys please, I'm no traitor, I'll kill everyone to make you understand I'm a good guy :D