Reviews from

in the past

i bought and played this lookin for somethin fun to play while i was stoned and while this one kinda sucked shit it did eventually lead me towards no man’s sky and for that i’m grateful

you can't actually be EVERYTHING

Truly a fantastic piece of art. Really makes you feel like you are part of universe instead of just living in it.

A very weird game about becoming Everything. Some philosophical themes about our perception of scale and time that get mildly existential at times. Cranking the scale up on weird objects and then shrinking down to a much smaller size can create some very trippy environments.

Legalzinho. Aquele jogo que você vai jogar uma vez, e nunca mais kkkkkk

A quirky little game that seems fun for completionists, but once you've played the first 5 minutes, you've definitely seen it all gameplay-wise.

Beyond that, the main source of interest is the scattering of thoughts and voice logs around the world, which are always interesting to find.

I dunno. Maybe it's not my kind of game???? The first minutes felt like "haha funny evolution and passing souls across things" but then the recordings appeared and I felt like i was missing something. Maybe the timing for playing it it's not right.

Closest you'll be to being high without drugs.

This was a game I've wanted to check out for a few years, and overall I'm glad I did. (and doubly glad I got it heavily discounted) Like others have noted, the writing and narration from Alan Watts can be thoughtful at times, but others it comes off a bit pretentious.

I've listened Alan Watts' lectures before playing this (which is originally what drew me to it) but I think when they are spliced like this the game can loose out on important context or you miss the point of whatever sound bite you're listening to. I also found a hard time really listening to the Alan Watts sound bites and really digesting it and also playing the game. This could be a personal thing, but I found myself stopping to digest the information, and then playing the game. It was always one or the other, but very rarely both due to all the visual and audio stimuli.

Also something that could be better with a controller, but the mouse controls were a bit jank even when tweaking the sensitivity settings.

Overall, it isn't a bad game. If you think you would like a short little calm experience with some fun but possibly pretentious dialogue - its not a bad game to pick up on sale. I don't think I'll be picking it up to play again though.

What the fuck is that???

C'est un jeu, tu joues un petit truc, et tu peux prendre possession d'un truc plus gros si il est proche de ta taille. tu passe d'une souris a une galaxie.

C'est sympa comme oeuvre d'art, pas fou comme jeu

Este juego me hizo descubrir a Alan Watts. Así que le estaré eternamente agradecido

Im sure there's some kind of deeper meaning hidden beneath all the voice logs, but I couldn't bother to slog through all the boring gameplay to find it. Cool and novel for about an hour.

Oyunda 'her şey' olabiliyoruz... Ve biz 'her şey' olurken bir yandan da düşünüyoruz - tüm bu şeyler nedir- tüm bunlar nereden geldi, tüm bu şeylerin anlamı nedir... Bu tür oyunlar öncelikle oynanmalı..

become cucumber and ponder the metaphysical existence of the world around you

This is a trophy hunting review

Unique game with an especially unique gameplay style. Most of the game can be idled for ezpz trophies, but honestly it's worth playing for the most part. Wonderful design and great audio recordings from Alan Watts.

Interesting experience, not excellent, not even a game, yet captivating.

Es divertido y no estoy bromeando

me (convex stellated polyhedron): is the natural state the of soul quiet or chaos?

baby sea turtle: look buddy, it's transient, shifting like water

uno de los juegos más underwhelming y uninspired que jugué en toda mi vida. Entiendo a lo que va pero es tan aburrido, no pasa absolutamente nada excepto al final donde me dejó de importar hace como 2 horas, y cuando quise ver si por lo menos los items tenian flavour text me encontre que el juego te da ARTICULOS DE WIKIPEDIA

si te interesan las charlas de Alan Watts miralas aparte, porque además al juego se le ocurrió dártelas cuando se le canta el orto

steer away

i bet every other fucking review for this game is a stupid little joke about how it actually doesn't contain everything because a dvd copy of click is absent or wow i cant believe everything is only 10GB, shouldn't the game include a terabyte as an everything!! fuck you

si juegas a esto emporrado te conviertes en el dalai lama

aquela cena das pedras com olhos do filme everything everywhere mas em formato de jogo

The concept is quite interesting, but for all intents and purposes the fun ends after about 30 minutes, because it gets boring quickly. Still, I respect the idea.

Cruza la linea de aquello que se puede considerar mas experimento que juego.

Ir saltando de cosa en cosa leyendo pensamientos esta muy bien, pero el juego tiene tan poca sustancia que se pierde la sorpresa a lso 10 minutos.

I enjoy a good walking simulator, so it's weird for me to say that I think walking simulator type games have a bit of a soft ceiling on how "good" they can be (conversely I also think they have a pretty hard floor, it's difficult to make a truly terrible one) - you truly have to be exceptional in every way in order to achieve a very high rating. And this game is only exceptional in some ways.

That's a bit of a weird statement to just say. I mean that this game has a very interesting philosophy behind it and excels at being an art project. Alan Watts' commentary is very welcome and feels appropriate as you explore the concept of Everything (though it kind of manifests as the concept of scale). Where I struggle is that the game presents itself as very vast and large, but doesn't much actually feel that way. The main part of the gameplay is introduced as "the tutorial" but there's really not much left to do other than fill out this game's equivalent of the bestiary and crash your game with disasters (which is admittedly fun, for a bit) afterwards. And by the time you get to that point it feels like it's trying to be deeper than it really is.

It's a great art project. Pick this game up when it's on steep discount some time and play it for a bit. It's a great 2.5 hours if you're into surreal experiences. But there's not much longevity beyond that, despite how vast the game might seem.

3 AM, take your substance of choice to abuse, sit back in the dark, do not listen to music, don't have a youtube video on in the background. learn about some microbes. This game is very relaxing and quite informative as it features, well, everything, and it has explanations of all the objects from wikipedia I believe, so you can kinda just sit there and possess and object and then once you have it in your little encyclopedia, you can check it out and learn something that you'll probably forget because if you followed my instructions you're shitfaced. But hey, it was a TOTAL trip.