Reviews from

in the past

This was kind of a banger. I really enjoyed my time here more than I was expecting. Kind of a tale of two games though, the original persona 4 arena story was a little messy, and a chore to play through, but the overall story was good and I enjoyed it.

The new "ultimax" content though, was really great, and was tied together in a much better way, and a better flow to it. It was great getting to see the persona 4 cast again, but even more so, it was SO great seeing the Persona 3 cast again, and getting an update on them being older, and what they've been up to since the events of Persona 3. I really wish some of the persona 5 spin offs would have given us this, but they didn't go in that direction for whatever the reason.

The actual fighting game itself? It's fun. I'm not a GIANT fighting game fan, so I won't pretend to know if this is peak quality or not, but it was fun, the graphics were really gorgeous, and a lot of unique characters and way to play in it.

Overall, a fine send off to persona for me. I've played almost everything I've wanted too now (besides Persona 2 and the Q games, hoping they get ported/remastered). But that'll be it for now, with a 5 Royal replay likely in my future.

Bless Persona. The second greatest video game franchise of all time!!!

Fun fighting game with a good story and unique mechanics that could only work with the persona series. I also love the pixel art and all the new and character portrait and cutscenes mad for this game. My only problem with this game is that the online community isn't that active which makes it hard to get the online achievements.

Solid fighting game I guess with mediocre story

So called free thinkers maining adachi with mcdonalds free wifi

manual airturn is the pinnacle of fighting games

As a story mode/golden arena/arcade mode it's a 3.
Even with the recent re-release it still feels a tad behind the times with its training mode/online mode options.

Make persona 5 arena cowards

i don't care about persona give me a fighting game with smt characters

The story was an improvement over Persona 5 Arena, and I liked the progression of Labrys character, Sho was just alright, didn't really find myself that interested in him.

Episode P4 was decent, and I liked Adachi's chapter which honestly might have been the highlight, enjoyed seeing his character progression. After about halfway into Episode P3 however I did start to get pretty bored as the content repeated a bit too much by the end.

O TANTO que a história desse jogo evoluiu comparado ao seu antecessor chega a ser ridículo, eu comecei a história não esperando muita coisa por causa do Arena mas desde o capítulo 1 o ultimax me prendeu na história e me fez querer ver ela até o fim, o P-1 agora ser no mundo real? O pessoal da Shadow Operatives sendo capturado? A dark hour aparecer denovo? A YUKARI TA NA HISTORIA? Esse era o tipo de coisa que em nenhum momento o Arena teve, tipo de coisa que te faz querer ficar vendo tudo que a história tem pra oferecer do começo até o fim, outro exemplo desse tipo de coisa é todo o personagem do Sho, o desenvolvimento que ele tem, a história dele, tudo que ele teve que passar foi incrível de se ver e no final da história ele virou um dos meus personagens favoritos da franquia.
Eu recomendo DEMAIS essa duologia do Arena mesmo se você não gostar de jogos de luta, ver mais do cast de P3 e P4, ver esses novos personagens e as histórias deles foi muito legal que eu recomendo pra qualquer fã de persona.

came for the fighting game, stayed for the baseball

A massive improvement over the original Arena in a lot of ways. Combat is more fun to play and with a bit of a bigger roster as well. Story is better structured compared the original Arena though I have a slight issue with it. I get Atlus wanted the P4 and P3 casts to have their own campaign but honestly I wished both were combined into a single campaign cause this is a narrative that works better when both casts get equal time to share the spotlight rather then one at a time. I like the game overall thankfully and I would play it again.
P.S. Love that Adachi got his own story dlc and he had some pretty good development in it.

when i discover a new move and have to be a nuisance with it

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This is Adachi's best appearance and it's not even close. I actually love this character now holy shit

Whatever the fuck they did to the Persona 3 cast in this game (looking at you Akihiko, why the FUCK did they turn him into an empty-headed meathead???? that's like completely missing the point of his original character) is a travesty and I will not stand for it

To this day, no other fighting game is as mechanically loaded yet easy to get into as Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.

On the surface level, it seems like somewhat of an easy game in terms of execution with how prevalent auto-combo is for a lot of characters, though once you get deeper into the mechanics there is a lot to mess around with. Movement is extremely interesting with the existence of Manual Airturn/Airturn Backdash, IBs are extremely rewarding, playing around Awakening is really fun, One More Burst/Frenzy is really interesting to build gameplans around, and Persona Displacement allows for extremely creative use of your character's moveset. All of these elements combined take this seemingly simple game, and give it a ton of depth.

The mechanics themselves are a lot, but this game also has some of the most interesting fighting game characters period. A lot of this I think comes from the fact they are NOT afraid at all to give characters really broken stuff, so the overall character power in this game is EXTREMELY HIGH. No matter their place on the tier list, every character in this game is a nuclear bomb and will KILL YOU if you let them. This aspect of the game is probably the most divisive part of Persona, but it's something I've learned to love, especially as a Shadow Labrys player.

You can't really go wrong with either version of this game, give it a shot if you are considering it.

Intensely feedback-heavy anime fighter with some mechanics that feel gratuitously complicated. The story mode is a bloated visual novel but there is lots of it. A very complete package if you're into this sort of thing.

I think it's really cool how you can beat the shit out of Teddie in this game

Como um jogo de luta é divertido, acho que se eu jogasse ele em um arcade eu iria adorar, o jogo é lindo com ótimos visuais, as pixel art são sensacionais e o design dos personagens durante a luta tem muita personalidade.

Mas é só isso mesmo, a historia do Arena original é insuportável e o esquema de contar a mesma coisa de novo e de novo por diferentes personagens se iguala a tortura psicológica, a história do Ultimax é significantemente melhor, traz uma ordem cronológica e um plot extremamente mais interessante, mas é totalmente vazia, é levemente decepcionante comparando com o Persona 4 dancing, que é um spin off com uma historia muito interessante.

Os designs dos personagens de persona 3 são horriveis, dolorosos demais, menos o do Akihiko q está uma delicia (uma estrela dessa review é dedicada somente aos peitões dele), e os novos personagens deixam a desejar demais

Recomendo jogar somente a história do Ultimax pra se divertir um pouco, não vale o preço entretanto

really fun and ridiculous fighting game. it has rollback now!!! great time with friends

I didn't really get the flow for a few matches but it definitely became a lot of fun once I figured stuff out. But am I crazy for finding the sound design to be kind of bad?

I played for two hours. The story isn't as engaging as Persona 4 Golden. I was able to win all of the fights by mashing X.
The PC port is a lazy cash grab. It looks horrible at resolutions beyond 1080p.

if you only play the story and rate it off of that alone you deserve to get bullied as much as the writers do

other than that, we'll meet in the arena, friends

Was absolutely hooked when I watched Moopoke's highlight vids. Although when rereleased, no rollback netcode even though it's in "beta" :( I will play it more later since it's techincally a Persona 4 sequel.

Awesome fighting game (especially on Steam since you have rollback online and for free), story mode a little eh.

Fuck Sho, though, and not literally in a sexual sense. Edgy asshole that wishes to be 5% as good written as that other main villain.

Esse jogo não me agradou. Eu não acho que ele seja ruim mas não faz meu tipo.

spinoff of all time frankly. argue with the wall