Reviews from

in the past

Final Fantasy XV seems to be a polarizing game amongst the Final Fantasy fan base and unfortunately I tricked myself into thinking that maybe it wasn’t a great game because of that. I usually try not to listen to the outside noise on games but for some reason I did on this game. Shame on me because it caused me to be cautious of a truly fantastic Final Fantasy game. To be clear I never played the base game my only knowledge of this game is with the Royal Edition.

With out a doubt my favorite part of this game is the interactions, love, and unbreakable bond among the four main characters. Seeing their struggles, triumphs, and growth made me really fall in love with them. This makes the emotional weight of a few scenes so much heavier. I also fell in love with some of the best NPC’s. Cid, Cindy, Iris, Lunafreya, Aranea, Gentiana, and Ravus were all memorable characters that I really enjoyed. Arryn is a fantastic villain and really shines in the back half of the game. Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, and Bahamut are maybe my favorite iteration of summons in the entire series. Overall just a top notch cast.

The open world leaves a bit to be desired as there is just a bit too much openness with not enough stuff in that openness. I do love that they leave the first 2/3rds of the game as an open world but as the end is nearing as things get more and more complex the game becomes more linear so that your team focuses on main task at hand. I like when a game lets you do what you want but when it’s time to get serious takes me on the ride they envisioned.

I say this every time but for the 15th time the music and art are top shelf just like every Final Fantasy. I love that you get soundtracks from the other 14 games and can listen to them as you drive around the open world.

The gameplay is a little one note and gets repetitive but I honestly enjoyed it but can see this being a negative for some.

While this game is polarizing and in some cases I can see why but I would recommend this fantastic game to everyone who loves, RPGs, good stories with good characters, and really to any gamer.

Had Final Fantasy XV enjoyed a healthier development cycle it would have been considered a modern classic.

In its core FFXV is a coming of age story mixed with a Greek tragedy - Stand by Me is one of my favourite films and FFXV channels it's themes and dynamics throughout - the titular song literally opens and closes the game.

Fittingly the game strengths lie with its cast and their evolving friendship and bond, the grand sense of road trip adventure that shines thanks to the extreamly refined peripheral mechanics like setting camp, cooking, fishing, and taking pictures. Even driving around in this game can feel magical as the cast have a wide arrey of different animations and behaviours - these 4 dudes wearing very bland black can feel very much alive.
The food here is the best rendered food I've ever seen. Fishing is very fun - the game does a better job letting you combat fish than anything else.

The story is good but suffer from the weirdest pacing I've seen in an RPG, this is the most sudden and severe case of "disc 4 syndrome". There are some holes and oddities but overall it feels complete and I didn't feel the need to watch whatever films and anime shows this game spawned.

Combat fucking sucks - FFXV crawled through glass so FFVII:R could run. You get used to its quirks but it never really clicks and becomes coherent, the shitty camera definitely doesn't help.

Side quests range from fine to terrible with a few exceptions.

Ardyn is a great villain 10/10 - charismatic, deranged but simpathetic.

DLCs are alright they add important bits to the story but the writing is a bit mixed. They take the combat mechanic in a different direction in each one which is interesting but the core is still kind of a mess.

I like Final Fantasy XV, it's not very good but it's also great. I like how deeply these 4 guys care for one another and I wish they could do so in a finished, better recieved game.

Final Fantasy XV foi um jogo que me deixou bastante curioso, uns amavam e outros odiavam, só que com o tempo eu fui percebendo que quem odiava geralmente tinha uns motivos questionáveis, diziam que o jogo tirou a essência da saga (o que não parecia ser verdade), que os personagens eram uns merdas e coisas desse tipo. Eu demorei bastante pra poder jogar, mas quando finalmente joguei eu percebi o quão errado as pessoas que não gostam estão. Esse jogo é incrível, definitivamente um dos melhores capítulos da saga Final Fantasy.

