Reviews from

in the past

I was feeling the need for xcom-ish strategy, but this is too stealth. The maps at the beginning are all extremely dark and tree's block my vision.

This game introduced me to the genre and its full of personality, does a good job at teaching you mechanics and how to play. Has an intresting story, setting and characters. Fun gameplay that makes you feel like a tactical genious when a plan works out the way you want or manage to smoothly adapt and flip the script on a seemingly doomed encounter. If you are new to this genre my advice would be to give youself time to experiment with mechanics, how the controls work, how encounters work and enemy reactions, anf fail, fail, fail, fail a bunch of times. when it clicks it feels great and it was really immersive for me.
Sadly towards the end of the game and the dlc the whole gameplay loop got a little stale, and thats my biggest issue.

Sequal when?

Very solid and well polished mechanics, but content is so limited that the game can't benefit from it, it feels too small. Atmosphere and music are pretty good though.

I won this game through Steamgifts.

This game was such a fantastic surprise! I really enjoyed the gameplay and especially the characters and the setting. The xcom styled stealth based tactical RPG gameplay was so much fun, you sneak around the enemies, wait for them to go outside of the range of the other enemies, stealthily take them out and then annihilate the rest, just fantastic!

The characters and their relationships with each other was fun, the dry and sarcastic humor was perfect and the graphics were also super good! The way the characters interacted with the world and talk about the items that are normal for us, but for them they were alien, was also so interesting and I really liked the fact that the game was in Sweden!

I really recommend this game to others, so much fun times!

More games need to let you play as a duck, anthropomorphized or otherwise.,1855,5432,Mutant-Year-Zero-Road-to-Eden-Review,.html

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden ist ein tierisch gutes Strategiespiel, mit dem ich die ganze Spielzeit über viel Spaß hatte. Die Kämpfe sind anspruchsvoll (auch für Kenner des Genres), die Geschichte interessant und das Erkunden der Zone belohnt mit neuen Waffen sowie besserer Ausrüstung. Das einzige, was ich mir vom nächsten Teil der Serie wünsche, wäre etwas mehr Inhalt. Außer der Kampagne und ein paar gelegentlichen Ausflügen in Nebengebiete gibt es leider nicht viel zu holen.

Doch abgesehen davon machen "die bärtigen Damen" alles richtig. Deshalb hoffe ich, dass Bormin, Dux, Selma und Co. gut von der Gaming-Community aufgenommen werden. Ich will unbedingt wissen, wie es weiter geht! Da steckt noch reichlich Potenzial und jede Menge Lore hinten dran.

Das durchdachte Gameplay und die liebevoll gestalteten Zwischensequenzen sowie Artworks machen Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden zum perfekten Spiel, um das Gamingjahr 2018 ausklingen zu lassen.

A very solid turn-based tactical RPG that fizzled just a little towards the end. Having a party of mutants that all have very different personalities was really entertaining, especially since you can only send out a party of 3 at a time and their dialogue changes depending on who you choose. However, most of the mutants share a number of same perks, which took away some specialized originality from them.

The loot you find in the word is fun and I really enjoyed the commentary on the artifacts found and what the "Ancients" used them for (i.e. finding a defibrillator and the mutants think humans used it to stay warm.) Having said this, the loot and weapons you find do repeat later in the game, which made them feel less rewarding.

Overall, a very solid tactical RPG if you can pick it up on sale. It has unique characters, and interesting story, and solid game-play, but all of these do wear out a little before the game ends.

Doesn't do anything super amazing beyond better setup for combat. Makes you feel pretty good about getting an edge up. Otherwise its a very run of the mill game.

Mutant: Year Zero is a solid tactics game. Good visuals, good gameplay and a stealth mechanic twist keeps the game engaging for the first 6-10 hours.

Over time, however, the gameplay runs its course. The stealth aspect goes from interesting to essential. Many encounters cannot be beaten without using stealth to eliminate stragglers, meaning your silent weapons must be the priority, taking away the ability to run and gun.

Otherwise, I found this to be an enjoyable game for a few afternoons. Fans of the genre will find something to like, and this game could serve as a great entry point for someone before getting crushed by XCOM.

I lost enthusiasm for this before finishing, but I think others will find the story and gameplay good enough to find it worth playing through.

A fun reskin of X-com. Just as punishing though.

Rating: 8.1/10 - Great

This is Xcom with more rpg elements, set characters and better stealth elements. Tho unfortunately it does miss on enemy variety. If that sounds appealing to you, go play it.

If the Duck sounded like Daffy Duck then it would of been 5/5

A game I've been really looking forward to playing! It was a fun time to stream and had a lot of fun! If you have any interest in seeing gameplay for a more informed opinion of how the game plays, check out the stream here I will continue to talk and review this game however.

This game was a lot of fun, but I only experienced this much later after the developers finally removed Denuvo the vile DRM that people, for some stupid reason still defend.

The combat style is tied to a grid like XCOM, however outside of combat it's closer to something like Dragon Age or Divinity: Origonal Sin where as the group you explore the area, picking up scrap and weapon parts to buy upgrades for your weapons and new items like genades and such, though I often found the shop useless apart from for Medikits.

