Reviews from

in the past

It's aight. I bought this game near launch back in the day and didn't actually really play it much due to not wanting to deal with the PS3s whole updating procedures plus the whole game installing nonsense and transferring all my existing LBP DLC so I just kinda had it on the shelf for a better part of a decade. Didn't help much that there was a lot of negative buzz around this game, with it reviewing to mediocre reception and most people who have played it said it was rather meh, so I never really had a reason to take the plunge I guess. After finally getting around to playing it, it really wasn't all that bad, gotta admit. It definitely had decent enough game feel and polish put into it to not feel like a shovelware kart racer cash grab. The soundtrack is also pretty great, with licensed songs that aren't horrible and fantastic arrangements of the original games music.

I'd imagine that the real problem with this game isn't necessarily the gameplay itself, but just rather its release. 2012 do be a pretty late year in the PS triples lifespan, and by the time this game released the system had several kart racers on it, so I figure that this game would probably be a bit redundant, especially given the existence of Modnation racers, which basically already filled in the "LBP but kart racing" niche that existed, not to mention that game also playing similar to this but with some added depth in the actual kart racing mechanics.

Regardless, due to the fact that both this and Modnation were developed by the same studio and that they both likely shared the same servers, online support for both titles have long since been extinct. Which sucks, because it seems like the online component here was quite the selling point. I'd imagine the user created tracks would have been really cool to race on, though I do wonder if this game had the same social-media-esque community that the main series of LBP had... It definitely feels like something is missing when playing offline. If they ever bring the servers back with some kind of fan private server, I'd bump the score by a star.

Overall, it do be a standard kart racer for the PS3 released at a time where the PS3 already had a bunch of great kart racers. Even though the online component of the game is long-gone, I still felt the core gameplay was solid and definitely had a fun trip finally playing this.

This game feels absolutely gutted now that the servers are down and you can't access other players' created tracks. Sure, you still have the single player mode - and once you get used to the floaty physics in this game, it's fun enough - but it's nothing compared to how it felt playing this game in its heyday.

Now, playing this game gives off the same impression as visiting the abandoned remains of an amusement park from your childhood. It doesn't help that the collectibles in this game are all materials for the Create Mode but now the Create Mode is offline only and there's just something fundamentally sad about spending hours building a creation that you're unable to share with the outside world.

LBP Karting is an interesting entry in the LBP series diverting from the typical sidescrolling platforming games.

Overall, the game is fairly good but nothing outstanding when it comes to a karting game. The mechanics are straight to the point and simple to engage all types of audiences. Tracks are based on the artsy nature and art direction that is a staple of the LBP series. Goes without saying, but this game offered a track creator so that players could create their own tracks and share them online.

This game is the Lil Baby of kart racers.

This game feels so standard and basic than it should be

I have a love-hate relationship with this game. Kart racers are one of my most favorite genres, so the thought of a User Generated Content kart racing game sounded amazing. On the surface, LBPK is a LBP themed reskin of Modnation Racers which came out about 3 years prior. ModNation Racers was pretty good, but I felt they could've given you a bit more control over your tracks. When I learned that this game was being made and the main focus was giving you more tools to get more out of your tracks, I was super excited.

Upon release, it's evident that something went wrong. Right away, you can tell Media Molecule had no hand in making LBPK. It's unpolished, quite buggy, and the editing mode has an immense learning curve, dwarving the learning curve compared to previous LBP entries. It crashes frequently, which means there will be lots of times you lose work in the editor unless you’re constantly saving. Compared to ModNation, it feels like you had more track customization options but far less character and kart customization options. You can't customize the NPCs you race against in your own levels, so it was difficult to make anything story-driven. When the online was working, you were constantly booted from races. You were also only allowed to favorite a certain amount of tracks before it started taking older ones off your list. At some point, it just stopped recording your new favorites altogether. The online tracks in the "Cool Levels" section (New and Popular levels) never changed since Day 1.

