Reviews from

in the past

Binge played this pulling an all nighter, it's goofy fun but can get very frustrating without the use of cheats, idk how people played the original version without using any cheats, I couldn't be that patient for this game. Also there's a lot of mission breaking bugs in the game and Grove Street Games haven't touched the base game let alone fix it, it's basically just adding glowing textures, they haven't fixed any of the bugs issues from the og games, instead gave us even more bugs/glitches to deal with. The least they could've done is give us proper checkpoints/auto save feature, even that is half assed as there's only a checkpoint when u begin a mission not throughout the mission, while that can be excused most of the time since the missions don't take that long, but there are some annoying missions that would've felt a lot better if there was a checkpoint. Using cheats is fun, running down pedestrians in the 3d trilogy is far more fun, goofier and therapeutic than GTA V or GTA IV, the sound effects of their bodies getting squished is really satisfying and nostalgic for some reason and another goofy factor to this is the civilians keep running into your vehicle to die even if you don't intend to crash onto them. Overall I don't think many would have the patience to enjoy this one, it's still fun and is the starting point of whatever gta is rn but it's extremely dated and story is bland as well, don't expect something like 4 or SA.

There were a few bugs I came across during my play through (nothing serious) but not many.

GTA III was the first gta I ever played back when I was a kid (def should have played this game lol) but to me it was amazing. It was the first real open world game I ever played and probably one of the more Mature games too besides Conkers Bad Fur Day on the N64. So replaying this game after so many years was def a nostalgia trip, but dam was this one a bit harder for me than Vice City and San Andreas. It has a decent story but it nothing to strong especially because the main character Claude is a silent protagonist. It's pretty much a revenge story but Claude gets mixed up in different criminal organization on his way to getting his revenge.

The game play has been a bit revamped just like the rest of the trilogy which def made the game more fun to play ( I don't know how I was able to play this game back in the day with the auto lock targeting). The music and graphics are good in this game and Liberty City is always a pleasure to explore and traverse.

The definitive edition is still horrible, but I gave this version a half star more, cuz it's more beginner-friendly (with the map and the navigation, some missions will get MUCH easier).

Görev dizaynı ve hikaye açısından tam bir facia, sürekli birinin getirini götürünü yapmaktan öteye gitmiyor 48 görev boyunca. Son 2 görevde bir anda saçma sapan bir şekilde sanki çok önemliymiş gibi bir intikam hikayesi giriyor ve öyle de bitiyor oyun. Yapay zekalar tam bir gerizekalı. Yayalar sürekli önünüze atlıyor, araç kullananlar ise daha beter resmen size çarpmak için önünüze kırıyor sinir krizi geçirtti bütün oyun boyunca. Silah kullanımı da aşırı keyifsiz berbat mekanikleri var. Ayrıca definitive edition'a da değinmem lazım, bu grafikler nedir kardeşim? Tamam kontrolleri minimapi vs. düzeltmişsiniz bunlar orijinal oyunda olan problemlerdi de karakterleri neden bozdunuz anasını satayım? Fortnite karakterleri gibi duruyor hepsi özellikle de Asuka'nın tipi nedir öyle ya? Bok gibi bir oyun kısacası emeği geçenlerin amk.

An entertaining, crime-fueled adventure through a buggy and glitchy wonderland.

Definitely one of the GTA games ever made.

Nunca tinha jogado, peguei a versão definitiva pra jogar todos. Gostei bastante desse primeiro, só estranhei a questão das missões serem bem repetitivas, mas no geral achei bem legalzinho :)

i have no idea why i subjected myself to beat this version. the jank in this one (like the original) always makes for fun & rage inducing experience

Thankfully I was fashionably late to the GTA Definitive Edition party as by the time I played, most of the graphical issues had been ironed out.

