Reviews from

in the past

Doom 2016 made by people who love making games but are not strictly speaking, good at making games

doom-like that is very janky, almost all abilities are unlocked on the first half of the game and have no particular uses aside from making combat easier

This is the definition of a hot mess. It’s a gorgeous game with really fun gunplay, but is filled with just tons of jank and an overall lack of polish.

The story is honestly pretty boring, it’s not hard to follow or anything but there’s not much to it and is mostly there to just string together the levels. The only interesting characters were the ones outside of the story, like the artificer or the rogue doc. The rest are just boring and the conclusion is just dull and completely unsatisfying.

Now the star of the show is 100% the gameplay. The movement is fun and the guns all feel great. The only thing really lacking are the abilities. There’s plenty of them but I barely ever needed to use them. My main complaint with the gameplay overall is that it’s just too easy. Most of my deaths were to pits not enemies. I barely felt any challenge and when I did it felt unearned, like in the not so great boss fights.

Would I recommend it? Definitely. It’s a fun game with a killer presentation that is marred by a major lack of polish. Would I blame someone for dropping it after a couple hours? Probably not.

it's like if Titanfall 2 and E.Y.E. had a baby that got dropped on its head on birth

What you see is what you get. Necromunda is a game that probably matches your expectations exactly. I want to give a disclaimer that this is a buggy game, but i don't really factor that into my overall opinion of it because it will probably get fixed sometime in the future.

For starters, Necromunda is one of those rare Warhammer 40K games that focuses not on grand battles between various different dystopian factions, Necromunda is a game limited to one planet, a planet that lacks Orks, spaces marines, and those elusive space elves that you just can't seem to get rid of. This game takes place on a panet that is basically a super-sixed arms manufacturer. The architecture is dirty, grimy, and horribly rusty the whole way through, really capturing this sense of an industrial society that just sucks, badly. In the visuals department, Necromunda is not lacking, it delivers, it looks like polished and occasionally runs great on my rig.

Gameplay-wise Necromunda is a good, but not impressive affair, the game is pretty much a culmination of several FPS trends that have been around in the recent years. It's got guns that feel good, but are quite limited, the loot system might as well not exist because it adds almost nothing to the game. The customization is by no means amazing, but it's definitely better than nothing. The powers are, once again, not anything new, but they do change the way the game is played. The addition of the cyber-mastiff, the canine that follows you around, sniffs out enemies and attacks them, would do a lot more for the game if it's AI wasn't so scerwy. The game also has a mechanic where you can attack an enemy immediately after you've been attacked to get your health back, and that helps keep things aggressive and fast, with the advanced movement further developing that design philosophy.

The music of the game isn't anything to write home about, neither is the story. The atmosphere, however, is excellent, and does a perfect job of establishing the world that you're stuck in.

Overall Necromunda isn't winning any awards, but it's one of the better Warhammer 40K games, and is definitely a notable eurojank title.

So much potential, but it's just not there. They nail the design and vibe pretty well- you can really feel the scale of sprawl and how devalued life is throughout the massive population. The combat, movement and level design hints at amazing Doom-style gameplay, but most times it sputters out into frustration.

Die Definition von Durchschnitt.

Not great, mostly just a C grade DOOM Eternal clone. Final boss fight was so infuriating that I just watched the ending on YouTube. Definitely not a huge fan of this one.

This is a shooter... I mean, yeah. It's alright. Movement is fun, executions are fun, sometimes the visuals are striking, but the AI is dumb, story is pretty quick, and levels start feeling samey. If you're really into the aesthetic or have exhausted most of your FPS options, it's OK.

I love the Warhammer series a lot. My first introduction was a small figure I was given as a gift in junior high back in 2003. I had a friend who was really into the series and painted the figures and was all in. My parents couldn’t afford the figures so I turned to video games. My first experience was Dawn of War. One of the best RTS games ever made. Then…that was it. I then played Dawn of War II and then Space Marine, but was still fascinated by the lore, art style, and designs. This comes across well in Hired Gun. The game is oozing with style and tons of steampunk design. Weird mutilated bodies everywhere that are full of strange tech, gross underground sewers, and tons of violence and gore. The game looks amazing, but that’s probably the best thing about the game.

