Reviews from

in the past

I ironically love this game and still have my copy. I played a LOT of this game.

pinball games literally have me on a leash

It's pinball, but sometimes you catch a pokemon or two. Riveting stuff.

Fun to pick up and play for a few minutes every now and again but it won't keep you up all night.

My mom loves this game, beating it seems like a chore though

As novel a concept as it is, a Pokemon-theme does not save the fact, that I am unable to play pinball well, to save my life. What's more, the requirement of being able to play for long periods of time on end, while every bit of progress is lost once the last ball is played, aling with the very repetitive feel, makes the experience enfuriating.

Pros: Two different pinball tables, where your goal is to set switches to travel to different areas (as depicted by a screen in the middle of the pinball table) to then find new Pokemon by hitting more switches, and then the real game of Pokemon meets Pinball takes place! It's a fun motivator to get yourself good at these two pinball tables, to get to know the mechanics, the timing, to really become a pinball wizard, because you'll want to catch them all!! And you can! Hell, you can even catch Mew! It's a really fun mix of two types of games, and HAL made it work! I actually like this more than Kirby's Pinball Land too! There's even some fun bonus pinball rooms where you get to actually "fight" certain Pokemon in minigame type ways (I tell ya, it's satisfying bonking around a bunch of Digletts with a pinball) ALSO ALSO!! This game has RUMBLE! Yeah! A triple-A battery in the gamepak, and you're bangin around and buzzin, it's fun, heh...

Cons: Considering the pinball tables are vertically oriented, there's screen transitions from the bottom half to the top half as the ball moves from one area to the next... and that, isn't really smooth, it never feels great, it's just something you have to get used to.

What it means to me: I recall having this game during a family vacation/road trip to Colorado, and man, what a perfect game for that. Definitely caught em all by the time I got back home!

A perfect game to pick up and play in between doing other activities, even in 2023.

I almost pulled an all-nighter a few times on accident with this game. Collecting pokemon was addicting with pinball.

An all time great pinball game.

This one is fun, but really tough! I still can't beat it as an adult. I love that the cartridge has rumble built in though, that was cool.

This is the best thing anyone has ever done with Pinball.

The GBC lacks vibration motors so this cartridge had a slot for a battery and a motor to make the game vibrate. Mind blowing.

A very run-of-the-mill video pinball game with Pokemon.

genuinely some of the most solid pinball gameplay I've ever played

granted, that's not saying much, but it's a damn good pinball game.

i did really love this as a kid and its ridiculously large cartridge

This is a fun, simple pinball game! I think the main issue here is that a game like this is just too heavily dependent on RNG to have getting 100% be fun (the hitmonchan that took me 3 hours to get).

The actual pinball of this game is really fun though, just a good simple time that I can't argue with. I love the splitting into two tables and the bonus levels are fun and creative. This makes for a very good pick-up-and-play title, just not one to sit down with and play for a super long time.

I'm sure I put over 100 hours into this game. It was so addicting. I didn't know catching pokemon could be made more addictive, but they did it.

It's alright, it ain't touching my goat Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire

Played this on another kid's GameBoy while Beth was in ballet lessons.

This game has serious hooks, I’m enjoying the light pick-up and put down nature of this game. I mostly play with building my Pokédex in mind, and if I am doing well I work towards getting a top score. So far 100k on the Blue board and 200k on the Red board.

The gameplay itself is typical pinball, shoot at the lit up portions of the map and eventually the Bellsprout or Cloyster to enable the capture mode. Doing full loops of the board build up a meter that determines what type of Pokémon will be accessible. You then need to shoot at the top bumpers - Voltorb or Shelders to make the Pokémon appear on the board, then you shoot your ball at the Pokémon. I like that during this ball saver is on (to a degree) until finally you capture the monster. Evolution mode is fairly similar, yet more challenging requiring you to hit specific parts of the board then to collect either Experience Points or Evolution Stone symbols that appear on the board before hitting the hole in the centre.

I’ve played some of the beginner bonus stages like Diglett and Meowth and they’re plenty fun.

It’s interesting seeing the gradual transition from NES Pinball to Revenge of the Gator and Kirby Pinball. This is easily the most unrealistic pinball sim but I like being given some leeway. I find this game really addictive, it’s a 9/10 so far I’ve only played roughly 2 hours and I’m looking forward to finishing my Pokédex.

Comfy pinball game. I like the addition of the catching mechanic being brought onto a pinball table.