Reviews from

in the past

Huge nostalgic trip with this game. My friend and I in high school sat down one summer and decided to focus on two games. PSO Ep. 1 and 2 and this gem. We played this no-stop until completion and loved it. Think of this as an easier Final Fantasy for the time. Combat was basic, but fun. The evil mode as well was very fun and unique. Playing as the bad guys to stop the Fellowship.

Recommended if you are a Lord of the Rings fan and Final Fantasy fan!

This was always my favourite LOTR gameas a kid and replaying now Is still a tonne of fun. Gameplay can get repetitvie but you can change your team to freshen things up. Getting to fight alonside certain characters like Gandal, Aragorn etc Is hype and you get to fight all big bad guys from the Balrog up to Sauron himself. Could've done without the love triangle though.

Recently replayed this game for the first time since I was a kid and definitely got further than I did back then! I love that is uses the same battle system as Final Fantasy X, which is my favorite, but with a Lord of the Rings skin to it. Haven't done the co-op but it's pretty simple and fun so a friend can play along with you.

This was actually pretty good but weird to me as a kid because you couldn’t play as frodo

El Señor de los Anillos: La Tercera edad (2004): Es un plagio descarado de FF X y ya sólo por eso merece la pena. Es cierto que las animaciones se hacen pesadas, y que el final se acaba haciendo muy repetitivo, pero el conjunto es un fanservice disfrutón y recomendable (7,20)

This Fire Emblem clone got me thinking that if Sakurai ever got his hands on it we'd probably see Aragorn and the Mouth of Sauron in Smash 6

fun game concept where your party is basically just trailing behind the heroes in LOTR and participating or aiding key characters during choice fights. a bit of a grind though.

take lotr and old final fantasy games its pretty good and unique take of the serious but its dated and you can tell when you play but i wouldn't say its bad its better than gollum at least

Supuestamente es dificil a dia de hoy e imposible de pasar sin trucos,no me ha durado ni 30 horas en dificultad maxima

a totally serviceable rpg set in the lord of the rings FILM trilogy? unreal. where has this been all my life

one of the funniest clones of a video game ever created

I'm sure this was a decent turn based RPG but I quickly traded this in for the Finding Nemo PS2 game when I was a kid. I was pretty messed up like that.

Actually a super solid FFX clone that has a story you could blink and miss, still a really fun time for any RPG-lovers and LOTR fans alike.

An incredibly underrated game. The first turn-based RPG I'd played as a kid outside of Pokemon. Ties into middle earth lore in a great way without being a retelling of the books and movies.

There’s almost a solid game here I think? It’s actually really fun for the first couple hours, but then the game never really changes anything up and when it does, it’s for the worst. Its nonsensical storytelling and nonexistent exploration also really hold it back which is a shame because the combat can be fun! Unfortunately being limited only to the movie source material really hinders it.

An actually surprisingly okay JRPG made Shores? It's not particularly challenging and there are objective "best" strategies that carry you through every fight but its hard not to find enjoyment in doing JRPG shit in fucking helms deep or whatever. It's also the loudest game i have ever played in my life, it sounds like they put every single audio clip through the most aggressive compression possible and then put an extra 2 on the master just in case. The game also has easily the worst equip menu of any RPG i've ever played.

Hysterically fanficcy in spots, like making your party fight with Gandalf on the bridge while ignoring the fact that the entire fellowship was watching him drive the balrog back during that scene, or the final boss which has to be seen to be believed.

This game's all like "I bet you're just pretending to like me. I bet you'd rather be watching the movies. Here, watch them, it's fine". But I do love you, The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. You're well paced and have a nice, sometimes beautiful, presentation. Now kiss me.

A bizarre but strangely charming FF X inspired RPG in a LOTR setting.

I think we rented this from Blockbuster briefly and I remember enjoying it while also being very, very bad. I was very young so I think I served more as a hinderance to my brothers than anything.

It's an FF X clone with a LotR skin and a fan-fic story. If that sounds like a fun time to you, you should play it. I love this game a lot.

Final Fantasy cosplays Lord of the Rings. What The Third Age may lack in difficulty and tactical depth, it more than makes up for in its creativity, visuals, and engaging adherence to it's theme.

Play as budget Boromir, generic elf, and not-Gimli as you follow in the footsteps of your favourite Fellowship - jumping in to assist at a few crucial moments - all the way from Moria to Minas Tirith.

The tactical combat is on the easier side, even on the highest difficulty modes, and can be gamed in a couple of days but it is always interesting and levelling up your characters and developing their movesets gives a great sense of progress.

Excellent visual design (plucked directly from the films) and strong animations for its age make this a game thats still enjoyable today for fans of the series

This game is like a perfect historical piece of gaming history. A time where the cost of development was low enough and the series was popular enough for the combination of Lord of the Rings and JRPG could be a valid product to make. That is really cool! That's the nicest things I have to say.

There is a plot, it exists and is bad. Utterly forgettable along with the characters. The gameplay is clearly made by people who don't know what makes a JRPG good, poorly balanced on both sides. Lot more to say, but I'll cut it there. Don't try and play this.

There were some good things here - graphically it was quite impressive, the movie score, as always, was one of the best, but even as a diehard LOTR fan, I couldn't help but feel how uninspired, lifeless, and bland it was in comparison to FFX.

And while it may feel incredibly unfair to compare this to one of the greatest JRPG series of all time in one of its best releases, it was easy to make this connection back then... 3 short years after FFX's release, it was blatantly noticeable how much this game took inspiration from it... so much so, that one could call this game a full-on clone/rip-off.

Basically a Lord of the Rings fan fic. It did get my little brother and his friends into turn based RPGs so that was pretty neat.

primeiro rpg de turno q joguei e foi uma merda

A turn based rpg that takes place during (slightly behind) the events of the films and books. Very derivative of the original source material, but it's not a bad thing. Visuals are great and set piece battle and boss fights are epic.