Reviews from

in the past

I made a commitment to myself when I started this Backlogg'd that I would only log games that I played since starting the Backlogg'd, even if only for a little. Well, I noticed I had this beloved game o' mine on Steam this morning and fired it up and fired my brain back to middle school. Goodness gracious how much I loved this game.

I played so much of 2 when I was even younger (and calling the Rogue units "roo-zuh" (like the makeup) and my eyes popped out of my sockets when I got 3.

It's more or less everything I ever want from a video game. It feels like a comfy blanket, it feels like home, it feels like peanut M&Ms. The GOAT, plain and simple.

I am Necropolis. Perfect game only meant for the greatest strategic minds. If you haven't studied the art of combat like I have, spamming upgraded Liches with the Cloak of the Undead King, then you stand no chance. I remember long nights with my older brother, pulling all nighters and playing this game for 16 hours straight or some shit. This shit doesn't get old. The soundtrack is amazing and the art design is still amazing (genuinely up there with SotN in terms of how good it looks). I love this game with all my jellies.

played it since i was five years of age, still coming back to it pretty frequently. the depth of the gameplay is amazing and it just doesnt get boring. and theres so many scenarios and campaigns too, i havent completed them all (edit: after 13 years i in fact have completed them all). i guess it can be rough at start but once you get into it you will realise why every respectable polish or russian household owns this game.

This is probably my favorite turn based strategy game of all time. It may not be the best game, but it has its charm, and i played it a lot on my old PC.
Fun game with interesting and hilarious tactics, the music is nice and the graphics aged well for its style.
It's an all time PC classic and its very cheap, try it, i can confidently say it still holds up pretty well even to this day.

The GOAT of strategy games.
It does not get old.
Nostalgia is a hell of a thing.

Hotseat is definitely the best way to experience multiplayer games, this is a fact that cannot be disproven. In more popular, primitive outings a player is limited to using their voice, or more appallingly, written words (yep it's true, look it up). Not being cavemen, however, many people have realized the great benefits that the sense of touch provides to competitive vidya gems. What does a person do after seeing thousands of skeletons stacked at their city gates? Resort to petty deceivery? Beg? Accept defeat? They make full use of their mouths of course, for this is how heroes are made - not through reckless acts of tomfoolery but pragmatism and adaptability (homies using teeth are forced to play inferno next round though, I don't make the rules).

As good as turn based strategy on the pc ever got.

Amazing game, still playable after all these years. Used to play it so much as a kid.

This thing here was my childhood for over a decade, learned every nook and cranny of it as time went on.

this game rocks and is basically the ideal for what a videogame should aspire to be. any possible issues you might run into playing it vanilla (like resolution problems or cruddy UI) can be fixed w/ the HoMM3 HD patch. you have no excuse. play this damn thing

Played this on PC, then the android version. Hands down the best Heroes of Might and Magic game.

A fantasy world has never felt more magical on a 'puter than right here.


I don't even like turn-based strategy games and I still somehow love this to death. It has a ton of cool factions with different units and cities for each that are beautifully presented, and is just a ton of fun. The music is great, too.

Definitely get it on GOG though, the "HD" version lacks a stupid amount of content and the original visuals still hold up today just fine, still wondering why they even bothered.

Greatest turn based strategy RPG of all time. Time played is in the hundreds if not thousands of hours. HOMM 2 was great, then they improved on everything from that game to create a perfect masterpiece.

Спустя более 15 лет это по-прежнему одна из моих любимых игр на ПК. Я играл в HoMM2 и III и пробовал некоторые из более новых, но ни один из новых не приблизился к 2/3. Это игра, в которой сияют мелкие детали, такие как музыка, звуковые эффекты, интересные карты, артефакты, существа и т. д. В ней есть некоторые ошибки, как и в любой игре, но многие из них были исправлены с помощью патчей сообщества. Также есть много модов, доступных онлайн, так как игра устарела, и некоторые моды все еще разрабатываются (поищите Wake of Gods, Horn of the Abyss).

Одно из моих самых больших желаний, когда дело доходит до игр и игровой индустрии, чтобы издатели поняли, что этот тип игр — это долговечная жемчужина, а не торопливая причудливая графика с небольшими затратами времени на сюжет и общую атмосферу. Я бы предпочел эту игру любой другой (кроме, может быть, HoMM2) серии — в любой день! Хорошие времена, когда я играл с друзьями перед школой, потом мы не ходили в школу (знаю, непослушные!!), а потом играли допоздна, потягивая кофе и поедая пиццу, печенье... О, воспоминания! :D И знаете что? Я все еще довольно часто запускаю игру и играю в нее либо в одиночку, либо против ИИ. или попросите друзей сыграть со мной в быструю карту. А мне 31.

Мир. Подберите его на, без DRM!

Eu joguei diversas campanhas em co-op revezando um PC com o meu irmão, ele nunca conseguiu chegar perto de ganhar em nenhuma delas, mesmo sendo 6 anos mais velho. Fora o fator nostalgia, tudo nesse jogo possui uma sinergia única, criando uma experiência de gerenciamento e combate por turnos majestosa. Valeu cada minuto que eu deixei de dormir a noite para jogar.

This game is so good it has spawned a whole genre of spiritual successors.

It's just a really fun mix of exploration, strategy and power fantasy with a bunch of unique factions. Strongly recommend this piece of history that aged like fine wine.

never even started the campaign still love the game

Eu literalmente aprendi inglês jogando esse jogo com meu pai, mó nostalgia menô

This is the best game of all times

It's a classic for sure, but I never quite catch on the phenomenon

99999 Power Liches of Necropolis

my father showed me this game, I loved it as a child and Ill continue to love it

On my knees praying to every single known entity for someone to make a new homm3 game