Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay is the absolute best in the classic series. Turns out you don't need unnecessary frills like slides or jetpacks or snowboarding levels to have fun, all you need is good level design. Of which this game absolutely excels at. Just raw perfection in level design. Also a killer soundtrack helps.

While you may be turned off by Mega Man 9's NES difficulty and its gameplay explicitly harkening back to Mega Man 2 with a lack of Mega Man's slide and charge shot, and a few points in the game can be bullshit hard, it's even harder for me to look at it as anything less than a top notch title, with some of the best weapons and music in the entire classic series.

I honestly don't know what people see in this. It is a retrogression for the series, not a 'return to roots'.
Instead of keeping the mechanics and QoL features that made the game better (slide, charge shot, quick weapon switching, being able to fire the mega buster and the other weapon using two different buttons), they just made the game as frustrating as possible for frustration's sake.
I'll admit that some of the bullshit sections can be bypassed by clever use of weapons (mostly the Jewel Satellite), but still the game is littered with spikes and other instakill obstacles.
This would've been excusable if it were an NES game, but this is just stupid.
For fairness' sake, I had some good time and there were a couple of stages that were genuinely good like Galaxy Man, Tornado Man and Splash Woman.
I just hoped for more out of this game, especially considering how everyone says that this is the best Mega Man game.
I can see why it is regarded as such; it maybe has the best bosses in the series, but the issues as mentioned make me reluctant to accept that.
A good Mega Man game nonetheless and I can't really stay mad at the blue guy.
I also liked the inclusion of a female Robot Master and hope they continue to do so.

The triumphant return of Mega Man. Though it did away with a lot of things I liked about 8, it had a lot of cool stages and bosses.

Shawty Cute And Her Circle Too !!

Lemons, but it was made by Inti Creates so it's a lot better

Why the fuck can’t I slide and charge shot

MEGA MAN 9, BABY! The level design, the weapons, the music, the visuals, it's all exceptional. The dlc content aka Fake man and Proto man are funky but they still add to the experience.

Tries too hard to be like Mega Man 2 imo (by also NOT including sliding and charge buster. Why). It's alright, it has some pretty cool stages but some were really dreadful to me.

As someone who had only ever played Gunvolt before, I never understood why people hate Inti Creates.

damn this game is harder than hard-man dawg.

I don't like this one.
We lost the slide and the charged buster, i can live without the charged buster but i LOVE using the slide so that sucks.

The stages are mostly very annoying, the difficulty reminds me of a Dark Souls 2 situation were the previous games difficulty was hyped, inflated and memed SO much that the next game feels like a parody of itself, what people THINK it was instead of what it really was.

I've beaten this twice, once with Mega Man and once with Proto Man, i just don't have fun playing this.

At least the soundtrack is great.

Amazing Mega Man game, I don't care what anyone says! This used to be my favourite classic Mega Man game but Mega Man 7 really jumped up on replay, I do still think purely design wise this game is the best by far.

I don't love the NES style so I'm not super glad they went back to it for 9 and 10 but I at least think it really works for 9 due to the big focus on tight platforming. The levels are amazing, the boss weapons are really fun to use and I usually never use them. There's a girl robot master... for the first and only time... so that's something. This game is just pure arcady fun. It is really challenging but I firmly disagree with people who think the difficulty is cheap, actual skill issue.

This would be the best 8-bit Megaman if every stage wasn't generally easy but had 1/2 pitfalls that were near-impossible to clear without insane practice

Absolutely mindblowing from start to finish this is definitely my favorite classic Mega Man and the soundtrack is a god tier banger among a series full of god tier bangers

Insane level design, music and boss fights with interesting difficulty and good difficulty in 8-bit greatness. It's no wonder why do people consider this the best classic Mega Man entry. The only reason it's not for me its because of nostalgia and because I really like Mega Man's slide (which is removed from this game). Aside of that, absolutely Mega Man quality here

Definitely much better this time around. While I still retain some of my previous critiques, like the bullshit shop system and overall just not being a great follow up from 7 and 8, it makes up for it with some of the absolute best level design in the classic series and pretty solid bosses and weapons, plus that OST kicks ass.

esse é um daqueles jogos q é tão peak q vc sente vontade de chorar

Un paso hacia atras para la saga clasica

I hate to say it because I real like sliding and charge shot, but jesus christ returning to Megaman 2 style was the right choice. Though some of the instant death sucked fucking ass.

This game wasn't memorable to me at all aside from having splash woman. They thought it'd be epic to regress to how the very first games were, and it wasn't.
Making a 8-bit styled game isn't going to automatically make it as good as the old ones. Removing good control mechanics definitely won't either. Nor does putting spikes everywhere!

Might actually have the best music in the series???

My favorite classic experience so far, It's quite challenging but you can easily get through levels if you take your time with every obstacle. The weapons were quite good in this one too, I think I would often use all of them except concrete.
Now about the lack of charge shot and slide, tbh it didn't really bother me, you still do a good amount of damage with your buster shots and the game is designed so that you don't need the extra agility you get from slide. I think it makes the game even better if anything, it completely differentiates it from 7,8 and 11 for me.

This game is incredible. The music is amazing, the weapons are all fun and it looks gorgeous. The levels can be a bit frustrating, but they are mostly super duper fun. The minibosses were fun. I think some of the Robot Master fights weren't great. I really liked the weapons. This game is pretty litty.

It's far past time that we all admitted it. Inti Creates has ALWAYS been better at Megaman than Capcom ever was.

The common sentiment that I've heard is that Megaman 9 is "the best one" and while I'm not quite willing to commit to such a claim, it's absolutely in the highest tier of Classic Megaman. The only things holding it back are things consciously done to assume parity with the old games. I would rather just not repeat what I consider to be mistakes, but it does complicate the criticism somewhat when everything I can complain about is clearly intentional.

I don't think we needed to get rid of the charged shot or the slide. I don't think that there needed to be (admittedly hilarious) player traps sprinkled throughout, and I don't think the game needed to be tuned Too Hard on purpose. There are some screens in Megaman 9's Wily stages that are more satanic than anything else in the whole franchise. They are things that an experienced player CAN respond to, but even if you know what you're doing, certain things just feel like too much to ask from a player who is trying to have any kind of good time. The shop is back, which is something I've never been terribly fond of, but it's very inobtrusive here. It's mostly just a way to pile up consumable E-tanks and lives.

Megaman 9 also has a somewhat surprising amount of content, with a bunch of challenges included, some of which are... rude to even SUGGEST to the player if I'm being honest. Suggesting that somebody beat the hardest Megaman game without ever once taking damage is either going to get you laughed out of the room or make you an enabler of someone's complete self-destruction.

Fun to beat, but only if you cheat

the BEST classic game, almost purely for the weapons

best set of weapons in the classic series by a long shot but every stage has like 1 section that kicks my nuts

They knew how to make a good Mega Man game but they insisted on making Mega Man 2 the sequel! They carried over all its worst aspects. Love that they went back to NES style, but too far back for me. A strange kind of pandering.