Reviews from

in the past

Operazione di mercato molto triste e menzognera, al limite della class action.
Evitatela come la peste, non finanziate questo insulto alla storia videoludica.

The original Metal Gear Solid games have been stuck on seventh generation hardware for what has felt like enterity, and I was delighted when this collection was announced. And while this collection isn’t entirely bad, it has issues.

For Metal Gear Solid 1, the game is a bit blurry and hard to see. Metal Gear Solid 2 is supposed to be 1080p, but is obviously at 720p. It also has compressed audio, which sounds awful compared to the other ports. The best game in the collection by far is Metal Gear Solid 3, having no issues on my end. The game is 1080p at 60fps. The only issue was that in the cave, my game freezed for half a second. However, it still suffers from compressed audio.

If you’re on PC, I cannot recommend this collection. Though, if you have no other options, than this collection will do just fine.

Edit: I don’t know if Konami dropped a secret patch or what, but now MGS2 is actually at 1080p. Although, like MSG3, the audio is compressed and the texture quality isn’t upscaled from the PS3/X360 versions. If you’re on PC, I would say you’re still better off emulating them and using mods, but for console users, this is a good option.

Os jogos continuam maravilhosos, isso não há duvida, mas o tratamento que a Konami deu é... complicado, principalmente para a versão de PC

Honestamente só vale apena se você não tem nenhuma outra forma de jogar os jogos, porque de verdade, nunca na minha vida eu achei que eu veria uma coleção receber Patch Notes

Games barely run on my pc. You could argue that's a me problem but I would argue that I should be able to run these 20+ year old games, especially when I can run Revengeance on the lowest graphics settings no problem

The new extra stuff they added is neat and I appreciate having all the MGS1 related stuff in one place but the lack of care put into the ports themselves is abysmal

Wait till it's patched. By then it'll be worth it's asking price. Extras like the master book, screenplays for all games and the different versions are great for Mgs fans even though it may be crap that you have to download the different versions and a lot of stuff isn't on the disc at all/cartridge even worse. Comparison to how these games were ported on PS3. Those titles on PS3 in terms of their polish and port quality is a 5/5 compared to this. This is the first time I've noticed actual bugs and blemishes on any port apprently the hd collection had a small number but none ever detrimental or negatively affecting unlike this. Mgs1 is bilinear filtering upsampled so it actually looks blurryier than how you remember it. And it also has audio cracking:(. Mgs2 alert phases bugged a lot for me and mgs3 rain got messed up are the highlights for me. It's playable if not the most inferior way to play these games right now as of launch release date

As a collection and port job it's pretty average. Would have been great to upscale the graphics a bit but the extras while nice and cool it's nothing to get super excited about. Its just awesome to play these on modern hardware.

I'm currently finished playing MGS, the first game I played of this franchise. The game plays good, maybe not the best way to play this game.

I still have to play the 2nd and 3rd game of this collection.

игра - классика. переиздание - прогрев гоев

Concedió pero no tendrá motor

yapman gereken tek bir şey vardı oyunları adam akıllı pcye getirmek onu bile beceremedin

Console: 3 of 5 - A barebones port job, but the option to download the original Japanese versions along with other regional editions & the Screenplay/Master Books make this worthwhile for newcomers and fans. The games are presented as close to originally intended as possible and the devs made some fixes to MGS2 & 3 (codec delay is gone in MGS2; that bug single handedly adds multiple unskippable hours to a normal play through), so I do applaud them for going the extra mile in that aspect.

PC version: 1 of 5 - A horrid rush job with ABYSMAL optimization, no resolution options, and no keyboard support. The fact that this was released in this state is so typical of modern Konami and I’m so very scared for the Snake Eater Remake. Modders will definitely make this the definitive version of the games in time, but do not buy this game as is at full price; if you have to pick one buy one of the console versions.

