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in the past

I think this is the best of the three, but that's still not saying much.

I think out of all the games 3 is the one that most deserves the remake treatment but this is definitely not the way to do it. A lot of the problems with the remaster also apply with this one, loss of atmosphere, lost music, weird-looking character models, and a lot of bugs and glitches. But for once I will say this I liked the new control scheme. I'm gonna be real here GTA 3 has aged really badly, I love how free of choice it has with its missions and its atmosphere is amazing for the first 3D game Rockstar made but its controls are just bad, I'm sorry but they've aged horribly. The Remasters controls are a lot better, they play more like 5 with the lock-on aiming of San Andreas which all and all makes the game a more tolerable experience.

Would I recommend this version of the original UUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM I'm gonna have to say no. It still has the PS2 jank of the original so not all of the new updates for the title feel great, and as far as I know you can't buy these remaster individually so you'd be paying full price for only pretty whatever remaster with two other remasters which are 100% not worth your time or your money.

Not a bad way to replay these games on a modern TV. They're easier, they look more "modern" and they run well enough. Sure from Rockstar it's a painfully shallow port done by an incompetent third party but... they're still grand theft auto and that's still fun regardless.

Hopefully one day these games will be remade how they deserve to be remade, but for now I had no issues replaying all three.

I mean, at it's core it's still GTA 3, which today feels a bit dated. But this is the remaster? It still feels dated? Yes. It does. It's just a HD modpack on the original. The only reason it isn't lower is because it comes with achievements and an updated map, but really there isn't anything it does that a modded original version couldn't do. It still has the original bugs. It's just a cheap re-do.

never played the original back in the day, other than perhaps some fucking around at a friends house. in this day and age, it is more often frustrating and annoying than fun -- not even taking into account the issues with this port/"definitive edition". you just get so fucked by the game and it gets so ridiculous it becomes a really hard game. the driving, spinning around and flipping all over the place. not moving when you aim and shoot. enemies absolutely gang banging you. car blowing up instantly from a shotgun blow. it all adds up. most of the game does not hold up today, and I will not be arsed to do any of the side content after dragging Claude's and my ass to the finish line of the story. but there's still fun to be had. the voice cast is very fun, loved being yelled at by Robert Loggia in the bathroom. a worthwhile play to see where it all started.

Did not expect to enjoy it so much. However, the game has some excruciatingly difficult missions especially because of the lack of checkpoints. The story also has surprising turns. it's hard to believe such a game came from this era of gaming.

A historia é meio bosta mas o jogo é divertido

Um game revolucionário para sua época, mas uma porcaria essa versão de 2021, continua com os mesmos problemas tem até alguns a mais, sem falar na dificuldade artificial que esse jogo tem, zerei a versão original e agora fui inventar de me aventurar na Definitiva, eu pretendo nunca mais jogar essa bomba, foi um inferno zerar esse game

i have no idea why i subjected myself to beat this version. the jank in this one (like the original) always makes for fun & rage inducing experience

Had a decent time, got pretty frusturated with poor mechanics, visual glitches, and frame rate issues. Almost non existent story but good voice acting. Easy to see how influential this game is, would consider playing the original for better experience. Game just does not hold up well, but overall glad I played it

Really liked it, but game design is outdated. Some of the missions just unbeatable if you dont google it and open world transportation is terrible.

Zerei duas vezes (uma curtindo o enredo e outra para platinar) e gostei muito, principalmente porque nunca havia jogado antes em outras plataformas. Acho que pra época que foi desenvolvido ele entrega muitas mecânicas interessantes e o mapa é bem cativante (por ser pequeno você meio que se apega).

A platina foi de nível médio (7/10), porque todos os troféus são fáceis de se obter, exceto o das missões de ambulância... esse ai é o terror, simplesmente o mais dificil que já fiz, contudo a satisfação no fim foi muito boa!

Çıkışından aylar önce sızdırılan, bir kesim tarafından merakla beklenen; bir kesim tarafında da hiçbir beklenti yaratamayan Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition sonunda çıkış yaptı. Ben de oyunun çıkış yapması ile birlikte yeniden düzenlenmiş sürümlerin ilk ayağı olan Grand Theft Auto III – The Definitive Edition'a başladım ve iki gün içerisinde bitirdim. Grand Theft Auto III çıktığı dönemin efsanevi oyunlarından biridir, ayrıca ilk üç boyutlu GTA oyunu olması sebebiyle de modern GTA oyunlarının temeli konumundadır. Bu incelemede değerlendireceğim konu Definitive Edition sürümünün 20 sene sonra GTA III'ün tekrar oynanmasını sağlayabilecek kalitede olup olmadığı olacak. Çünkü GTA III'ün çıktığı senenin en önemli yapımlarından, hatta oyun tarihinin en iyi yapımlarından olmasına karşın bu oyunun devri biteli çok oldu. Artık oyunlarda farklı şeyler arıyoruz. GTA III; oyun dizaynı, mekanikler, grafikler ve açık dünyada sunduğu şeyler bakımından artık fazlasıyla eskidi. Çıktığı dönemde teknik konularda zor işleri başardığından dolayı oyunun hikayeye fazla yoğunlaşamamış olması da oyunun günümüzde yetersiz kalan başka bir tarafı.

