Reviews from

in the past

It’s a been a couple months now, and the more I think about it, the more I actively dislike this game. I still don’t think it’s the irredeemable, franchise-killing monstrosity that Paper Mario fans claim it is, but as I continue to progress through The Origami King, this game’s problems become a lot more blatant. The combat is pointless, most levels are boring (Enigmansion and Snifit-or-Whiffit are still certified bangers, though), and there’s loads of tedious padding and horribly telegraphed puzzles littered throughout.

Look how they massacred my boy…

Tô ficando louco jogando jogo merda pós jogo merda, nesse ritmo vou virar o AVGN, nada nessa merda de jogo funciona, se o jogo fica muito repetitivo ou injusto ele tem o benefício da teimosia como foi com o Super Paper Mario se a história e gameplay forem divertidos, já quando uma MÍDIA é entediante não tem história, tem Personagens chatos, e uma gameplay sem ALMA e pouco inspirada eu já considero um produto ruim. Eu tanko muita coisa, esse trem acabou com tudo de Paper Mario, não foi por limitação de hardware.

Esse é o mesmo console que roda:

Shin Megami Tensei 4
Link's Between Worlds
Final Fantasy Type 0
Resident Evil Revelations
Monster Hunter Ultimate 3.

Honestly, having not played any other Paper Marios, this game has the capability of not feeling bad to play in the moment. It is like a standard Mario platformer with more exploration and paper in some regards. It only really truly hit me how poorly the game is designed after noticing how much of the game was left after World 3.

I have my fill of the game's structure by the end of World 2, and next the game presents a massive forest labyrinth with required backtracking that destroys any sense of pacing, and then somehow anticipates the player will stomach that they're only halfway through. World 3 is a next-level playthrough killer for how many superfluous levels it introduces, all of the required items needed with no direction toward where to look for them, and centering on what is ultimately a large-scale fetch quest with very little personality on display. Further compounding the problem is the game's more inherent battle system issues, such as not having any leveling mechanics, in turn making scalability a non-factor, and the bosses demanding the most random thing stickers in order to present a reasonable challenge.

People debate all the time about how whether straightforwardly bad media is better than that which is boring, and usually I think it is a circumstantial matter. There are many different shades of bad, from being unintentionally entertaining to outright repulsive to experience; I think there are also different shades of boring that, depending on the work, allow us to be more or less charitable to the efforts of the creators regardless of our personal apathy of the thing itself. People can debate this forever, but the absolute bottom level for media in my book, however, is reserved for works that possess the deadly combination of being both long and the vapid kind of boring. I absolutely despise games that just waste my time for a billion hours without offering anything to meaningfully consider afterwards, other than that it was a bad idea to play that shit.

Nintendo had too much faith in this game's concepts to at least make the game reasonably short, and this translates into a product that asks for so much more of your attention and maintenance than it is willing to give back with substance.

i remember having so many fights with a friend in school about this game. they never played paper mario before, meanwhile i had, and seeing this game fall so hard from grace just sucked. it hurt so bad.
nobody stood out anymore, you had no partners, bowser didn't SPEAK... it was just sad. it was an alright game by itself, but the fact it's attached to PAPER MARIO of all things makes it just depressing. it's even worse when you look at its development history and learn you would've had partners and etc, but was changed because it was "too similar to TTYD."
this game makes me sad

The weirdest Paper Mario game to date. It had some cool ideas but fails to pull them off in almost every regard. Good levels are few and far between. It almost feels like the game WANTS you to have a bad time with how many malicious choices the game developers made against that go directly the player. Cryptic hints for required items, no rhyme or reason for decisions, malicious game design at its worst. Not worth playing at all without a guide. You WILL become stuck.

The best part about this game is the sounds it makes when you walk.

It is utterly batshit insane that people will shit on Thousand Year Door for having backtracking when the 3rd chapter of this game gives you 12 levels and requires you to revisit some of them multiple times just to collect some goofy ahh wiggler body parts. And this chapter drags on for so long that it's almost half the entire game.

Imagine a JRPG that makes battling enemies a bad thing. Imagine that the game also makes bosses invincible unless you find the one item that can instakill them. That's this game. It's bad, don't pick it up. I gave up after world 3, and I rarely give up on games.