Una delle peggiori remastered/collection di sempre
A parte MGS1 che si gioca come lo si è sempre giocato e a parte il fatto che hanno messo la possibilità di giocare le versioni di regioni diverse (europee, americane e giapponesi), la possibilità di emulare i salvataggi, di leggere il manuale altrimenti inaccessibile e la possibilità di guardare gli script e sentire la soundtrack, gli altri 2 giochi, MGS2 e MGS3 sono un disastro totale.
Questi ultimi 2 sono inferiori in tutto e per tutto alla HD Edition sbarcata su ps3 e 360 nel 2011 e non presentano ALCUN MIGLIORAMENTO. Cosa che i modder sono riusciti a fare anche solo con un semplice fix ed un file .ini da poter modificare a piacimento. È assurdo che per una collection rilasciata al lancio a 60 euro succeda questo.
Compratelo solamente su PC dove con le mod potete veramente rendere questi giochi il meglio del meglio e comunque vi consiglio di comprarlo tramite key od in forte sconto. Evitate le versioni console. Pensate che su xbox è meglio giocare l'HD Collection del 2011 in retrocompatibilità che giocare questa nuova versione e non parliamo proprio invece della versione switch.

They seriously need to fix the bugs.

good collection coulda been better but the accesibility is what matters anyways, all i ever wanted from the master collecton was to be able to comfortably play competent versions of metal gear from steam without bullshit or fiddling around with emulators and it accomplished that so it's a win in my book

plus the extras are pretty neat and useful, like the guidebooks and the script and shit it's not really stuff that you might actively pursue but you can appreciate that they included it

hopefully they'll bother to fix the resolution on PC, but it don't matter to me, maybe it matters if you're on a 4K monitor but on a 1080p one it doesn't even look that blurry, the alt tabbing is the only actually annoying thing but besides that i'm just glad i'm playing consistently smooth and responsive versions of mgs2 and 3, no emulator slowdowns, no nothing just pure unadulterated kino

they could have done a better job with mgs1 tho ngl

Impressionante ter gente defendendo essa merda. Fanboys de MGS merecem as palhaçadas que a Konami faz.

Otimização porca (alguns jogos estão mais pesados que o MGSV), texturas e áudio do MGS2 e MGS3 piorados, MGS1 sendo uma emulação ruim de PS1 sem nenhuma opção de melhoria gráfica em nenhum dos jogos (não são os mesmos jogos de anos atrás, são versões piores e com novos bugs! Só que vendido a R$300 para otários comprarem). A konami tá corrigindo algumas coisas só que numa velocidade absurda de um patch mensal (mas o preço veio inteiro...).
Numa coletânea onde se espera bons conteúdos extras dos jogos, a Konami decidiu RETIRAR conteúdo. Tanto o joguinho de andar de skate na Shell do MGS2, quanto o crossover com ape escape de MGS3 não estão presentes. O MGS1 tem um bug que o controls analógico não funciona como deveria e fica parecendo um input lag horrível, derrotar a Sniper Wolf assim deve ser péssimo.

Se você valoriza seu dinheiro, diferente de mim emocionado, emule os jogos, jogue a versão abandonware da gog do MGS2, põe o MGS1 e VR Missions no duckstation que ficam infinitas vezes melhores e de graça. Se quiser mesmo comprar, espere a Konami ter corrigido todos os problemas e tenha um pc superior ao dos requisitos recomendados porquê na época que lançou eu joguei num hardware inferior e enfrentei muitos slowdowns no MGS2 e MGS3.

No momento só zerei o MGS2 (+ todas as conquiostas e itens de New Game Plus), com mods que corrigem alguns dos problemas e um pc que atende aos requisitos, possivelmente se torna a melhor, se não uma das melhores formas de se jogar MGS2 e MGS3. Mas são as mesmas versões da HD collection (só que mais bugadas como já citei), qualquer outro jogo da coletânea já tem formas muito melhores de se jogar e sem gastar um centavo.

Acho que só vou abrir de novo essa Master Collection quando corrigirem os jogos. Se você nunca zerou MGS4, ou mesmo o Peace Walker, não espere um volume 2, porquê mesmo que tenha um, será tão mal feito quanto esse. Se você tem um bom processador, emule o MGS4, e fique longe do youtube e comunidades, porquê tem gente que só sabe ver as partes negativos desse jogo e ignoram todos os pontos bons.

Overall: Poor quality ports with lots of fixes, they do run and are easily obtainable so...