Eu não pretendia fazer uma análise de verdade da história desse jogo, mas escutando Somnus eu percebi uma coisa sobre esse jogo, o real tema dele.

Tragédia, tragédia é o principal tema abordado em Final Fantasy XV, o que é provavelmente o tema mais diferente abordado pela série desde Final Fantasy IX, esse jogo ele instaura a tragédia em suas diversas formas mas principalmente a tragédia sem final feliz, a real tragédia assim por dizer. Tragédias formam grande parte do roteiro, do início ao fim (incluindo a DLC do Ignis e Prompto), apesar de sim termos momentos bem felizes e engraçados, os de maiores focos e impactos na história são definitivamente a tragédia.

A parte musical é um dos principais elementos que revela o tema "oculto" da história do jogo. É possível notar que as músicas do XV são as mais dramáticas da saga, muito disso é perceptível nos themes de cada personagem, elas são as mais melancólicas da franquia, até os themes de alguns personagens trágicos da saga não são necessariamente tristes, Ravus, Luna e Noctis são alguns exemplos de personagens que claramente tem muito de seus destinos revelados através de suas próprias músicas, mesmo tendo ou não letras, Ardyn é outro exemplo interessante, as duas músicas dele não fazem referência a tragédia, mas sim a loucura e ódio que consumiram Ardyn com o passar do tempo. Até o theme do jogo que pode parecer feliz, no contexto do jogo não é nada feliz, é uma grande tragédia.

Você mesmo até cria uma falsa sensação de que tudo vai ficar bem, de que o Ravus tá bem, de que a Luna Freya vai reviver e de que o destino não vai se realizar. E é legal perceber como a vida é uma tragédia para todos, seja o vilão, protagonista, coadjuvante ou até um personagem qualquer. Agora eu quero falar sobre um grupo de personagens, formados por: Ignis e Gladios, Noctis e Ravus, e por último Ardyn. A relação desses personagens está na forma como eles aceitam tragédias, eles são bem humanos nisso, cada personagem leva as suas tragédias pessoais de forma diferente, Ignis e Gladios como qualquer pessoa faz ao máximo pra evitar tragédia, mas quando acontece eles tentam ao máximo não pensar nisso pra não prejudicarem o futuro, se conseguiu evitar tudo bem, se não conseguiu vida que segue. Noctis já é uma pessoa que tem grande dificuldade de aceitar tragédias, ele sempre pensa como ele poderia ter evitado e carrega toda a culpa para si mesmo, mas mesmo com isso a força mental dele é admirável, mesmo perdendo todo o seu reino, cidade, amigos, a sua amada e até 10 anos de sua vida, e mesmo com essas tragédias nunca deixou de ser um bom homem e sempre teve a esperança de pelo menos trazer paz para aquele mundo, Ravus é meio que uma variação do Noctis, as características são quase a mesma, a diferença é que ele tenta de todas e todas formas possível evitar a tragédia que é o destino da Luna, Ravus é um homem que considera que os fins justificam os meios, mas que lá no fundão ainda tem compaixão e tenta fazer o que é certo. Por último Ardyn, ele é o último estado de uma mente destruída por tragédias ocasionadas por um destino cruel, uma pessoa que não tem mais salvação, os traços de bondade e esperança que um dia existiram no Ardyn foram completamente apagados por ódio, ele é um dos vilões mais humanos de Final Fantasy, não é só alguém que é naturalmente filha da puta, ele é só uma pessoa sem esperança e sem motivos pra continuar sendo uma boa pessoa.

Olha esse jogo não é perfeito e nem o melhor Final Fantasy, mas definitivamente é um dos melhores e mais excelentes jogos que já joguei, só essa questão de história já seria o suficiente pra ser melhor que 60% dos jogos que eu já joguei, só que esse jogo tem essa história e esses personagens incríveis, uma OST excelente (a melhor da saga), um combate que eu pelo menos acho extremamente divertido, missões que tá, não são perfeitas, mas as boas são muito fodas e os melhores bosses da franquia antes do 16 lançar. De E até SSS, esse jogo é fácil um SS, 9,5/10, 10/10 se for considerar a história e como ela aborda o principal tema.