Yeniden düzenlenmiş sürüme gelirsek, bu sürüm bize ne sunuyor önce ona bakacağız. Açık konuşmak gerekirse pek de bir şey sunmuyor. Yeniden düzenlenmiş sürüm çıkmadan yaklaşık bir ay önce, iki sürüm arasındaki farkları daha net görebilmek için oyunun normal sürümünü bitirmiştim. Yeniden düzenlenmiş sürümün grafikler dışında orijinal sürümden farklı hissettiren hiçbir şeyin olmadığını rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim. Orijinal sürümde olmayan harita ve navigasyon sistemi eklenmiş, ve artık sağ tıkla nişan alabiliyoruz. Evet yapılan "modernleştirmeler" sadece bunlarla sınırlı. Mekanikler, görev dizaynları, yapay zeka bunların hepsi orijinal sürümde olduğu gibi günümüz standartları için artık oldukça yetersiz kalıyor. Bununla birlikte yeni sürüm orijinal sürümdeki bazı hatalara çözüm getiriyor (çoğuna getiremiyor) ve 60 saniye başına kare desteği de sunuyor, ancak bu sürüm optimizasyon sorunlarını ve yeni hataları da beraberinde getiriyor. Yani nereden tutsak elimizde kalan bir iş var elimizde.

Yeni sürümün hikayeyi ve oynanış olduğu gibi bırakması da oyunu günümüzde çekilemeyecek kadar kötü yapan başka bir etmen. GTA III'ün görev dizaynı ve oynanış mekanikleri günümüz için o kadar yetersiz ki oyunun yarısına gelmeden oyundan bıktım. Zamanında keyifle oynamıştık, ancak o günler geçeli çok oldu. Vuruş hissi, sürüş dinamikleri ve özellikle de yapay zeka o kadar kötü ki bazı yerlerde sabrım taştı gerçekten. Oyunun doğru dürüst bir hikaye sunmaması, ana karakterin konuşamaması ve ara sahnelerin boş diyaloglardan ibaret olması da oyuncuyu oyundan uzaklaştıran bir diğer etmen.

Grand Theft Auto III – The Definitive Edition grafiksel yükseltmeler sağlasa da oyunun çok eski oynanışına kayda değer bir yenilik getirememesi, genel oyun dizaynının oldukça sıkıcı ve tekdüze olması gibi sebeplerin yanı sıra hikaye konusunda oldukça önemsiz hissettirmesi, hikaye anlatımı ile hikaye sunumu olarak da çok başarısız bir yapım olması sebebiyle son zamanlarda oynadığım en sıkıcı oyunlardan biri. Bunların yanında kötü yapay zeka, optimizasyon problemleri ve oyuncunun deneyimini fazlasıyla olumsuz etkileyen birçok hataya da ev sahipliği yapan Grand Theft Auto III – The Definitive Edition, katlanılabilir olmaktan çok uzak bir yapım.

um bom jogo mas datado e aparentemente com os mesmos problemas da versão original que n foram corrigidos na definitive

pontos altos mesmo são a narrativa que é legal e a gameplay(que achei divertida tirando a colisao com os carros e alguns bugs que cogito serem da definitive kkkkk)de resto é datado, o jogo em si é divertido por ser gta cheguei a ter alguns momentos de estresse mas nada que comprometesse a experiencia, pra qm quer conhecer gta desde o começo da era 3d vale a pena

de negativo sao as missoes e a dificuldade injusta do jogo

Boring and extremely frustrating at ALL times. Wasn’t even having fun, only completed it for the franchise binge. No characters I give a damn about and Claude sucks ass.

definitely a game with a lot of bugs, bugs that prevent you from progressing in the campaign, but we can't say anything bad because it's the first 3D game in the GTA franchise, I hope its successors have learned from this game's mistakes

I played it after a few patches so some of more the egregious bugs were fixed but it is still a pretty underwhelming for a remaster dubbed "The Definitive Edition". GTA3 hasn't aged all that great especially compared to its two sequels but there still is some decent fun to be had. The missions can be pretty basic but there's a bit more freedom in how you approach them which is something that has been completely forgotten in modern Rockstar games. The remaster doesn't add much; it looks a bit better and you can free aim which doesn't feel great. It's not worth buying again if you already own the game on modern hardware.

Let's get the elephant out of the room here first, regarding the re-release. I did play the Definitive Edition version of GTA III, and in fact played it shortly after playing the first handful of hours of the original on PS2 (granted, I did wait a bit for a few things to get patched out). I personally believe this IS the best way to experience this game, although it still has its issues which I'll talk about in a bit. But for a basis for the open-world sandbox genre, the QoL improvements made in this re-release are incredibly welcoming, making GTA III much more tolerable to play now. Driving feels good on the triggers, the weapon wheel is super convenient, mission restarts aren't as annoying, and the GPS system added to the map makes driving to waypoints SO MUCH easier. I can agree with others about the new character models not looking too hot, but I personally don't mind it. This is pretty much an "overpriced" remaster of a PS2 game, and the only bugs I really ran into here were framerate hitches.

