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I can not say in good conscience the gameplay is all that good. Its a definitiv improvment over Witcher 1 and 2, but still not great. What carrys Witcher 3 is its world that feels like there was so much love pourred into it. It also has two of the best DLCs of all time somehow, better than the main game.

The Witcher 3 is a grandiose and emotional story of a man looking for his daughter. Because finding said daughter takes time and a man's gotta sit down and rest every now and then, in a more immediate sense The Witcher 3 is a game about Geralt stumbling on all of his old friends who all happen to be in the same corner of the world at the same time and going for a drink and catching up with all of them.

You may think that this is a role-playing game because of the RPG tag but actually the G in the RPG here stands for Geralt, so you're Role-Playing Geralt, who is, lucky for you, one of the most terrific video game protagonists that you'll ever meet (you're also him in this game!)

The writing is all-around great here, which makes even all the side-quests worth experiencing too. Many times the smaller stories will surprise you and blow your mind. Different outcomes in quests based on your choices mean there's plenty of replayability here too.

Largely considered one of the greatest RPGs of all time for a good reason. An utterly engrossing setting where passion and care is seen in every corner of its design. The gameplay is serviceable, but it's the writing and its world that you're here for. Both DLCs are also distinctly amazing, with one being (comparatively) shorter but more narratively dense, and the other being larger and more focused on gameplay.

A small Polish studio shakes the gaming industry out of nowhere with the last installment of The Witcher series.
Despite having a simple story, all the subplots and characters make up for it; The Witcher 3 has a great story, arguably one of the most immersive and well-written stories in a western RPG in my opinion.
The gameplay, unfortunately, is one of The Witcher 3's weakest parts, however, it's decent nonetheless; it feels satisfying and it plays well for the most part, it just lacks depth and the movement feels a bit floaty.
The RPG elements are not necessarily deep, but they're well executed. There is a fair amount of different equipment, perks, upgrades and status effects that can affect the gameplay. On the other hand, the dialogue options and different outcomes are done masterfully, the highlight of the entire game.
The quest design is excellent as well for the most part. Aside from some chores sprinkled through the game, the side-quests in The Witcher 3 are some of the best I've seen in a videogame in general.
Also, the game has a ton of mandatory and optional content, and both of the expansions are absolutely impressive.
Lastly, the music is incredible and the graphics are beautiful.
The pacing of the game, however, is not perfect; the story in particular takes quite long to get going.

+ Fantastic narrative
+ Amazing characters
+ Dialogue options
+ Quest design
+ Tons of content
+ Gorgeous visuals and soundtrack

- Story padding

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Content: 10/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
While not exactly flawless, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a perfect videogame experience and arguably the best western RPG ever made without feeling overwhelming for non-RPG lovers.

Do I recommend it?:
A must-play videogame for literally everyone.


-Beautiful art and environment design; some detailed based on the background of that place.
-The Soundtracks are masterpieces that you can easily enjoy outside of the game.
-The art and STs have made such a great atmosphere for a medieval fantasy game.
-Gameplay is simple but very enjoyable; it can also be played in variation.
-The side quests are great (can be a class for other developers). You don't feel like they are chores that you have to do to level up for main quests. They are not needed to proceed in the game (as far as I can remember at least), but they are so enjoyable and well written that you want to play; and some are really memorable.
-The expansion packs, just like the side quests; can be a class for other developers to learn how to make a game. They are tens of hours long each, and add a whole lot of content to the game. From mutation to new storylines and a whole new map.

It is not a heavy RPG, and tries to lean more on the action-adventure side; but it is truly an amazing one and def worth playing multiple times.

Jank ass movement, butter skates ass, garbage combat.

Great game but i have to say 30m copies sold and they still didnt fix this game needs 50GB bugfix patch to i must say still great game :p
sometimes roach opens hole in the galaxy writers must admit roach is stronger than ciri
and... Play series in order

Um puta de um jogo foda, Geralt te maceta e é nois. The witcher 3 é um jogo incrível, eu não tive contato com nenhum outro jogo da franquia o 3 foi o primeiro que eu joguei e foi uma experiência muito foda.

No começo é um pouco difícil de pegar os comandos, ainda mais para quem não teve contato com os outros jogos é preciso pegar um tempinho para aprender e entender porque é MUITA coisa, saber o que cada item faz e pra que serve, saber o tipo de armadura, poção, mutagênicos, armas e etc, claro que na maior parte você aprende no decorrer do jogo, não é complicado só é bastante coisa para saber.

