Reviews from

in the past

It has been 1 year since I played this game, I still want to pick it up sometimes though. Definetly great dynamics and ambiance

Ambientação muito legal, me lembra Bear Grylls, mecânicas de sobrevivência ótimas bem feitas... E pode ser meio lento as vezes, mas é muito massa. Bastante Walking Simulator e o jogo está lançando capítulos ainda.

just wasn't my cup of tea🤷‍♀️(I'm too bad at it to enjoy properly)

usually not a huge survival game fan but I liked this one, had an okay story and did a good job at making you feel hopeless, then you find a cabin full of stuff it feels so rewarding.

I really enjoyed playing it, it's probably one of the best survival games I have played. I liked the added stories and I started 2 or 3 of them but I never manage to finish them. It's nice exploring the different areas and seeing what I can find in the houses cause I could never craft or find anything in nature

During a major electrical storm, our plane crashed mid-flight and after the accident we woke up in northern Canada, an environment as beautiful as it is hostile. We must survive the challenges of nature while looking for our flight partner in a game with a beautiful visual style and a very immersive soundtrack with folk rhythms.
A game that gives you the feeling of cold and loneliness experienced by a character that contains a very emotional story.

Favourite game would recommend 1000 times

It's a very harsh survival that gets better as you learn the maps. The story is a bit eh, the occasional events can be fun, and most of all you've Got to stop falling off stuff. Please be nice to grandma

A good survival game where you are constantly freezing. It even has a plot, but it's not action-packed.

I played this when the boiler in our apartment went out during a cold snap of -10 degrees outside. very immersive

Modo história: Jogo completamente lindo, história muito interessante e quase 2 anos esperando o último capítulo sair

For a bit of context, the last time I played this game was in 2016, when it was still not fully released (I even have a bugged out Steam Achievement that doesn't exist anymore). To some people this review might be unfair because of this, but that was my experience with the game. I remember being really interested in the game's atmosphere and it evoked feelings of fear/anxiety as I struggled to survive. At one point, I encountered a deer, and the game crashed. That meant that my run was dead and I had to start from the beginning. I was not happy about that, but I started a new run, in which the same thing happened again. I closed the game after that and never opened it again. It's been a long time since then, and the game is now fully released so I should give it another try sometime, but until then, this is my experience with The Long Dark.

En cuanto a supervivencia está bastante bien. Tiene muchas cosas a mejorar pero creo que no es para mí. Es EXTREMADAMENTE lento. En dificultades bajas es lento y aburrido, en dificultades altas es lento y mortal. Tres oportunidades le he dado y no soy capaz de que me guste. Una lástima porque estéticamente me flipa y transmite el frío como ningún otro juego.

I've never played the story, but this is a game I normally try and play during the winter months for a few survival games. Though fun at times, it just lacks something that other games offer in this genre. Take for example the Forest. It's massive, miles on miles to explore. The Long Dark feels so contstrained compared to that, to the point I feel like I've seen most things in a few hours for a playthrough. The atmosphere is still great though and it's a solid winter game.

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My all time favorite survival game next to Minecraft, this game is challenging but so good

Peak vulnerability fantasy. Multiple things I’d change but overall mood and core gameplay loop so cohesive and meditative.

The Long Dark is not only one of the best survival games available, it also features a thrilling story with twists and turns at every corner. Thanks to the multiple play modes that provide many many hours of entertainment, The Long Dark is truly the type of game to want if ever stranded on a deserted island, or stuck in a lone cabin in the middle of the Canadian Arctic.

Full Review:

Обожаю выживалки и все что с ними связано. Очень нравится тут визуал, он довольно необычный как по мне. Разрабы уже давно не выпускают продолжение сюжетного эпизода, за что жирный минус.

I hardly touched story mode, but I spent countless hours on the survival mode trying to stay alive as long as possible which is pretty fun and challenging

Don't like the gameplay nor the artstyle

I never played the storyline, as my only experience with the game was on survival mode. The atmosphere of this game is incredible. I think it was probably one of the most immersive gaming experience I ever had. I surprised myself playing for over 5 hours in one session without noticing.
This game is beautiful, with a wonderful art direction and beautiful landscapes. It leads to very contemplative moments. Yet, this game is very brutal and unforgiving (sometimes unfair too). Nourriture is always scarce, there are wolves waiting at every corner, and we often have to make difficult choice with no optimal solution. It means that playing this game is often a struggle.
This alternance between contemplation and stressful moments really enhance the feeling of having to survive in this beautiful yet cruel frozen wilderness.
The ankle mechanic though... I disabled it in custom mode, because it was way too stressful for me (I get the point, but it did not work for me).

Adore the graphics a lot, have loved this game for many years now. Scary sometimes but it's such an incredible game!

Came for the graphics, survival and story....left it because of the gameplay

this is an absolutely incredible game, the atmosphere is unbeatable, the realism of the game mechanics is immaculate, its truly a one of a kind and i dont understand why it doesnt have a higher average.

easily a 10/10

i really, really dont like anything about this game.

I did really enjoy the game overall, but it started to get a bit dull towards the end of my run. I got to a point where I had plenty of supplies and was just kinda passing the time trying not to die. I will likely play it again at some point, on a higher difficulty. I think a game like this is only fun for me if it's really challenging.