Reviews from

in the past

Amazing 4th wall breaking game. Just as good, if not better than Pony Island.

Probably my least favorite Mullins game but still a pretty good game all in all

Creo sinceramente que le sobra una horilla o asi de mecanicas y cosas que, personalmente, me han aburrido un pelin. Sin embargo, juego xulisimo y

fuck Lionel.

Completed with the 'true' ending and all achievements unlocked. From the developers of Pony Island comes this wonderfully subversive follow-up. Set in an old bar with six video game protagonists - from a sorceress to an anthropomorphic weasel - coming together, a mysterious phone call warns of an upcoming murder - and the game proceeds from there. You'll take control of each character in turn, with gameplay following the style of the games from which they originate - 2D platformer, XCOM-like tactics and more. The mechanics of these segments aren't particularly extensively developed - but the 'point' of the game comes really from its plot, with frequent fourth-wall-breaking and a satisfying tying-together of the disparate backgrounds of the characters. I'll not go into more detail to avoid spoilers, but suffice to say, The Hex gets a strong recommendation from me.

Games about games hit a certain spot for me an this is a very decent entry into that. All of the sections are paced poorly in different ways to another which is honestly impressive. It's interesting and weird in the way Daniel Mullins games are, but it's nothing special.

the story is interesting enough to get you through the terrible gameplay

very good game,i love the fact that it is a mystery with 4th wall break,that worked so well

What the guy who made Inscryption made right before he made Inscryption, has a lot of the charm from all his games in it and very 4th wall breaking, and also goes over some cool games with parody, while also telling an interesting story about game dev.

I’ve already played Inscryption so I thought I had an idea of what to expect going into this but it still managed to surprise me. It’s really rough around the edges (especially when it comes to visuals) and some of the sequences go on for too long like Rust’s, but the core idea is so strong and creative that I can’t help but give Mullins his flowers. Would love to see what this game would look and feel like with Inscryption’s production values, because I genuinely think I’d prefer a more polished version of this over it.

Probably Mullins's worst game, mostly because it puts too much of itself into the metacommentary and not enough into ensuring that it's actually a reasonably enjoyable game. Still good, and I would definitely play it if you liked Pony Island.

Jugablemente no es de lo mejor, pero la historia me parece una locura. El final es de lo mejor que he visto.

The ending was so funny but maybe it's cause I'm high. Very clever game but often the gameplay itself wasn't engaging enough for me to not think of how boring some of the games were, unlike Inscryption. I'ts funny that this guys style is just super "meta" games. More fun than pony island imo.


apenas joguei sem saber e te garanto que é uma das melhores experência que vc vai ter.

desculpa sem spoilers manito apenas joguei sem saber

I'm not even totally sure what I just played, but dang is it good. This genre-bending, fourth wall-breaking experience is something that I definitely didn't expect, and would definitely recommend everyone to play it.

A metahorror follow-up from the mind behind Pony Island, The Hex attempts to show the crumbling backstage behind some of gaming's leftovers. While knowledge of many of the gaming communities' genres and quirks are required for full enjoyment, there is so much variety at play in The Hex, tied down by a thrilling whodunit that concludes in a genuinely horrifying way.

Loved this. Each of the subgames in different genres are entertaining for their brief run and they constantly remix their mechanics in creative and humorous ways. I love all the playful commentary delivered through their pastiche game designs, and the actual narrative built across each subgame leads to a glorious and creepy secret ending. (I got the main secret ending, but only watched the second super-secret ending in another game entirely)

Kinda like that TV Show, Black Mirror

Just play this, 6+ games in one that come together in an emotional story and the soundtrack alone makes this a must-buy

I wondered why you never hear about this game compared to Pony Island and Inscryption, and the reason is… it kinda sucks, comparatively. It has a really cool setup and I think it squanders it a bit, nevermind that making a game where you play games and then just failing completely to actually represent half those genres in terms of gameplay is... weird. I mean things like the shooter or the RTS clearly had a lot of effort put into them, but the platforming or "fighting game" gameplay are kind of a joke. Still I feel like its biggest issue lies in the ending, which I can't really explain without spoiling. Still, the game is enjoyable, just not great.