Não preciso falar nada do mundo aberto de the witcher né? é do caralho de foda, os mapas são gigantescos, cada lugar é muito foda e eu que zerei o jogo 2 vezes tenho certeza que tem lugar que eu nunca fui, além de ser gigantesco o jogo é rico em detalhes, cada lugar tem seu estilo e cada cidade tem sempre as pessoas falando algo diferente o que te deixa mais imersivo no mundo do jogo, é muito foda, no mundo de the witcher você é totalmente livre. Os gráficos nem se fala, são LINDOS até na configuração mais baixa e juntando com a maravilhosa trilha sonora você fica 100% imerso dentro do jogo, as partes visuais são tão fodas que eu não acho palavras para descrever direito.

A história é espetacular mesmo não tendo acompanhado muita coisa de the witcher ,em geral, o jogo faz com que você entenda tudo, as vezes mesmo você não sabendo o que aconteceu em tal parte mesmo assim aquilo é foda porque eles explicam TUDO e você não sai de lá perdido, diálogos totalmente únicos, a parte que eu mais amo em the witcher é o poder de escolha que o jogo dá, você pode simplesmente escolher o que fala e faz, claro que isso terá as consequências nem todas vão ter um final feliz e isso eu acho o mais incrível. Missões que não são nem um pouco repetitivas as principais são fodas mas as missões secundárias são do mesmo nível, não decaem em nenhum momento, cada lugar tem histórias fascinantes e te deixa com vontade de fazer TUDO sem parar. O combate do jogo é maravilhoso também, os monstros são de uma criatividade muito foda são muitos e cada um com um tipo de magia, poção e oléo diferente para matar, se tem uma coisa que você não fica nesse jogo é com tédio, sem contar os inimigos humanos que são legais também, onde cada um fica com uma arma diferente e te dá uma dificuldade diferente de enfrenta-los.

As coisas que eu tenho para reclamar é a quantidade de falação que tem que as vezes não tem como ficar de saco cheio, eu amo os diálogos de the witcher mas muitas vezes uma conversa simples de 3 minutos acaba durando 15 ou as vezes na própria história quando começa uma explicação acaba indo longe demais demorando muito tempo para concluir, quando o diálogo não agrega em nada fica chato demais ter que escutar tudo e outra que são os bugs o cavalo carpeado é profissional em fazer isso, inimigos que começam a ficar dentro de uma parede do nada, isso incomoda muito mas não te deixa mais puto do que o Geralt morrer caindo de uma altura de 5 metros isso é de ficar louco que junto vem outro problema que é o tempo dos loadings, é uma demora que leva um tempinho brabo, mas the witcher é um jogo gigantesco então dá para passar um pouco de pano para os loadings.

Mas the witcher 3 é um jogo que vale 100% a pena, o jogo não segue uma linha só sendo totalmente sério ele aborda um milhão de coisas diferentes com temas diferentes, momentos que na história faz você se emocionar, dar risada, ficar puto, momentos em que você quer ler todas as cartas do jogo e correr atrás para saber o que aconteceu, e outra the witcher não tem só as missões tem sim uns mini games para fazer como corrida de cavalo, luta, campeonato de tiro de bestra e gwente que é um jogo de cartas. The witcher 3 é foda .

Quite possibly one of the greatest games ever made, The Witcher 3 cements itself as the king of the RPG genre. Its characters, story, world, and gameplay are all masterfully crafted to perfection, immersing the players in a long adventure of grief, remorse, family, and redemption. This game has created memories that will stick with me for the rest of my life, and I'm amazingly thankful for CD Projekt Red for making this masterclass of an experience.

The best bang for your buck you'll ever get. Two absolutely amazing DLCs + one of the best games of recent memory make this an all-timer. I wish I still had the time to play through this entire thing again, what a behemoth.

Witcher 3 is one the greatest games ever, its world is great, characters are amazing and each one has its unique personality, when you finish the game, probably you won’t forget them soon, story is great overall but it's not perfect, it takes almost 40-50 hours and this is too long, when you "complete" a battle it should be over but it goes on and don't End.

The combat is fun for few hours and then it starts to get boring because it doesn’t improve, i can say same thing for the open world, it is fun for a few hours but then activities become repetitive with the exception of sidequests. sidequests have their own stories, each one has voice acting and good presentation. Some stories are so sad that you can get emotional

Witcher 3 really is a great game, it is an open-world medieval detective game for me and i love this genre… from Witcher 3 to Cyberpunk2077…when did CDPR change…

Jogo longo, mas muito bom. Demora pra concluir, mas tem ótimas histórias. As secundárias são mais legais do que a história original. Muito legal você começar com os itens que tinha no jogo anterior. O combate as vezes é confuso, mas é interessante.

I see the appeal which is the setting and lore, but the gameplay is meh, (main) story drags on too much and is mediocre, rpg elements are laughable. Though, one of the rare games where choices mean something which is very commendable. Slightly overrated and people turn a blind eye to many of its faults.

