Reviews from

in the past

>617.7 hours on record
>Not Recommended
>This is one of my favorite games,


I don't think any tales of game, or JRPG for that matter, has ever made me cry to the point of a migraine. This is a beautiful game that everyone must experience at least once (yes, that goes for Xillia 1).

Note: I wrote a huge review for this as the end credits played but I literally cried so hard listening to it I turned off my phone on accident and now I'm trying to rewrite it. Still crying as I type this. Idk just PLAY IT. PLEASE.

Está hecho con los mismos dos duros que Tales of Xillia 1 y no sólo lo supera, sino que viéndolo en conjunto, lo convierte en mejor juego y le añade un nuevo propósito

Easily the worst entry in the series, Xillia 2 is an overall failure that barely passes the mark as a playable game.

Xillia's cast wasn't great but it also wasn't all bad. However, adding the first silent protagonist ever in Tales (Ludger), plus and an annoying companion like Elle tips the balance to the wrong side. And let's not even discuss the same bland, empty environments from Xillia you're forced to go through twice or thrice this time around.

Tales' lowest point. At least Rowen is there though.

Fractured Milla best girl. I love Ludger too.

One of the most disappointing games I've ever played, and that's really sad to say

This game has a lot of good ideas and improves upon Xillia 1's mechanics, the combat especially, but then it has these really dumb pitfalls that make the overall experience a slog sometimes

It's an okay game, but the pinnacle of Tales? 10 years have passed, get over it, Tales fans

Some truly incredible RPG melodrama that I ate up with a god damn spoon.

Gameplay was fun and it was neat to see the Xillia crew again!

Lots of similarities between this and Xillia 1. The story is good but not as great as Xillia's the cast is still great, the main villain fine but not as good as some others. The combat is the same as Xillia's too for the most part, just a few new things about it. Overall still fun to play.

I liked the Xillia cast much better here than in their own game, but this still felt underbaked. It's a shame, because there are some genuinely stellar moments in this one, bits where I really felt it could've been something special, but it just didn't quite deliver. The medical debt satire, Fractured Milla, the duel with Julius, the entirety of Chapter 12--all of this was great. But again, it felt very rushed, like they wanted it to be a branching game and had to settle for almost total linearity. The ending is abrupt, to say the least, and brings to mind Mass Effect 3.

The premise, which is interestingly dark, is that the PC Ludger is an agent sent to destroy timelines that diverge from the main one. As it turns out, some of these timelines are arguably better than our own: ones in which a character from the first Xillia got to live, or have alternate versions of familiar characters we come to care about. Tales as a series loves twists where there is secretly another world, the monsters are human, your enemy is the hero of another story, and so on and so forth. So I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop--but it never did. The idea that there is an objective alpha timeline--yours--is never challenged, even though there are definitely alternate Ludgers in alternate timelines who are also being sent to destroy divergence catalysts.

Pretty much a flat improvement on the first one. Most of my enjoyment of the first Xillia came from the combat, a super fluid and expressive battle system that's easy to grasp but deeply rewards proper strategy and coming up with real combos. But I found the story and cast to be pretty dull for the most part. Xillia 2 improves on both of these fronts significantly with the addition of Ludger, our new protagonist. The sudden implementation of a silent MC with dialogue options, a first (and, as of 2024, last) for the series, is definitely a contentious idea, but one that I feel pays off reasonably well. Ludger has a good sense of character in his dialogue choices, and the family melodrama involving both his brother and his kinda-adopted daughter throughout the dimension-hopping shenanigans they keep finding themselves in provides a heart for the story that beats much louder than anything Xillia had to offer. The remaining playable characters still don't really make up a cast I deeply enjoy, but I find their post-adventure character arcs attempting to move forward with their lives after saving the world to be a good deal more interesting than when they were actually saving the world. The battle system remains fairly similar to the first game, but Ludger's ability to switch between three sets of weapons, granting him access to a truly gargantuan arsenal of artes, make him the single most fun and interesting character I've gotten to use in this series so far. I'm not nearly good enough to take advantage of the truly cracked shit you can get up to with his combos, but even on a basic level his versatility makes him a joy to play around with. And that's not even mentioning his Chromatus mechanic, a super mode that lets you beast on enemies in the frame rate dimension for a good 20 seconds. Reaching the point to where you never feel tired or discouraged running into enemies because of how good it feels to beat things is just about the highest compliment I can give an RPG battle system, and Xillia 2 improves on an already rock-solid foundation to hit that benchmark with flying colors. A consistently enjoyable package overall, and my favorite Tales game yet.

