Reviews from

in the past

Este juego me hizo descubrir a Alan Watts. Así que le estaré eternamente agradecido

Im sure there's some kind of deeper meaning hidden beneath all the voice logs, but I couldn't bother to slog through all the boring gameplay to find it. Cool and novel for about an hour.

It seems strange to criticise 'Everything' for not necessarily being a game as it clearly does not intend to be a 'game'.
Everything seems to achieve what it sets out to do which I believe is create a mystical sense of oneness across all forms of being.
I think the experience loses much of its impact by relying on samples of lectures from Alan Watts. The developers should be confident in their own medium, and should not have to rely so heavily on established works (especially Alan Watts).
Otherwise the experience is unique, and is totally worth dipping in to.

un pequeño, cortito pero gran sandbox con el que empiezas pensando en el tiempo que estás perdiendo pero luego agradeces estar haciéndolo
un puto viaje astral y filosófico que con cada tontería que encuentras te deja loco

Not a game, but an additional, interactive experience to Alan Watts lectures.
Basically, if you want to understand what is Buddhism and meditation are all about, this is a interactive guide for dummies.

Not too memorable. I remember it making me chuckle a few times with its absurdity, and I do like how it plays with scale. It didn't impress anything profound into me, but maybe that's on me.

I'm a fan of Alan Watts and this game, if you can call it that, was a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

3 AM, take your substance of choice to abuse, sit back in the dark, do not listen to music, don't have a youtube video on in the background. learn about some microbes. This game is very relaxing and quite informative as it features, well, everything, and it has explanations of all the objects from wikipedia I believe, so you can kinda just sit there and possess and object and then once you have it in your little encyclopedia, you can check it out and learn something that you'll probably forget because if you followed my instructions you're shitfaced. But hey, it was a TOTAL trip.

Become one with the Hotdog Finger!

This game is never finished so I will always pop it in for a quick half hour bittersweet existential crisis

Nice narrations, forgot where my first spawn was so I gave up.



Cruza la linea de aquello que se puede considerar mas experimento que juego.

Ir saltando de cosa en cosa leyendo pensamientos esta muy bien, pero el juego tiene tan poca sustancia que se pierde la sorpresa a lso 10 minutos.

I like what this game is trying to do and it is a lot of fun for a couple hours, but Everything does feel like an interactable art installation rather than an outright "game." Of course, your general objective is to discover all the ways you can possess everything around you. Through that possession you toy with how different things and beings interact with each other. You listen to audio recordings from philosopher Alan Watts and these audio bits create thought exercises related to what you're doing. Your enjoyment of the game heavily depends on that appealing you, and I don't know if I'll ever want to finish this game when the objective isn't very fulfilling for me. I will say I respect what Everything is trying to accomplish and to give the game a bit of your time if anything I said sounded appealing.

this isn't a game this is an experience
an experience that get very boring very quickly

Leuke "experience" met veel om te collecten. Funny op momenten en fraaie beeldjes, maar niet echt meer dan dat. De Watts audio logs zijn leuk maar dragen niet echt bij aan de "gameplay", eerder de sfeer. Misschien is dat waar voor gegaan werd? Misschien is dit een kwestie van zelfontdekking?

Misschien ben ik gewoon moe.

goofy ahh game but it felt otherworldly

Im a simple man.

I see a game with Alan Watts, I give a 5/5.

Do yourself a favor and do the same.

I enjoy a good walking simulator, so it's weird for me to say that I think walking simulator type games have a bit of a soft ceiling on how "good" they can be (conversely I also think they have a pretty hard floor, it's difficult to make a truly terrible one) - you truly have to be exceptional in every way in order to achieve a very high rating. And this game is only exceptional in some ways.

That's a bit of a weird statement to just say. I mean that this game has a very interesting philosophy behind it and excels at being an art project. Alan Watts' commentary is very welcome and feels appropriate as you explore the concept of Everything (though it kind of manifests as the concept of scale). Where I struggle is that the game presents itself as very vast and large, but doesn't much actually feel that way. The main part of the gameplay is introduced as "the tutorial" but there's really not much left to do other than fill out this game's equivalent of the bestiary and crash your game with disasters (which is admittedly fun, for a bit) afterwards. And by the time you get to that point it feels like it's trying to be deeper than it really is.

It's a great art project. Pick this game up when it's on steep discount some time and play it for a bit. It's a great 2.5 hours if you're into surreal experiences. But there's not much longevity beyond that, despite how vast the game might seem.

Oyunda 'her şey' olabiliyoruz... Ve biz 'her şey' olurken bir yandan da düşünüyoruz - tüm bu şeyler nedir- tüm bunlar nereden geldi, tüm bu şeylerin anlamı nedir... Bu tür oyunlar öncelikle oynanmalı..

Not really a game but a very chill and metaphysical experience. Contemplate life as you roll over hills as a deer or slide on the sidewalk as chewed gum or swim through the cosmos as supercluster. You can even be a trombone!

che fatica ragazzi
reato di Alan Watts

An extremely impressive feat by David O'Reilly. This game has an incredible sense of scale and a great mechanical complexity curve. I didn't love it enough to spend 20+ hours collecting every "thing", but I enjoyed the 3 hours I put in. It can be a bit pretentious at times, but I respect that it knew what it wanted to be and went all in on it.

I have no idea how to feel about this game. It is profound and hilarious but not... good.

Eu tive uma fase "Alan Watts" quando adolescente e esse jogo saiu no ano que mais usei doce, e o momento em que o átomo se transforma no universo foi bem revelador para mim. Mesmo hoje em dia tendo outros conceitos, foi uma boa experiência.

Played 2 minutes being everything make me vomit. I quit and prefer to be nothingness by queuing on League of Legends.