Reviews from

in the past

I was 8 years old when they gave me this game,

I cried because I saw that women have big breasts

Nero and Tamano's routes are pretty pandery and badly written. Altera and the golden poem arc are actually pretty damn good. The gameplay is a complete chore and its a really mediocre musou. Though the music in this game is really good and each character plays pretty differently.

The dialogue are the worst . 'Your character' dialogue. it's constantly telling you how you feel and what's in your head. I ended up just skipping through all their dialogue because it felt like I was being bombarded with a teenage diary.

The combat is too basic, with limited attack options and little variety in the characters. The enemies are downright boring, with no real challenge except for the occasional playable character encounter.

The unlockables and character models are also pretty disappointing. Most characters are unlocked by simply beating the story mode, and the character models look like they were taken straight from the Vita version of the game. Not exactly what I was hoping for in terms of eye candy.\

Overall, Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star left me feeling bored and disappointed. It might be worth a try if you're a die-hard Fate fan or just looking for a simple Warriors-style game, but don't expect too much excitement or depth here.

This is a game for Wifeguys. do you want a Giantess Wife, a Foxgirl Wife, or Roman Emperor Nero Claudius as your wife. the gauntlet is set.

Gotta return to this, but from what I saw it was pretty alright, as good as its sequel (which I finished first because Charlie).

First off this is the first musou game that I've played and went in expecting very easy/repetitive gameplay and came out surprisingly enjoying it a lot. I finished all 4 main stories as well as all of the side stories. The first two main stories were great to play through however as I got to the 3rd and 4th it was a pain to see the same story retold over and over again. Lots of things got repeated multiple times for little to no reason not to mention the story is a mess and not very good to begin with being a weird moon/space version of the Holy Grail War. Gameplay however was very fast and addicting where you're almost always doing something it's just filled with constant action. The few true boss battles that are in this game are basically a waste of time and are the most boring easy thing to do and are also no fun not to mention that you have to do it at the end of every story is annoying. Side story wise it was fun to play as a huge variety of servants unfortunately almost all the missions are just copy pasted missions across the 4 main stories making it super lazy. To make it quick the best side stories are Lu Bu, Elizabeth, Archimedes, and Gilgamesh. Overall the game is good not great definitely worth playing if you like the Fate series.

A musou game developed by people who didn't understand musou.
Despite the game's repetitive way of telling its storyline and combat which felt like a lot of lazy copying and pasting, I found the story enjoyable enough due to prior investment via Fate/Extra and/or CCC.
I would only recommend this to people who are hardcore fans of Fate, as this game is Altera's intended debut story. (A bit of trivia; Although Extella was supposed to release first, Altera appeared in FGO first due to scheduling mishaps.)

I liked it, funny, I loved the story.
Must protect Altera.

this a great game, specially for fate fans.gameplay and graphics are okay for a musou game and story so goddamn good and emotional,you can feel the writing of nasu.

I dropped this game half-way through about 4 years ago, and after about 5 minutes of picking it up again i could immediately tell why.

Gameplay-wise this game is.. not great. Not even in the usual way too mindlessly easy way that Musou's tend to suffer from, it's just incredibly one-dimensional.
Extella Maneuvers and Moon Drive are so much better than anything else you can do that you're solely using regular attacks to build those up. It's mindnumbingly boring.

The writing is also.. questionable, to say the least. It's rife with weird fanservice and bizarrely raunchy descriptions to the point where nearly the entire game reads like a censored h-scene. And sure, i know Fate fans love to defend that kinda stuff as "well ackshually it started out as an eroge it's always been like that" and well, you're not wrong - but the series is honestly at it's best when it's as far away from that as possible.
Fate/Extra and F/HA's Bazett being, in my opinion, the perfect examples of that.

That aside, from Altera's route onwards, the story ends up being surprisingly good - and Altera herself is a really great inclusion to the Extraverse, so it's not without it's merits. Soundtrack's a goddamn bop too. That rendition of Cosmic Air? Godly. Wish it played more often, probably one of my favorite Fate themes.

So TL:DR; it's allright for it's story if you're looking for more Extraverse content or want to properly prepare for Extella/Link's story - but if you're looking for a genuinely fun musou experience.. well, you're better off looking elsewhere.