Whoever was in charge of the servers was fully aware of the reception to this game, as the online servers only lasted a little over 5 years. That's also unfortunate, considering the main attraction of LBP is usually the online levels. It's a shame that some of the coolest tracks in this game are only viewable on YouTube now while others are just completely lost to time. I wish they had some sort of end-of-life plan for this game so that it was easier for players to keep playing their favorite online levels while offline. I don't know how large each level file is, but if they're relatively small, I think it would've gone a huge way if the devs patched in an "All-Time Community Favorites" section that you could access offline once the online was killed off.

As for the actual racing itself, it’s alright. The controls feel a little floaty but you can get used to them pretty easily. I like that they kept the weapon system from ModNation, where you can use any weapon to block a weapon homing in on you. The only trade off is that there's probably three times as many leader seekers (blue shells) than most racing games. In your own levels, you can make completely custom weapons that function differently from the base set. There's also a Story Mode, but it's not very memorable at all. The levels are tightly crafted and offer a variety of different gameplay styles, which makes it seem like a demo of what the Creation Mode can do. Some people have dug through the files and found that there was potentially going to be more Story Mode content and prizes available to the player, but it appears to have been cut due to time constraints.

It should also be noted that this game doesn't just offer racing. You can make battle arenas, though I tend to find them half-baked in most racing games and this one is no exception. However, using the Battle Arena game type in your own levels offers a huge variety of other activities. The game gives you the ability to set win conditions based on score, weapon targets, racing gates, and more. This means you could make a King of the Hill style game mode, a ring-rally race, freeze tag, Keep Away, Shine Runners and Balloon Battle from Mario Kart, Cops and Robbers, and so, so much more. Albeit it's a pain to program in this game compared to LBP2, the mantra remains the same: if you can think it, you can make it.

Despite the low points, I find myself loading this game up every once in a while to make a new track. There's just something so satisfying about drafting an idea, building it in-game, and tweaking it to perfection, even if I’m going to be the only person to ever play it. It's sad to see an idea for a game like this flop; if given more time and resources for its development, this game could've been endless fun. This is probably the closest thing to my personal dream game that we'll ever get.

Given the context of this IP and ModNation Racers, I should have been over the moon for this game… but that didn’t happen.

oh my god i could write a whole essay about this game
Everything in this game either makes me question "why the hell would you even put this in" or is one of the best ideas and executions I've seen in a kart racer This is such a mixed bag of a game it's unreal.
Perfect example. Story mode. The story itself is kind of just a rehash of 1 and doesn't have any real direction You just kind of go places because one of the curators go "uhhhh i saw the hoard in a dark alleyway there" and 3 1/2 of the 6 1/2 worlds are literally just worlds from other games (2 of them not being that fun either) but then you get to the retro futuristic world which is run by a guy who's just really really delusional and the world thats based on the 70s disco/funk era and it's like Why couldn't the whole game have the same personality and charm as these two worlds what the hell
People rightfully point out how LBP 3 was rushed and. yeah but also It might just be me playing the game for the first time as a dumb 8 year old but the story still stands on its own with only a few flaws This game just tells me that the crew behind it were really confused on what they wanted to do (proving this point is that this was originally a modnation racers sequel before being rebranded Ruh Roh!)
Okay sorry for complaining about the most 6/10 game in existence here's positives. Again the Progress Emporium and Space Funk worlds are really really fun and I like Don and Sirius a lot. I know Space Funk reuses assets from Avalonia like the rest of the game but weirdly enough I feel like it balances it better by having actual set pieces like the bunny farm and the huge spaceship. Don please call me back
The soundtrack is probably my favorite in any LBP game and I am being dead fucking serious when I say this There is not a single song I skip in this whole soundtrack The Progress Emporium's theme is my second favorite interactive track in the whole series and the Space Funk theme is pretty high up too.
I don't like the eve/victoria worlds but god DAMN the remixes done of the themes for both worlds are so good. Don't even get me started on the final boss theme holy SHIT
Reminds me. The Hoard. I like them but I feel like you don't really see them do all that much (the final boss is kind of ass too) and I am so mad you can't even unlock them as an outfit what the hell
This is just going to devolve into inane ramblings so I'll stop it here. People say a sequel for this game would be good and. It'd sell like 3 copies but It'd probably be really good because With enough polish this could be a REALLY fun game but as is it's just kind of alright.
with all of that said i've replayed this game like 6 times I think I might have a dent in my head

Sans doutes pas le meilleur jeu de karting existant mais une bonne adaptation de l'univers de LittleBigPlanet
Très amusant avec des amis !