I wasn't looking forward to the sequel but after finding out Cristina Vee and Jesse Grelle were in it, I gave it a shot. Everything from the score, script, voice acting direction, gameplay, and character designs made this one I can always return to.

Played both this and the prequel on the PS3. Didn't quite 100% it but still had a good time.

Cara... Eu gostei tanto do Tales of Xillia que não consigo acreditar que fizeram essa continuação de BOSTA!! Como que podem fazer um sistema onde você é obrigado a fazer missões secundárias a cada capítulo pra poder pagar uma dívida pra progredir na história, VAI SE FUDER! É isso mesmo, você é OBRIGADO a pagar uma parte dessa dívida a cada capítulo pra poder liberar a história, mas que GRANDE PORCARIA. Dito isso, não é tão difícil assim juntar dinheiro o suficiente pra pegar essas tais dívidas, só é chato e entediante, pelo menos pra mim, eu odiei.

Como se já não bastasse essa ideia de girico, fizeram um protagonista mudo/silencioso numa franquia que não combina com isso, ver os skits e as cutscenes do jogo quando os personagens falam com o protagonista é constrangedor, pois ele só responde com "hm, ah, huh, yes, yeah" enquanto faz caras e bocas, ou as vezes nem isso. O jogo ainda chega a te dar escolhas que mudam um pouco os diálogos, mas nada impactante.

Personagens do jogo anterior retornam na sequência pra... Pra que mesmo? Os arcos de todos eles já foram concluídos no jogo anterior e o jogo ainda tenta implementar um sistema de "social link" onde você pode ver histórias novas dos personagens em uma trama curta, mas sinceramente, elas não agregam em nada e só servem pra encher mais linguiça. Enfim, parece que esse protagonista de bosta só atrai tudo a ele porque sim, todo mundo gosta dele porque sim e ele é o ser ultra pica das galáxias porque sim. Ah, falando em personagens, o jogo tem uma personagem nova que anda ao lado do protagonista porque... Sim... E ELA É UMA CRIANÇA INSUPORTÁVEL, QUE GAROTINHA COM UMA VOZINHA IRRITANTE DA MULESTA!!! E falando sobre a história, até onde joguei o jogo parece uma grande fanfic escrita por algum adolescente de 13 anos, pelo menos o início foi legal, mas só desandou.

Pra não falar só das coisas negativas do jogo, pegaram o sistema de combate do Xillia e melhoraram, não é atoa que é bem elogiado por mutos, mas é só isso mesmo, nem o sistema de level up dessa porcaria eu gostei, é isso aí.

Joguei por 11 horas e parei no capítulo 9, não aguento mais ver a cara desse jogo, então largo essa grande bosta aqui. Sinto que joguei meu ódio inteiro em cima do jogo escrevendo minha opinião, não recomendo essa porcaria nem pro meu pior inimigo, obrigado a quem leu.

Tales of Xillia 2 é uma sequência estranha. Assim como o primeiro jogo, Xillia 2 também é um JRPG com notáveis pontos fortes em meio a alguns poréns, mas de uma forma diferente de seu antecessor. O combate aqui continua tão fluido e gostoso quanto no primeiro, apesar da falta de poder trocar os personagens do grupo na batalha e no overworld ser um saco. Eu ouvia dizer que esse era um dos mais difíceis da série Tales, e eu não achei ele tanto assim quanto dizem. Se tratando dos chefes eu concordo com essa afirmação, mas achei que os inimigos normais continuam mamão com açúcar e a estrutura menos linear e mais aberta desse jogo não ajuda muito nisso, visto que é super fácil estar com 10 ou 20 níveis acima deles. As partes mais controversas do Xillia 2 são sua história e sistemas adicionais. O enredo, apesar de ter alguns momentos marcantes, é sufocado por uma estrutura episódica que não flui de forma orgânica, e mesmo os veteranos do Xillia 1 continuarem legais, os novatos faltam um tempero a mais. O sistema de dívidas que força o jogador a pagar uma agiota pra prosseguir é algo que separa as crianças dos adultos, e é compreensível o porquê de ser criticado, mas ele só foi um problema pra mim no começo, visto que é fácil ficar cheio da grana mais a frente e me incentivou a estar em sintonia com o game, mas nem isso o torna imune à críticas, pois eu tive mais problemas com a agiota interrompendo a jogatina pra te forçar a pagar do que precisar pagar pra progredir (felizmente, na reta final dá pra pagar a dívida sem obrigação). O maior problema pra mim foi o sistema de escolhas, onde o game diz que elas importam, sendo que 95% delas não importam e recorrem a atalhos preguiçosos. Enquanto a história principal é um tanto truncada, as Character Quests fazem um bom trabalho em desenvolver os personagens e dão uma boa continuidade pros arcos dos veteranos do Xillia 1. Tales of Xillia 2 não é para qualquer um e só serve para aqueles que amam o primeiro, tem pontos em que ele é melhor que o 1 e outros não, e complementa bem o seu antecessor nesse sentido e mesmo com suas decisões estranhas, não o torna menos bom.