The updated lighting effects, resolution and texture pack updates make the game look incredible. I’ve said it before, I love the nostalgic look of games that aren’t jam packed with loads of different elements like set dressing. Just wide-open blocky spaces. A lot of the upscaled textures look amazing but there are still some as of August 2023 which have been missed out and are either warped or have noticeable AI artifacting. I did however set the game’s graphics mode to ‘Performance’ over ‘Fidelity’ to get that sweet, sweet 60fps so I didn't witness the maximum lighting effects for long. Let me tell you, it felt weird and alien-like to be playing GTA III at 60fps, just not something my brain was used to.

Grove Street have done a fantastic job to update the visuals and a few odd gameplay mechanics to bring the game closer to modern day’s standards without affecting the game too much. There are a lot of features we take for granted in the newer GTA instalments that are noticeably absent in this game such as: swimming, jumping out cars while moving, shooting people driving cars from outside, a stamina bar/stamina that lasts longer than 1 second and reasonable car physics. I failed many missions over and over due to mental AI or me landing in water and drowning right away. This was very frustrating. There are checkpoints at the start of each mission which you can take advantage of but can be frustrating in longer missions. On that subject, I do love how the missions are very varied and never get repetitive. I did give up with the side-missions though as each side mission will take you into enemy gang territory and you and your vehicle don’t last long at all.

I struggled to really follow the storyline and I put that down to the non-linear aspect of being able to go to whatever main mission next out of order and the fact the game features a silent protagonist ‘Claude’ means that character interactions are very limited. What doesn’t help is there being no on-screen objectives for the current mission you are on, meaning you need to go into the pause menu then read the chat log to try and piece together what you are doing and why.

I only played the main story missions this time around as I’d like to get on with the other two games. This is a fantastic way to play the original GTA III for younger audiences that never got to play the original version on the PS2/Xbox. They may struggle with its age but that’s just how it is. 3 Stars may be considered low for such a classic game but even at its release, it was never a heavy hitter for me due to how lacking the game felt.

never played the original back in the day, other than perhaps some fucking around at a friends house. in this day and age, it is more often frustrating and annoying than fun -- not even taking into account the issues with this port/"definitive edition". you just get so fucked by the game and it gets so ridiculous it becomes a really hard game. the driving, spinning around and flipping all over the place. not moving when you aim and shoot. enemies absolutely gang banging you. car blowing up instantly from a shotgun blow. it all adds up. most of the game does not hold up today, and I will not be arsed to do any of the side content after dragging Claude's and my ass to the finish line of the story. but there's still fun to be had. the voice cast is very fun, loved being yelled at by Robert Loggia in the bathroom. a worthwhile play to see where it all started.

Completed: Oct 6th 2023
Playtime: 12 Hours
Platform: PlayStation 5

Not too much to say. Game was fun, though its rather outdated in a bunch of different ways in. Some mechanics are innovative and cool. Whilst others made me want to pull my hair out. Examples being, the fact that your car explodes if its outside down. You can't flip it without momentum. Shooting in cars in a absolute pain. But driving most cars is incredibly fun.

After playing the original and 100%ing that - I decided to pick up the Definitive Edition version of the game and despite all the negative reviews, I thought it was okay - Even though hardly anything has improved and textures are all over the place, I still had just as much fun this time than I did the previous time. Classic game, absolutely love it. Recommend to anyone that likes to collect things and 100% to play this game.

Pior decisão possível foi eles terem decidido que o Claude não ia ter voz. Caralho, o Claude não reagir a nada que acontece no jogo deixa a história, que já é fraca, mais desinteressante ainda. A moeda do jogo também é horrível. Você ganha dinheiro pra cacete, mas não tem o que gastar. As missões não posso criticar porque da pra ver que ali era plantada a semente do que ia vir no futuro da franquia. Dito tudo isso, é legal ver que esse jogo foi um quebrador de paradigmas no mundo dos games, revolucionando jogos de mundo aberto dali pra frente.

divertido? divertido
datado? datado
bugado? bugado

A decent time but can be very frustrating. Some issues I had were in regards to the Remaster and others were issues that carried over from the original game, which it is more difficult to be hard on as it is a classic that changed gaming forever for the better.

