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in the past

"Ooohhh reddit dialogue oohhhh cringe mid oooohhh"

Lobotomite, you browse Twitter daily.

i once dated a guy who only liked this part of new vegas and hated the rest, no idea what was going on there

i tried to fuck a lightswitch twice

É realmente tudo isso que falam, muito bom

The humor in this DLC really did not do it to me. Would have been funnier if they didn't start it off with a 30 minute conversation where every joke was repeated at least twice. It was like the developers were so proud of their terrible nerd humor they couldn't resist shoving it in your face the second you began. It's a shame because the idea of a humor-focusued expansion that pays homage to old sci-fi films sounds brilliant, but this definitely missed the mark.

On top of that the gameplay was so dull, padded out by making you repeat the same 'trials' over and over again with only slight changes to enemy placement.

There were some surprisingly touching and human moments amidst the endless penis jokes and some very unexpected and well-telegraphed revelations late into the DLC. But it wasn't enough to save it for me. The ending I got was incredibly anticlimactic too.

The humor is so lame here. The dialogue is tiresome. The world is at least fun with some cool locations, but overall it's just underwhelming.

Old World Blues was a great DLC to my ever growing play through of Fallout: New Vegas. Old World Blues was a surprise. The entire DLC took a comedic approach and the writing was great. The characters were really funny and out of this world, especially the Sink Crew and the main "villain" Dr. Mobius. The Sink Crew consists of a talking toaster, sink, gardening machine, book chute, a robot obsessed with coffee mugs and hates his life for that reason, jukebox, auto-doctor machine, and two light switches that you can flirt with. Yes. Not even joking. The characters are very endearing, wacky, and fun.

The story of the DLC is really dumb, but it at least knows it is. You're literally looking for your surgically removed brain and you can talk to your brain, but he doesn't want to go back into your head. Exploring the crater of the Big Empty was really cool and fun, however the enemies felt really damage spongy and annoying. The side quests were also really repetitive and boring, but it's all worth it for the extra dialogue and it results in a better ending as well. The ending I got was great and it was really fun to see the Sink Crew together and become great friends with the player character. The DLC also did a great job of tying in and making references with Dead Money and it seems to be building up to the final DLC Lonesome Road. Overall, this was a great DLC and some of the funniest writing I've heard in a video game. Can't wait to start Lonesome Road. 8/10.

One of the funniest video game experiences I have ever had. The writing is so good.

While Fallout: New Vegas can be a funny game in spurts, Old World Blues is a total hoot from front to back. Obsidian captured the perfect tone for this DLC and ran all the way with it, producing one of the funniest gaming experiences I've ever had the pleasure of playing. The new space is pretty fun, if a bit too sprawling, but there's still plenty of excitement to be had while running around the Big MT and shooting up fellow lobotomites and robo-scorpions in the search for new loot. Absolutely worth a playthrough for any fans of the Fallout universe.

I shall embrace reddit with open arms

Another very solid expac for FNV, the locations and unique weapons and enemies are great, some of the writing is a bit too silly sometimes but it works for what it is here.

Loved the more comedic writing (especially because I played this right after Dead Money) but man this is the one dlc that desperately needed a companion. The enemies become real annoying after a while

i think this is on par with the base game in terms of how fucking good it is. it's darkly comic all the time, it echoes b-movies of 50's and 60's hollywood in a way that doesnt alienate the player, the new guns and laser weapons are cool, the locations are fun to explore, and its not overbearingly hard. old world blues is easily my favorite dlc for any videogame ever made. i look forward to it with every single replay of new vegas, such a blast!

On my first playthrough the mojave drive-in was the first dlc location i discovered and it stayed at the back of my mind until I reached the reccommended level to approach it. As soon as I did, I started the dlc and immediately felt a major disconnect when the robot doctors spoke. Their never ending ramblings and silly jokes took me out of the base game's atmosphere, so I reloaded a save and got back into the Mojave.

After finishing DM and HH I started OWB and was able to finish it, but still have not been able to find the characters compelling, other than Dala, 8 and Mobius. That said, Borous is a close runner-up for the "Most Punchable Face" Award and only loses beacuse Dean Domino is such a spiteful piece of shit.

Waaaay too many encounters in this one. Thankfully they aren't too terrible. Then there's the nightcrawlers, which I swear must be bugged because i kept fucking missing 95% headshots with them, and they take a fifth of your health in a bite.

Old World Blues is a fine dlc, idk if Obsidian excels are giving you areas to explore. They definitely learned from Honest Hearts and added reason to explore the locations with all the upgrades, and there is more interesting things to see most of the time; but, overall its still kind of (Big) empty. Very short main quest, and usual (if you want that kind of stuff) side questing. The highlights of this DLC being, once again, the characters. Seeing its very divisive on the humour part, but they say dumb stuff and i start loling. This DLC REALLY needed to make more use of the character having low intelligence dumb dialogue though.

Stealth Suit, me loves you, but please stop injecting me drugs

I know I'm supposed to like this one but I just can't bring myself to do it. The writing is quirky but in a way that's kind of just irritating and the world is so artificially populated by enemies to make exploration varied that I would literally just be walking and see a hoard of robot scorpions pop into existence in front of me. By far my least favorite New Vegas DLC.

Speaking with robots is entertaining but quests are boring.

i love that this expansion leans into some of the saturday morning cartoon shit u see in fallout. it's pretty damn funny, and I really liked all the quest line stuff. this is also where all the dlc's storylines start to come together. also, all the loot u get in this expansion is really good. i usually find myself late game just using the sink as my home on playthroughs.

i'm obscenely biased i'd let dr. dala observe me any day

easily the most enjoyable nv dlc for me, bc it was much closer to what i loved about the base game: a great cast and the freedom to influence the world. yes, it's silly but it leans into it in a way that is endearing

i think the dlc itself is good but i cant get over how much i dislike some of the special perks you can get from it but it's not like they're that bad and they're optional. otherwise very fun and interesting

i love old world blues. even years after beating it and knowing its jokes and humour off by heart, i still find it really funny and charming. the script here is just so good, so realised, so charming. it's delightfully fun, both in its comedy and its worldbuilding. i think the thing that slightly lets OWB done is that its actual moment to moment quests are unfortunately a little dull at points, and also you can finish it real fast. it offers a lot more optional content than the other DLCs and that is really cool of it, but i wish there had been a little more of that main story quest. also, going into this with no gear and trying a MGS-style "procure of site" made this WAY harder than i expected. like, way WAY harder. man. still great though!

Extremely hot take.

This dlc is trash. The story is mediocre and bland. The enemies and design are annoying and vacant. The quest design is awful. Everything about this DLC sucked the fun from New Vegas

Tem umas missões muito duvidosas, mas os itens e o plot twist é muito bom, ainda mais para quem fez build de furtividade (que foi meu caso), gostei bastante mas faltou uns personagens humanos.