Reviews from

in the past

I change my mind making people unreasonably angry by calling myself "Can Drake Get Pregnant" on steam and pretending I'm 21 Savage desperately asking people if Drake can sue me for the unwanted child is great, even more so if I can say "Drake's my babymama" when I win and "I still won" when I lose. I only go mid and never gank.

I assume that hell is just a never ending dota 2 match

If you are getting into a geopolitics degree, this is the game for you. You WILL interact with people across the world. You will NEED to make peace with both sides you WILL need to keep the world of DOTA 2 together. You WILL be in a meeting with braindead neets, neonazis, militia, and so on for atleast ONE HOUR. As a TECHIES main I also make us all stay in the game FOR ANOTHER HOUR. YOU CHOOSE THE PATH: WILL YOU BECOME CLOSER WITH THOSE AROUND YOU? OR WILL YOU DESTROY ALL IN YOUR PATH?


Don’t play this game; it will ruin your life.

Understanding the meta is like reading outdated coding documentation, except with more slurs.

This game will ruin your life

At every point in my life I have been given the chance to make a beneficial decision, to make the choice that would move me forward and enhance my life. at every opportunity i made the worst choice possible and I am now living in the IRL equivalent of a Bad Ending route.

the day i stop using this silly touhou mod and become a genuine dota 2 player is the day my life ends




Fucking pinoy ruining half of my games

yetkin k mental sıkıntılar

i suck fucking shit at this game. teenagers from both sides of the atlantic constantly hurl homophobic slurs my way.

but you can theoretically do anything you want with any hero and once upon a time when a game went on too long the map would literally start to break and you'd get random particle effects flying around for some reason.

5 stars

awful game. I have thousands of hours in it and will likely clock in thousands more

A game so impossibly perfect and all-encompassing that you shouldn't play it. Each game is an endless cascade of questions, both macro and intensely micro, each question morphing second by second as the nine other players start to try to answer their own questions, an endless, fractal, entrancing nightmare.

don't do it yall. you have so much to live for

My first ever Steam game, you had to purchase a game on steam to be able to play this game back in the day. My friend purchased me Lego Jurassic World 2016, 24th December, just to play Dota 2

This game would be a 1/10 without Tiny, the brother goes through the whole cycle of puberty within one match

played this game for 1237 hours because I am a sane human being

I've watched 23-year old men--friends, sweating in tense silence for nine hours, in a room trip-wired with laptop cables, during a heatwave--chain smoke and sling cartoonishly hateful insults at each other over this game. They're still playing it today.

been playing this since DotA mod on Warcraft 3, since I was a kid if I remember it correctly. Never got bored playing this game even I'm losing streak on a match XD

you can get mad at your friends and look at menus for 30 minutes before a game starts, its awesome

ive wasted my life playing this game but jesus christ some good memories on this one

some permanent brain damage caused by this one

Neckbearded incels favorite game

This is the only MOBA I've ever enjoyed. None of the others are this chaotic or have this much punk energy behind every patch, where half the playerbase routinely wonders every few months just what the fuck happens in Icefrog's head and how he's come to ruin the game for the 5th time this year. No rating can do this any justice. It is one of the few games on this site where any rating can theoretically and justifiably apply to it (as reflected in the distribution). Methodical and technical, yet every game is at the whims of the very toxic people you've been queued with (the most I've seen from any playerbase). You'll spend 200 hours learning the game (yes), and for what? Someone on your team to decide that you're now playing 6v4 out of the kindness of their heart? You're always the 4, of course.

The highest highs and lowest lows. Play this long enough, and you'll eventually get a really tense 2 hour game that tells a fucking award-winning story through the many coincidences that happened to align. Play it with a friend group, and you'll all be constantly quoting this one guy from this one game 4 years ago who said this one ridiculous thing. And yet for every moment like that, you'll have 10 more games where nothing seems to go right. You have to play this with friends to opt out of some of those lows.

Maybe I'm rating this from the perspective of a brainwashed cultist. Maybe I went too low and it truly is uncontainable kino. I put 1700 hours into this before I realised I needed to do something with my life. Truthfully I still haven't done whatever that thing was meant to be, and I also miss the feeling of being flamed by Russians from back when I actively played in 2014.
The abyss stares back.

15к часов. 4к ммр. 160 миллионов лузеров, один победитель. Я таких ем на завтрак. Кстати о завтраке.. Не помешало бы помыться.