Reviews from

in the past

Assim como muitos brasileiros, um game que fez parte da minha infância. Como presumo também ser o caso de muitos conterrâneos, nunca zerei — isso é, até hoje. É basicamente o que eu lembrava: bem bacana, com uns puzzles simplesinhos mas divertidos. Mas jogue com um amigo, você se divertirá muito mais, vai por mim.

A simple puzzle and action game where you go through five stages trying to rescue your friends from pirates. Pick up and throw things in the environment to fight enemies, kick blocks, and make use of pick ups like a grappling hook, distracting bell, shovel, etc. Not much changes as the game goes on and it is a fairly short playthrough that is clearly made with co-op play in mind where you would each carry around one item instead of two like in SP and could help each other with distractions or throwing things to one another. Not a terrible time alone but would need a second player to elevate it to remaining fun the whole way through.


Fun little game, finished with my then-girlfriend who normally isn't into games. Puzzles keep you engaged for long enough

Jogo muito divertido, tanto sozinho quanto coop, jogabilidade lembra Zelda do snes, mas é muitíssimo curto. Tem músicas ótimas e chefes criativos.

Pretty fun puzzle exploration and co-op game! Though the backtracking was a smidge beefy in the final level. Overall a really chill time especially with a friend, music and visuals are great too!

Zerei com o meu primo, recomendo pra krl. O game é curtinho e dá para se zerar numa tarde, claro, se quem estiver jogando manjar de puzzles.
Um dos melhores jogos para se jogar no multiplayer.

dava pra zerar Goof Troop antigamente, eu que era ruim em video game mesmo...

um jogo fofo, divertido e irritante

Capcom's disney games are just so surprisingly competent

Fun puzzles
Short enjoyable playthrough
Fun co op that works well
Great cute graphics
the difficulty is turned down in comparison to magical quest

the difficulty is still just barely too high at the very end, but beatable with a few tries.


Great visuals and sound design combined with a bunch of top-down maze puzzles that feel like a series of Zelda-derived dungeons.

Masterpiece of a co-op game. Like how did Capcom nail all these Disney games so well.

Apesar de divertido, ele é bem curto e os puzzles são bem medíocres.

muito boa a obra que inspirou portal 2 e warcraft 3, grande título e must play

Good game. Nice gameplay, fun stage layouts, and top-notch sound design. There's something very pleasant about the sound effect when you throw a rock at the opponent or kick a stone that knocks them off the stage.

The Legend of Zelda: Father-son Sword Adventures

yeah this game rules. two player zelda block puzzle game!

master piece do super nintendo, joguei muito com meu primo e tive que pedir ajuda meu pai no puzzle final do navio

Twenty-fifth GOTW finished for 2023. Pretty stellar puzzle-adventure game that plays well regardless of your fondness towards the source material. The puzzles were generally well done, the enemies were fun to interact with, and the game didn't overstay its welcome. Wandering around the areas completing puzzles and collecting/using items made it feel more interesting than your average puzzle game.

Um joguinho até divertidinho,legal pra jogar com outra pessoa,joguei com meu irmão e me diverti muito,a história não é nada,o jogo é bem curto também,mas não e ruim até gostei de jogar.

Joguei esse aqui muito com meu pai e nunca zeramos.
Espero que um dia isso aconteça, pois até lá, nem irei tocar de novo porque bah é muito difícil.

if you're looking for realistic dog simulation, this might not be for you.

Fantastic coop game! We knocked it out in just under 2 hours. I just wish there were more levels.

Nunca cheguei muito longe mas era muito legal jogar co-op.

You can see bits of what eventually becomes The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords in this. Best played with 2 players.

lindas memorias , nostalgia pura

jogo bala

Cada segundo jogando isso com meu cunhado foi horas e horas de felicidade.

Some of the best co-op fun the snes has to offer. Loved it

whenever i’m the 2P, doesn’t matter the game, the prime directive is always doing what’s funny rather than what’s helpful or necessary. to that end my dad was for sure ready to beat my ass whenever we popped this one in.

mikami dont miss
goof troop is a capcom zelda-like before capcom even got to do their own zelda with minish cap, and the end result is something that is a tad ahead of its time. the thing that sets this apart from zelda is 3 major things, and these things are so major, i don't even like saying this is a "zelda-like"
1: no combat. well kind of. you can pick up and throw things to kill enemies, or use the grapple to push them off a ledge, but thats about it.
2: its very linear. there will be 1 or 2 branching paths, but the path that isnt the main one wont take you far and will usually lead to an item you need on the main path anyway
3: co-op. while zelda would get co-op for a couple of its games much much later, goof troop predates that, and its very clear it was made with the co-op as the intended way to play, since each player can only hold 2 items at a time, and thats true for solo as well, meaning there will be one or 2 times you have to backtrack, but you never have to go far. its also an incredibly short game. about an hour and a half long, which is a sweet spot for a co-op session, but abysmal for a single player game. but its still very fun, even if there wasnt a lot there. good levels that dont go on for too long, good bosses, good gameplay, good music, good game

i give this game a boopin 7/10 asses

Goof Troop é daqueles jogos que resiste ao tempo e se mantém maravilhoso até os dias atuais.

Um dos primeiros jogos com campanha completa em cooperação, ainda é uma joia de design com muito a ensinar para multiplayer cooperativo.

Seu tempo curto torna quase dispensáveis os passwords, apesar de que uma criança provavelmente precisa de mais tempo pra compreender os quebra-cabeças e passar de setores mais difíceis, sendo necessário o uso dos passwords na falta de save game.

E é respeitando todas as limitações que se pode extrair o melhor de Goof Troop.