Prós: Direção de arte tão boa quanto a do primeiro; Character Quests; A temática urbana de Elympios é legal e se destaca dos mundos dos outros Tales; As Dimensões Fraturadas são bem legais; Certos momentos do enredo são incríveis; Boa dublagem; O combate continua fluido como sempre; chefes desafiadores; tem um pós-game decente.
Contras: A trilha sonora continua bem qualquer coisa (apesar de algumas músicas novas serem legais); Elympios só tem 4 cidades; Estrutura narrativa truncada; As dívidas são bem 8 ou 80; Escolhas que mal importam.

This review contains spoilers

i will defend this game for literally ever. a lot of people feel that the silent protag doesn't work for tales, but they made it work, all the while giving ludger plenty of personality and creating one of the best protagonists in tales. that, or they simply don’t like the debt mechanic, which i feel makes more sense, but it’s truly not that bad. however, the love i have for this game makes it easy to overlook any issues. the story is riveting, especially with the addition of so many well done plot twists - chapter 12 in particular gave me chills. this game took me completely by surprise, with the previous game not being nearly as intense, nor as soul-crushing. in my personal opinion, tox2 has very few flaws, those particular flaws not even being major enough to take away from the 5 stars i gave (just my little squicks with some writing or characters, minor gameplay issues). the main party has so much variety, and while it was frustrating at times with the locked members during the story, i liked that it encouraged the player to experiment with their party formation.
gameplay wise, they kept what i loved about xillia 1 and made it even better with the chromatus. i found some of the bosses a bit trickier than those of the first game, particularly victor, chronos and a few others, but they weren’t difficult to the point of not being fun and i like that in a game. some of the gameplay had issues for me at times. i really loved xillia 1’s battle system, especially with allowing characters to switch out mid-battle. this is a feature i was sad to see left out of tox2, but what is frustrating about it is that you can only change your main 4 party members in towns. nothing major, but i still wish it was a bit different. the linked combat was still super fun and is definitely part of what makes xillia and xillia 2 superior in tales. i do think what really makes the gameplay shine is ludger himself. he can equip 48 artes at once, something unique to him and his arsenal of dual blades, dual guns, and a hammer. this plus his chromatus ability makes him extremely versatile and very fun to experiment with.
while the tales series’ soundtracks are never lacking, it feels important to mention music when it comes to tales of xillia 2. not only does the soundtrack enrich the experience, music is even used as a motif throughout the game. this is shown with the hymn of proof, a song that julius is seen humming quite a few times and is also used in a few other tracks in the game. the use of music in this game is definitely my favorite in the series; it enriches battles, worldbuilding, cutscenes… the soundtrack is flawless.
in terms of characters, the original party of tales of xillia was already amazing - the dynamic was so fun and they truly seemed like a family, which i adored. however, i love what tox2 did to expand it. aside from what ludger, elle and rollo have to offer, the addition of gaius - tales of xillia’s final boss - as a party member is one of my favorite things tales has ever done! gaius is one of the series’ best antagonists, and it was such a wonderfully unique approach to make him playable in the sequel. also, while it is easy to miss the original milla at the start of this game, having fractured milla made for some of the most heartbreaking moments in the game as well as introducing the themes of this game incredibly well. this is where some of the best writing of the game comes into play, truly.
the side stories make some of the pacing a bit awkward, but i find that doing all of them gives a lot more depth to the characters that i really love and look for in a game. tales is great at making compelling and wonderful characters; it’s one of the things that makes this series my all time favorite. in all of the series though, tales of xillia 2 really shines in this aspect. the main party and elle, the antagonists, even the side characters are (for the most part) easy to love, or in bisley bakur’s case, easy to hate. i love antagonists that you can really feel for and understand, like symphonia’s final boss, or more relevantly, gaius and the chimeriad. in tox2, i found that i could empathize with chronos much, much more than bisley. this was especially true when bisley’s real intentions were revealed after manipulating elle to help him reach canaan: the truth of his goal to turn the spirits into mankind’s tools. at this point, i was so full of hate for him that i was more than ready for the final boss. it is done so well, especially with the version of “song 4 u” used in the second phase, that i was actually excited to do it again to get the 3rd ending rather than dreading it.
speaking of the different endings, all three of them were done incredibly well. in my personal experience, having played bad first, then “good”, then the true ending, i believe it’s the best way to experience it. bad end is gruesome, it’s shocking, and it’s pretty difficult too. while, of course, it’s my least favorite of the endings, i still think it was very nicely done. to even make the choices that give you the ending is difficult. everything including the game is telling you not to do it, but you have to. then, it throws you into the hardest fight in the game, solo at that. ludger vs. all of his new allies, for the sake of his brother. it’s tragic. it’s painful. it’s made even worse by the fact that julius is doomed regardless, and ludger is going this far just for a little more time with his brother. to leave elle behind is not very in character for ludger, but at this point he knows just how deep his brother’s love for him goes, and he feels the need to protect julius just as he always protected ludger. at this point, tales of xillia 2 is no stranger to sacrifices, with the core theme being just how far humans will go, just what they will sacrifice to protect those they love.
this core theme truly comes out in the final chapter, when ludger has to make his wish to origin. will he protect the world? protect elle? both the good end and true end are tragic in their own ways. no matter what you choose, this game will break your heart.
this is my favorite game of all time for a lot of reasons. it makes you feel safe and then rips your heart right out of you. this is the most emotionally painful game i’ve ever played. it’s a perfect example of a great sequel, even better than the first game, which doesn’t happen all too often. there is so much to love about tales of xillia 2 - it truly deserves 5 stars.