Final Fantasy XV é cheio de problemas (história fraca, combate questionável, entre outros), mas eu simplesmente amei a experiência que tive com esse jogo. Adorei as interações entre os personagens, as viagens de carro, músicas, missões, exploração e etc. Nada melhor do que chegar em casa depois de um dia cansativo e aproveitar um bom tempo com o pessoal enquanto dirige.

cried. i wish the pacing was better and the side quests were actually good but i miss my boys

Bizimkisi birrr yolculuk hikayeeeesiiiiiiiiiii

when you know the pie is underbaked but you sit there eating raw dough

Finalmente zerei o meu primeiro Final Fantasy, foi uma jornada épica, o senso de camaradagem entre o grupo é fenomenal, os cenários de fundo nas viagens no Regalia são lindos, vários momentos colossais na main e a reta final é crème de la crème. Dito isso, o combate não é bom, e errar numa das maiores fatias do game foi crítico, a profundidade das mecânicas é rasa demais. Os peitos da Cindy me reconfortaram durante essa aventura que vou lembrar com carinho.

Just me and the bois on a road trip.

I don’t care what you think, I love the story this game tells and the journey you take along the way

while this game has its flaws in story pacing and plot, the characters and atmosphere brought me to love it so much. i literally finished the entire story in 3 days bc i was having to much fun and couldn’t get enough of those 4 silly guys…. i still come back to it a lot since im trying to unlock all achievements at some point. don’t listen to what all the haters say abt ffxv this game is my baby!!!!! 🙏 it was also my very first final fantasy game so it will always hold that special place in my heart, i will always miss playing it for the first time </3

it's really rough around the edges and kind of a mess but I liked it a lot overall. which is sort of the vibe with every aspect of it like, the combat is fun but also kinda barely functional sometimes and the story is filled with holes (some intentional to expand upon in DLC) and a bit incoherently told but the key moments that have to work work really well and so on

If you're gonna play it, play it on PS5 or PC. You'll appreciate the boost in framerate.

É difícil escrever com palavras tudo o que esse jogo me fez sentir. Uma obra de arte em forma de software, esse jogo é tão caprichado até nos mínimos detalhes que te deixa muito impressionado. É certamente o meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos.

Gameplay: 5/5
Vamos primeiro ao mundo. Existem tantos monstros, quests, jeitos de se explorar, desde uma invasão a uma usina elétrica até consertar um carro defeituoso; Todas essas características deixam o mundo de Final Fantasy XV muito mais vivo, vibrante e divertido. Existem tantas coisas para se fazer: caçar ingredientes, lutar contra oponentes poderosos, andar de chocobo por aí, caçar bestas lendárias, você jamais se sentirá entediado.
O combate te surpreende por ser tão simples, e surpreende ainda mais pela complexidade; são apenas dois botões principais, mas podem ser combinados com diversas outras coisas: magia elemental, ataques com teleporte, ou até mesmo invocar um dos seis deuses pra lançar um ataque devastador, o que abre um leque de possibilidades para atacar e vencer seus inimigos.
Seus parceiros, Gladio, Prompto e Ignis te ajudam de diversas maneiras, além de cada um ter uma habilidade própria: Ignis sabe cozinhar, Prompto é um habilidoso fotógrafo, Gladio é um exímio explorador, e Noctis, o personagem principal, é bom na pescaria. Sua interação com eles também é surpreendente, cada um tem seus medos e forças e eles expressam isso a você, afetando inteiramente a sua gameplay.

História: 5/5
O que posso dizer? Uma verdadeira peça teatral, que apresenta temas como laços, redenção, culpa, fardos, responsabilidades, reconciliações e muitas outras coisas. Uma das melhores histórias que eu já vi em jogos, me deixou preso na tela durante toda a minha jogatina.

