Reviews from

in the past

From the last save point to the end of the game, there are SIX (6) bosses. If you lose to any one of these bosses, back to the menu with you. It's such a slog that it retroactively soured much of the experience for me.

Job system is great, spell slots are great. The characters are... there.

played it back on the DS and I loved everything about it, one of my favourite of the older FF games.

não me prendeu, história meio sem pé sem cabeça onde você não sente nenhuma atração pelo enredo

In my run-through of the entire Final Fantasy franchise, this was the first one that was frustratingly disappointing. The original version was annoying enough by keeping resting places super limited until way later in the game, meaning you had to backtrack halfway across the map just to restore your HP/MP, then spend the replenished characters getting back to where you were to begin with. This remake makes that more frustrating by seemingly amping up the random encounters (one literally occurred three steps after another one while playing on PC).

This remake tries to put a bandage on the dull story by inserting actual characters into it, but they are not interesting enough to care about and tend to fall back on stereotypical tropes that were old even in 2006.

The introduction of the now-classic "Jobs System" was a cool concept, but it feels like a creative step backwards from FFII's awesome "build-your-own" characters. In this game's predecessor, you could make any character fit any role you could imagine by focusing on weapon/magic types instead of being forced to restrict your character to a singular purpose in combat.

I'd recommend the Pixel Remaster of the original FFIII over this choppy DS port.

3d remake of ff3

The combat is really slow and not balanced.

They decided to add some characters to the game which wasn't that bad, normal Ff3 is preferred.

I think I got to the Water Crystal and then dropped it. I like the job system, but can't groove with spell charges. Not that fun.

idk its just your standard classic final fantasy nothing really standing out so far

I wish I had played the original before this as I know this version is harder but this is still one of the best final fantasy games I have played. Cute graphics, good but basic story, just the right amount of challenge (with a little grinding), and the job system rules. Fuck that Iron Giant though

This has been fun so far. I hope I finish it!

Super cool FF title. Only got better with more playthrough once you knew more about the game and where to get the good stuff. Had a good time with it back then.

I cannot with that final dungeon :(

Perfectly passable NES-era RPG. FF5 will go on to develop the job system from average to great. 3D effects don't hinder this game.

É um bom Remake, trás história para os personagens que no original não tinha, mas ainda sim prefiro o original pelo som e arte

História legal, personagens bem carismáticos, sistema de classe muito bom, pena que cometi o erro de não aproveitar mais, variando entre elas com mais frequência, talvez esse tenha se tornado meu 3 final fantasy favorito

its just okay a typical ff game. subpar story, mediocre combat, alright music. a little forgettable. the job system is interesting but really once you get into a high enough job level, switching to another class just means grinding for a couple hours and thats lame. I Just. HATE limiting saving to the overworld and losing hours of progress.

A complete remake of the NES original, this has a slightly expanded story, new 3D graphics, and a more balanced gameplay system. And all of it is on the DS, a portable system. I have to give credit to the team behind this because they made Final Fantasy 3 much easier to jump into and play. With that said, the game is still very difficult and quite grind heavy at times. Also, the story doesn't really get interesting until the back half of the game which is a very long time to wait. This is still a good game, and an easy recommendation to any old-school JRPG enthusiasts who want a fresh take on an old classic.

I managed to get through the game in japanese when I was like 10.
I'm still not sure how.

I bounced off this version hard, but eventually clicked with a fan translation of the original NES game after playing 1 & 2. To me the this version turns an incredibly slick NES game into an incredibly clunky DS game, burying the charm of the original. It feels slow in ways the original does not.

Bizarre balance changes are made that undermine the game - instead of storing up capacity to switch jobs, your characters just become pathetically ill and weak when you change jobs, making new jobs seem uniformly awful and punishing you for trying to experiment. I can only imagine how bad this is in the game's many forced job switch sequences I didn't reach on the DS.

Jobs have been rebalanced; Onion Knight, the iconic starter job is removed and gated behind an online connectivity feature and functionally inaccessible for anyone playing now; Ninja & Sage the capstone jobs of the original game have been nerfed to preserve the endgame viability of other jobs, spoiling their function as super jobs.

My personal recommendation is to avoid this and try the original, unless you absolutely cannot stand pixel art.

This is a really fun game with a great soundtrack. The pacing and difficulty at the end can be quite frustrating and the story itself is stupidly basic, but other than that this is a fantastic Final Fantasy experience.

It's certainly no V, but it's still very worth playing. I tried the ds, android and pc versions and they were all pretty equally good, though with minor differences in a small extra mechanic to flesh out secondary characters (mognet).
Goes really hardcore in the last dungeon, but most of the game is a smooth progression.

This was my first Final Fantasy game! Good introduction to the series and the job system was fun enough but there's not really anything that would make me want to revisit it.

My introduction to the series so I hold it favourably compared to the previous 2 games but still suffers from similar issues.

Was a really harsh introduction to JRPG's for me.

My favourite FF because of imprinting. I think it's one of those that deserve a remake

I never liked how the jobs worked :/

I find alot of the classic FF charm with this game, I always have fun with the gameplay too :)