Reviews from

in the past

P4U2 in 2020.

The sequel which introduced my favorite Persona villain, Sho Minazuki. The story followed up on Arena's and we got to see the P3 and P4 cast banter with each other, which im certain all everyone ever wanted. Arena's core gameplay is still here and just as good, with some questionable buffs to some characters (Narukami) and Shadow characters were a fun new feature (that were hilariously broken in a version of the game we never got here in the states.) But this game is high tier. Love it.

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Had a really fun time with it. Wouldn't actually recommend unless you've beat both, Persona 3 FES (and The Answer) and Persona 4 Golden, in some capacity. The PC Port is plagued with crashes and audio issues but the game itself is pretty good.

It's hard to recommend picking it up just yet because of the buggy state of the port, but it seems to be slowly fixing itself. Either way, waiting for rollback might be the best option.

It is still a great game though, shoddy port aside, and really brings me back to the era where some fighting games just did whatever kind of bullshit they wanted as far as mechanics and characters went. It's filled to the brim with depth (and cheese) and is a great time to sink your teeth and a few dozen hours into with friends. If you're in it for the single player experience you're probably better off just watching the story mode online or just reading about it, it's nothing special.

A really strong fighting game, lots of variety between its characters, and very very easy to pick up in comparison to its competitors. It's great to pick up and play with a friend. Story isnt that great but its not the main selling point.

I didn't really get the flow for a few matches but it definitely became a lot of fun once I figured stuff out. But am I crazy for finding the sound design to be kind of bad?

I played for two hours. The story isn't as engaging as Persona 4 Golden. I was able to win all of the fights by mashing X.
The PC port is a lazy cash grab. It looks horrible at resolutions beyond 1080p.

Como um jogo de luta é divertido, acho que se eu jogasse ele em um arcade eu iria adorar, o jogo é lindo com ótimos visuais, as pixel art são sensacionais e o design dos personagens durante a luta tem muita personalidade.

Mas é só isso mesmo, a historia do Arena original é insuportável e o esquema de contar a mesma coisa de novo e de novo por diferentes personagens se iguala a tortura psicológica, a história do Ultimax é significantemente melhor, traz uma ordem cronológica e um plot extremamente mais interessante, mas é totalmente vazia, é levemente decepcionante comparando com o Persona 4 dancing, que é um spin off com uma historia muito interessante.

Os designs dos personagens de persona 3 são horriveis, dolorosos demais, menos o do Akihiko q está uma delicia (uma estrela dessa review é dedicada somente aos peitões dele), e os novos personagens deixam a desejar demais

Recomendo jogar somente a história do Ultimax pra se divertir um pouco, não vale o preço entretanto


Damn, I can't believe the game released yesterday

I may like it more than the actual mainline game

(This is counting the original Persona 4 Arena too) A simply amazing game for people who love Persona 4 and Persona 3. Great crossover of casts and the story does a great job at getting them both involved. I'm not a fighting game guy but I think the gameplay is pretty fun, even if I'm not that good at it. Overall, it has many hours of a continuation of Persona 4 and both the casts interacting with each other CANONICALLY, nice original music, and a story that involves both games greatly and make you feel things seeing the Persona 3 casts come so far. (I know it sure made me feel things!) Also, Labrys and Sho/Minazuki are great.

I'm not a huge fan of fighting games, but I am a huge fan of both Persona and Labrys, so I was happy to finally get to play this thanks to the remaster.

Overall, just as fun as Persona 4 Arena, but with a new story with a great setup, but somewhat lackluster finale. I'm not a huge fan of the villain personally, but we worked really well when paralleled against Labrys and Adachi. Once again, my favorite aspect of the fighting games is seeing the best girl in all of Persona, Labrys, kick ass. Everything involving her and best boy Adachi were tons of fun.

I tried playing through the other modes in the game, but honestly, outside of the story I just couldn't get into the game that much. I only played through arcade roughly four or five times before it got too annoying and repetitive for me, and I'm nowhere near skilled enough to even bother with online.

Still a fun game overall, but most of my love comes from Labrys and the interactions between characters. Fun if you're a Persona fan and probably even more fun if you're a fighting game fan.

came for the fighting game, stayed for the baseball

Played both P4U and P4U2 campaigns. Nice spin-off to P3, where some P4 characters tag along for some reason.
I want to have sex with all the robot girls.

kinda cool fan service fighting game but the story mode bores me to fucking tears

i love how weird this game is, with all the status effects and how almost every character is kind of a puppet character with the personas (not really), and how hectic and fast the movement can get. i kind of bounced off of it because of some initial friction with the controls and mechanics, coupled with how i'm spreading myself thin between at least three other fighting games already, but it's so fun to watch and it's quite fun to play too.

This is mostly a gameplay review than story review because I did not buy it for the story, but I will say wow this might just be the most dialogue heavy fighting game I've ever played.

It's not the most deep fighting game ever but it's really solid and gets the job done. Anyone who's a big fan of Persona 3 or 4 and likes fighting games would get quite a bit of enjoyment out of this title. There are 22 characters on the character select screen but in truth it's really 20 fully unique fighters with about 10 clones. That is solid, especially considering it contains most of the important characters from the two games it is based on.

