Reviews from

in the past

I loved the variety and scale of the levels and set pieces in this DLC. While I originally was mixed on the addition of enemies that require certain weapons to kill, I ultimately felt like it was very smart design decision.

I played through all of the main campaign and first DLC on Nightmare difficulty, but this DLC on Nightmare was the first to make me tilted.

Actually really enjoyed this one a lot tbh. Much better than the first with the pacing being a lot better and the music being better overall, oh yeah and the cutscene at the beginning of imorra was just so DAMN EPIC! The final boss was also really awesome and the ending confused me a bit but honestly I’m glad to finally see the ending of the doom slayer saga and realise how great this saga truly is, rest easy doom slayer I’ll be back for more

Beating that final boss was the biggest dopamine rush I’ve felt all year.

A pretty limp closing out to Doom Eternal. Nothing added felt all that well thought out and most of the fights being in tiered rooms with a 100 enemies just felt tiring. Also it crashed twice in the few hours I took to go through it.

This and part 1 saved Doom Eternal. It went from a very okay sequel to stellar. The plot hooks actually became really cool, the combat is balls to the wall, and the levels are amazing. I had more fun in these than the base game.

Finding it really puzzling as to why this DLC is considered so divisive everywhere I read about it... I came into this thinking it was gonna be some crazy twist on the base game's mechanics, but it's really just The Ancient Gods Part 1 being refined further. It has missteps like the silly imps that exist purely to make you use the combat shotgun mod that no one likes, but like... it really is just more of the same, but harder.

The hammer was a really good addition to the combat loop, as awkward as the animation is. It provides more of a use for glory kills than as an i-frame generator. The finale is pretty mediocre, but I'm not really sure what else they could do, considering they kind of wrote themselves into a corner with the form they gave the Dark Lord.

Beyond the story this final act wasn't quite as engaging as the The Ancient Gods Part 1. I think the environments for this one just fell a little flat for me. The abandoned forts and over technofied hell just didn't do it for me. However, the pay off of finally finishing the story was well worth it.

The new demons are fine. Again they are a little more annoying than interesting in most cases (buffing enemies or debuffing you) which is a shame. I did enjoy the new platforming element involving the shotgun grappling hook, that was clever.

I ended up starting and playing this through on easy given my experience with Part 1. This made it much more enjoyable and allowed me to focus more on the enemy/environmental designs than I'd had time to before.

Overall it is a great conclusion to this story arc of DOOM.

A bittersweet end of the Doom Slayer saga!

After the surprise success of DOOM 2016, id Software has reached new heights with DOOM Eternal and raised even more the bar with The Ancient Gods Part I. It was only natural for The Ancient Gods Part II to not be as good as the other content.

I have beaten the main campaign, TAG I and Super Gore Nest master level on ultra-nightmare difficulty but tried to keep my expectations low. Yet, I'm still kind of disappointed.

The Ancient Gods Part II brings even more great lore to the DOOM universe and ends the Doom Slayer saga with a bang. The new arenas and locations are creative and look gorgeous. All the new demons are fun to fight and do change the flow of the battles.

However, everything else is a big step down from TAG I. To begin with, everything exciting about the DLC was leaked a week before the release so there were no big surprises. The arenas are a lot easier than TAG I and the Sentinel hammer smashes the balance in certain fights. Now even game journalists will manage to beat the double Marauders. The final boss is not that hard as it's annoying, cheap and not exciting to fight. You can easily cheese him too. And because of the drop in difficulty - the whole TAG II campaign feels significantly shorter. They even made easier some of the arenas in TAG I - why? There is also a problem with the audio mixing ever since TAG I. To hear the soundtrack, I had to wait for Koma to upload his game rips to YouTube.

It might sound as if I hate TAG II but that's not the case. It's still good, and it's worth getting it, but it's just not as good as other content. Despite the ongoing pandemic, id Software fulfilled its promises and released 2 DLCs before the 1st anniversary. I'm sure they had bigger plans but working from home doesn't help.

Este me ha gustado aún más que el anterior, asi se hace un dlc. Sigue de nuevo manteniendo todo lo bueno dicho sobre eternal, y ahora por fin añade más enemigos y mecánicas nuevas. El nuevo martillo que te dan es bastante divertido y los enemigos nuevos son todos interesantes y dan para variar un poco más el gameplay. De nuevo sigo con la sensación que hay demasiados enemigos por combate, saturandote como jugador.

Lo único malo es que siguen profundizando en el enemigo de mierda que sacaron en el anterior dl , el que convierte a los enemigos en esponjas de balas. La bossfight final me ha gustado mucho y esta al nivel de ser la última de éste título, aunque sea muy similar a una pelea con un marauder.

More doom. (part 2) I liked how they experimented with the enemies and how before under utilized weapon modes are now necessary to defeat some enemies.

Lazy enemy design and levels. I enjoyed the dark fantasy story but there isn't much there. A very weak way to end the series.

