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a lovely post-script in the tsukihime story - believe it or not, i actually ended up preferring kagetsu toya to the main tsukihime novel! there's far less to talk about thematically here. note that due to the nature of the story being told here as well as the relative nature of fan-discs in dojin projects, kagetsu toya should be looked at as a bonus scenario for fans rather than a proper entry within the canon itself.

following the events of tsukihime, shiki tono loops through the same scenarios under the same 24 hours over and over in the world of dreams, and what blossoms out of that is one of the most interesting progression systems i've ever seen in a visual novel. through repetitive short cycles with slightly altering paths, shiki is able to dive further and further into the illusory world of this dream, meeting up with friends, allies, and enemies from across tsukihime in a desperate search for the end of this dream, the identity of the dreamer, and the purpose it is trying to show him. that said, the drama here is far less than that of tsukihime, but i honestly think this benefits kagetsu toya's tone.

dream logic pervades and a hazy, dreamy midsummer day plays out ad nauseum while the looping metatext and surrealism shadow-puppet shiki's adventures through the looking glass. at times, lampshading with that classic dojin referential pastiche, at times sanguine and succint with truly japanese-centric humor and social pulp. nonsensical good morning messages from cast and crew pull the curtains back on another one of shiki's 45 days in a day.

somewhere along visiting those same sets of options once again i smiled to myself and thought, 'this feels so much like flower, sun & rain', which is an utmost positive coming from me, one of its most ardent fans. despite suffering from some similar shortcomings as the main tsukihime itself (was len's story ending that way really necessary, nasu?) i found myself truly falling in love with this game, and type-moon as a whole, during this game. the side stories and galleries of both fan art and colleague art (note to self; if ever i make a visual novel and it succeeds, do exactly this) all brought a smile to my face as well. kagetsu toya managed to take all of the eccentricities and in-betweens i loved about tsukihime so much and bolstered the experience all that much more. this midsummer's daydream is what's truly sold me on getting to more of their work.

This was really cool, loved the style of it being a time loop and how even seemingly small decisions effected the loop in different ways, unlocking new events and paths for future loops. The main through line with Shiki, Len and the overall setting was really interesting. Especially loved the revelation near the end. Len herself was always fun to encounter in a new place, while you did something seemingly normal you learn something about the story for the next loop. I love how Shiki can sort of choose what's "cannon" each route, namely if Akiha goes to his school or not.

All the characters were great, Shiki was amazing again, seeing his perspective on the loop situation was interesting. None of the female leads were as focused individually as in their respective routes in Tsukihime, naturally of course. But all their content was really good and I always enjoyed interacting with them. Even though the game doesn't pick one route from OG to build off of, you get a lot of "post OG" type of interactions, certain characters dynamics are changed to how they would be after OG occurs. I'm happy Seo was there too. Ichigo was a nice addition alongside other new characters like Shiki's doctor and nurse.

Overall the side stories in 10 Nights of a A Dream were great too. Only 2 I didn't like, but the rest were really good. Namely the Akiha, Arihiko and Papa Nanaya ones were great for story and character moments, and the more funny ones were funny. The Hisui one was nice as it used one of my favorite endings from OG as the basis. And the Tag one was initially goofy but had a very nice ending for Kohaku.

Overall this was a great sequel I'm happy I read, another Tsukiverse banger.

Who cares about Yumizuka? Arihiko deserves his own route

For the love of god, turn the H-Scenes off. It gives you the option to so use it. I have thankfully not seen them and I definitely do not plan to.

Main game okay, but the side stories you unlock are kinda funny :>
Except for the last, that one made me really really sad :c

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Need Shiki Nanaya BF


Must read if you like the characters and tone of Tsukihime. Post main story content truly puts it over the top. A victory lap for all fans of its prequel. <3

I liked the main plot actually. Not ground breaking, but good enough, kept me interesting. The game shines with the side stories though, kino-est shit ever.

Kagetsu Tohya é um fandisc feito como uma despedida final ao cast de tsukihime(isto nas visuais novels). Como adição para a história e universo de Tsukihime, jogo ao qual eu amo muito, Kagetsu faz um trabalho bem legal pondo nossos personagens em situações bastante divertidas e que, como dentro da história não tem consequencia, dá liberdade aos autores fazerem bastante coisinha explorando a personalidade dos personagens que conhecemos e de novos que foram adicionados aqui. O cast novo é bem legal também, dá um ar de vida ao mundo de tsukihime e dá um ar que pessoas como a Akiha tem amigos pelo menos.