Ten times better than the first one, characters are so alive and I love all their interactions. Highly reccomend doing every bonding you can 'cause they're awesome. Story is good and the child isn't annoying for once in a game

genuinely one of the most frustrating games i've ever played, story is super convoluted and the emotional beats albeit good are spoiled by the realization that they just could have made the game that good. the cast from xillia 1 seems to be set aside in favor of a lame self insert and i don't like being hit with 18 status ailments every combat. combats feel like they're DESIGNED to be annoying, unfortunately . debt mechanic sucks, though the premise was promising

will we ever get another tales character as fun as ludger again? I think I might like him nearly as much as judith.

playing this game gave me the overwhelming sense that the people who worked on it understood exactly what was missing from xillia 1's combat. I can forgive revisiting rieze maxia areas for the millionth time because every fight I got into all the way through my xillia 2 playthrough I was still having a blast.

: (

I felt like replaying this game and went for the platinum while I was at it. Came out liking this game more than I did before (which was not at all), but definitely still in my lower end of Tales games. Sick combat. Otherwise, please never do this again Tales Studio

This game has the best story in the series. And is bogged down by some of the most bafflingly stupid gameplay changes from Xillia 1 that I honestly can’t recommend this game unless you really want more out of this particular universe, I’m dead serious

I wish we looked more into Fractured Dimension but this game probably has the absolute best gameplay for a Tales game, and I liked to see everyone still continuing growing as characters.

Play this game!!

Way better than the 1st game in every way possible. Loved Ludger way more as a protagonist than Jude and Milla and how the story was done felt way better paced.

Tales of Xillia 2 (2012): Secuela a lo FIFA, dónde se recicla hasta el último pixel. Entiendo que se hizo con dos duros aprovechando el original, pero me ha gustado, la historia me ha resultado interesante y los personajes mantienen la identidad que tanto me gustó. Bien (6,85)

Sadly another Tales game doomed to PS3 exclusivity for the moment. A refined link battle system with an interesting dialogue choice system makes this game very unique among Tales games. My only criticism is that the game's primary mechanic disallows for fully fledged multiplayer beyond two players.

This game might actually be pretty good -- I loved the first Xillia game. I just don't like having a silent protagonist, given how much personality Tales characters typically bring to the table. Emoting responses occasionally in one direction or the other just isn't good enough for me to get into this game. That being said, I might come back to it at some point anyway.

Ludger is the man. Love when jrpgs or japanese media go the adult protagonist route. Very touching moments between him and elle. I feel this is the most anime of the tales of series but i liked it. It's not perfect and some of the side quests are boring but all the boss battles and elite monster fights were fun to me. I will say for a genre(jrpg) that in my opinion is partially defined by how good the music is almost always is, this game maybe had 2 or 3 good tracks but the rest were forgettable. Again, good game to me but I can see why others might not like it. Feels like this is tales of verion of kingdom hearts or ff13-2.

What the fuck happened here? Who thought making the protagonist of a Tales game mostly silent was a good idea? The game was hard carried by the original Xillia cast and Gaius being playable but overall it's a really rough sequel.