Reviews from

in the past

'The factory must grow' when it grows so big that is harvests the energy of stars (literally). I could not get into this game like I did with Factorio. This is a much more complex game than Factorio and I do not have enough braincells for this kind of game right now. Maybe I will give it a try another time.

This is my brain on autism. Everything about this game I love. I had extremely long sessions playing this game. For example, one time, my university housemate had a girl over; she went home, the day went on, and then he had a different girl over, all in the same gaming session.

++ Art style
++ Performance
++ Polish
-- Stressful top down perspective

Scratches the itch, if you know what I mean.

I'm sure this game is great, but my brain is not big enough to experience that.

Enjoyable, but trails off, and not expecting much from the combat system which isn't really where I'd like to see the game go.

Has never grabbed me in the way that Factorio or Satisfactory have, but I keep wanting to come back to this one.

My favorite game so far in this seemingly newly emerging of engineering games and beautiful at that

Has some trouble in a couple of areas. Some things, like awkward controls and weird gridding, can be easily forgiven by the impressive feat of making every map a literal sphere and not inducing motion sickness or confusion every time someone tried to move. Most of DSP's issues are tiny ones like this, little roadbumps that get ironed out of (at time of writing) early access games like this.

The part that makes DSP harder to bite into is progression. The research tree is poorly organized and some tech have unlisted shadow-prerequisites, early-game oil recipes produce waste that needs to be managed, a majority of crafting intermediates don't have any actual use. The game pushes hard for quality logistical management in interesting spaces, but really not much else. This turns factory planning away from rate management to the much more annoying task of resolving complicated production chains. Dyson Sphere Program asks more for good algorithmic subsection design without really rewarding it, and barely asks for good factory design overall.

But I'm still optimistic! The game is still pretty good! Maybe after I finish it I'll come back in a few years and see if the kinks have been ironed out.

MUCH better use of 3 dimensions than Satisfactory. This game feels like Factorio with some really cool added elements, minus a few QOL type things that make Factorio great.

The game is clearly not 100% finished, and you don't currently make much use of traveling to other planets. I can't wait to play this game again once it fully releases!

Very fun game but I am horrendously bad at planning it turns out.

A true nerdish delight.

Dyson Sphere Program feels both fresh and familiar. A big piece of this game is building logistics, similar to Factorio. You’ll mine ore, create smelters, assemble features, and then build upwards. But unlike Factorio this isn’t about a single planet. You’ll be able to travel planets and build bases. At least I assume so, it takes a long time to get going on this game.

However the addictive elements of Factorio are still here, and after three hours of playing I had to choose between losing myself in the game or stopping for the night, I stopped but it was close. However this is still in Early access, which is a shame because it’s so well done, but major features appear to still be missing such as enemies to fight.

Pick this up if you like Factorio or any of those nerdy games I like. Pretty much anything by Zachtronics probably would put you in the right area for this title. Honestly, this feels really well done, and highly polished to the point that I’m likely going to be coming back and spending way too many hours here.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games on Game Pass, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

one thing that really hurts the learning curve with games like this is when it becomes impossible to decouple yourself from your terrible early setup without feeling like you're wasting a bunch of time undoing your own mistakes

The factory must grow. The planet must become a factory. The solar system must become a factory. The galaxy must become a factory.


Ojalá tuviese multiplayer. Muy disfrutable, al nivel de factorio

if it's your first factory/automation game like it was mine, then it is truly remarkable how addicting a game like this can be. spend 20 hours building a crappy system that gets the job done, then spend the next 100 hours trying to make it more efficient. at the time of this review, it is still in early access so the game will probably get better over time.

El sucesor de factorio con mejores aesthetics pero mas tedioso para la automatización, esta chulisimo aún asi

I go through phases where I will sink 100s of hours in this game. Every hour is worth it. They continue to add and change things for the better. Don't be afraid to hop in and learn how to make an amazing Dyson Sphere!

Factory building and automation is not my thing but I still enjoyed this game. It was pre-release when I played but already feels well polished. They're just adding more content. Will consider playing it again once it's finished.

Best Building Game
Best Time Spending Game
Best Game To Listen To Music While Playing

El mejor momento es cuando el protagonista se quita el casco y dice: "Soy el Dyson Sphere Program"

I've been playing several factory sim games lately and this is a really good one. If you're looking to get into the genre, I'd say this is a good starting point. There's no heavy math involved as opposed to Factorio, and overall it's a relaxing experience that lets you go at your own pace. Shooting between different planets is really fun, and I'd consider that the main draw of the game. My one big complaint is the amount of grinding you have to do right at the very end to finish the main quest. Otherwise, I think this is going to be an excellent game once it leaves early access.

Can be a bit overwhelming at first, but supremely difficult to put down once you get into it.