Mechanics aside, I love the storyline and how these mutants are fighting in a world that is filled with monsters and monsterous people who want to kill everyone in the arc and a mad cult who believe that the best solution for the world is to get into a bunker, launch a nuke a re-start the earth again. I also love the side-discussions and side-bits that the characters often have when looking at items, locations and so on.

One of the funniest is when Selma found a doll (like a barbie doll) and remarked at how stranger her preportions were, claiming that she must've been a model of somekind of early mutant of freak of somekind, which is pretty hilarious, considering how they often are like that.

After the DLC I'm still hungry for more though. Would love to see these people get back and make a sequel of somekind!

wanted a good xcom like and that is exactly what i got

Despite providing a unique take on the XCOM forumla, it fails to truly bring a good designed experience to the table. You realize the "openess" of the game is just an illusion as every encounter just boils down to singling out one enemy, defeating them until there is just a handful of enemies left so you can ambush them and win the battle. Trying to fight aggressively is just not viable and worth it when you can just repeatedly use this one strategy over and over until the credits roll after 10+ hours of playtime.
It's a shame, because the setting and world-design are so damn captivating. Sadly, the story is very clichéd and the twist at the end can be seen from a mile away.

If you like this genre, give it go. Maybe you'll enjoy it.

A pretty decent game, the combat feels good, blending stealth and TRPG mechanics perfectly, building your team over the course of the game into a force to be reckon with is also pretty satisfying. Unfortunately the game is pretty basic with not much room to expirement hurting its replaybility and the story is pretty bad, it's a very generic post apocalyptic story with an incredibly obvious final plot twist and the ending is a shitty cliff hanger (aperantly the DLC continues the story but its almost as expensive as the game itself).

Good setting and entertaining writing and characters. Good ability synergy for stealth allows many abilities to help kill enemies quietly, a stun or knockout attack can give you more time to attack solo or multiple enemies while remaining in stealth, and being able to use multi shot attacks with silenced weapons. Combat is similar to the newer XCOM games and is enjoyable. Nice to have a shorter and more linear character focused tactical game.

Overlap between character abilities and abilities that can require you to go into menus to switch between them for the right scenario or when some are in cooldown instead of being able to equip them all together or have quick switch options. Switching out characters for your active party of three out of five possible characters will also likely need to to keep changing out weapons and armors each time. Only lead character talks or comments on the area, investigation options, and found artifacts most of the time so unless you keep saving and reloading to see what other characters can say you miss out on a lot of the personality of the characters. Upgrading weapons isn't very interesting as all upgrades do is add one to the damage and the way the game is set up makes it a much better option to upgrade your silenced weapons all the way throughout most of the game, not doing that will waste very limited materials for the better weapons.

XCOM but you only get one turn or else you get obliterated

Es un juego bastante mediocre. Supongo que para quien sea muy fan del estilo de juego puede ser más interesante, pero en mi caso no había nada que me hiciese volver al juego.

Solid combat and good stealth mechanics.
I hated how short it was.

O jogo me deixou curioso por conta dos gráficos e personagens antropomórficos, e pelo combate de tática que é um dos meus preferidos. Mas mesmo assim não esperava uma narrativa tão boa, um mundo tão completo e um sistema de combate robusto como ele tem.

O combate tem uma mistura de tática com stealth que funciona muito bem e é muito bem balanceado e desafiador. Os personagens são interessantes, algo que não eu não esperava. Consegui o jogo pela Epic Games gratuitamente, e me vi compelido a comprar o DLC. Vou ficar de olho nos próximos jogos dessa empresa.

I like a lot of what this game is doing to bridge an open(ish) world RPG with XCOM style combat. There's not a whole lot to it and that's fine because I had my fill by about the 2/3rds point.

Mutant Year Zero offers a lot of interesting ideas and innovations in the genre that ultimately don't get space to breathe in a brutally unforgiving and unfun environment.

Very decent game with an interesting story, nice atmosphere, and a good implementation of xcom/wasteland gameplay. A bit simplified, but enjoyable.

La mejor forma de jugar a este juego táctico es ser un guarro, derribar y esconderte, pues muchas veces en enfrentamientos directos te revientan al ser ellos siempre más. Aparte de esto, el juego tiene una buena curva de dificultad con retos aquí y allí, y si bien se acaba como de repente, creo que es muy disfrutable.

Xcom pero con historia narrativa y elementos rpg, me encantó

xcom style combat smoothly fused with stealth mechanics, world exploration and rpg-ish progression. funny animals and witty banter. an unassuming game that delivers satisfying gameplay, with charming writing that strikes a clean balance between atmosphere and comedy, and doesn't overstay its welcome. one of my goats.

Me mostro el amor por un genero nuevo de videojuegos, estrategia por turnos. El modo de juego es muy bueno y entretenido, me lo pasé genial de principio a fin. La historia es muy triste y eso es bonito junto al misterio que llevan los personajes que llevamos durante todo el juego, de los cuales se saben muy poco, hasta el final. Es un juego que a pesar de su genero, me es imposible no recomendarle a mis amigos. Pero, no todo es bonito, la curva de dificultad puede mal interpretarse entre diferentes niveles del mapa del mundo, a veces siendo demasiado difícil, pero nada que no podamos afrontar los jugadores.