Reviews from

in the past

Infinitely more creative then the other workshop DLC, but also just kind of whatever. The advent of a story here, and more to do with the added workshop components it fun but could have been deeper. not complete garbage compared to the other however.

It had a really cool concept but they managed to make the most boring building system ever.

The humor was fine I guess... but overall this felt less like a DLC and more like a crappy sidequest to further justify the settlement building mechanics.

It didn't feel fleshed out enough to actually justify its existence, it was very barebones and felt a lot like Fallout Shelter that I paid even more for.

The game glitched out oh me so I can't make my own I killed the Overseer Ghoul and left. To be fair the building system is shit so I don't think I was missing much.

idk it’s more settlement building
easy to get swept up in it and it’s cool to see all the new assets you can play around with, that’s about it tho

Playtime: 1 Hour
Score: 6/10

The only workshop add-on I really dabbled in since this one features a short storyline to playthrough which introduces you to the new building items added on. I wasn't really into the building side of things and was more interested in the story. It's another good hour onto your playtime if you have it.

The only workshop DLC worth mentioning. There technically is a quest but not really. It's exactly what's on the tin, if you care about settlements and think making a vault sounds cool then you will get some enjoyment I'm sure.

Entendi NADA dessa DLC, é só itens? Nenhuma missãozinha? Blz, seu proprio vault, mas muito fraco

Starting to get the slight suspicions that Vault-Tec might be evil

Perfectly adequate! Finding the workbenches is one of the most annoying missions in the entire game and the story feels half-finished, but at the same time you've got a massive vault to call your own and build in - which is a key element for a game like Fallout 4. New assets from the DLC will sometimes glitch out and despawn, but there are still ample resources here to justify a full expansion pack. Very middle-tier DLC overall but I still can confidently call it neat, especially at only $1.99.

terrible questline with a cool settlement

I do not really know who this DLC was made for.

Vault-Tec Workshop released as an automatron-level addon for FO4, as it did have a main quest, but the content wasn't nearly as comparable to something like Far Harbor. Still, this DLC was cool enough... until you had to actually invest time into playing it.

Has anyone ever genuinely made a fully-fledged vault out of this expansion without mods? If so, I salute you, as VTW showcases the settlement building system at its absolute worst... ELECTRICITY!

Conduits, connectors, and generators having to be placed outside of a vault interior has got to be one of the dumbest and most contrived things to include in a DLC all about making... ENCLOSED INTERIORS!!!

Why couldn't this DLC come with some sort of "fix the vault generator" to allow for infinite power without the need for connectors? It's infuriating to have to painstakingly place 500+ connectors just to get an entire vault to have working electricity.

It ruins the experience, unironically. But at least you get a shit ton of resources when you scrap the depths of Vault 88.

This DLC has more value than much of the others as there is an actual story to this and a fun little modules to build up inside this failed vault location and deal with an overseer who wants to conduct experiments, but you can choose how they go and use these items in other settlements to improve moods and ect.

Beyond this, there isn't too much more for it to be classified as a DLC imo, but it's certainly better than the first two.

Cómo he comentado la parte de la construcción y los asentamientos es lo que menos me agrada de Fallout 4, en cuanto a historia estuvo "meh" solo haciendo referencias a loa experimentos de los refufios, y poco más.

Better than the other settlement building DLC, mostly because this one has a small quest line that's worth doing. Being able to build vault related stuff is also pretty neat. However, Vault 88 is huge and they don't give you much build size. I'd say I've only build in about 10% of the area you can and I'm already almost at the half point of the build meter. What the hell. Anyways, it's worth it for the quests and building stuff if you're into that.

So much of the Fallout world and atmosphere stems from the understood falseness of the Vault system and its messaging - that the Vaults were a gilded lie sold to pre-bomb Americans to trick in them into various dangerous experiments under the guise of safety and security as the world fell apart. Even excluding the old isometric games, Fallout 3 and New Vegas made it very plain to the player that Vault-Tec was a psychotic and cruel organization that turned survivors into guinea pigs in the name of profit and scientific advancement. Sometimes the results of those experiments have a macabre humor to them - Vault 11 from New Vegas - or can even be openly silly - the Gary clones from 3 - but Vault-Tec is never given a comedic cop-out; they're a critique of unrestricted corporate interests exploiting and dehumanizing the propagandized American people for profit, and thus the player learns to recognize that Vault-Tec's actions are almost always intrinsically negative in a moral sense.

To trivialize that core piece of the fiction and warp it into a goofy lil "would you like to play Overseer and 'test' some NPCs in a vault of your own?" DLC is the final proof for me that Bethesda, despite their few brilliant moments, will fundamentally never truly understand the politics of Fallout nor the artistic intentions of the folks who created its world, and thus will never be the stewards this franchise deserves. A true "emperor has no clothes" moment for me.