MGS3: This is my favorite game of all time so I took this rerelease pretty seriously. Having to edit hex or use a mod to change your resolution from 720p is asinine and I cannot believe this launched without ANY graphics options whatsoever. The actual game runs fine, locked 60fps and played just as well with a few bug fixes which I appreciate.
Played on E-Extreme Foxhound rank.

sizin ben ananızı sikeyim

A Masterpiece Bundled In a Shoddy and Disappointing Port

Oh man how do I review this? I bought this collection solely for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater because it's the only one of the first 3 MGS games that I've never played. I've considered emulating because of the reception but with mods and fixes, I'd say it looks and plays better.

We've got so many memorable and grounded characters, amazing CODEC conversations, a stamina system that I didn't hate, charming and campy villains, and a story that moved me to tears. My only personal gripes was the final boss theme kicked off when the fight's almost over and it took me a while to get used to the controls. I still fumble with aiming and crouching on intense situations at the end.

The remastered efforts though leaves a lot to be desired. A bunch of crashes, glaringly low quality and sometimes missing textures, colors are washed out, and at one point PARA-MEDIC's voice changed.

Overall, with HD mods and Reshade, it's an almost perfect experience and very well worth playing in 2023. I'm glad this exists for us first-timers but I hope it gets patched up eventually. I can put up with it but It sucks that this masterpiece of a game is not treated with the appropriate love and care.

My experience with Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a 5/5 but because of the shoddy port, I'll settle for a 4/5

A great collection that brought some MGS games to the current gen and it’s by far the best and easiest way to experience the amazing MGS games. Get this if you’re thinking about getting into the franchise and don’t have time to troubleshoot emulators.

Pretty lacking port but at least it has 3 of the best games ever made.

one of the most overated games of all time

This is not only a worse port of each of these games, it flat out doesn’t work. In MGS1 when you want to switch controller ports, the menu takes 15 minutes to load. I’m not even shitting you. This is such an insulting and greedy collection. Don’t buy it and don’t support Konami.

Aqui vão ter duas reviews, uma pros jogos em si, que eu rejoguei depois de mil anos, mas a nota e a segunda parte da review vão ser pra esse port em especifico.

A trilogia dos msgs é simplesmente absurda, eu de verdade tinha esquecido a magia que esses jogos tem, apesar do 1 e algumas coisas do 2 terem envelhecido meio mal. Eu amo a mecânica do mgs 1 q nao te contam nada e se você quer descobrir as coisas, tem que ligar pelo codec pro pessoal te contar.

EU AMO a história do mgs 2, parece que tão fazendo um copy paste do mgs 1 até q no final tudo é revelado em 45 plot twists seguidos feitos de maneira impecavel. Além disso, ele melhora a gameplay do primeiro jogo em tudo.

Mgs 3 é o apice dessa franquia, as mecânicas survival, a exploração, os bosses, a história, tudo é absurdo, a gameplay é um upgrade de tudo que teve antes na franquia e mostra a origem de varias coisas reveladas no mgs 2.

Agora para o review desse port:

mgs 1 não ter recebido nenhum QOL update é absurdo, no minimo widescreen support devia ter... Literalmente com 5 cliques no duckstation você deixa o jogo MUITO melhor que esse port, é assustador.

mgs 2 e 3 tem a qualidade de audio MUITO RUIM, e eu não sou uma pessoa que presta atenção nisso, mas até eu consegui notar. E eles foram tao preguiçosos que nem trocaram as logos e loading screens da hd collection do ps3. Juro, é aterrorizante o quanto a konami é preguiçosa. Tenho medo pelo remake de mgs 3 e de silent hill 2 que estão por vir.

A great collection of games. They run great. Some of my favorite stories in games. Not the best way to play them but if you have no other options then this works

Le tre stelle sono per la collection, non per i giochi che in se' sono tutti e tre da 5 stelle!

a mid port of some of the greatest games of all time, mods fix all the problems but it's sad Konami didn't give these games the love they deserve. still probably worth it if you've never played any metal gear although you should prob emulate MGS1, the master collection version just doesn't have analogue control for whatever reason.

This was my first encounter with the MGS series and it sucks that this is how I was able to experience such a beloved videogame franchise. The ports are just old ports that had to be re-released due to licensing issues and you can tell their age. It would've been nice if these were actual remasters. It's most notable in MGS1 as it almost looks fuzzy. The storytelling and cinematography holds up very well still and I loved what Hideo Kojima has created. I couldn't give it a lower score because I really did enjoy these games. Just sucks that they aren't real remasters. Looking for to Metal Gear Delta now!