Reviews from

in the past

The dirtiest game of the 2000s. A stumbling, janky and unpolished mess that had some outstanding ideas that barely show in its design. However, there's a certain charm and humor to its flaws that only highlights how ambitious this project must have been. It's cute, but not good.

Codename 47 is the very first game of the Hitman series that I like a lot but it certainly is a rough entry to it as much as I appreciate it's contributions to the later Hitman games and the gaming as a whole (maybe, with it's ragdoll physics).

The reason I'm calling it a rough entry is entirely due to the execution of it's gameplay mechanics. This game was by far one of the jankiest games I've ever played. The AI is an inconsistent piece of shit. You can do same thing exactly the same way in a level and somehow get through it without any problems while starting to get shot on the other and have no idea why that happened. I was so shocked each time this happened that I was wondering if the AI was sentient or not. Sometimes the AI feels clueless about anything that happens around them and sometimes they have either eyes behind them or they see something bad happening outside the very low rendering distance you have which can lead to very frustrating situations.

The combat doesn't work well due to the fact that for some reason Agent 47 in this game has the aiming capabilities of a stormtrooper even though he is the perfect assassin. The reticle is not at all an indication of where you are going to shoot becuase even if you're only 2 meters away from your target your bullet can completely miss your target which makes it more viable to either spam with your pistol or just use high fire-rate guns and hope your target dies. You could avoid combat like in the later games but I personally dont see it happening with the forementioned AI problems and level design on some of the missions.

Speaking of level design, indoor missions in this game can feel like a maze with how samey rooms and halls look like and outdoor missions are so big and empty that you can easily get lost due to low render distance. I will talk about some of the levels that I want to particularly talk about later.

All of these would still make the game very playable but there is one last problem that amplifies the problems above, there isn't a save system. Lack of a save system means you could progress far in a complex, long or a big level but one bullshit with the weird AI might mean it's all moot, you are restarting the level. I don't know if this actually true but I've heard the playtesters of this game managed to beat the game very quickly with save files so that's why the devs removed it which seems insane to me because I absolutely don't see how you can beat this game quickly without actually knowing what to do since the game doesn't hold your hand at all but at the same time I find it equally baffling how the devs decide to not add save files otherwise.

All of these complaints are the reason I actually dropped this game midway through the first time then finished it after playing all other Hitman games but the non-gameplay stuff is actually nice. In the current gaming climate where there are way too many remakes and remasters which I hate a lot, Codename 47 is the only game that I would like the see a remake of (Contracts levels don't count) due to these non-gameplay stuff actually being very promising. Most coherent plot of the franchise, Ort-Meyer is the best villain this series has to offer (Both points don't actually seem that impressive when you think about it) and I would like to see it more expanded in a potential remake. Missions have good premises which isn't executed this well with the level design but I think IOI can do them justice if they don't make it outright worse like some of the Contracts remakes. Jesper Kyd's music is as good as always. And that's it I think.

Now let's talk about the missions that I feel like there are things worth to talk about:

The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant: 4th overall mission of the game, this was actually the mission I dropped the game first time I played because it's the first mission the very perceptive civilians outright failing the level impacts you. After actually finishing it, I think it's a neat mission. It's on the more creative sides of the missions in Codename 47 and it has the most iconic line of the franchise.

The Lee Hong Assassination: 5th overall mission and the last of the Hong Kong missions, probably the most complex mission of Codename 47 but also one of my two favorite missions in it. You'd think with how long the mission actually is, no save system would take a lot from it due to janky gameplay mechanics but the mission actually flows very well. Everything leads to each other with the information you can get from NPCs. Also I felt like the AI in this mission isn't that problematic.

Find the Uwa Tribe: First Colombian mission, this is the worst mission in the game if you don't consider the gameplay. Racial insensivities aside the level itself is a gigantic empty jungle you can easily get lost and the level itself is mostly just running around it for 15 minutes. Thankfully the game has a compass you can buy so you don't have to check the map every 5 seconds.

Say Hello to My Little Friend: Final Colombian mission where you kill a discount Al Pacino is a big offender of the gameplay jank I talked about before. The first baffling thing about this level is the gigantic walk you have to do get inside the big campsite because for some reason the devs decided it was a good idea to spawn you on the other side of the entrance of it. On top of that this mission is the biggest offender of the inconsistent AI (especially around the lab) so have fun taking the walk of shame when the game feels like it.

Traditions of the Trade: My other favorite mission of the game takes place in a Hungarian hotel. Once again the mission is once again good at giving information via NPCs and also the level itself is the most non-linear mission Codename 47 has to offer which I think is the reason why I feel like you could put this mission as is on any of the future pre-Absolution games and you wouldn't bat an eye.

Plutonium Runs Loose: Now the real worst mission of the game, 11th overall mission and the final mission of Rotterdam. I think most players who played this game will also tell you how awful and frustrating this mission is. Much like Say Hello to My Little Friend, this mission also suffers from the inconsistent AI and the huge walking and waiting times it has. On top of that the level forces you into combat with how it's designed and the non-combat stuff you need to do on the level is much riskier which leads you into much more failures in this huge level in a game with no save system. Seriously, fuck this level.