A slow paced and not very fun kart racer. There's a whole single player campaign of tracks to go through, but why you would want to do that is left an exercise to the player. The tracks there are pretty mediocre, and unexciting. Custom tracks can be a bit more interesting, since people can remake tracks from better games such as any Mario Kart, but the game is so slow that 3 laps on the same track is unbearable even if it is Waluigi Pinball. It takes forever. Really really bad!

A serviceable kart racer slathered in LBP charm. That's as far as the compliments go. Drifting feels pointless and incredibly fiddly like a cheap iOS game and items feel like they're balanced for Battle Mode far more than the kart racing mode, which therefore makes them far too powerful and unfair in standard races (the green and red shell equivalents stun you for far too long, also most items are homing).

Customisation and creation online was obviously the name of the game here, but with the servers offline for years now and the game being locked behind an online pass when it was new to block preowned sales (ew), this game withered on the vine and therefore most of the intended functionality and replayability has been lost in subsequent years.

Play only if you're making your way through the LBP series, don't bother for any other reason.

Not into racers, but this one is too meh

Track-maker was nice but all that’s left now is a middling kart-racer

It may not be as good as ModNation Racers, but it's still a great time. Story tracks are really solid and the controls, while a tad floaty, are really smooth once you get the hang of it. I wish I played this while the servers were still online.

From the developers of Sleeping Dogs comes LittleBigPlanet Karting! I shit you not; both games were released in the same year by the same developer. This is mostly just Modnation Racers but with a LittleBigPlanet skin and a campaign to play around in. Ten years later, it has the same issue Modnation Racers has: the online component of this game is arguably its selling point, so there's no reason to go back to it without it. But unlike Modnation Racers, LittleBigPlanet Karting gives you more tools to play around with.

I'll say this: for as meh as the actual racing part of this racing game is, there's a pretty solid arena mode in there with weapons that you can create yourself. I remember creating insanely unbalanced weapons back in the day, and that was always the highlight of this game for me. But other than that, the developers did a pretty admirable job emulating the look and feel of LBP, and I respect that.

its like modnation but boring and without any of the good mechanics that game had

"Yeah, Mario Kart seems easy, we can do that."

Pretty basic in its mechanics but it was cute and so fun at the time when I was young. I have lots of nostalgia poured into this game, playing with my little brother, so my ranking is very biased.

كانت حلوه بس مدري عن الحين

i love littlebigplanet Karting

sadly doesnt handle nor run too well but it's well within playability

A legendary racing game, with amazing music, the ability to customise your character and a story mode that you can play with a friend, Little Big Planet Karting is one of the greatest “Mario Kart Clones” ever made!

Love this game so much.

Little Big Planet Karting es un juego con un concepto que estamos cansados de ver. Porque sacan una versión de autos de todo? Más allá de eso, un juego que "safa"

é de se pensar que o littlebigplanet KARTING é melhor que o 3.
dito isto esse joguinho me rendeu muita diversao e admito que sinto falta de joga-lo nos dias atuais...

God this game was so fun. I miss it.

EU ERA VICIADO (ainda sou) EM CUSTOMIZAR CARRO NESSE JOGO. Tudo que eu tenho de bom pra falar é que ele segue a mesma linha do Little Big Planet clássico, mas ao invés de fases de "plataforma", temos corridas. E MEU AMIGO, AS ARENAS DE BATALHA DÃO UM ARREPIO NA MINHA ESPINHA...

Tenho esse jogo há uns anos já, mas não lembro quantos, especificamente. Mas o jogo é foda. Zerei também, e fiquei muito triste porque não tinha mais fase.

Infelizmente eu nunca tive a oportunidade de entrar no online desse jogo, sempre joguei com amigos no multiplayer local. Mas ainda sim valia a jogatina. Um dos meus jogos favoritos de corrida junto com Mario Kart Wii.

I had this game and I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT WENT

It was a lot of fun though. Wish the greebles didn't take my copy

It is an okay game, my personal favorite game of the franchise but still the most average kart racer I have played