Reviews from

in the past

I accidentally hit my dad with a wii mote while playing this game and I felt really awful about it. I don't know if I ever played this game again after that. I enjoyed it quite a bit, too.

Possibly the most accurately titled crossover video game of all time.

que esto sea de los pocos juegos los cuales he sacado el 100% dice bastante sobre mi posición en la sociedad (the ultimate sigma & male)

mario and sonic at the special olympics is a game with cool core concept of seeing mario and sonic cross over. Once the novelty wears off you got a decent but fairly forgettable party game. also just recently realized how many of these games exist oh my goodness lol.

A Mario/Sonic crossover was 7 year old me's dream game, so the fact that I wasn't enthusiastic about this game at all and never really cared to play it much says a lot.

Just another wiimote gimmick minigame-fest that the family plays for one day only for it to sit on a shelf for the next 15 years, forgotten and unloved. What a sad sad fate

A cool idea but it comes down to just a bunch of crappy minigames where you waggle the Wii mote. This game has no substance, no soul, and no swag.

Peter and johnson in the at home games

Receiving this game for christmas was the point at which I started just sending people URLs when they asked what I wanted, or just giving them something no one can possibly fuck up like "a stool."

Kept me hooked maybe 8 years ago.

this was about as fun as suicide or something i couldn’t think of an analogy. i don’t know why this game sucks so much

This was a neat idea back before they ran it into the ground by making one for every Olympics. It's just a minigame collection, but not a bad one and trying to beat the world records can be surprisingly addictive (although the difficulty of doing so very wildly between events).

Would you look at this, it's another minigame collection on the Wii. This one has the distinction of being the first real crossover game for Mario and Sonic, which at the time was a big deal. You could tell that it was a big deal too since most of the minigames here play well.

Each minigame, or event since they are all based on Olympic events, is designed well and can be replayed quite easily. Whether to beat friends or to beat a high score, so there is something here to bite into. There are even a couple of Deam Events, which are remixed versions of the available events that utilize aspects of Sonic or Mario's worlds. All of these are cool in concept.

The issue is that there are very few minigames to play, and most of these are very simple and can be completed in a matter of seconds if you do it right. The game tries to extend this time by using circuits as you would see in Mario Kart, but it just shows off the repetitiveness and tediousness of the games more.

At the very least, the game looks nice and does a good job of representing each series well. As the first game in the franchise, it needs more work done, but it is ok as is. Nothing memorable but not offensive either.

Juego de minijuegos que no divierte mucho.

When you look at Shadow the Hedgehog standing next to Mario you're overcome with the feeling that it's wrong, that it shouldn't be, that it is somehow against nature.

I remember thinking was the most badass concept as a kid, the crossover of legends and opening cinematic honestly lives up to the task in building up the hype. Unfortunately, once you start digging into Mario and Sonic you realize the various Olympic events are rarely fun. Most of them just have you pumping your arms as hard as you can, or hitting simple timing challenges. If you love these characters getting to see the crossover was a fun treat, but they definitely needed more gameplay depth especially to justify a series that has been soldiered on across many titles.

é um jogo ok para você sentar e jogar uma vez , chamar os amigos , tomar uma breja etc. Mas você sentar , e tentar fazer todo os objetivos é enlouquecedor, os mini games tem nenhuma profundidade , se baseiam em só balançar o wiiremote o mais rápido possível e apertar os botões quer aparecem no momento correto apenas

Me playing against my younger cousin :
"You are unbeatble to the 100m dash. How do reach that level?
- Seven more years of masturbation practice than you, thats's my secret kiddo."

Mario y Sonic en los JJOO (2007): El primer gran juego que entendió que los controles de movimiento eran más que agitar el mandito. Todo el mundo puede jugar pero aprender a hacerlo bien lleva su tiempo. Múltiples modos de juego en un crossover que en su día fue impactante (8,60)

This could’ve just been a sports game. Mario and sonic feel so unnecessary. If it were just a sports game it’d be pretty mediocre

arguably the funniest of the mario sports games.

Not the best party game ever. Not that interesting of an idea for a Mario & Sonic crossover either. Doesn't utilize either IP that well. But it's competent in its own way I guess

not as good as the winter games one :P