Onto the game itself. Grand Theft Auto III, the action game that pioneered open-world sandbox. Now that I was able to finally make my way through the main story, I can say... this definitely shows its age.
I play retro games all the time, so I'm tolerable to more primitive designs. As a whole open-world experience, GTA III is pretty unique. Being able to steal any vehicle you find and travel across a map consisting of three sections is a technical feat for the time, which I think is cool. But although the design of Liberty City is pretty to look at for some moments, the rest of the world feels very empty. Even through the radio stations you listen to while driving, there's a shocking lack of variety when it comes to music tracks and talk show topics. It's a shame this is the case because I found myself easily learning the surroundings around me, so repetitiveness in exploration kinda exhausted me a bit. Thankfully, the objectives and challenges thrown onto the player through the various missions are fun and unique; anything from shooting down a plane to running over a man with an armored cast. It's enjoyable.
The story of the game is just fine. Mafia stories are pretty hit-or-miss for me, and GTA III combines a bunch of different kinds of gangs into a single wild war, namely between the mafia, yakuza, and drug cartels. It's difficult to convey it as a revenge story though, since the characters who betray you at the beginning only really show up again towards the end, so you're pretty much watching your silent protagonist gain a reputation with the gangs around Liberty City. Some of the characters are entertaining though (my personal favorite being Asuka), with certain dialogue being quite raunchy. Nothing really rememberable aside from the actual actions performed within the missions.

Grand Theft Auto III is good, but it's tough to recommend returning to today. The Definitive Edition adds some nice improvements to help you if you really have a desire to see things through, but the story and sandbox aren't anything to run home about. Consider this as a historical piece; one that attempted the impossible to evolve a genre. I have high hopes that the sequels improve upon this design.

After playing the original and 100%ing that - I decided to pick up the Definitive Edition version of the game and despite all the negative reviews, I thought it was okay - Even though hardly anything has improved and textures are all over the place, I still had just as much fun this time than I did the previous time. Classic game, absolutely love it. Recommend to anyone that likes to collect things and 100% to play this game.

Very laughable AI, player models and overall a pretty poor remaster.
In saying that did give me nostalgia and is still fun to play

Definitely one of the GTA games ever made.

Not the Definitive edition in any way. Removed songs, more bugs, runs like shit at times no matter how powerful your rig. I don't care how good or bad a remake/remaster is, you should always allow the original version to be bought still. Delisting is a crime.

Claude Speed: Jogo muito bom.

Principalmente para a epoca em que foi lancado. Traz 3 ilhas para jogar em seu mundo aberto revolucionario para a epoca e com uma boa trilha sonora.
A jogabilidade de mira das armas e dos veiculos sao um pouco datadas. A fisica do jogo esta estranha nessa versao definitiva. O maior ponto negativo desse jogo esta em seu level desing com missoes mal projetadas, dificies de uma forma ruim e com uma fixacao de por pouco tempo para concluir as missoes. e serio tem muita missao com tempo, parece que estou fazendo speedrun de tao rapido que eu tenho que ser nas missoes com tempo.
VEREDITO: Apesar de ser o Gta mais datado da era 3d continua a ser um jogo muito bom hj em dia, com uma historia simples, boa e que funciona. Se voce nunca jogou esse Gta eu recomendo, so fique ciente que ele e datado e nao vai ser igual ao Gta 5 ou um Red Dead 2 da vida, mais ainda sim revolucionario para sua epoca.

Claude é literalmente eu (JOGO BUGADO DO CARAI)

driving SUCKEDDD but this was cool, kinda liked how small the map was cuz then I got used to where things were

Pior gta que já joguei.

Missões sem nenhuma instrução
Historia media
Personagens não marcantes
O jogo parece que esta 2x
Final não marcante
Personagem principal sem graça
Só algumas missões são boas a maioria e só enchesão de linguiça
Muitos personagens sem desfeito
Grande parte das missões precisei de guia
Personagem leva um dano desproporcional
Sistema de armas péssimo

Sobre o remastered e a mesma coisa dos outros 2 um trabalho meia boca que so parece um mod gráfico, nesse pelo menos deixaram o Claude mais bonito

Infelizmente esse gta envelheceu muita mal, mas pra época com certeza foi um jogo inovador.

jogo muito caro para poucas mudanças do original, porém, essa versão ajudou o game que precisava de um upgrade no gráfico, comecei o jogo em 2021 e com os diversos bugs que tinha no lançamento abandonei o game e retornei no final de 2023 para concluir-lo.

5/10 Rating. There was very few things I liked about this game, I understand that it is quite an old game so it'll be outdated in some aspects, but then again, this game was extremely frustrating and is definitely the hardest game I've ever played so far. It was extremely challenging to beat and I am only satisfied to have had completed the game, it was rarely enjoyable.

Görseller bazen çok iyi, bazen berbat, kontroller çağ dışı, ne doğru düzgün bir yenilik var ne de başka bir şey ama GTA 3'ü diğer oyunlara nazaran daha çok sevdiğim için katlandım, yoksa öyle pek olayı yok.

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