Reviews from

in the past

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A good adaptation of one of the most charismatic LucasArts point 'n click adventures. It still is as enjoyable today as it was 27 years ago. Funny and irreverent, it has a lot of personality.

Una adaptación más que decente de una de las aventuras gráficas de LucasArts más carismáticas. Sigue siendo tan disfrutable hoy como en su estreno hace 27 años. Divertida e irreverente con mucha personalidad.

Pra um adventure é até ok, mas não é um bom jogo hoje em dia

not terrible, not great. Day of the Tentacle left a solid impression on me and i was really hoping to like this one too but it just felt very empty and devoid of that charm DotT had. art style is nice and fits with the atmosphere of the story but the game never really grabbed me from a narrative or gameplay perspective. again i don't think it's particularly bad or anything and obviously there are a decent amount of people that enjoy it but i found it largely forgettable overall.

Pro tip: just cast Mark Hamill as a villain if you want your game to be good.

I'm not too big on these kinds of point-and-click games on consoles, and while I didn't stick with this, it was kinda cool to dip into it on Game Pass. I can see why it gained such popularity.

Was originally playing for the platinum but hated it so much I had to stop.

Apesar de eu ter rejogado esse jogo esse jogo só pra pegar conquistas, eu amo de paixão toda temática e estética do jogo. Recomendo demais

particularmente não sou o maior fã de jogos point and click, então nem tive saco pra ir atrás de rejogar tudo de novo só pra pegar a última conquista que perdi

This is peak male performance

muito legal, joguei junto do meu pai e foi uma ótima experiencia

Aquí no hay piratas peleando a espada con insultos, pero hay moteros peleando con cadenas, motosierras, palancas de hierro y demás parafernalia.

Aquí el villano no es un pirata fantasma/zombi, pero es un empresario corrupto, que es peor.

Aquí no hay una gobernadora de armas tomar, pero hay una mecánica de armas tomar.

Vamos, que esto no es Monkey Island, pero también mola lo suyo.

(He jugado tanto la versión original como la remasterizada, mi reseña es idéntica para ambas.)

A fun little time, and I like that it includes both sets of graphics

Sadly didn't live up to nostalgia the way Curse of Monkey Island did. I still had a pretty good time, just not as good as I had hoped. Also a shame the remaster didn't improve the framerate, the fast sections are headache inducing.

Another classic point and click done right for its time but not making an argument for the genre to be revived.

It's so easy to understand why these old adventure games are well-regarded. The look, the sound, the scripts, the voice acting - all perfect. Full Throttle is such an energetic joyous thing to behold, pumping with passion and care. Look at how many exhaust pipes are on Ben's bike, the lavish animation, the empty spaces and unremarked-upon technology that suggest that this is some weird biker-centric alternate reality to our own world. I miss when a mass-market game could have this much personality!

But man it is so hard to get on its level when I have to actually play it. The moment-to-moment "take item x and put it on object y" puzzles in this aren't even particularly difficult and are actually quite logical, but there are so many times where I couldn't figure out a puzzle and the solution was just that there was a whole other screen I had no way of knowing about, or an object that blended in with the background to make it virtually invisible. Or having this happen when the puzzle is on a timer. Or having to deal with slippery action gameplay where you can't tell whether the reason you keep wiping out is because of not playing it properly or not picking the right item to use (I really hated the Route 9 section). I get frustrated so easily with these games and their slapdash interaction design and I don't know if it's a me problem or a them problem but every time I think I want to check out more I sit down to play one and get totally turned off after grinning so much at the opening cutscene.

Thankfully Maureen is cool enough that it barely matters. There's always Let's Plays, anyways.

I couldn't get quite into Full Throttle, and I'm not sure if it's because I just wasn't in the mood for it or because it's a little bit of an awkward ride. There's a classic Lucasarts click n point in its core but it feels streamlined; the locales feel truncated, you barely spend any time in each section and a lot of the puzzles feel perfunctory. Add the tacked-on action scenes on top and it gives the vibe of the team's vision not quite coming to life in practice, like they wanted to make an action film in the guise of an adventure game but couldn't quite pull it off. An adventure game that doesn't want to be one. Whilst absolutely superb in presentation the actual gameplay felt lacklustre, especially if you compare it to Lucasarts' other greats.

Man, I was really expecting to like this more. I had heard it was pretty legendary, and it's been a gap in my classic LucasArts experience. The art direction is great, the story is fine, but the design is unfortunately very obtuse.

I can deal with the shortcomings and quirks of the genre in general, but when you add in some other clunky mini games and some deaths with lots of repeated guesswork before them, it's pretty hard to look past. Thankfully the entire thing was surprisingly short.

In terms of the remaster, I mostly preferred the classic visuals, but I did switch to take advantage of the UI a fair amount.

Overall, not a waste of time, but a let down compared to its reputation.