Gráficos: 5/5
Não que isso seja importante, mas os gráficos, principalmente os pré-renderizados, são muito bons.

Nota final: 5/5
Uma verdadeira obra de arte: História maravilhosa, gameplay e combates insanos e um mundo rico de coisas para explorar: este é um Final Fantasy que você não vai querer perder.

I think about Tabata saying that enemies shouldn't have attack wind ups because real animals don't have windups a lot

Usually my reviews average around a paragraph or two that explain my general feelings, but this is a game that I cannot condense my feelings on since it has left me baffled and confused in ways that need more elaboration. I don’t think it is necessary, but for context going in keep note that I am a diehard FF fan and aside from the MMOs and FFXIII I have played every mainline game and a good number of non-mainline FF entries that have given me some extra appreciation or annoyances that might not be present to a new fan.

Final Fantasy XV is a MESS. But it is a mess that sometimes works. I walked away from this game a little spitefully, because sometimes it is brilliant and wonderful, but so often it is among the worst of the series and maybe even the genre. Through all of it though, I think I like this game?

There are two games in FFXV that are frankenstein-ingly stitched together into one creature, one game that is really polished, creative, and charming- and another that is frustrating, padded, boring, and disrespectful to the player. The ugly side is the one that makes up more of the experience, but the good side is so enjoyable it makes it worth it.

When this game is propelling you down its main story you will not be very invested, at least I wasn’t. The game feels extremely rushed and incomplete. Of its 14 story chapters, maybe 3 of them feel like something actually happens, and when it does it typically involves some event or character that is paper thin. So much of this story is just things being told to you without really being able to experience or invest yourself in. The easiest comparison to make that I found is Metal Gear Solid V, a game where so much was cut it makes it feel so hollow- only made worse by the surrounding series it is a part of being so strong in this regard. There are a few moments I really enjoyed in its main story- a couple of flashy encounters and set pieces, a couple funny moments, and a genuinely pretty great ending- but of the ~20 hours of story there is here, it is severely underdeveloped and has a lot of missed potential. I wanted to be more invested in the main story, as its setup is pretty effective for as simple as it was, and I really liked a lot of the side characters, but there is not much substance here to really enjoy.

When this game is showing off its combat and mechanics, it is equally as underwhelming. I’ve never gravitated towards action rpgs nearly as much as their turn-based counterparts, and this game was quite possibly the worst execution of the gameplay style I have experienced thus far. At best, this game is a mindless, flashy and mildly satisfying albeit hollow experience. At worst, it is a frustrating, padded, boring mess. There is nothing engaging here, and oftentimes the biggest challenges (outside of its sometimes ridiculously poorly designed challenges like costlemark tower) are fighting with the camera, ai, or the boring and repetitive animations you watch every time you use an item. It is a button mashy (or holdey, in this case), boring, exhausting experience in desperate need of variety, customization options, and fat-trimming. As a jrpg, the character progression is woefully limited to not even allow fun builds or satisfying growth. Everyone is a physical fighter, you equip their strongest weapon and an accessory and that is about the extent of it. There is a big shared skill tree, but the effects it grants are so minimal I forgot about it for the majority of the game and was perfectly fine. It is especially lame given this cast is so small and given a ton of time to showcase the diversity in their personalities, and the fact there are so many FF jobs deeply rooted in its iconography and experience, that nobody here gets to be a black or white mage, thief, or anything else.

