Reviews from

in the past

Operation: Nightfire has begun....

James Bond 007: Nightfire delivers a thrilling and action-packed experience with a challenging Single Player Story.

The gameplay in Nightfire is varied but sticks to its first person shooter style. In some missions it offers a mix of gunplay, stealth, and vehicle based missions. There is about 12 missions in total which on the surface doesn't seem like a lot but there are parts within the levels which creates longevity in the game. As James Bond you are infiltrating enemy strongholds or engaging in high-speed car chases, there's never seems to be a dull moment and certainly doesn't pause at all. It's all action packed from start to finish.

Having to control Bond I feel like the PS2 controls are quite dated compared to the modern FPS controls we have and takes some getting used to but they are responsive. You may need to find a scheme that works for you if you want to have a enjoyable experience. As far as I could navigate the menus there seems to be no way to adjust analog stick sensitivity so be aware when coming to play this game.

As always it wouldn't be a EA James Bond game if it didn't have Multiplayer. I didn't go to much in depth with it as I mostly was playing Single Player. From what I saw it has a lot of variety in its maps and lots of game modes to choose from, including classic modes like Deathmatch and Capture the Flag.

Overall, Nightfire may show its age graphically but the overall presentation is still impressive. They tried to make it a really authentic James bond which then pays off in future installments (Everything or Nothing, From Russian with Love) The story is engaging, the voice acting is passable considering none of the original cast is here but it doesn't take you out of the experience, and there is a really fun challenge to be had. It got challenging for me about halfway through the story. I would say this is a must-play for fans of James Bond. You will have a enjoyable time!

This game is a first person shooter made in 2002 where you can not look left and right. Its pretty much the same game play wise to the other 007 games I've played, so its still fun and chaotic in multiplayer. Not great not terrible.

I have played Nightfire. And by "played," I mean "I tried to play against somebody who was in a corner with a rocket launcher, and he won every time because he had direct control of the rockets he was spamming." I seriously haven't seen a game this polished have a multiplayer mode that busted in a while. Funny story to think about now, but not exactly fun.

Forget Goldeneye, REAL ones played the multiplayer of this game by always picking the snow level with the gondola and using the remote control tanks and helicopters to blast each other.

Honestly? Super underrated console FPS. It's so fun. I remember liking the campaign, too. But the multiplayer? I spent hundreds of hours playing with my friends, it was so great.

Yoooooo this was our go to multiplayer game as kids

This is the game people pretend Goldeneye 64 is.
One of them aged like milk in the sun, the other is Nightfire.

I remember it more fondly than Goldeneye, another one I used to play at the neighbors'

I think this game had a story mode, never played that shit.
Fucking BOT MATCH was where it was at.
My 10 y/o ass played fucking HOURS of oddjob (yes I was that motherfucker).

Killed so many bots on Skyrail in couch co-op. So many fun guns and gadgets to play with on that map

I don't know what to say about this one. While the core gameplay and story are better than Agent Under Fire, the level design, lack of damage indicators, downgraded music and the absolutely baffling design decision of only letting you strafe while manually aiming frustrated me quite a bit. It's not awful, but I don't see it as the classic others seem to. Everything or Nothing really would go on to put this and its predecessor to shame.

James Bond games seriously have no right being this good. Nightfire has addicting multiplayer gameplay with tons of customization options.

Really enjoyable Bond game, particularly on the GC where you get a variety of vehicle sections. Not sure if it holds up but at the time it was arguably a step up from Goldeneye, in part due to the improvement in technology. I had a good time with it.

Everyone loves this game, because everyone remembers the first couple of levels. The jungle driving section was not good and it generally struggles by the end. Also I just don't think a spy game with all kinds of gadgets and all that should be this aggressively linear.

I wish we were still getting cool Bond games.