Meet Your Brother: Final mission of the game is a combat level, which the Hitman series actually really likes to do a lot in their final missions even in the future games. As much as the concept of this one goes I think it's one of the better final missions of the series. The real problem with this level is that the combat mechanics of the game forces you to just wait in a corner and kill your targets one by one which takes a long and mundane time. The two (!!) instant kill mechanics you can be hit by after you do that is downright evil.

As much as how frustrating this game can get I think I'd still recommend it to a Hitman fan that wants to play pre-WoA/Absolution/Blood Money Hitman games and at least try it out. I personally didn't have the patience to finish it the first time around and moved onto 2: Silent Assassin instead which I think is also fine to do.

Aged horribly. Play through it with god mode on for the funky soundtrack and story.

Preliminary definition: There is no video game that has ever been made that feels as successful as shooting in this game that tries to keep us from shooting.

In some ways it's still a good game. For example, the atmosphere, music, and story are still interesting. However, there are many bugs in the game and its artificial intelligence is very inadequate compared to other Hitman games. Codename 47 is actually the least stealth-oriented game in the main Hitman series (I'm talking about the series up to World of Assassination). This makes it different and attractive in a sense. Although the game has been completely transformed into a stealth game with Contracts, Codename 47's unique magic still continues. It is not a production that I can particularly recommend, but it still maintains its title of being a special production, as there is almost no other game that combines mafia and tension themes with action and stealth.

Codename 47 is still a very strong game, especially in terms of the feeling of being 47. You can enjoy the Hitman series even today. I've read negative comments about the controls, but I don't really agree. I think the difficult and cumbersome controls added a different sense of realism to the game. So, instead of changing the weapon with a single button, it felt cool to select it from the list and take it out of our pocket, and to throw it on the ground after finishing the magazine of the big gun instead of reloading it. I have no complaints regarding the basic gameplay. The part where the game is lacking or inadequate is that it does not leave the player with many options and the maps feel very empty. I wandered around the map for dozens of minutes just out of curiosity. This was of course a problem with most games of that period, but it seems a bit boring today. Other than these, I don't think the game has any major problems.

Man, I love Hitman. I've always been a fan of the Hitman series since I first played them who the hell knows when as a teenager when I first picked up Blood Money. The experience was clunky, a bit confusing, and obtuse as hell in many ways, but goddamn was that some of the most fun I ever had. Years went by and until I really grew up I didn't visit the series in full but now that I have, lemmie tell you, this first one is skung as shit. Hitman Codename 47 is a jank ass experience that often feels incredibly stilted, obtuse, and downright wild in so many aspects of its core gameplay design. Yet all the same, much like Blood Money and every title after it, the world it sets up and the sandbox it puts you in are amazing right from the get go. So many sets in it are actually incredibly impressive for the time and even today look pretty good. The amount of ways to kill people is not nearly as diverse as later titles sure, but the experience is also a fundamental building block the series would go on to use. The story is, well, it exists and is fine but also it's goofy as absolute shit, which I like, so I'm a bit biased here. Overall I still highly recommend smoking it today, there's a lot of heart on display here.

se desse eu daria 0 estrelas esse jogo é um lixo completo pau no cu dessa merda vai tomar no cu, foi tao insuportavel jogar uma das missoes por ser tao quebrada que me obrigou a usar codigos pra passar dela, fora isso é um bom jogo

Basically a tech demo of what the series would become. Decent early start, but with the game's engine not being fleshed out to extent that is needed, levels devolve into forcing you to kill anyone who you come across, therefore not separating itself from any other game of it's time. Too many awful levels too but thankfully the good ones would be recreated in Contracts.

Would only recommend if you are fan of the series or looking for a game which resembles any level of stealth.

Only shelving because it's been so long since I last touched it that I'd need to just start a new game just to get back into the swing of the mechanics. Some really interesting ideas, but, if you're coming to it for the first time 20+ years since its release, I think it's essential to install the draw distance mod and import a config file that makes the game feel/play more akin to contemporary PC games.

I wish I could play this, but no matter what I try or do fix-wise for this game, something always breaks and leaves the game unplayable. It is old EuroJank, but this is one of the only ways to play the game as it never left the PC market. Maybe the version works better, those tend to have fixes for old games. Just don't buy this on Steam.

I really like CheeseGX's video review of this game. In his video he called the game a dirty euro jank mess that did some incredibly advanced things but failed at some of the most basic things.

Honestly, I enjoyed this game. Even though I've lost count of number of times I've died. The levels have a learning curve where you can't do it in one go and you have to learn enemy behavior a few times before completing each level. This game is hard and trying to understand the mechanics takes a bit of time.

The atmosphere of the game is top notch, my version of the game had a problem where the sound effects were too loud and were drowning out the music, make sure to check the volume levels in the settings to hear the amazing atmospheric soundtrack.

The game has a pretty decent story as well, I think this is the only hitman game which has a bit of sci fi mixed into the story.