There is a huge emphasis on side content in this game due to its open world structure- and frankly its lack of substance in the main story- and it achieved mixed results. There are so many great side missions you can do, my favorite was this big exciting stealth mission against a behemoth, then it transitions into a boss fight that is big, explosive, and exciting, and then the reward is unlocking the ability to rent chocobos. That questline is so interesting, fun, expansive, and grants an incredibly useful and tangible award. Quests like that, or even the simpler but still really fun challenges like taking pictures of landscapes are great times, but they are far and few between. Lots of the quests are simple fetch quests or ask you to slay a monster- something that feels especially redundant since FF12 style monster hunts return here- and given doing quests gives far more xp and money than just old fashioned monster grinding, you will no doubt end up with a huge list of mindless quests you feel an obligation to do despite little genuine motivation or investment.

There is more I don’t like about this game. The character specific skills are so uneven. Prompto’s photography skill is always leveling up since he is always taking pictures, but if you want to level up Noctis or Gladio’s fishing and survival skills respectively, get ready to fish for upwards of 6 hours or rubber band your control stick and leave the console on overnight
(why they made this skill only level up from on foot travel in a game with three separate types of vehicle transportation is beyond me). The dungeons in this game are almost all very dull and linear. The last third of the game or so is the worst of it all, stripping you not only of the fun open world, but party members and even weapons as you experience its pitifully boring, long, linear, and annoying final dungeons and encounters.

That being said, I still kinda like this game. The main party of the game is so enjoyable it made a lot of the annoying and tedious parts of this game feel fun regardless. It didn’t matter that the quests felt time-wastey when the people along with me felt so alive and personable. The main playable Noctis wasn’t too interesting, though playing as him made him feel avatar-esque even if he did talk and have characteristics. The other three, however, were wonderful. I loved hearing their banter, watching their little personality quirks show themselves in how they fought, walked, and interacted with the world. Hearing them have little conversations was wonderful, and I found it so charming that they would do things like ask to pull over to take pictures of pretty landscapes, argue about petty things, have their own favorite foods, or even give you a high five in the heat of the battles. None of them have particularly deep stories, but they didn’t need to as the best story you could tell with them was developing a real friendship, and they nailed that. The world being big lends itself to lame side missions as stated, but it was so invigorating and exciting to be able to just explore at my own pace, and finding a new (expansive, beautiful, and varied) town or dungeon was always a highlight that rewarded my effort and curiosity. It clicked with me a little while into this game what it reminded me of. Four adventurers freely exploring around and creating a grand adventure? That is Final Fantasy. Despite this game having almost nothing in common with classic FF in terms of its execution of the world, gameplay, mechanics, etc. The spirit behind this game is arguably the purest FF experience since maybe FF3? Somehow this game is as alienating as it was familiar to me, and honestly, I kinda respect it. This game could’ve been either a very safe and forgettable game, or it could’ve been something completely unrecognizable, but it managed to be somewhere in the middle. It is a very memorable, fresh, and addictive experience but it still feels familiar- even if not a great game.

I don't have a good segway into this, but the music is also good. This soundtrack isn’t a top tier FF soundtrack as the competition is so incredibly fierce, but there is some great stuff here, with the soft acoustic guitar town themes being my personal favorites. I also like that the town themes had contextual versions, in Lestallum for example, as you enter its theme is soft and catchy but understated, but as you walk into its little marketplace with live performers and tons of townsfolk more instrumentation builds up the song and gives it a lot of character. Good stuff here, and just needed to be mentioned.

This game is absolutely defined by its little moments, small details that really stand out and make the game feel so alive. While the whole entire package is full of a lot of missteps, that spirit carried the experience until the end and beyond for me. I did get the platinum trophy for this game despite how much of this game frustrated or disappointed me. Maybe it was spite for how annoyed I was that they abandoned the open world for the last chunk of the game. Maybe I just wanted to prove something to myself that I am the dumbest but most committed JRPG fan there ever was. Maybe I was hypnotized by the charm of the experience and just didn’t want to hang up my coat and leave my boys quite yet. However, I think it goes to show that even the huge and notable faults this game falls under there is still an experience to salvage. If someone came up to me and said FFXV is a great game, I could easily empathize with that sentiment. I could just as easily empathize with someone who said it was the worst in the series. Maybe as time goes on longer I will forgive the faults, or maybe they will become more apparent, but as it is I am right down the middle with this game. At the very least, this games quality allows for a lot of discussion, and I find that a lot more fun and interesting than if this game was just a waste of time that I would never think about again.