I really didn't like this little indie gem

Best game I ve ever played period. The only game i would genuinely give a 10/10. I know the movement especially on horse is a bit clunky and combat isnt that balanced at all ( archers can one shot you) but i cant let those things overshadow how immaculate this game is. Witcher 3s excellent story, lore and characters, the magnificent landscape and soundtrack, the depth every quest has in the game and the plethora of choices and details that can alter dialogues/outcomes, the really impressive graphics for its time (that still stand out with the next gen update) and the 2 exceptional DLC expansions hearts of stone and blood and wine make it undoubtedly one of the greatest gaming experience one can have and its a must play for everyone. Cdpr still update the game for bug fixes, add some tiny extra content and rebalancing issues. Theres also a youtuber called xLetalis that makes videos since the release of the game and still discovers secrets/alternate dialogues and that kind of things. Make sure to play it before u die!

“I carry two swords. One of silver, for creatures that roam the wild. One of steel, for humans in their cities of stone. They’re both for monsters.”

Como me arrependo de não ter tirado um tempo antes para terminar essa masterpiece. 200h explorando e admirando ainda foi pouco!

Sem sombra de duvidas é um game que merece a fama que tem. Possue uma história que não é algo de outro mundo, porém muito bem escrita e executada, que te prende do inicio ao fim, pois te instiga curiosidade pelo o que esta por vir. Ela cria expectativas no jogador e as entrega, muitas vezes até mesmo supera (que final fdp). As DLCs são muito boas mesmo, provavelmente as melhores que já joguei até hoje. Elas adicionam diversas features interessantes, como uma arvore de habilidades nova além do mapa de Toussaint que é belíssimo, sendo o favorito de muitos.

As mecânicas são simples e intuitivas, é divertido mesclar combate com sinais, por outro lado se busca builds complexas irá se decepcionar. Mas não há muito do que se reclamar, tirando a câmera que foca automaticamente nos inimigos, te obrigando a ativar trava, provavelmente o que irá te incomodar mais ainda será o carpeado. Nada como estar cavalgando e ficar empacado em arvores ou qualquer objeto mesmo que minusculo, certamente temos uma relação de amor e ódio.

Por fim, o que mais me cativou nesse universo maravilhoso. Os personagens incríveis e suas relações com e entre eles. Como as side quests desse game são absurdas de bem feitas, o apego a alguns personagens é inevitável e ver o desfecho de cada um deles é deveras satisfatório.
Guardo no meu coração com muito carinho o relacionamento do Geralt com a Ciri, cada momento de interação desses dois estará para sempre na minha memória e espero ver mais deles futuramente na franquia. Ah, e Yennefer... pode trazer o unicórnio sempre que você quiser!

Meu medalhão está zunindo, algo me diz que essa obra nunca deixará de ser lendária.

This review contains spoilers

Praise geraldo.
The best thing about the game is its world and its sidequests, and by world i mean its characters; everyone from the protagonist, to the side characters and even to minor npcs is fully realised. The combat admittedly gets boring as you go forward, with only the last few base game bosses and dlc bosses on death march being actually challenging (although mostly frustrating). Gwent might be the best card minigame in any videogame, blowing your average poker and even triple triad out of the water.
Also the main story of the base game and of blood and wine is disappointing, only hearts of stone is actually great, since it embraces the standalone story format of the first two novels, where I feel the story was at its most innovative.

I really couldn't get into this game, even after doing all side quests and DLC. The combat felt awful, navigating the world was plodding and boring, most of the quests boiled down to "talk to person, use detective vision, kill thing, return", and the only time I was invested in the main story was when it directly involved Ciri. The DLC was a bit better with more interesting stories and Blood and Wine's prettier world, but I could never get much enjoyment out of the game through my 71 hours

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is hands down one of the best RPGs I've ever played., Seriously, this game is a masterpiece in every sense of the word. From the moment you start playing, you're sucked into this incredibly detailed world filled with monsters, magic, and political intrigue.
The storyline is It's so rich and immersive, with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat. And the characters? They feel so real, with their own personalities, motivations, and flaws. You really get invested in their journeys, which makes every decision you make feel weighty and important.
And let's talk about the world itself. It's massive, but it never feels empty or boring. There's always something to do, whether it's hunting down monsters, exploring hidden caves, or just chilling in a tavern playing Gwent. And speaking of Gwent, don't even get me started on how addictive that card game is!