It was advertised as Doom set in the Warhammer universe and this it is not. When you start the game you pick your avatar and difficulty and you are off with just a revolver. Right away you take in the amazing art and visual design the series is known for. Then within a few minutes, you can start shooting and moving and that’s when everything falls apart. Now, at first, the gunplay seems fun. It’s fast-paced, punchy, and the guns feel pretty good to shoot. Then at the end of the first level, you are already tired of it because there’s nothing else to do. Every single level is shoot everything that moves through poorly designed levels. Now the art is nice, but the actual design and layout of the levels are terrible. Tons of endless corridors to nowhere, hidden treasure chests that are not interesting enough to find, credits, and places to jump around and wall run on. Yes, it’s fast-paced and feels pretty good, but it’s so boring.

Another issue I have is that enemies spawn at random places and there’s no pattern. You run around an arena shooting everything in sight and when you go pick something up an enemy dropped another is shooting you from behind even though everyone came out of the same door on the opposite side of the room. It can lead to cheap deaths as you get a shield to protect your health and you can buy stims to revive you if you die. There are grenades that can clear crowds, but overall the layout of the levels just doesn’t help. I can jump around everywhere but what’s the point if everyone spawns randomly.

Some levels mix up arenas where you are locked in a room and heavy metal music plays until everything is dead, and then there are just endless linear hallways where you mow down more enemies. Enemies splatter and gib in Unreal Tournament-style glory, but they are not interesting to look at or fight. Everything dies in a few hits and each weapon seemed to do the same damage except for when it came to distance. The game shoehorns an RPG system into the game that feels completely pointless and useless. There are charms, armor, tokens, and various other bits that can be collected, but they can’t be equipped until your next mission. So, why bother with an RPG system if it can only be accessed between missions? Once you finish a mission you’re rated (who cares). You can then complete side missions for greater challenges and better loot, but no thank you. The main missions are drab enough as it is.

Once you complete a mission you can then chose what loot to keep and the rest is sold. Once you arrive at the main hub there are various vendors that allow you to buy and sell weapons and then also bionics on you and your dog. Yes, you get a dog companion that attacks for you, but that’s it. The bionics are bought with credits and you can acquire various powers that kind of help a bit, but mostly you’ll just shoot everything. This is the main gameplay loop. Shoot everything through levels with nothing in between, fight an occasional boss, and build up your arsenal and bionics. The gameplay itself isn’t just boring but so is the story. Now, I’m no Warhammer guru, but with previous games, you kind of get some lore thrown at your real quick to understand your surroundings, but here you just fight this gang and that gang and work for this person. There’s no context. The voice acting is okay, but there’s no reason to care.

Overall, Necromunda had potential and it was squandered with a forced loot system, boring story and gameplay loop, and terribly designed levels. I love the visuals and the lore behind the series, but this game just doesn’t do it justice. If it was a straight-up linear corridor shooter with more thought put into the weapons, enemies, and level design it would have been better. Also, the whole looter shooter thing needs to stop at some point. No one can get it right and it’s widely overused. Sometimes less is more and Necromunda proves that.

Atmosphere is really nice but the mechanics are kinda clunky and the story is meh unless you’re a warhammer fan

A ton of jank in a game where responsiveness is a stable of the genre its in.

Pretty decent lil action fps. Reminds me of games from 2005-2011, straight forward shooting. It does have more modern elements like loot and a lot of movement/tools based off of Doom/Eternal. Barring some glitches that became frustrating I had fun.

fun game, meh story
~7h barely any side stuff

A fund concept with great visuals and voice acting, but sadly the gunplay feels very strange and can be difficult.

This feels like a fan mod of DOOM 2016 to make it Warhammer, and you know what, it absolutely rules.

For 30 dollars it's a steal. Pure joy

Went into this one with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

The gameplay loop is really fun and the campaign does not overstay its welcome. Character progression is done well and while there is a loot system, you never feel the need to grind for anything to progress the main story. After doing a handful of side missions, you can pretty much max out your character.