I didn’t play the DLC stuff as I didn’t think it was necessary, especially if they end up being more linear and don’t have the context of the entire party working together and interacting. Maybe someday I will but I have had my fill with this game for now.

If you have not played FFXV I don’t want this review to scare you away as much as I want it to encourage you to try it out yourself and see where you fall on the scale. Grab a cup noodles and a coleman camping chair and go binge it for yourself and see.

"They're not your bodyguards. They're your brothers."

Firstly, I would like to clarify that I am devastated by the ending and will never smile again.

Okay, talking about the game now. The attempt at an open world is good until you get tired, because basically in it you just walk around with the Regalia and do repetitive and boring side missions. The story is very good, but there is important lore told superficially. Without a doubt, the greatest asset of the game is the friendship between the 4 characters and their interactions, aaaaa how I loved these boys and I already miss them even though I finished the game 10 minutes ago, the OST is obviously incredible too and I had a lot of fun in combat too, although it's a bit messy, once you get used to it it's just fun.

Honestly one of the underated games of the series, I absolutely love it.

versus 13 deserved it's own game instead of this shit honestly

Tbh this game is very mid. The gameplay is just repetitive side quests until you reach the point where it's just one straight line of plot - so basically 80% side quests, 20% main story. The bromance is good, the romance is very shit - the bromance had more romance than Luna and Noct basically. But yk I guess that's the whole point, it's suppose to be a fun bromance roadtrip story and they got it right.

Despite that, this is one of my favourite games of all time and I probably have 200+ hours on it. Main characters have lots of chemistry and they were written well. Cried many times. OST very good. Regalia best boy. Thank you for writing Prompto Argentum. 10/10 would probably play again

Cara eu achei a historia um pouco confusa mesmo tendo assistido o filme, não sei se gostei muito da mecânica de combate. Gostei da amizade dos protagonistas que geram momentos muito emocionantes.

No final me diverti mais jogando as DLC's do que o próprio "main" game

Um jogo que merecia mais reconhecimento, história, personagens, gameplay, bosses e quase todo resto é de alto nível, quase chorei com o final desse jogo (e ele é melhor que o 7 só deixando claro). Ninguém pode me convencer de diminuir um ponto da nota, foi uma das experiências mais divertida que eu já tive, são poucos personagens que me fazem genuinamente ficar com saudades deles depois de terminar um jogo

Walk tall... My friends

This was my first ff game and its certainly the most underrated game, for me if you are looking for a action rpg this is the perfect game to start with

