Reviews from

in the past

a horror story about playground lies and where they come from and why children think they need them.

edit several days later: I dunno, like I gave kind of a quick one-sentence pitch but there's really something... magical about this game. It guts you in a way that's hard to describe. It has this sense of unreality, through the viewpoint of children trying to understand and succeed through unfair rules. I'm still ruminating on it basically constantly. It cuts deep.

There's definitely something special but also kind of uncertain about sleepovers as a kid. The way this game captures that mysterious feeling and throws it in a spooky direction was done exceptionally. I was not a huge fan of having to replay it over and over again to progress though.

My uncle could beat up your uncle

Is this what happens when Nintendo finds out you emulated an NES game ?

Vim pela premissa, fiquei pelos ensaios sobre as estruturas de poder por trás da cultura gamer.

Los nintendos son del diablos

$play = now, in the dark

"Look I PROMISE YOU HE'S real please, he's real seriously."
(Please please pay attention to me)
"Look see I caught it just today right? Like you definitely can't get the same thing."
(This is all I can do to make you stay)

i need to revisit this but i remember it being incredibly striking, a really successful piece about dread and coded abuse / violence, all told through cosmic horror and that creepypasta feeling which is a direct line to shit i like.

Ohhh my god I absolutely adore this game. What an incredibly well-made twine game that manages to be genuinely creepy. Definitely would recommend this to anyone that has heard about it and is curious, its really neat.

yeah this happened to my cousin once

Fun spooky little text-based horror game that plays really well on your nostalgia and the feelings of being that age where you can't really know whether to trust what other kids are telling you is true or not. A really quick game, but definitely get through the secret ending.

i played this back in middle school and it scared me so bad i couldnt sleep that night

really resonant and emotional little game