One of the best story driven open world games, few games manage to make high quality side quests with high production values and imapct on the world. The music is memoable and the game still looks beautiful. The combat is hyperbole hated, its decent enough with good enemy variety and cool finisher moves, the progression is a bit mediocre. and the controls are not the smoothest.
Overall same with Breath of the Wild and Skyrim and Dark Souls this one has its flaws but the sum of its parts elevates it to the masterpiece level.
Oh and it has the best DLCs of all time too.

After getting the platinum and finishing the dlc for this game I have a newfound love for everything The Witcher 3 does. The characters are some of the most likeable for me in any game ever and I’ve really grew to love most of them. The gameplay itself is probably the games biggest L but thankfully the quest design and world building is interesting enough that it never really bothered me. Oh, and I love Gwent now.

Once I have a computer that can play this, I'm very stoked to play it lol.

I've never come around to a game so hard in my life before. I replayed Cyberpunk 2077 after the Edgerunners update and walked away in love after 100+ hours, but I was a Witcher hater for 8 years. Played the beginning (White Orchard) multiple times and bounced off the floaty controls, weightless combat, ugly NPCs/armor, and a story that couldn't grip me. Is this really the game people praise? That sold 50+ million copies? That people call one of the greats?

Then I kept playing. I trudged through White Orchard (something I maintain is one of the worst openings in triple-A gaming). I made it to the Bloody Baron. Then I was good and hooked.

What a gem of a game. I can't believe this was CD Projekt's third game in 8 years. I've even come around to the combat, it's quite nice on harder difficulties and when you engage in the alchemy systems!

I don't think I can say anything to properly convey my feelings on my new obsession of the Witcher world--at least not anything that hasn't been dissected and talked about ad nauseum online. This made me pick up the books, do a NG+ run, and look forward to playing Witcher 2. The fact that we're getting more Witcher in the coming years has me giddy with excitement.

Amazing game with amazing graphics and great characters. Geralt is both charming and dry, his character is done so well, even if I wouldn't like RPGs, I'd play this game just for him.
The story is intriguing and keeps you on your toes while the combat system is both challenging and rewarding. It's one of the best games ever made.

OMG. If you're a gamer you need to play it. It will change your sight for games and your standarts. The world, characters, storys, music, ability to choose how and what to answer and do. Play it!
I'm still not finished with "Blood & Wine" and "Hearts of Stone" but I am excited to continue if I have enough time!

Played through this game more times than I can count, now. When I initially played TW3, I hated it. I couldn't connect with Geralt and I just didn't care.

I was a kid, and I had played W2 but didn't appreciate anything about it. I replayed TW3 my freshman/sophomore year of college and couldn't believe what I had missed out on. A wonderful role playing game that gives you so much "autonomy" and "choice" while keeping you on the rails of the story.

Perhaps the best part about the Witcher is that Geralt is not the main character. You never feel compelled to do something because everything that CDPR designed for Geralt to do, is something his character would actually do.

The FUCKING witcher.
seilá por onde começar, acho que posso dizer que foi o jogo que me salvou de surtar na pandemia.
Em meio de tanto caos que tava acontecendo em 2020 eu perdi o emprego que eu nem sabia trabalhar direito e me vi tendo que cuidar da minha vó, e eu lembro do pavor que era eu sem querer passar alguma coisa pra ela, ou pensar no que tava acontecendo lá fora, fora os conflitos pessoais que eu tava vivendo na época, foi quando eu vi um escape em the witcher.
Eu sempre soube que esse jogo era incrível, via as pessoas falando, e já até tinha tentado jogar outras vezes, mas nunca profundamente, sempre largava depois de 1hr por pura preguiça.
Eu mergulhei dentro desse universo de uma maneira que eu não consigo explicar, os reinos, as tramas políticas, os bruxos, os feiticeiros de aretuza etc, as criaturas, tudo. Eu não ficava imerso dentro de um universo desde Star Wars, e eu ainda considero pouco/razo meu conhecimento sobre the witcher, pq não joguei os anteriores até agora e nem li os livros, somente a série.
A gameplay é fantástica, absurdamente fantástica, combate maravilhoso, um dos melhores que eu já joguei, a exploração é incrível, só perde pra zelda e assassin's creed (trilogia rpg), os gráficos são maravilhosos, ainda mais com o update de nova geração.
Eu zerei The Witcher 2 vezes e ainda sinto que eu deveria zerar mais uma vez. (mas tenho preguiça pq é muito longo)
Eu não me arrependo de ter gravado na minha pele o jogo que me salvou da pandemia, (inclusive tenho vontade de fazer mais tatuagens sobre o jogo/universo)

One of the best games I've ever played. Calling this game big is an understatement... This game is ENORMOUS! So much to do, side missions feel like the main story, monster contracts always have something new to offer, and the characters are super well-written. I miss the countless evenings that turned into nights playing this game, hopefully I'll be able to experience this magic one day again.