Graphics weren't too bad. With quality of life improvements it feels like they did the bare minimum. For example: adding checkpoints when you die in a mission, but there are no mid-mission checkpoints. For the most part this wasn't too bad, it was only an annoyance for me in later missions that were longer and more frustrating. At least there are checkpoints at all. I remember dropping the original game on PC as soon as I stopped having fun with repeating missions I was failing (I know I know - skill issue).

The radio stations have also lost 21 tracks that were in the Xbox version. Towards the end I got so sick of hearing the same songs over and over that I would just drive with the radio turned off.

One thing from the classic that really bothered me as well was the hostile gangs. I don't want to say too much for spoiler reasons but if you know you know. Racing missions became near impossible for me if I attempted them after certain story missions. Some very poor gameplay decisions were made there by the original Rockstar team.

Towards the end I chose to use a walkthrough for one of the final missions where you have to drive around all 3 islands destroying certain objectives that don't appear on your minimap until you get really close (I really feel for the classic players that didn't have the minimap at all). I wish I didn't have to but after failing it once I already couldn't be bothered repeating it more than once.

Overall it's a classic game worth playing and experiencing but I believe it is not worth finishing.

The first game of the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition collection, this is unfortunately the worst of the three remasters. It suffers from the same terrible graphical "advancements" as the rest of the trilogy, but it lacks the setting of Vice City or the gameplay of San Andreas to help you power through this version of III. Don't get me wrong, I love Grand Theft Auto III, but if I'm going to be playing these remasters, I'd prefer to play one of the other two games.

It's fun if you never played the original, but if you absolutely have to play the remasters, you're probably better off skipping this one for the sequels.

This takes everything GTA 3 ever stood for, spit on it, put it in a Starbucks Coffee, and then threw it into the ocean right next to the residual wastes. There's not a single element about this game that's well done, or not bugged. Minimap? Wrong. Can't even do a proper minimap. Missions? Bugged. All of them. AI doesn't even know how to do shit. Models? Look like absolute dogshit. Subtitles? THEY DON'T EVEN MATCH WHAT THEY SAY. Songs? Pretty sure they removed a ton of them (haven't confirmed, don't want to neither, it'd only add to my depression). Adding any new necessary mechanic like aiming grenades? Running faster? Nah, here's a weapon wheel we re-use from GTA 5 because we're lazy as shit and don't want to work.

This isn't the worst game i've ever played solely because it AT LEAST offers what used to be a real game to people who can't access it, but as someone who already played GTA 3 and wanted to replay all of its missions and see the story again: it fails. miserably. horribly. it's not even funny. it's just pathetic.

If i said what i want to say about these devs i'll get my review deleted, so all i'll say is: They should all be fired and never allowed to work in any piece of art ever again.

Waste of time. Waste of space. Waste of money (if you bought it...for some reason). It's been a long time since i'm this mad at something.

Go play the original. You're welcome.

i’m sure this was cool ash 20 years ago. but so were jinko jeans and people aren’t wearing those

A historia é meio bosta mas o jogo é divertido

Um game revolucionário para sua época, mas uma porcaria essa versão de 2021, continua com os mesmos problemas tem até alguns a mais, sem falar na dificuldade artificial que esse jogo tem, zerei a versão original e agora fui inventar de me aventurar na Definitiva, eu pretendo nunca mais jogar essa bomba, foi um inferno zerar esse game

Not the Definitive edition in any way. Removed songs, more bugs, runs like shit at times no matter how powerful your rig. I don't care how good or bad a remake/remaster is, you should always allow the original version to be bought still. Delisting is a crime.