Mostly gimmicky encounters. Nice shift from traditional Doom Eternal game loop, but I don't feel like replaying it. Sentinel hammer is cool and powerful, but it gets old, when you can just mindlessly nuke the area to release tension.
Final boss sucks.

Huge improvement on TAG1, as controversial as that might be. This truly feels a lot more like the Doom II expansions and has a lot more variety and interest in locations and settings. Big upgrade in the soundtrack department, Hulsh and David Levy created a score that's MUCH more sludgy and distorted, definitely suiting the vibe of these new levels, and the theme for the final boss is just a masterpiece.

It also took me a while to come around to appreciating the final boss, but I really like him.

This review contains spoilers

I'm not sure why, but aesthetically this DLC really avoids the gory hellish direction that the base game and to a lesser extend TAG 1 was full of. I don't think the final levels are bad looking, but much like the gameplay side of this DLC I was hoping for a balls out explosion of gore and mania for the final levels of what is potentially the end for this version of Doom.

The first two levels I would almost go so far as to call 'nice' looking. The capital of Hell is pretty clean, and if it wasn't red it wouldn't even look like Hell at all. The gameplay is a lot less intense than TAG 1 as well. This is the supposed to be a climax of biblical proportions, it literally ends with Doomguy killing God. Which is so at odds with the gameplay, which feels much less intense than the first expansion.

However it's not like the game has suddenly turned into Halo on Easy mode, it's still challenging, just not as demanding as TAG 1.

The new enemies are mostly great, the armored Baron is awesome, he encourages packing as much damage into a tight window as possible before he becomes invulnerable again, which works excellently with the arsenal that the player has at their disposal. The screecher encourages playing more cautiously, and the cursed prowler, while designed to be annoying, provides a lot of satisfaction if you manage to kill it before it damages you. However I found the stone Imp and the riot shield guy to be frustrating. They both inturrupt the flow of battle in a way that I didn't like.

The final level is pretty shit to be honest. First off it starts with an Avengers Endgame portal scene out of nowhere. Lame. One of the best things about Nu Doom is the Doom Slayer himself, how he feels like this pure incarnation of rage and fury. How he can singlehandedly crush any obstacle in his path. This giant battle also sucks becuase who the fuck are any of these characters? We only see one living sentinel in the entire base game and DLC and suddenly hundreds appear out of nowhere just as an excuse to have a big fight. So pointless.

The combat encounters during this final stretch just feel like an average level in the base game. It really doesn't feel like any kind of climax in the gameplay department at all, just one more level before the big boss.

I don't know what I was expecting but the final boss is fun, just not quite what I wanted.

I was thinking of all sorts of crazy shit that I would have preferred while playing the final level. I thought that it would be cool if the entire final level takes place inside Satan. (Who in my version would be a demon the size of a city, not just a human with red eyes). I also thought that the slayer might pilot one of those giant mech things that appear in ruins in the base game.

The ending itself is okay. Although I got a sinking feeling that it was neutered so that they could set up potential sequels, Which sucks balls. I would still recommend this DLC to anyone who enjoyed the base game, but its a long shot away from the over the top, bombastic fuckfest that I was hoping for.

ancient gods part 1 better, this didnt really evolve the games difficulty the same way

starts off super strong, the hammer is really fun to use and the levels are still great
the grapple movement puzzles are a bit easy but overall more fun than previous movement puzzles

unfortunately the enemies are even worse than in tag1, they're all just reskins of existing enemies with lame/annoying mechanics, the final boss fight is astoundingly terrible and unfun and the story just kind of ends

the optional levels in the escalation encounters are a cool idea but they kind of peak with the first one? the 2nd and 3rd are for some reason way easier and dont feel anywhere near as rewarding to beat

idk, wasnt the biggest fan even if i wish i could take the hammer to the main game/tag1 because it's everything i wish the crucible was lol


It's just more Doom Eternal, and I love Doom Eternal.
The final boss was mid but it's still an amazing dlc.
The plot makes absolutely no sense but that's also why it's so good, it doesn't have to make sense. It's Doom.

also it looks and plays amazingly on switch

It is much weaker than Part 1 but it's still a very enjoyable DLC nonetheless.

DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 in one summary of experiences I've seen:

You either love it or hate it.