Storywise there's not much going on, most of the plot happens in the first and last cutscenes, the rest is carried out through dialogue in the hub area. It's more of an excuse to move onto the next location than an engaging plot.

You can really feel that despite being a janky game, the developers really cared both about the project and the source material it is based on. It's one of those games where I'd like to see a sequel with the same core mechanics, but just a focus on polishing out all the rough edges.

Avoid like the plague. I've played games made by students which were 10x more polished.

If you've played either NuDoom, you've played this game before.

Maybe if I cared about Warhammer I'd have cared about this game but uh, I kinda don't. Even if I were a Warhammer fan, I'd probably only bump the rating up to like a 5/10.

This game is a personal reminder that torrenting a game is a viable option. What you see is what you get with this title. You can say that phrase for a lot of other titles, and you could use that argument for some games that I personally have enjoyed. But I'm not interested in this presentation, I'm largely tired of this gameplay loop, and I simply do not think this game is anything good.

This game understands it's world is really unpleasant, like in a good way. Too many external systems for me, but the moment-to-moment combat encounters are quite entertaining.

An ambitious game which doesn't quite fire on all cylinders; still worth playing though. The response and feedback in the shooting isn't great, the levels aren't very inspiring with irritating bottomless pits and the game structure is simple, with a story that is basically told in the first and last cutscenes of the game, but it does let you get extremely powerful and in the moment it can be a lot of fun, zapping enemies with big lasers. The grappling hook is really good too.

One of the most shitty games ever! The gameplay, gunplay, graphics, voice acting and overall atmosphere are awful. Do not play it!

Forced myself to finish this one. Miserable experience

Um jogo indie interessante, tem os velhos problemas do gênero

Answering the question “What if the EYE Divine Cybermancy devs were responsible for the DOOM reboot”.

I am pretty lukewarm on this game. I like the aesthetics, the general structure of the missions, the high speed action and the lifesteal mechanic, but the story didn't grab me and the upgrades often don't feel meaningful.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for July 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before August 2nd, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Necromunda: Hired Gun is based on a Game Workshop game called Necromunda, in the Warhammer 40k universe. You’re on a mechanized planet, and the locations here do not disappoint, whether it’s the furnace locations during the first level, or an epic train that passes in the second, there’s a huge sense of scale and discovery here, that’s impressive.

It’s too bad the rest of the game just doesn’t work as well as the levels and locations. There’s a particularly bad character model that I’ll try to show here of a big brute, but it was a bad enough model that it made me start realizing it’s more visual trickery and filters that made the other enemies acceptable, at least I think so. The gunplay in the first hour is average at best, and there are some weird control choices, such as combining the use, melee, and reload all on a single button, which is awkward for the melee takedowns. Then again some moments reminded me of Ghostrunner for the wall-running that’s rather good, and a few moments were visceral like Doom Eternal, but a weaker form of both if I’m honest.

Pick this up if you love First Person shooters, I liked the environments here and would love to see more, but this is a Games Workshop game that tends to have a decent amount of Jank. As always when it comes to these types of games, I recommend people check out Mandelore’s reviews if they want a more in-depth look at the game, which ultimately is positive though it does mention a lack of polish at launch. Though one last point, there’s a dog you can summon by squeaking a toy and letting him go after enemies. Who's a good boy?

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

I walked into this thinking this would be like Doom. I gave it a couple of hours - the controls feel uncomfortable, the story was confusing (I'm not familiar with Necromunda/Warhammer at all) and it just felt boring to play. This game kind of disappointed for me, unfortunately.

I have loved Necromunda as a setting since I was a kid and want to give any game set in it a try, but there's just too much wrong here for me to enjoy Hired Gun.
It clearly takes inspiration from the new Doom games but lacks any of the tightness of control, snappy weapon feel or intuitive mobility of those games, not to mention their confusing not-glory-kill-but-functionally-the-same-thing system where kills after sustaining injury heal you.
The voice acting ranges from mediocre to bad, which is often the case with games from this dev, and the graphics - while normally fine - are occasionally so poor that I actually found myself laughing out loud at them a few times.