I'm just as shocked as you are about how much I liked this one

FFXV Royal Edition lives up to is subtitle as it is the definitive way to experience the story of FFXV. I originally fell in love with the game back on release but with this re-release I only love the game more, but this most recent playthrough has definitely showed some issues I have with this title. The story follows Noctis, a young prince of a kingdom called Insomnia who begrudgingly accepts his duty to one day be king. The narrative starts with Noctis and his best friends Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis going on a road trip to meet Noctis' fiance Lady Lunafreya. Things are quickly derailed however as back home Noctis' dad is murdered during a peace treaty signing with the kingdom of Nifilheim. Now Noctis is thrust into the shoes of Kinghood as he must fight an enemy nation, and an ancient advisory to emancipate his people and his nation. Most of your playtime will be dedicated to driving around the open world with your buddies as you forge memories, and fight various monsters, and daemons. Open world is something I would use loosely however because if you spend more than a couple minutes exploring the areas off the beaten path you'll be greeted with countless fences and impassible mountains, and what little area you are able to explore off the road rarely has any content worth exploring outside of the occasional dungeon or hunt, and herein lies my main issue with XV and that is that the game came out in a time where every game had to be an open world adventure, and this game tried to do that. The world is very pretty to look at from the road but venture off the beaten path and you will notice things fall apart rather quickly. Despite this the content that is present is really good and engaging and should keep you entertained for hours on end. The combat sees Noctis use his various weapons to deliver devastating damage to his foes in a character action style which is a first for the Final Fantasy mainline series. While many fans bemoan the change in gameplay style I think it is a vast improvement over the nauseatingly mid tier combat styles Square had come up with in the last couple installments as they attempted to reinvent the wheel. As an action game XV isn't the most in depth but it delivers enough variety to take you over the finish line without it all feeling too repetitive which is more than what I can ask for. Royal Edition also adds many new cutscenes not present in the original release to further flesh out the story, and think they are all welcome additions as it helps flesh out certain characters who didn't get much screen time before. Also included with the Royal Edition are all the original DLC for the game excluding Episode Ardyn, and all the DLC help expand the world and story of XV in great ways. I have reviewed the DLC separately so I won't go over them here but they are all worth your time to get the most out of this game's story. Also included is a completely reworked final dungeon, which previously was just 2 hallways. Now the final dungeon is it's own open world area that has it's own side objectives and really helps drive home the devastation that the Nifilheim have caused. Overall while many people deemed XV as the downfall of the main series due to it's combat change, and its tumultuous development history, I think it is a step in the right direction and is a great new beginning for the series, as it seems at the time of writing this review that XVI will take many concepts and ideas explored in this game and expand upon them for the better with the awesome development team behind FFXIV working on it. FFXV is a game that has greatly impacted me on release, and I am glad to say that it still hits as hard if not harder with the new content that has come out since it's initial release and is a must play for any JRPG or gaming fans in general.

A lot of people hated this game, maybe I would have too if I played it when it first came out, but I didn't. I'll admit when I started playing FF I was a little annoyed with it, but after a few hours in I started really liking it.

é o meu primeiro final fantasy zerado (eu já joguei o 13 na infância mas nunca terminei), e como alguém de fora, eu gostei bastante

o jogo tem uma gameplay bem gostosa, que apesar de eu achar que o jogo vira uma casa da mãe joana quando ele passa a exigir mais de você no combate, não pela dificuldade mas sim pela poluição, sintoma do gameplay não ser nada complexo em comparação com outros jogos de ação, ele ainda assim é bem agradável e a experiência no geral é divertida porque o jogo 75% do tempo reconhece os próprios limites e se permite ser ultra fácil, e a diversão se torna todo o espetáculo visual o loop de gameplay envolvendo as caças, quests e os set pieces da história que são bem divertidos, mas algo que ficou realmente devendo foi a história

eu tô ligada de toda a história da produção desse jogo, de que ele era outro jogo e recomeçaram a produção um monte de vezes, mudando conceito e tal, então eu dei uma colher de chá do início ao fim, mas ainda é bizarro como o jogo não é nada convidativo em fazer o jogador querer aprender sobre o universo dele, assim como também não faz muita questão de explicar e se aprofundar nele

o ponto alto na narrativa é sem dúvida os personagens, esses que conseguem brilhar sem depender da história principal, os membros da party são muito carismáticos, a dinâmica é maravilhosa, e vários personagens secundários também são bem legais, mas isso não me impediu de terminar o jogo sem nem entender a relação de causa e consequência que tava me levando de um lugar para o outro, além da camada mais superficial de que esse jogo é a história do rei leão só que o protagonista é emo

apesar disso, final fantasy 15 é uma baita experiência, mesmo a história não fazendo mt serviço o jogo ainda consegue marcar no imaginário, e sendo honesta, mesmo não entrando de cabeça na história, tem muita cena que dá um puta arrepio, todo o clímax é insano

eu quero um dia retornar, dessa vez tendo toda a bagagem de lore do filme e do anime pra eu apreciar esse universo na sua totalidade