The early 2000s had quite a few attempts to live up to Goldeneye, and the one that came closest was definitely Nightfire. It ended up being one of the games I put the most hours into as a teenager, not only due to great multiplayer in which you could load up to 12 bots for extra mayhem (we played SO MUCH Capture The Flag against all of the bots), but because the campaign had immense replay value. Much like Goldeneye, you would try to finish a level in a certain amount of time for a reward, but there were loads of other challenges you needed to nail for those sweet, sweet platinum medals. The very idea of having 100% weapon accuracy in a Bond game is ludicrous, but you’d better believe I made it happen.

One of the best things in the campaign is the inclusion of “Bond Moves”. These are optional moments when you do something specific that feels like it would happen in a movie, like shooting out the tires of a car that’s chasing you, finding a secret passageway, or using the grappling hook in your wristwatch to swing to a hard-to-reach spot. These moments, which thankfully return in Everything or Nothing, are the most charming inclusions in the Bond game franchise.

All in all, the weapons are good, campaign levels and multiplayer maps are well-designed and memorable (though the best multiplayer map doesn’t allow bots for some reason), the story’s characters are fun, and the multiplayer brings back nearly the entire rogues gallery from Bond’s past. For 2002, this was a console FPS masterpiece! The controls don’t hold up terribly well 20 years later, but I’d still recommend it if you’re a Bond nut.

I love the Bond IP, and it's really absurd that we haven't gotten a solid new entry in the series in ages. Fingers crossed that IO Interactive knocks it out of the park!

Meet me on the ski resort map with the tram that circles the map, snipers only no Oddjob.

took me by surprise how good this one is. multiplayer feels like a true Goldeneye follow up

Everyone loves Goldeneye on N64 but I think I was a bit too young to enjoy that one when I played it. Nightfire was the multiplayer versus game for me. Lots of fun weapons (guided missile navigating through buildings please?), cool levels, and fun game modes.

The single-player mode was also good, but I don't know if I ever finished it.

One of my uncles forgot to get me a Christmas present one yera when all my other uncles did, and he was hosting, so he just told me to pick out any video game from his shelf. That’s how I came to own Nightfire. Later there was a brief period where my friends and I would just play that one map with the good Capture the Flag over and over again. Pretty good stuff

A game I think is slept on personally. The multiplayer is great and aged much better than Goldeneye. The story mode is fun and overall is a solid FPS package.

Absolute masterpiece. The best 007 game ever released.

An amazing Bond game and a run first person shooter. The gadgets and the level design is a highlight with some fluid animations and shooting. One of the best on the system.

It's as true to the James Bond franchise as a game can be. And Pierce Brosnan just happens to be the greatest Bond of all time! But that didn't affect the score here! Story is quite short and sweet, but it's very much a big bang of non-stop action. Multiplayer I think is where this game truly shines, whether its locally against your buddies from the same couch or against bots I think the multiplayer was really ahead of its time. With tons of gamemodes, a good variety of guns and maps and playable characters that include all your favourite Bond ladies and Bond villains both men and women. You got explosives, snipers, SMGs, ARs, pistols, stationary turrets and even the throwable hat from that one Chinese dude. You know the one! It's nothing revolutionary, but its guaranteed to give you a good time, especially if you're looking for a game to destroy your friends in.

Was generally a good time, not insanely story driven but fun regardless for what it is. definitely has some frustrating moments on harder difficulties - aged poorly

One thing that will always stick in my head is that on PS2 at least the default control scheme is horrendous. I just remember both sticks being for both moving and looking, thankfully you can change it to one stick moves and one looks. Fun game though.

Better than goldeneye by quite a longshot, a mutliplayer nightmare of bullshit and pure fun. Getting the single player working in an enjoyable way in modern times outside emulation is impossible now though

Episode sympathique.
Ca ne révolutionne en aucun cas le genre mais le jeu propose une campagne qui fait bien le boulot niveau rythme et tout ce qu'il faut pour se sentir comme dans un film de James Bond. Ca alterne entre les phases FPS correctes et des phases en véhicules beaucoup moins convaincantes, la faute à une jouabilité assez frustrante. Le jeu a aussi le bon goût de ne pas être trop long et se finit en 6h environ.