Reviews from

in the past

Taiko in its most basic form, but it has Urban Fragments from the Ridge Racer Type 4 soundtrack. What more could you need?

It's probably best weeb rhytme game i played so far (and yes it's way better then OSU!). but that's it, i still don't get how peopla have fun with rhytme games...

when you finished a heavy game or bored, this kind of games is relaxing and chilling.

Eu nunca fui tão fã de jogos de ritmo, mas tenho que admitir... ESSE JOGO É ABSURDAMENTE BOM E EU NÃO CONSIGO PARAR DE JOGAR.

Dümtek ne demek dümtek ne biliyim dabruka herhalde dabruka diyo

Compared to more recent versions of Taiko no Tatsujin, this one is extremely barebones. I thought a newer release would have similar or more features, not less. Drum Session for PS4 has a super cool bingo card feature, Drum n’ Fun for Switch has party games (and may also have the bingo cards?). This one is just a list of songs, the end. If it weren't for gamepass, I definitely wouldn't have bothered.

Jogado no Xbox Game Pass. Taiko é sempre bom e estar disponível no Game Pass é algo muito muito bom. Meu maior problema é na quantidade de conteúdo: tem poucas músicas, é bem demorado pra comprar novas, não tem outros modos single-player. Parece uma versão bem capada de uma franquia com tanto potencial sendo publicado em outras plataformas.

Kind of wack that you can’t pick the song when playing a friend.

“Last Christmas” on expert mode may not have been the best way to start this…

was this a tax writeoff from bandai namco? this is like the most boneless version of taiko to exist. 55 base songs, 20 songs that are unlockable through grinding money, and no features outside of ensou and online versus mode. Setlist is mostly anime and game music, probably to cater to the xbox/pc demographic...? Unlocking songs requires a lot of grinding mostly through the multiplayer, and ranking up in the multiplayer definitely takes too long. The shop updates once a day so maybe they were trying to go for a more long-term online-focused taiko game. Either way, you are much better off with pretty much any other taiko release. I know bamco can do better.

It's fun but not as robust as other releases of Taiko.

Busting it down to Hare Hare Yukai on a wednesday night

Had a lot of fun playing tracks on Hard difficulty. However, the starting track selection feels limited, and the store system for unlocking new tracks is really slow. Both of these make it difficult for me to remain invested in improving enough to play harder difficulties.

A game that takes true skill and determination

It helped me to reconcile to the fact that Katamari Damacy is a masterpiece in every conceivable way.

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's where you DRUM. And that is the end! HA HA HA

The fun part was NOTHING, you just get to drum. (Bizarre guttural sounds)

...why did you write that part Daddy.

* This game is called Corrupt-A-Wish

Someone comments a wish...

- I wish Taiko no Tatsujin had Street Fighter music.

The next person grants the wish...
but corrupts it.

- Granted but it's fucking Ryu's theme from 5, the one with the god awful dubstep that goes Hurr hurr hurr hurr hurr hurr hurr hurr hurr hurrrr, Hur Hur Hur Hur, Hur Hur Hur hurr. Bt nt nt nt bnt nt nt nt bnt nt nt nt nt nt nt bnt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt bnt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt, bnt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt bnt nt nt nt nt nt nt, bnt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt bnt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt, du dududunudu du dudunududu du dudunudududunudu bnt nt nt bnt nt nt bnt nt nt nt nt nt.

sad to see taikos debut on xbox/pc being something like this, just a halfassed release (to meet gamepass criteria??) that its still broken on pc and only had 2 new songs added into the series; feels unfair to draw comparisons between the last releases of the franchise and all the flavor, thematic investment and uniqueness with hit-n-miss new game modes that most ds/psp/wii games had added onto them.

...and yet this entry has the sole potential of making taiko even larger just because it has modding potential. we'll see how it ends up.