Crazy how these old point and clicks from the 90s are still pretty solid today. I enjoyed this one a bit more than Day of the Tentacle. Maybe because of the Sons of Anarchy vibes. Maybe because of Luke Skywalker. We may never know, but I had fun playing and with the story. Oh yea, and the soundtrack was awesome too!

PS, this is a quick and easy 100% for achievement hunters if you use a walk through.

i guess it was pretty cool for its time

so real fuck that big company ass

4.3 hrs at review time
Gameplay 5/10
Music and sound 5/10
Screenplay 5/10
Technical 5/10

Full Throttle Remastered es un juego que volví a disfrutar después de muchos años de haber jugado la versión original. Pese a la nostalgia del juego, sigue siendo igual de lindo y entretenido que mis recuerdos allá por el año 2000

Nice story, art, but a bit outdated gameplay

A point and click that my boyfriend had picked for me to play in our game wheel. Overall had an okay time playing

Leta páně 1995 nechyběly Full Throttle nemalé (r)evoluční ambice „jak přistoupit k adventurnímu žánru jinak“. Snažil se o jiné zasazení než bylo v žánru zvykem, o dospělejší přístup, o filmové podání příběhu, hvězdné dabéry, o oživení zažitého ovládání SCUMM adventur, akční minihry apod. Neměl toho v merku zrovna málo. A výsledek byl v mnoha ohledech rozporuplný, v mnoha jiných předběhl dobu; přesto své nepopiratelné kvality i kouzlo měl, ne že ne. Vznikla tedy kultovka (umocněná léty trvající nedostupností digitální verze), která nyní po více než dvaceti letech přichází s remasterem v graficky učesané podobě (i možností původního vzhledu) a s několika málo zásahy do designu (zrušen otravný pixel hunting u dvou tří hádanek, přidány achievementy).

Hlavní kámen úrazu tehdy byl krátký rozsah umocněný nulovou výzvou a nudnými minihrami. Což v době vzniku, kdy adventury byly na výslunní, nabízely těžké puzzly a dlouhou herní dobu, byl nezvyk a šok. Co tehdy, ona herní doba necelých čtyřech hodin, ze kterých nemalou část zabírají animace a čas se nahání skrze neadventurní vsuvky „jezdi na motorce prašnými cestami, systémem kámen-nůžky-papír bojuj s jinými motorkáři a čekej až se ti náhodně vygeneruje to správné setkání, aby si mohl pokročit dále“, zarazí i dnes. I tak je to solidní přímočará adventura, kde však druhá polovina kvalitou i nápady zaostává za tou první a kde díky až příliš hrrr ději pocitově schází jeden až dva akty před utnutým finále, které navíc vyznívá do ztracena a otevřeně pro případné pokračování. Jako by tvůrcům došel čas či rozpočet a tak finální pasáže poněkud odfláknuli. Ostatně cca hodinu před koncem (po třech odehraných hodinách) vám hra ukazuje, že jste „teprve“ v polovině, aby pak nesportovně načítala mnoho procent dokončení čistě za minoritní úkony, takže než se nadějete, je zničehonic konec. Paradoxně tak je první polovina delší té druhé; jakkoli nelogicky to zní.

Co se naopak povedlo je stylizace, neohrané zasazení (něco mezi prvním Mad Maxem a Sons of Anarchy), skvěle napsané dialogy, drsnější humor, který se necpe do každé věty, postavám padnoucí dabing, nejeden vtipný easter egg a v zásadě i dějová linie (až na zmíněný závěr a to, že se to odehraje mezi příliš málo postavami čili vznikají nepravděpodobné náhody). Řešení puzzlů samotných není špatně vymyšlené (byť nápadité také ne; výjimky jsou dvě řešení pohrávající si s výběrem akce), neobsahuje nelogické nesmysly, ale díky tomu že máte k dispozici sotva dva předměty, jednu dvě lokace a tři aktivní body, tak se nelze zaseknout, ani kdybyste na krásně chtěli. Schafer tedy hned svou prvotinou dokázal, že nápady ani vize mu nejsou cizí, ovšem zároveň že ne vše co si usmyslel, uměl dotáhnout ke kýženému i zábavnému výsledku. Bylo to jasné již tehdy a dnes je to ještě více do očí bijící.

Full Throttle is definitely point n click at its finest from LucasArts and DoubleFine's remaster does it well. The story is more on the serious side compared to LucasArts games in general, but that doesn't mean it loses its charm.

The gameplay is more or less similiar to previous games, there's a few sequences that could be seen as annoying (the bike fighting scenes, the demolition derby, etc.) but they are more repetitive than anything. Perhaps not a big fan of the "action wheel" at it is at times unclear what each option means (had this issue with Sam & Max as well).

Overall, great game with GREAT soundtrack! They just don't do 'em like that anymore, recommended for all fans of point n click to play.

I've been playing through some classic lucasarts point and click games and I think I've enjoyed this the most as the game play changes it self up and the story is so short and sweet

Good game, unfortunately impossible to beat without a guide in several situations, as it often used to be in 90s adventure games.

Kötü oyunun kötü remastered'ı.