Good but Fate/Extella Link is better, also you don't have to play Fate/EXTRA to understand this, this is parallel universe...average anime stuff :|

horrible boring musou game with repetitive missions and lazy environments. music is lackluster and soulless for the fate franchise. skip this game!

I know nothing about this series so maybe starting with this game wasnt the best idea xD just wanted to play another anime musou game x3

Sakurai when she writes a sequel to 2 games she didn't play troll face gif

Nasu when he doesn't know what the fuck to do with Hakuno without Niino to guide him so he decides to rehash their original character arc which he did AGAIN one year after this game came out in Last Encore troll face gif

This game when it's so absolute dogshit I'm more invested in the shitty generic musou gameplay over the writing it shoves down your throat like it's a visual novel troll face gif

It's a musou game with Fate characters. It's extremely enjoyable and mindless fun. Don't expect F/SN tier writing because the writing could certainly be a lot better in this game, but that isn't going to stop me from having fun decimating hoards of enemies in over-the-top and stylish ways with some of my favorite Fate characters

Altera the only saving grace but even then this shit ass lol, how the hell do you make a Musou play bad dawg

Altera was the best part, WAY too much Nero wank.

The story and music are absolutely amazing but the gameplay is very boring and repetitive so I feel conflicted with my rating but at the end of the day I still adored this game, even though I will probably never play this again.

Fate’s version of a musou game. Pick a character, read some character interaction, fight tons of enemies. While I usually enjoy musou games, this one just felt barebones and the plot felt like a chore to sit through.

Çok uzun aralıklarla bitirdim sonunda. Hikayesi bir musou oyunu için gayet yeterliydi fazlaydı bile hatta Netflix in yaptığı 10+ 3 bölümlük animeden katbekat iyiydi. Oynanışında çok bir çeşitlilik beklemeyin benim açımdan çoğu karakter ne zaman neroya geri dönecem dedirtecek derecede sıkıcıydı hatta Lu Bu yu yavaşlığından oynamadım direk. Sonu ise gayet tatmin ediciydi en son sahne dışında umarım extella link için açık bırakılmış bir kapıdır. Kısacası fate severler için gayet güzel bir oyun olduğunu düşünüyorum sadece 2 eksisi var ciddi olan , bu oyun 2010 yılında çıkmış eski bir oyun animasyonlar ve arasahneler bu yüzden biraz kötü. İkinci olarakta musou olduğu için doğal olarak basit bir oyun bir zorluğu var elbet ama dikkatsizliğe bağlı basitliğinden dolayı sıkabilir.

Decent Virtual Novel game. A bit boring at times and its just your simple beat em up game. Altera easily the best character. Caster made me want to pull out my hair with her cringe dialogue. Her combat wasn't fun either. Nero was alright. Golden poem arc made her better for me (not coz of the nude battle armour lol). Switching characters and some side missions were nice. The constants enemies being produced and having to go back to re-obtain territories got boring after a while. Wish the combat was more immersive and story was more entertaining. This was my first fate game after watch many fates, so I expected something more rich and entertaining character arc. Nonetheless, it wasn't that bad . Altera had the best story arc and I thoroughly enjoyed that section and her gameplay. The story wasn't that long so it made it easy to keep up and before I got bored, I was onto the next character. That helped a lot.

Weak game with a weak story and weak graphics, with some characters looking particularly bad and some animations being particularly cheap. One day I'll finish it just for the gamer cred but it's honestly not a game I look at and ever feel like playing even when it's in the shelf directly in front of me or on my desktop staring at me.
And I generally do enjoy musous.

I still need to play Golden Poem Arc but because I've skipped all of the dialogue I don't think playing the same fucking game for the FOURTH TIME will change my rating. Gameplay is ok, pretty repetitive and gameplay wise almost all servants suck ass (Rip Karna) Idk anything about the story but who gives a fuck about the Extra plotline.

But slaying robots as Gilgamesh is pretty fun tbh but please WHY DID I HAVE TO PLAY THE SAME FUCKING FINAL BOSS THREE TIMES