Just played it today via Gamepass and not gonna lie, it was actually a lot of fun mashing my keyboard to the tune of Megalovania and the opening of Carmen. I can't give this any higher than 2.5 right now because the port is a bit scuffed; I had to install a fan-made patch to get around the login issue (otherwise the game would not let me start) and it didn't work with my Xbox controller for some reason despite every other game on the Xbox app working seamlessly. I'll probably improve my score when the port gets the necessary fixes though. Still a fun little game that despite being nowhere as enthralling as banging the actual machine in arcades, is still a pretty good time.

Jogo bom, mas isso não quer dizer que eu jogue ele bem

Esse é um bom Taiko no Tatsujin, bem balanceado com uma coleção de músicas satisfatória e um multiplayer local e online funcionais, com uma loja interessante de músicas e roupas, no entanto poderia ser melhor, sei que é uma franquia histórica e tradicional, no entanto acredito que poderiam inovar em mais coisas. Em comparação com o primeiro project Diva, nele haviam desafios próprios das musicas para liberar mais roupas e acessórios, melhor do que o modelo de loja, e havia um modo complexo de montar seu próprio beat map, isso em jogo de psp, com a tecnologia de hoje a franquia Taiko poderia explorar novos horizontes, um exemplo é o Taiko no Tatsujin de Wii que tinha uma histórinha e você tinha que ganhar pontos para carregar a bateria de uma personagem lá, gostaria de ver algo assim aqui, mas o jogo é acomodado de mais, no fim das contas é só mais um Taiko no Tatsujin.

Eu fiz 63 das 89 conquistas e cheguei no ranking A do online, acho que é o suficiente para botar completed, para fazer 100% do jogo a pessoa tem que ser muito dedicada, não é nada difícil mas é muito trabalhoso!

I like the desperate inclusion of Last Christmas and I Want You Back for the western appeal.

Don't get me wrong I love Taiko games but this isn't the one you should be playing.

Want a good taiko experience? Visit Taiko.Bui.Pm for much better songs. This game born dead and with every single attempt of necroing it resulted with Namco stabbing it in the neck one more time.

shame how bad they fucked this up, don't pay money for this, play some osu!taiko or something, or get another one, but god this is rough, couldn't even get in game at launch without modding it, the game is also locked at 60fps and you need mods to change that as well, might or might not work fine with your controller depending on your luck, and the online might as well not exist, i'd question if it's even worth the download

This is honestly a solid ( re entry???) into the series and honestly makes me happy to see it come to the xbox. I didn't play much of the PS4 version which I heard its based off of but there is a very awesome song selection to choose from with a lot of surprises since I wasn't expecting some of the songs I saw to be in this game LOL. Past that there is online which I played a couple times and seems fine but my main issue with this game is unlocking songs and outfits. It takes 3K coins to buy just one song and you make at most 100-150 coins per song unless you full combo every song you play or rainbow combo every song you play. So yes this game is very grindy which I am not a fan of I wish they would drop the price on songs and outfits or at least up the amount of coins you make per son because it is already getting annoying. Past that this is on gamepass so give it a go! although I have heard that the PC version is having serious issues currently so idk if they have patched anything.

I for sure would have been more harsh on this title if it wasn't on gamepass lol.

Slightly but good lord its grindy as hell to unlock anything. The game also really doesnt suit controllers and its crying out for anything to resemble the drum the original games had. Its also just a tad on the bare-bones side. For games pass? Fine. Buying on its own? You're served better elsewhere.

Also having Namco drop all support almost instantly feels painful.

Siempre había querido probar un juego de este estilo... y está bastante bien.

Claramente no está diseñado para jugarse en control y le resta muchísimo. Sus opciones online son risibles, al punto que ni siquiera pude jugar con un amigo por más que lo intentamos.

La selección de canciones es probablemente lo mejor. Bastante bueno para tener descargado y sacarlo en alguna reunión, pero hasta ahí.

i made someone leave the vc when i played anime music

Poucas músicas, muita DLC e sinto falta de uns minigames que tinha no outro Taiko que joguei, que me motivavam a cumprir certas metas, mas porra... tem Hare Hare Yukai.