Just play Bug Fables instead.

It's only fitting that a franchise made of paper would be set on fire so spectacularly.

playing this game after playing tyd made me feel like i was insane

not as bad as rabid fans would have you believe but also certainly nothing special

I LIKED this game. I think people resent it because they feel it represented a decline in the series. However, for what it was at the time, which was a handheld experience, it accomplished what it set out to do and I had fun playing Paper Mario Sticker Star, and not the paper mario it wasnt.

No but like this is genuinely one of the games I dislike the most. I'm not the type to play games she dislikes on purpose because I don't have time for that, but this one absolutely blind-sided me with how atrocious it was.

I remember playing and enjoying The Thousand-Year Door a lot, so I was excited about the prospect of a Paper Mario game that returned to its more RPG-lite roots. The first world felt like such an uninspired drudge that I kept playing expecting there to be a rug-pull. Knowing Super Paper Mario, being boring on purpose and then surprising you would very much be on-brand for this series' sense of humor. Except I kept going. And kept going.

Eventually I found the core loop of the game to be tiring, with a battle system that just does not work. Each attack is treated like an item and is permanently used up. An interesting idea, but this falls apart in scenarios where you encounter absolutely HP-sponge bosses and eventually run out of stickers, at which point you just can no longer use your jump attack. At least a Pokemon out of PP of all its moves can use Struggle! Like what gives?! As it turns out, the "Intended" way to fight bosses is to simply use the right "Thing". Every single Thing sticker, however, 100% turns the boss fight into a joke. So either you're slowly whittling a 300 HP boss down by 7 HP per turn, maybe 14 if you got the coins for an extra attack slot. OR, you just take off 80% of the boss's HP by immediately using the Baseball Bat Thing and it leaves the boss in a pitifully easy-to-beat state. It's just pick your poison.

But even if you fight the bosses the "Hard" way, Kersti has the fucking gall to reprimand you for not taking the easy out. Like, just straight up says "Try a little harder next time!" Fuck off, Kersti.

The most dreadful video game experience I've ever had in my life. And the only reason I finished it is because it was the only thing I had to play during the winter after it came out. Awful.

not one of my most well picked birthday presents,

I loved this game as a kid. To be honest I don't really understand the hate but I get that it took a huge step away from the RPG formula. I like the world map and how connected each world feels. The bowser fight is extremely difficult though. Im not going to call it over hated as I can understand that it has major problems

i couldnt push through this one man its such a nothing game

The most baffling thing about this game isn't how much it got absolutely wrong about Paper Mario, but that they decided THIS was going to be the baseline for future Paper Mario games for TWO games.

The game that killed the paper mario series and its just boring and the gameplay is not fun. Stickers do not replace traditional combat mechanics in an rpg. It makes fights boring and repetitive. Most people gave up after this one and thats probably for the best.

there have been so many bad games ive played. halo 4. nu thief. so forth. but i cant really bring myself to hate any of them--just a great distaste or disliking, i guess

but this shit right here. this is easily the worst video game i've ever played in my life, firing on all cylinders as a completely miserable experience to both established paper mario fans of old and approachers of new. an ugly art style plastered with generic, boring designs mixed with a soulless soundtrack and obnoxious dialogue all make for an ugly exterior, but all of this could be good and it still wouldnt save the baffling gameplay. who in fuck thought it would be a good idea to make a combat system where the only winning move is to not play? i think i treated sticker star like a stealth game with all the running past enemies i did, considering the combat consists of wasting your resources and giving you nothing but coins for your effort, a complete waste of currency. when you're not surviving these encounters, you're either solving puzzles that range from brain dead easy to "this is legitimately not possible without a strategy guide on hand unless i want to spend three hours wandering around aimlessly." this game will never fail to not make me angry in some way, and i feel even angrier knowing that, slowly but surely, a new wave of defenders is building for this shitty revival of paper mario.

i was pissed off back then, i'm pissed off now writing this, and i'll be pissed off forever. fuck this game to hell.

Gimmicky, uninspired and abandoning everything that made the previous games so special. Much like a cheap dollar store sticker, this game will be faded and in the garbage long before it can leave an impression.