And for me I mostly love it, let's get into why

Gameplay: Admittedly, this is definitely easy compared to what we got in TAG 1 and even in the base-game in some sections. They did buff it up with a couple of updates after and it did become a little bit harder but other than that it's not that bad. Difficulty 7/10

They added a group of new enemies (mostly new fodder)

Screecher Zombie - Probably the laziest new addition to the game. I find these guys mostly tedious as hell but I will admit they do force me to be a little more cautious with stuff like breaking weakpoints, sticky bombs and rockets etc. Overall I just find the enemy mediocre 5/10

Riot Soldier - These guys don't add much to the game but of course they are the homage of Heavy Weapons Dude from DOOM II and are really cool. Overall a 7.5/10 (Wish they were in base game at the start first)

Stone Imp - These guys are kind of annoying depending on who you ask. Most players don't use Full Auto so having to use it to get rid of the enemy quicker seems tedious, for me it isn't a problem I'll do it with Full Auto or just chainsaw them (or quickswitch) Overall they aren't anything special but aren't as bland as the Screecher Zombie 6.5/10

Cursed Prowler - I'll admit, I actually like this new enemy. It's sort of bland just like the stone imp but it's an enemy you have to be on the lookout for which is something I love (Archvile's, Spirits, Blood Makyrs). And when you get hit the intensity turns up so fast. Overall 8/10

Armored Baron - Absolutely love this new enemy, you can take it out in many different ways and the overall design is sick as hell. If you don't like the Marauder this guy is like him but you also don't have to wait for a flash. He's definitely the coolest of TAG 2. Overall 9/10

Level Design: I really loved the level design in this DLC. I liked the puzzles even though they were easy. The Meathook points though are what really made this so good it's absolutely amazing and I wish they were in the base game too. Overall 8.5/10

Music: I think the music here is fine, not as memorable as base game or TAG 1 but holy shit does the Immora Heavy Fighting theme go so fucking hard. That alone makes this shit an 8/10

The Dark Lord - I have to admit I struggled with this boss on Nightmare for the first time due to his healing shenanigans. But after going back to him this boss fight is really redundant and a pretty disappointing end to Eternal. If only Covid didn't get in the way... overall 6.5/10

Artstyle and Atmosphere - This is such a beautiful way to end the game. The Earth was as colorful as you could imagine, the aftermath of Hell on Earth is what you'd expect. World Spear, Reclaimed Earth, and Immora all look insanely beautiful and have such beautiful colors. They really nailed the look of what I expected the end of the game to be (outside of Story) 10/10

Story: Yeah this is pretty disappointing to say the least. The Dark Lord is just DOOM Guy but in a buffed up suit and he's not even at full power btw. The end of the game was like some Marvel fight and I don't entirely hate it like some people do don't get me wrong, but it definitely wasn't in the same tone we got from 2016-Eternal Base-Game. The cinematics though were pretty beautiful. All in all I'm not very intrigued with the story but it wasn't painfully bad like some people think imo. Overall 6.5/10

DLC Overall 8/10
I don't think this could've been the best way the game ended but with what we got I can say I enjoyed it and the gameplay itself is good ol' Doomy Turnal that's easier than TAG 1 and Base Game.

That dark lord fight was bad

Epic, but you might want to lower the difficulty from what you were playing. (At the time) <10% have completed this on

Not as good as Part One, but still great. I liked the new enemies and tools a lot more in this one, but they felt less well utilized. The final boss of this episode is also underwhelming compared to the absolute nailbiter of a boss in Part One. It's still worthy of the Doom Eternal name with some excellent ripping and tearing, but doesn't quite reach the highs this game has previously established.

More doom. (part 2) I liked how they experimented with the enemies and how before under utilized weapon modes are now necessary to defeat some enemies. (x2 now)

Same as part 1. Fucking loved the locations, absolutely despised the gimmicky af enemies.


Das zuvor aufgebaute, meisterhafte Konstrukt des Originals und des darauf aufbauenden ersten DLCs, fällt nach der intensiven ersten Stunde leider ein wenig in sich zusammen. Die neuen Gegner(-Varianten) wollen nicht so recht ins Spiel passen, es wirkt alles ein wenig entschärft (als ob id sich nicht getraut hat, NOCH einen draufzusetzen) und das Ende ist dann letztlich eine krude Mischung aus Coolness und Enttäuschung; wusste zuvor auch nicht, das sowas möglich ist. Hmpf.

Trotzdem ist und bleibt es quasi dasselbe Fundament auf dem mein letztjähriges Spiel des Jahres fußt.

Gives you a big pat on the back for toughing out the first part by handing you an insane hammer that causes the player to immediately cum

That final boss really brought this down and I think by this point the Eternal encounter design started to wear on me.

Very confused by these reviews not liking the final boss, the vastly superior encounter to several of the TAG enemy arenas that limit your options. That fucking double Marauder encounter with Screechers everywhere is like 10 times worse.

The weaknesses of the main game demons were usually just a suggestion; you could still find whatever other way to kill any given demon worked for you, and that's part of what made the combat sandbox so fun to mix things up with. Spirits, Riot Soldiers, Cursed Prowlers if they touch you, TAG demons of this ilk spit in the face of your flexibility. Each one typically won't take you much longer to dispatch than any other demon (besides spirit-possessed super heavies, grrr) so they only bring the experience down a little, but they are indeed a thorn in the DLC's side. Still plenty of fun otherwise. Especially the Dark Lord. Seriously you guys, he is so fun to fight, you guys just don't get it.