Reviews from

in the past

Sega bias tells me this game is only better than Turtles in Time on SNES because soundchip

This is a good beat 'em up, but it's too short. Turtles in Time on SNES is definitely better, since you're getting significantly more content, if nothing else.

Actually pretty fun! There are some unfair elements here and there,but it doesn't stop the game from being really good! It only really starts getting hard at the Level 4 boss, and admittedly the game is a touch short, and the two bosses before the final boss are harder than him, but what is there is really great!

It's basically the Genesis version of Turtles in Time ...And I LOVE IT
love the addition of health bars for the Bosses the difficulty is way more fair than the arcade TMNT games with 3 difficulty levels and more customizable options
obviously the sounds aspect is downgraded from the arcade version but still really good for the time
overall a really fun COOP experience for TMNT lovers

Mega drive gets its own unique version of turtles in time and it owns just as much as the arcade/super nintendo version. I think the mega drives soundchip does turtles vibes better than the SNES tbh, and the gameplay is as fast and frantic as always. Konami turtles beat em ups do not miss.

A different take on Turtles in Time but still a blast and about as good. Playing this with a good friend definitely made it even better.

A remixed mash up of previous 16-bit turtle games for Sega kids. Short, poor Dash implementation, and unoriginal. But it's biggest crime is not being Turtles In Time. Still a damn good time, though.

[Cowabunga Collection]

Following on from my first play through of Turtles in Time arcade was my first play through of Hyperstone Heist. The combat and character movement felt instantly more satisfying and the difficulty level was far better balanced. The story was very brief (but I’m fine with that to be honest) and it did feel a little like a cut and paste of assets from previous games, but I enjoyed it and will play through again on Hard to see the better ending (I did this and it was nothing special). I can see myself returning to this instead of the arcade Turtles in Time for sure.

TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist (1992): El mejor juego de las Tortugas Ninja que se ha hecho nunca. Es cierto que a nivel de gameplay hay beat m' up mejores, pero el carisma y el humor de las tortugas va directo al corazoncito. Pese a su brevedad, he disfrutado mucho jugándolo (7,65)

It's Turtles In Time but not that great. So it´s just super amazing.

I can't complain because at the end of the day, this is a damn fine playing Turtles game on the Genesis. However, it is inferior to the SNES version of Turtles in Time, due to the lack of content comparatively, as well as the less-forgiving hitboxes. I still recommend any Genesis owner to get this, however. Just keep in mind this game shares more in common with the original TMNT arcade game than Turtles In Time Arcade.

I've always poked at this game but never put in a full playthrough of it - who knew it's such a short and sweet beat 'em up! Really feasible to get through, amazing music and just enough changed from Turtles in Time to have the enjoyment of that but feel like a breathe of fresh air on its own.

I get why people like SNES Turtles in Time more, but I think this is probably my favorite iteration to come back to.

My first TMNT game which was basically a port of Turtles in Time with some modifications. Very fun.

O tartarugas da minha infância, joguei até de trás pra frente isso.
Por mais que muitos o taxem como uma outra versão de Turtles in Time eu sempre achei ambos jogos muito distintos, só compartilhando a engine e alguns chefes, como o Letter Head e o Destruidor.
Triste que apesar da nostalgia devo condordar que o Turtles in Time é superior em varios quesitos.
Mais fases, maior diversidade, mais chefes.
Aqui é um jogo com poucas fases, mas essas fases se estendem ao máximo, mas sempre se baseando em esgotos, cavernas e templos, fora que tem apenas 6 chefes no jogo todo.
Ainda assim é um ótimo jogo e eu tenho um carinho muito grande por ele.

I would like to give a hearty "what the hell is wrong with you" to everybody who told me this wasn't worth playing cause it's "basically just Turtles in Time." You were all wrong and I'd almost dare say this is better than Turtles in Time.

I always thought that Turtles in Time just had a port on the Genesis, but when my friend told me that it was straight up a different game. Not really in the sense that it wasn't as good as Turtles in Time, but that I didn't know a different Turtles Beat'em up was around. As much as I do think this is a cheap imitation of TMNTIV: Turtles in Time , it's still a pretty narly game.

By all means, the music, sprites, and levels weren't as memorable as Turtles In Time. Sadly, this is mostly due to this games difficulty and length. While the levels are longer than Turtles In Time, Hyperstone Heist has about half the levels IV did and the difficulty just isn't up to par with usual beat'em ups. While I'm usually a big fan of easier games, the problem with Hyperstone Heist is the lack of any challenge causes for a lot of moments to be fleeting rather than memorable. Boss aren't nearly as interesting either, and with a lot of them just having boring attack patterns and just being bigger punching bags; leaves for little impression on what otherwise is a good roster of baddies.

Hyperstone Heist still has it's own identity and merits as a beat'em up. It gives us some neat new stuff, and at times can be just as fun as it's SNES counterpart. Really it has all the DNA of what made Turtles In Time as good. Using the same kind of sprites, game mechanics, and presentation. If that means that it may be a shorter, slightly easier, and a different game, I'm all for it. Variety is the spice of life, and hey, can you really be mad at having two cakes?

Similar to quality as TMNT IV. I enjoy this one a bit more as its shorter and I am better at it. A true classic on the genesis.

Good game and good bosses, better than the arcade version

Divekick: The Game before Divekick: The Game. Brimming with color and character, Konami on the Genesis was on another level.

This one's an odd duck to say the least. A slightly remixed version of Turtles in Time made for the Genesis trying to pass itself off as an original game, Hyperstone very awkwardly recycles assets from Turtles in Time and includes original assets of markedly inferior quality, particularly the bosses. The game also generally has weaker progression with a very underwhelming final two stages. Sound and visuals also take a bit of a dip in quality. The main thing that saves this game is the excellent play control, with a smoother feel and noticeably faster gameplay putting it closer to the arcade original Turtles in Time than the SNES version in that regard. Having a dedicated dash button also makes the dash attack moves much easier to use, though the Cowabunga Collection does kind of undermine this upgrade. It's definitely a fun game, and a different enough experience that I'd say fire it up from time to time, but the overall package falls pretty short of either version of Turtles in Time.

I love a dead simple beat 'em up. Less celebrated than its SNES counterpart, but it's just as good. Better even, in some ways. The addition of a dedicated button for running is a nice upgrade, and I find the music and visuals more to my taste on Genesis. The boss rush at the end is a bit of a drag, though.

É turtles in time com pequenas diferenças

The scoring system can still be exploited by doing really repetitive actions and it isn't much better than turtles in time scoring....

You should be playing turtles in time first, I see this more as extra content.

Turtles in Time genesis version with slight alterations basically.

Add Note: After playing this again in extremely long time I have a better understanding and memory of this game. It really is a huge step down from Turtles in Time SNES. I think it's balance puts it over the arcade game though. It's only five stages and a lot of reused assests to make up for the fact they could not do the Turtles in Time game on the genesis casuse the genesis just could not handle some of the graphical effects. 5 stages and one of them is a boss rush mode of the previous four bosses. The game doesn't feel very cohesive and has bad pacing problems. The fighting feels better than the arcade but lacks the sheer diversity of stuff that the other versions offer. If it's your only turtles game you can play I guess it's okay but in today's world there is no reason to ever be stuck with this one.