I've also played BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle which includes multiple characters from this game but in a 2v2 format rather than only 1v1. I'd love see to a sequel to this game that includes Persona 5 and hopefully older Persona game characters too with new mechanics and the option to play 2v2s and 3v3s. Possibly even include new battle mechanics such as a quick rush in movement option skin to FighterZ. I found most ranged characters to be a bit more annoying to deal with in this game due to there being less movement options. As a Naoto main I mainly just have to block and occasionally use my own ranged moves to counter ranged oriented characters which makes the game less fun. Mixing close and far range options together nicely is more ideal.

Overall even if you're not a Persona 3 or 4 fan it's still a decent fighting game. It would not be my first recommendation but it's definitely enjoyable.

The story was an improvement over Persona 5 Arena, and I liked the progression of Labrys character, Sho was just alright, didn't really find myself that interested in him.

Episode P4 was decent, and I liked Adachi's chapter which honestly might have been the highlight, enjoyed seeing his character progression. After about halfway into Episode P3 however I did start to get pretty bored as the content repeated a bit too much by the end.

really fun and ridiculous fighting game. it has rollback now!!! great time with friends

Yukiko spamming agi go whoooosh!

my bestie catpun bought this for me on steam and my computer is so bad it's basically impossible to play it. sorry catpun. so going off of my experience playing the arcade version i gotta say this game served


Awesome fighting game (especially on Steam since you have rollback online and for free), story mode a little eh.

Fuck Sho, though, and not literally in a sexual sense. Edgy asshole that wishes to be 5% as good written as that other main villain.

I am not a huge fighting game fan but I can confidently say I like this game due to it being mostly beginner friendly and it having a substantial amount of singleplayer content like the story mode, golden mode and arcade mode.

The story mode is good for a fighting game story mode. Compared to other Persona spinoffs the presentation and pacing is really lacking. OG Arena's story mode is full of repetitive routes and filler description dialogue I often skip, Ultimax fixes the repetitive routes but the VN style and filler dialogue holds it back still. I would argue the stories within are pretty good, Labry's has a tragic and interesting backstory. Sho also fits this description aswell as being fun to watch on screen and ties into Persona 3 excellently. However the stories are far too stretched out, if the entire story mode was just a 10 hour romp it would've been far better, but it's held back for sure. Adachis DLC story mode was my favourite because it's paced perfectly and develops his character in a cool way and concludes his story well. I also felt the descriptive dialogue for the only time was worth reading here as it really gets into his mindspace really well.

Overall, I would recommend this game even if you cant stomach the VN stuff because the singleplayer content is pretty beefy and the online is fun. And with rollback coming soon this will be one of the best fighting games on the market.

Persona 4 Arena é um excelente fighter, mas infelizmente uma péssima sequência.

Jogo de luta padrão, mas com alta qualidade voltada na estética visual, trilha sonora e conteúdo secundário. O competitivo é decente e o multiplayer é okay, joguei na versão de PS4 com aqueles lobby´s e tudo mas.. de certa forma envelheceu mal para os dias de hoje.

Seguindo para modos de jogo, temos o clássico versus, arcade, multiplayer, campanha principal e um outro um tanto peculiar chamado de Golden, onde é meio RPG, com sistema de andares, níveis de personagens e afins.

As mecânicas são de fácil aprendizagem e o título recebe de braços abertos qualquer jogador casual, com facilitadores como smart combos, inputs simples e diversas mecânicas que impedem de você ficar preso no canto da tela com um arrombado te rushando no 50/50 toda hora no online.

A campanha é dividida em 4 partes: Persona 4 Arena, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (que são 2 rotas) e por fim um episódio especial do Adachi; totalizando mais de 35 horas de pura.. 𝗩 𝗶 𝘀 𝘂 𝗮 𝗹 𝗡 𝗼 𝘃 𝗲 𝗹. O modo história é totalmente mal nivelado, onde nele você fica lendo por mais de 40 minutos até chegar em uma luta que dura UM ÚNICO FUCKING ROUND e depois advinha? Mais uma hora de leitura. O duro senhores é que a história nem é tão interessante, a narrativa do P4 Arena por exemplo conta com 12 rotas sendo que 10 delas é um What if da vida totalmente repetitivo e cansativo de acompanhar. A história do Ultimax no entanto tem aquele senso de continuidade, mas também não é nada de mais, aquele Sho Minazuki não convence nem a própria mãe sobre ele ser o vilão da parada; e o episódio do Adachi é só uma encheção de linguiça; o fan service entre os personagens do Persona 3 e 4 é agradável mas infelizmente não consegue se sustentar o suficiente até o final do game, já que ele é bem longo.

Quando finalizei o modo história dei graças a deus e simplesmente decidi abandonar o jogo, como um fighter é excelente, mas como uma continuação de Persona 3 e 4 (é canon senhores, infelizmente) é puramente medíocre. Só recomendo esse título pelo gameplay divertido.

Ps: Sinceramente? Persona 4 Dancing foi bem melhor.