Overall, I think it's only worth playing if you are a fan of the series and please play the game by watching tutorials, so you won't waste your hours on the levels like I did.

kendimi öldürmek istememe sebep olan ama inatla oynadığım o oyun. yeni cihazlarda sıklıkla hata veriyor ki bu save sistemi hiçbir şekilde olmayan bir oyun için ölüm kalım meselesi gibi bir şey. görevler süper diyemem bazıları çok basit bazıları zor ki save de alamayınca bazen sadece kapıdan geçmek için kırk saat beklemek gibi bir şeyi 23653 defa yapman gerekebiliyor öyle olunca sıkıyor. ama ilk hitman oyununun tecrübesini edinmek için sabırla sonuna kadar oynadım. 47'nin üstsüz fan servisi de ayrıca söylenmeli çünkü bir efsane.

For the start of such a good series, this game is almost unfathomably bad. The controls in particular are really janky and you can easily get stuck behind things because you can't reverse, but the mechanics aren't great either.

top speedrun : 38 mins

Juego sumamente experimental, que no por ello signifique automaticamente bueno.

Tosco, poco interesante, y extremadamente poco equilibrado y la falta de consistencia, causan que el juego realmente no se sienta como un simulador de sicaro, y más como cuanto puedo durar hasta que me vuelvan un queso suizo.

Eso si, las misiones que pronto formarían el gimmick y la identidad de la franquicia son oro puro, pero fácilmente se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano.

I tried to give this game a shot since I'm interested in playing through the entire Hitman series, but after about an hour or so of playing, I felt no emotions other than frustration and confusion. The controls were baffling, the gameplay was painful, and the overall archaic feel to everything was so mind-numbing. I ultimately just decided that it wasn't worth it, I'll just go on over to the next game in the series instead.

There's one review for this game on steam that said the only reason one should play this game is for a burst of nostalgia, and I completely agree. Maybe if I played this as a kid I might love playing it now, but trying to play it without any prior history is basically impossible.

Hopefully I'll like the next entry in the series way more.

Absolutely skip to the sequels unless you are a diehard Hitman fan. The controls are awkward even with mapping, and the level design is often awkward with the social-stealth idea that Hitman is supposed to be practicing, if not outright hostile towards it.

Dated graphics and some gameplay choices made it nearly un-playable for me. Just play Contracts instead as long as the missions are what you care for. ;)

Aged like shit but it was the first so I can't really fault it for that

not a huge fan of the mission designs of this one a bit to simplistic at times but i guess it cames with the territory of being a first game

You can tell there are good ideas here, but good god it's aged like warm milk.

Bastante errático y pobre en todos sus apartados. Lo más memorable es la música, pero hasta ahi

While very dated in some areas, and far more linear than most future entries, I still say it's worth playing for anyone interested in the series.

Unlike the sandbox missions the franchise is known for (although some of them do exist here), most of these missions seem to have one "intended" path, and they all have varying lengths. Some of them are very short, others are a bit longer, but the basics of the gameplay are the same between this game and it's future entries. 47 needs to fulfill an objective, usually killing someone, with an area, and the easiest way to do so is disguise yourself as various professions to sneak in and slip out unnoticed.

At the beginning of each mission, 47 will check his laptop which will contain valuable information about his objective and the area. Read this carefully because once the mission starts, you are on your own. There are no guides, no reminders on what to do, just you, a map, and whatever other equipment you chose to bring with you. As for what to bring with you, you are limited by a budget, which is calculated at the end of the previous mission. Basically just do your job properly to get paid, and don't kill any civilians because the agency would need to clean it up.

You'll also notice that it sometimes takes several missions before you can reach your target, with your first target being the prime example of this, being the leader of an organized crime family, he's very well protected, so to reach him, you first need to complete three prior stages. There is only one target who only has one dedicated stage, and it's one of the large sandbox levels that I'm presuming served as inspiration for the franchise to come (and even then, you technically need to kill a second target as well, as nonlethal takedowns aren't an option in this game).

If you are able to sit through the clunkiness of the game and deal with the almost puzzle-like nature of figuring out the "intended" way to beat each mission, feel free to give this one a go.

how does a game age this poorly and reflect so little of the future of its franchise?

اللعبه حلوة وكل حاجه بالنسبة لوقت اصدارها بس الصراحه مقدرتش اكمل اول ساعه ، الجيم بلاي بطئ بطريقه صعبه والمهمات كلها شبه بعضها

A really rough, infuriating, and buggy start to an amazing franchise. I only recommend this if you're playing from the first game in order, or you really like Hitman. As a whole though, there were a couple of shining missions (Like literally two) but as a whole it was exceedingly frustrating and I myself disliked it in the end.

It was almost good, sh*tty level design by the way

i'm kinda in a rut and as much as i'd like to finish this game, i've read others agree that it really isn't that good. i wanna get into the hitman series and while starting from the first isn't a bad idea, starting from the arguably worse one is definitely a bad idea. sorry bald man.

would be just funny bad, if it wasnt almost unplayable