Dito isto, quando falamos de leitura, Kagetsu Tohya é muito, muito problemático com a sequência dos dias e acontecimentos. Ele tem bastante opções e te dá uma liberdade grande para agir como quiser, mas nunca te avisa o que vai avançar você na história principal e não lhe diz o progresso que fez. Diferente de Hollow Ataraxia, aqui a gente não tem a menor exposição ou sinal dessas coisas, o que causa jogar isso sem um guide ser uma tortura ao qual eu passei e quase enlouqueci. Flowchart então ai eu me mato. Hoje em dia o jogo tem um guide e uma forma de o baixar muito mais fácil, então mesmo que seja focado para fãs mais fanáticos pelo universo e personagens, creio que hoje em dia seja acessível até pros fãs mais normais.

There are a few interesting things going on in regards to the structure, but probably not enough to justify actually reading everything.

For the most part, this is just fanservice for people looking for more interactions with the Tsukihime cast. Some of the little side-stories are nice but most of them are just ok. I guess if you're really desperate for more Tsukihime then it may be worth it but I don't think the vast majority of people are actually going to find enough content to justify the time spent on this game.

A much bigger issue is with the structure itself. While interesting, many aspects were poorly handled. There's a huge focus on repetition but the skip function is poorly suited to showing off smaller changes that occur. Rely on it too much and you may miss interesting or important details, use it too sparingly and you're gonna have to reread a lot just in case there's something new. Both options are quite flawed.

Additionally, the game can be a bit obtuse in regards to progression. You may be missing a single scene needed to proceed in the main story but have no clear idea how to obtain it without consulting a guide. Major plot points might be behind choices which used to be unimportant and only later gained value (with this being poorly telegraphed most of the time). But sticking with a guide the whole way through isn't ideal either since the exploratory structure of the game is one of its main strengths, something which is lost if you just let the guide dictate all your choices ahead of time.

Kagetsu Tohya has some neat things going on, but I don't think its strengths are sufficient to justify a recommendation. It's still alright and, if you really love Tsukihime, you may still find a lot to like in the writing here. But that just wasn't enough for my tastes.

there is no true end to Kagetsu Tohya

A ideia é bem interessante, a trama é legal, o problema é a densidade da novel e dificuldade absurda, eu literalmente tive que procurar guia ou eu não ia sair do lugar, no + ainda tem seus momentos bem legais e algumas cenas de slice of life que me fizeram gostar mais ainda do elenco de tsukihime.

6.0 Ok?

Imma send a pipe bomb to Nasu's address

Despite being a pain in the ass to read and woefully more uneven than Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya is a neat by product of Nasu's early years of deliberate experimentation and horror-narrative-cohesion.

The presentation of KT is one of patience. Its loop revolves around repetition and finding new story bits within the repetition to further the narrative in distinct ways. This on paper is pretty fun, especially when interesting set pieces are discovered within this format. Its a nice feeling of euphoria and discovery; that being said, this game has been out for 2 decades now and worth while guides help you progress and see every facet of the game without having to deliberately waste your time.

KT's narrative as with the game approach expands upon lots of random interwoven ideas. Some fine, some woefully boring, and some that are easily Nasu's best. Within KT are extra side stories apart from the main loop that are some of the best stories that Nasu has wrote (a time when he'd write short stories, of brisk pace and interesting set pieces...), while many loops are more of the Tsukihime SOL with some brush up.

All in all, its worth a read if you enjoyed Tsukihime. Its fascinating to see some of the stories the game includes, and some of the lore thrown in are some of the more enticing bits of Nasu's universe; that being said, do not jump in expecting nothing less than that, as the main loop is a general fun piece to the main story.

Ah... Kohaku-san... is gaming...

i havent finished this yet but ive had like 3 arihiko moments so far so its 5/5 by default

Main Story is pointless and too long and the Side Stories are mostly incredibly boring. Some of them are pretty cool tho, like "The Tohno Family Con Game" and "Drinking, Dreaming Moon".

Arcueid holding Len sprite is the best thing to come from this.

Absolutely kino side content, mixed main game. Recency bias is good shit though!

the side content is far more interesting than the main thing but it's still neat. i can't wait for them to follow this up with more VNs set in the now well-established world of Tsukihime!

This game would be better if the sex scenes weren’t there which applies to all of Nasu’s works but specifically this one bc holy fuck.

Cool take on visual novels with looping and fun scenarios