Reviews from

in the past

All this DLC does is add manufacturing and display racks. Wild that these workshop packs aren't just free content updates.

This is fine but I literally do not care enough about settlement building or Fallout 4 in general to make much use of it.

Literally just more tools and shit! The settlement system is such a good idea on paper but its execution is so unsatisfying that I regularly get annoyed at how much of the Fallout 4 experience - especially the DLC - is dedicated to it. Would that I could rewrite history and tell Todd Howard to drop it like a rock and write a god-damned RPG for once, but alas.

I mean. More building bullshit. You can create items now in an assembly line.

Same as the other workshop DLC, just really bland and whatever. I think I got into the workshop elements a lot more then most, but these packs either should have been included in the base game, or significantly more elaborate.

The building system is shit, it's just shit. There is a reason why people have modded this game to hell and back. A friend has told me that the building system is better if I use mods, my response is was why should I have to use mods to enjoy a video game, shouldn't that be the part of the developers of the game to fix everything instead of the fans. God I hate this game

This was supposed to be DLC and not only was it, like, day 1 DLC, but it added basically nothing besides fun things to build at your settlement. You know, the thing that Todd Howard said was totally optional to get involved with before finding out it's critical to the story and gameplay.

All this is, is the equivalent of a couple of mod's worth of content and we're expected to pay for this shit?

A nothing burger of a DLC.

The conveyor belts and Minecraft redstone-esque machinery is boring. I don't care. The power armor displays are cool though


So all this DLC adds is some crafting junk. There's no story or quests added. I mean if you really like the settlement building in this game it's an okay DLC, but even then it's not really worth the money.