Si buscas un juego de humor, muchos juegos dentro de uno y todo muy meta, esto es lo que buscas sin lugar a dudas. No le puedo sacar ningún fallo dentro de lo que quiere hacer, excepto quizás que le falta un pelín de profundidad en los juegos que homenajea.

More people need to play this one

Another fantastic game by the brilliant Daniel Mullins. The Hex covers the mystery that surrounds many different forgotten game characters. I can only imagine the pains this must have been to code. It's a platformer, fighting game, RPG, top-down shooter, and more.

While I adore this game, I do think some parts of it drags on for a little longer than needed. Especially the RPG part. You could argue this is a commentary about how turn based RPGs usually are very long, but I personally found this part of the game fairly boring.

That said, other than that the genre bending game is incredible. The gameplay and commentary on games as a whole in very interesting, fun and overall an experience you can't get anywhere else. We'll all keep buying Daniel Mullins games.

Eğer önceden Doki Doki için yaptığım incelemeyle karşılaştıysanız, oyunların 4. duvarı kırmasını sevdiğimi hatırlayabilirsiniz. Bu oyunda onlardan biri, fakat tek özelliği bu değil.

Bu oyun size iki farklı hikayeyi anlatıyor, biri oyunun kendi hikayesi diğeri ise bir oyun yapımcısının hikayesi. "Bir" oyun yapımcısı diyorum çünkü bu kişinin gerçekten The Hex'in oyunun yapımcısı olup olmadığını bilmiyorum, oyun içinde geçen ile gerçek yapımcının isimleri farklı. Bu oyunda hikaye gereği farklı karakterleri sırasıyla kontrol ediyorsunuz ve her karakter değiştiğinde, oyun hem grafik hem mekanik olarak başka bir oyuna dönüşüyor. Bu oyunlar, "bir" olarak itap ettiğim oyun yapımcısının eski oyunları, bu oyunların gün geçtikçe popülerliğini kaybedip kötülendiğini görüyorsunuz. Aynı zamanda oyun bunları size, yani oyuncuya anlatmıyor. Bu gördüklerinizi ana karakterin gözünden yaşıyorsunuz. Oyuna gelen kötü yorumları da Steam arkadaş listenizdeki kişiler yapıyormuş gibi gösteriyor. Bu tarz farklı ve ilgi çekici unsurlar da mevcut. Ve sonunda hikayenin hiç beklemediğiniz gibi olduğu ortaya çıkıyor.

The Hex güzel bir oyun. Kesinlikle oynanmalı demem fakat birisi gelip bu oyunu gördüm, oynasam mı ? diye sorsa, oynamasını söylerim. Eğer sende oynamak isteyip emin olamadan buraya geldiysen, artık cevabı biliyorsun.

nice story with simple mechanics but a lot of lore

If you haven't played this game, do not read this review or anything else about it. Hop in and play it blind.

I thought this game would mostly be about playing through different genres of games, albeit with a bit of meta stuff since I knew this was the same developer that made Pony Island. What I got was an interesting fourth-wall-breaking story. Playing through different genres that connected the characters together kept things fresh and interesting and I love how these seemingly separate characters had been weaved together to tell something much larger. The fourth wall breaks that begin more and more towards the end of the game really got me and Sado was an incredibly creepy antagonist. Revealing the player themselves as a character of their own to complete the hex in the game's true ending was brilliant. Beyond that, there are a lot of secrets to delve into and explore not only in the game but out of it. The cipher in the game files and in an entirely different game extends the story beyond the bounds of just the game. A wonderful gem that is worth the time played.

che figata, l'ho anche fatto giocare a umbe e a vanni

This game is a fucking ride, when it had its hooks in me I couldn't put it down until I'd finished it. While Inscryption is overall the superior game, The Hex is Daniel Mullins's best story, and god damn is it creative.

Awesome game, very interesting story and cool ARG.