Since I've done a San Andreas and Vice City review I'd complete the trilogy. GTA 3 ranks the lowest GTA game I've played BUT that don't mean I don't think it's an absolute banger of a game. For a game that came out in 2001 it revolutionized the gaming industry while also being a diamond among new games. The story was great but had some low points, the main character not speaking may be a put off but his facial expression was enough and I believe the main character is the only cold blooded psychopath in the GTA series

I think there are some good things to this game. It makes sense how it basically kick-started open-world games. But good god is nothing in this game fun except driving. Driving is cool. I enjoy driving in this game. But the shooting is so god awful, I got to one mission and just decided I was done.

The problem is that this game wants to be a cover-based shooter before cover-based shooters were a thing. Like you take damage so rapidly that you'll just die and die and die, and there is no quick way to recover.

It just robs the game of any fun it could have had. If you had the ability to buy health recoveries, it might have been better, but as it is, dying happens way too quickly, and without any real checkpoint system, the game just feels outdated.

They could have made this better with the "Definitive Edition" but nah, this is a dated game that just hasn't aged well.

Very laughable AI, player models and overall a pretty poor remaster.
In saying that did give me nostalgia and is still fun to play

Sim, eu sei bem a quantidade de críticas que esse jogo teve, sei q pra um Remaster de 3 dos melhores jogos da Rockstar Games esse Remaster foi uma merda, o remaster tinha mais bugs que o original, bugs de textura, os modelos dos personagens que, tirando o Claude, achei todos muito horríveis, o preço super abusivo de 320 reais pra 3 remasters porcos de +20 anos atrás. Mas eu gostei, eu adorei, eu AMEI o jogo, deixando claro que eu não joguei o original, e eu sei q tirando os gráficos o jogo é praticamente a mesma bosta, mas eu gostei. Gostei de me irritar INÚMERAS VEZES fazendo a missão de paramédico, ou com o ódio PROFUNDO, q eu tenho com as Gangues desse jogo, PRINCIPALMENTE A MÁFIA, COM AQUELA ESCOPETA DESGRAÇADA QUE PARECE MAIS UM RPG, QUE EXPLODE SEU CARRO EM 5 SEGUNDOS COM 2 TIROS APENAS. Mas eu gostei sim, eu gostei, e gostei muito dos gráficos tbm, achei bem convidativos e até q bonitinhos, claro q o jogo podia ser melhorado e MUITO. Mas eu ainda gostei da minha experiência.

Did not expect to enjoy it so much. However, the game has some excruciatingly difficult missions especially because of the lack of checkpoints. The story also has surprising turns. it's hard to believe such a game came from this era of gaming.

The game its self did not age well

! Bu inceleme orjinal halinden bağımsızdır ! Orjinal halini oynamadım GTA 3'ün. Ama iyi ki de oynamadım. Abi ne sinir bozucu bir oyundur. Aşırı kötü görevler. İçine giremediğin ne olduğunu anlamadığın bir hikaye. Salak saçma yapay zeka. Annelerini katlettiğim pompalıya sahip ve 2 vuruşta her arabayı patlatan takım elbiseli şerefsiz moblar. Hiçbir özel yanı yok bu oyunun. GTA oynayayım diyerek girmek dışında girilmeye değmeyecek seviyede bir oyun. Zaten salak saçma bir kayıt sistemi de var. Taaa anasının şeysisine gidiyorsun görevler için. 1 milyon doların oluyor harcayabileceğin max şey 10-15k'lık silahlar. Üstüne arada bir olan buglar ki bunlar da öyle minik buglar değil , görev kırıyor direk. Gidiyorsun en baştan başlıyorsun. Öyle yani. Bence GTA serisine girmek ve ilk oyundan başlayayım şeklinde bir fikriniz yoksa oynamayın abi. Daha diğerlerini oynamadım ama gidin Vice City ve San Andreas oynayın kesin daha oynanasıdır. Fikrim bu kadar çok önermiyorum.