Um tolete bem duro boiando dentro do vaso, que jogo ruim cara, tudo que ele tinha pra ser bom ele tem de RUIM. O começo realmente passa uma vibe de que ''nossa esse jogo vai ser bom" mas depois de algumas horas você percebe que esse é o jogo mais maçante que você já jogou na vida. Combate sem graça e muito repetitivo MUITO MESMO, mapa sem graça e vazio sem alma alguma. Viagens de carro que duram 5/6 minutos?????? eu quero jogar cara, legal que essas viagens de carro são umas das coisas que o pessoal mais elogia nessa bomba aqui mas na verdade não tem nada demais, eles nem interagem direito e fodase que tá tocando música dos ff antigo. A arvore de talentos é bem grande mas nada que você upar nela fará um diferencial na sua gameplay. O botão de interagir é mesmo que o de pular, então sempre que você for interagir com algo você vai ficar pulando que nem um idiota, puta merda cara como os cara tem uma ideia dessas, isso foi uma das coisas que mais incomodou o jogo inteiro. A historia é sem pé nem cabeça, não faz sentido do começo ao fim, roteiro horrível, personagens sem graça, diálogos fraquíssimos. Sério, Noctis fica em isolamento por 10 ANOS e quando volta os caras reagem como se tivessem visto ele semana passada. O jogo não sabe construir clímax algum, qualquer momento ''impactante'' que era para acontecer acaba não tendo emoção alguma por não ter uma construção de clímax bem feita. A luta final é horrorosa, você não sabe nem o que tá rolando naquele protótipo de luta de sayajin. Enfim, esse jogo foi uma decepção pra mim, foi o primeiro jogo que comprei para o meu ps4 pq eu botava muita fé nele, então a decepção foi enorme. Depois de um tempo de jogo eu apenas fiquei focado em acabar isso o mais rápido possível e com certeza deve ter mais coisas pra reclamar que eu não estou lembrado agora.

Os únicos prós desse jogo são as cutscenes que são lindas demais e a outra são as fotos do Prompto que eu achei uma sacada bem legal, pena que no ps4 as fotos as vezes ficam com uma qualidade bem merda.

⬜Cada frame foi pintado por Da Vinci

⬜Historia MEEH
✔️Uma história legalzinha
⬜Uma história digna de prestar atenção
⬜Melhor que a vida real
⬜Feita pra arrancar lagrimas ( HISTORIA LINDA )

✔️Jogabilidade bacana
⬜Jogabilidade excelente

⬜Jogos da galinha pintadinha são mais complicados
✔️Fácil de entender
⬜Fácil de aprender, difícil de dominar
⬜É daqueles jogos que as pessoas ficam estudando
⬜Precisa de, no mínimo, 2 doutorados

✔️Você Escolhe.
⬜Da pra zerar dormindo
⬜Jogando sozinho é quase um Darksouls, mas em grupo se torna muito mais tranquilo
⬜ Difícil
⬜Você vai precisar de 8 mãos pra jogar isso

Tempo de jogo
⬜Jogo pequeno
⬜ 100h+
⬜Você começa, seu neto termina
⬜Sem tempo determinado.

Áudio, músicas
⬜É melhor jogar no mudo
✔️Muito boa
⬜Mozart escreveu junto com Beethoven

✔️Nunca vi nenhum
⬜Pequenos bugs (Quase nada)
⬜Pode ficar irritante
⬜Jogo parece que foi feito pela Bugsoft

✔️ Adolescentes
✔️ Adultos

Compensa Comprar?
⬜ Preço justo
⬜ Compre se tiver dinheiro sobrando
✔️Espere uma promoção
⬜ Caro demais não recomendo
⬜ Mais fácil você queimar seu dinheiro

Pay to win?
⬜ Armas coloridas dão um dano consideravelmente maior
⬜ Apenas cosméticos
✔️ Sem microtransações