Reviews from

in the past

Talvez a experiência definitiva com backrooms e espaços liminares? Não sei, nem sou tão ligado nessa comunidade. Ainda sim, gostei bastante do jogo, mesmo rodando a 15 fps no meu pc (deixou a experiência até melhor).

The Complex foca muito mais no terror sugestivo, do que em jumpscares ou o clássico bichão correndo atrás de você. Apesar disso, a tensão se mantém a todo instante, fazendo você esperar um susto a cada esquina virada.

Pareceu ser um pouco procedural, visto que teve alguns cenários que nem cheguei a ver, mas que estão no game.

Vi alguns vultos e no final do game fiquei me perguntando, se não foi apenas minha imaginação. Se você jogar, talvez pule um bicho na sua cara.

Mais um pra listinha dos games curtos e grátis.

Thank you, Super Eyepatch Wolf.

I don't see a point to this game. The Complex shows off areas which are either completely ripped from other "Liminal" media or heavily based on it. It has nearly nothing new to show. That being said, it is free, only 30 minutes long, and has some elements I liked. I like the sound design, It fits camcorder audio well. The sound for running is startling and sounds stressful.

Spoilers Below
It seems nice that this game doesn't have monsters to run from, however near the start it shows a head peek around the corner. It hurt the rest of the experience because I was waiting for the monster which it clearly showed and yet never came. A setup with no payoff does not feel good.

Most accurate representation of the backrooms in video game form.

Granted that doesn't mean it's the most fun, but it does an excellent job conveying liminal horror.

o melhor desse estilo de backrooms ai, nao fica apelando pra 500 bicho te perseguindo e jumpscare toda hr, é mt mais psicológico e tenso

For what it is (a glorified walking simulator) it's really good. Pretty spooky experience, especially for the low price of free.

While the game was entirely buildup, it was good buildup

Jummm, no sé que nota ponerle a este juego honestamente, me aburrió y me entretuvo a partes iguales. Pero me gustó, me pregunto como será la versión final ya que si durará mucho si puede ser fastidioso en vez de entretenido. 😶

ambiance bien réussie bv mon gars

Great points for having no chasey monsters

The visuals were amazing. It's free so everyone must try it.

nice atmosphere but not too scary

if it wasn't for the fact that this game has the atmosphere enough to completely immerse me and unnerve me I would have been thinking about this video the entire fucking time time

Pretty cool, I really like the lack of monsters/jumpscares because I'm of the belief that the backrooms was better before all the monster lore. I do have to say though, the walk speed was pretty damn abysmal. I get that it adds to the ambience, but at a certain point it stops being aesthetic and starts being painful. Especially once you realize you're in no danger, because of the found footage aspect, you'd think that you'd start walking faster at some point.

I also liked the instances of reality-bending and wish there was a bit more of that. And please, for the love of god, don't put monsters in the sequel. I'd rather have the game have things to look at than things to look away from.

I shat my pants because of wallpaper. Exceptionally well done. One of the scariest games I've ever played. It is absolutely unnerving.

definitely felt paranoid when playing it

Alongside Kane Pixel’s recent video series, probably the best realization of the concept of the Backrooms I’ve ever seen. Though the creator explicitly states that this has no connection to KP’s output, there’s a lot of nods in here and they’re both great for similar reasons. TC:FF forgoes the usual trite output of being chased by 7000 different entities with unscary lore alongside 7000 levels that are a shitty bloated SCP ripoff, and brings the Backrooms back to its liminal and dreamlike roots.

The visuals and sound design are unbelievably good for a game this amateur. The smudging on the overlay paired with the believable VHS decay rises the visuals so much more above the usual lazy chromatic aberration that usually just makes games look worse in a bad way, rather than in a good way, and this degradation is able to hide a lot of the actual graphics which aren’t very impressive. The sound design is also perfect too, I was almost terrified to wear headphones due to how immersive it was, with every footstep and pindrop audible in these dreamscapes.

Aside from a couple immersion-breaking and/or softlock-supplying glitches and a bunch of not-so-impressive textures that were too bad to be hidden by the old camera overlay, TC:FF, only in an hour, really embodies what drew people towards liminal spaces and the Backrooms in the first place: dreamlike dread. And for free? Yeah, please play this and support these people.

Too much of a pussy to finish it. Looks insanely good, there are a bunch of moments where it just looked like real life footage. Superb atmosphere. This is very much a fear of the unknown type of horror game, so if you're mainly scarred by stuff that is a tangible thing to fear, i doubt this game will be scary to you.

I pussied up to the plate and finished the game. Game rules

I've always viewed liminal spaces as the architectural version of the uncanny valley phenomenon. A place that generally makes sense but is just... off enough to produce feelings of uneasiness and unfamiliarity. In The Complex: Found Footage this concept is explored impressively well for what I can only assume was either a solo effort or a really small team of people probably working for free just trying to create something cool and interesting.

Whether it be a sprawling open but totally empty space, a library devoid of books, a child's playroom with no children or toys, an art gallery housing no art, or the drab yellow wallpapered rooms and corridors that never seem to totally release you from their nightmarish grasp, these areas make just enough sense that you feel grounded but they are totally missing that human element that gives them purpose. Adding to this these rooms are often connected and shaped in ways that are simply illogical in terms of function but clearly not intentionally done for artistic purposes either. It's almost like these rooms were created by some malfunctioning rogue artificial intelligence with no off switch and no true understanding of humanity or the function these spaces serve, instead only a vague understanding of the form: enclosed by walls, floor and a ceiling, at least one entrance, sometimes with wallpaper for decoration. These are human environments not built by or for humans and there is something particularly eerie about that.

The game loses some of it's spark in the final act with some less inspired environments and trying to vaguely explain some semblance of story but those first handful of areas really touched on something quite special. And for a game that is totally free and provided me with a unique experience, how could I not recommend it.

in 40 minutes i felt the most amount of anxiety and comfort that a game has given me in a while

Experiência rápida, mas não digo que não valeu a pena. O render dessa parada é bem feitinho e a sonoplastia é boa, então cria uma ambientação de sustinhos boo ui ui que, no meu caso, gerou um medinho.

Besides the atmosphere the game has little to nothing going for it. It crashing when I was 40 minutes in with no save feature certainly did not help

I was paranoid by some chairs and tables, pretty good

Does a great job of liminal horror no goofy monsters chasing you or any jump scares. Its just atmosphere the way the backrooms should be.

Don't get it, but the vibe is right. I had chills for a significant portion of the time playing it.

Just a Backrooms walking-sim, cool enough, nothing amazing though.

the first section of poolrooms & water was so beautiful that I forgot everything and I had been swimming the whole time xD
But the game itself, oh man finally a realistic backroom game that I can chill in the liminal world, check every corner, and enjoy the silence. great atmosphere
All for free :D