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in the past

This is so hard up my alley. A cute, short, pixel art, touching story, whimsical, engaging story, with a relationship that is not quite sad dad territory but close enough. I enjoyed my 5 hours playing the game. There is an ending at the 3 hour mark but that's not the full ending.

There is no exploration in this game. You go from screen to screen by choosing it on the map. Also there are basically only boss battles which means you are always as leveled as the developer wants you to be. This is good in concept but I feel the gameplay is a bit underbaked. They don't start doing interesting things by putting little mini games in the battles until near the end. The game uses battles as a way to also deliver story which is great but I feel the battle system in general holds the game back a bit.

Overall a really cool world and touching story. Is it an amazing world and story? I wouldn't go that far but if, like me, this sounds up your alley you'd probably enjoy it.

Meg's Monster is a surprisingly poignant game despite its shorter runtime.

There is much to enjoy about this game. The story, while some may find it cheesy, I found it consistently very touching. The gameplay is fun and creative with how you are rather monitoring Meg who is but a child during combat rather than actually slaying enemies. And, despite the previously mentioned shorter length and a linear narrative, the developers have crafted a compelling world with an interesting setting and an intriguing cast of characters.

The perspective that this game is presented through; the memories of Meg, I found especially nostalgic. As kids, many of us have gone on adventures, some that we hold dear, and others that fade away like a dream. This game feels like a crafted piece of someone's childhood, and so I navigated through this game with a surprising amount of care.

absolutely incredible in every way. even as short as it is, the story it tells is enthralling and tear-wrenching and it takes no time at all to become completely entrenched in the world. the music is phenomenally beautiful and the art is out-of-this-world fantastic. i love that the "jrpg" gameplay is a story-driving element in itself, and that it doesn't need to be super challenging to be as effective as it is, especially with the constant shifts in the ways the battles play out; every individual battle feels special, and makes the amount of heart and soul that went into this game abundantly clear. i firmly believe that everybody should play this game. 10/10

I love it when an RPG's combat is just self contained combat where each battle is more like a puzzle. The battles in this one aren't difficult but that doesn't really matter they're still interesting and are baked into the plot very well. The plot is extremely emotional and with many tearjerkers to me they feel like the author just wants to make the player sad which is fine but I'm happy (or sad I guess) to say this one has an interesting plot as well that invested me into the characters and the outcomes felt like a very natural progression. Very good game.

This game is Monsters Inc meets Undertale. It has its fair share of charm, humor, quirky characters and good music. Gameplay takes a backseat as there is heavy emphasis on story and dialogue. You get a turn-based combat with "Undertale quirks" and that's about it. The story is fine, it's how it was told that I have issues with. For the first half of the game it trickles enough information to string the player along. Towards the end, however, it's exposition galore. All I wanted was to finish the game but it won't let me; it just kept dragging on. Overall, I wanted to like this game more but the pacing and convoluted story kept me from getting there. I give it props for running so well on the Steam Deck, though.

Buon gioco d'avventura che fa finta di usare qualche elemento jRPG qui e lì per avere un sistema di combattimento a turni abbastanza integrato con la narrazione. A un certo punto succede un certo qualcosa che effettivamente mi ha sorpreso, ma nonostante questo il gioco mi ha dato troppo l'impressione di essere la metà di ciò che avrebbe potuto essere. Non voglio avere la presunzione di dire che gli sviluppatori volevano magari realizzare un gioco più lento e duraturo, ma, appunto, ho avuto troppo l'impressione che gli eventi si susseguissero con troppa rapidità e che gli spazi fossero fin troppo limitati. I puzzle sono purtroppo fin troppo elementari, e parlo anche di quei minigiochi durante le battaglie che appaiono verso metà partita

[European Portuguese - Xbox Series S - Dated 10/03/2023]

"Apesar de Meg’s Monster não reinventar a roda dentro do género que se insere, um onde estejam todos os Adventure RPG focados na estória, a fórmula para o seu sucesso consegue mesclar um enredo melancólico e ternurento, com um sistema de batalha RPG simplista e uma banda sonora soberba, e desta forma destacar-se positivamente entre os seus pares. Apesar deste não cometer grandes erros, fora as minhas niquices, é aconselhável não desconsiderá-lo pelo seu aparente simplismo; porventura até é, mas tem tanta emoção carregada por trás do seu enredo brilhantemente bem escrito que torna-se impossível não recomendá-lo com mais afinco."

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def my fave out of all odencat games. feels more tighter, dialouge has more life to it than fishign paradiso (props to the localizer) and a neat little battle system where u focus on making ur human kid happy while fendign off enemies.

i admit that im just biased to huge monster+human buddy trope lol

i do wish we could have spent more time with the npcs tho. maybe some more side activities/optional scenes...?. oh well.

gotta give a shout out to the music. my fave ost of all odencat games.

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Had such a fun time until that plot twist. Idk what it was, the writing just seemed to plummet

I really liked the concept and story was fun (and heartbreaking at times), but the gameplay execution so disappointing. I heard the concept and I was so excited, but they don't really do anything with it and its like... ok...

This is the kind of game that is normally catnip for me, with its emphasis on emotional storytelling, but it just fell flat. The music and art design were gorgeous but the writing was overly saccharine and didn't add anything beyond the tropes I already enjoyed. I am looking forward to what this studio puts out next, though!

Where it lacks in gameplay depth and challenge, Meg’s Monster more than makes up for this with an impactful narrative, clever puzzle-like battles, and an arresting musical score. If you’re a fan of Undertale this one is certainly worth checking out.

Full Review:

"Si la niña llora el mundo será destruido"

Pero al final el que acaba llorando eres tu, menuda disonancia ludonarrativa.

The story is touching and cool and all, but the dialogues was pretty boring.

A heartwarming and heartbreaking story of two unlikely friends that certainly doesn't reinvent the wheel. But what Odencat has created here is an interesting perspective on how gameplay can emphasize and enhance the story.

For a detailed review, feel free to check out my German review on Gaming-Village.