Reviews from

in the past

Fuck NetherRealm for making all the DC games evil Superman B.S when what people who actually understand these characters want is a game adaptation of the storyline where Batman and Superman cry tears of joy over alien slugs having sex

História bacana, exceto pelas partes onde os heróis se degladiam para provar que estão certos haahah mais facilidade em fazer os golpes, dublagem clássica brasileira sensacional. O final tem uma dificuldade muito desbalanceada.

SuperGuy is a nice guy in this game. He had a great interaction with Shazam.

Bem divertido, eu não sou nem um pouco bom em jogos de lutas e no injustice eu senti mais facilidade para pegar os comandos. Claro que tem lutas no jogo que não fazem sentido tipo exterminador vs superman onde claramente o superman é MUITO superior ao exterminador, ou flash vs batman, sla mas é um jogo de luta bem divertido, a história eu ache bem mediana mas legalzinha, muitas lutas que só aconteceram porquê sim, sem nenhum motivo, mas tudo bem.

Basically a triple AAA western developed kusoge doujin fighter and it's amazing it got released in its fundamentally broken state. F 2, 3 as Superman literally wins games lmao.

Gets an extra half star for creating the funniest comic book series of all time

its cool but god is this game ugly

modo história é a melhor parte sendo sincero, o resto é mediano

só joguei porque é de graça

I'm pretty sour on the NRS formula, but the story in this carries the game.

Injustice gods among what now

Nostálgico por conta da maravilhosa dublagem que é a mesma da série animada de 2001.

O primeiro Injustice é um jogo mt bom, a historia é bem legal além de q me surpreendi pq achei q apenas o segundo fosse dublado.

>> Prós
• HISTÓRIA : Foda d+, baseada na hq q tbm é mt foda.
• PERSONAGENS : Tem uma ótima galeria de personagens da DC, além da dlc q adiciona o Lobo e o Scorpion.

>> Contras
• MAIS PERSONAGENS : Acho q dava pra ter mais alguns.

>> Perso Favorito = Flash e Shazam.

Not a fighting game fan but I played this for the goofy superhero campaign. It was fine.

Muito bom! A sequência melhorou em todos os aspectos, mas o primeiro joera um jogo muito divertido.

I've decided that fighting games aren't for me. I just wanted to see how the story played out.

a história de injustice ser tão exaltada por algumas pessoas só prova o tanto que uma narrativa de anti-heróis e guerras entre o lado do "bem" entretém o público médio, uma vez que ela é bem mais ou menos, mais próxima do menos do que do mais.
A gameplay é algo a ser destacado também, o fato de os itens interativos de cenários serem tão quebrados, com uma lata de lixo dando mais de 15% de dano, acertando no eixo y inteiro da tela e sem dar frames de invencibilidade ao atingido é, de fato, algo.

pretty ok fighting game but this shit completely ruined supermans image and now he’s almost always painted as a evil bad guy. games okay though

Yeah, I'm about to dump a nerdy DC fanboy rant...

Overhyped garbage. A stain on characters such as Batman and Superman. An absolute disgrace of an interpretation of beloved DC characters hyped up because of decent gameplay mechanics. The plot reads like some misinformed fanfic, creating the cringiest stereotypes of DC characters, introducing the most overused tropes and single handedly contributing to almost unrepairable damage of Batman and Superman alike.

Yeah, I know what I sound like... I love Batman and the DC universe and seeing such a misrepresentation of these characters just fucking pisses me off. I hate it, I can't stand it. It doesn't help that the creator is a coked up Batfleck stan who doesn't understand any of the characters at all outside of the fact that he think's they're badass and completely misunderstands their concept.

As if it wasn't obvious enough, this game is a real stinker. People only like it because the gameplay is fun I assume, and that's good, if I cared about the gameplay I would have taken it to the end... but what made me stop caring in the first place was the narrative. It's absolute dog water and I just... words cannot describe how I hate these caveman interpretations of Batman. Don't even get me started on Superman just straight up killing Joker.

Pick up a comic book, understand the character before you make something like this. I don't give a fuck if it's an alternate universe, I'm so sick of these "what ifs?". It's not at the characters' core, it shouldn't even be a question to begin with. Honestly, I blame this game entirely for creating this overused evil Superman trope, a trope rooted in bullshit because Superman is honestly not even capable of the slightest cold hearted decision.

I really should get into the gameplay though instead of taking out my anger... and it's okay I guess. I mean, it's not that different really from any other NetherRealm title, it might be one of the less innovative really. Not sure what was going on with the cutscenes, some weird frame drops and bumfuck ugly costume designs. Multiplayer is most likely where it's at, but I'd probably get my ass kicked lmfao.

Cara, eu só joguei o modo história pra poder ir logo jogar o Injustice 2, esse sim realmente é bom.