Reviews from

in the past

I went through so much effort to get this game. I had it pre-ordered for months and the store sold my copy on release day, so I drove to another place across town to get it - and it's not that great, in fact, I never finished it. There are some shining moments here and there (the asylum level) but it largely feels like a watered down Dishonored. You can watch people have sex through a keyhole though

The game feels great to control, but there's so many baffling decisions in this one, from the YA-novel writing to making the entire screen flash white every time you enter light for even a nanosecond. Taking it as its own game separate from the earlier entries in the Thief series, it's not horrendous - if you told me this was the beta for a game due out in several months to a year I'd say that's fine, because nothing here is so bad that it necessitates burning everything down and starting again at the foundation. But there's so many little blemishes that it seriously affects the final product. đŸ€·

Finally a chance to use a half star

fucks me up how i copped this game back when it first came out before i knew about the rest of the series, played it for like 2-3 hours, dropped it then my brain blocked it off entirely. AI generated AAA 8th gen game.

Genuinely one of the most worthless games I've ever played. The entire identity of Thief was stripped away for this incredibly boring, generic version that desperately attempts to appeal to folks who had no interest in the type of game Thief inherently is to begin with.

Let's talk gameplay. After disabling about 500 needless UI prompts the original games never needed, you're greeted with core gameplay that is both shallow and broken.

The swoop completely trivializes most stealth, and 'Garrett' is relatively competent enough that he can roleplay a CoD game if you decide stealth isn't for you. Who cares!!!! The actual thieving in this game also becomes tedious from Garrett having additional animations every time you pick up an item, snuff out a light, forget to say night to grandma etc. The attempt at giving Garrett weight in this game only serves to make everything feel slow and tedious. The very act of grabbing some loot feels unrewarding IN A GAME ABOUT GRABBING LOOT.

Ostensibly this game borrows quite a lot from Thief Deadly Shadow's structure in that levels are accessed through a hub you can buy things in, only instead of a relatively seamless experience that takes maybe a minute per section to traverse add on about 3 minutes for completely illogical routes so you can be funneled into loading screen animations. The City in the original games is such a well realized place that conveys perfectly the ideas it is trying to represent through suggestion, while here the game's stark ripoff Dishonored London deprives the setting of any personality and just sucks to look at.

The story is a complete waste of time since not a single character in it particularly matters. The villain in specific is so poorly written that I have to imagine his traits were drawn from a hat for how well they mesh together. His actions are completely illogical and yet he is framed as if he is some equal to 'Garrett' or something? Not to mention his horrible mandatory boss fight that should have never been made.

What makes the story so frustrating is that Thief Deadly Shadows already had a fairly decent setup for a future sequel in its ending which this game INITIALLY seems to be following up on, only for Erin to proceed to be completely uninteresting and turn into a plot macguffin who you're supposed to care about finding. Like, why should I care??? She sucks lmaoo

This game went through a fairly extensive amount of development hell with like four different studios or something working on it and it definitely shows in the final product, a far cry from the original trilogy being made with a close knit community of developers and artists. This game is entirely committee approved and seeks to please some spectre of an Ideal Gamer in every facet of it's design in the hopes of making some money, and completely betrays what the original games stood for to begin with.

Genuinely, don't play this game ever. You and your time are far more valuable then wasting your life energy on this drivel. Play the original trilogy, they are incredible games that will change how you see art and deserved to be discussed far more then this.

the least interesting parts of every stealth game

happy 10th anniversary to everyone's favorite 7th gen Eidos IP reboot developed by people who hated the original games, so much so that they made sure it was just titled 'GAME' and mucks up your DuckDuckGo search results when trying to look up things related to said series (I love Tomb Raider 2013!!!!!!!!!!)

this streamlined pile of shit is nothing like the series it represents

bad bad bad, a thousand times bad, at least the lightning was well made by the time

Might be the most forgettable game I've ever reached the credits in?

As much as people hate this, I quite liked the setting, the gameplay and the graphics.
ngl I haven't played the originals so I would not be able to compare it to that, but that's a lot of criticism I hear about, how its not as good as the ogs.

yea this game is janky and dull. not a good combo. it feels like a game that was dated when it came out lol. also the writing and story are just real weird. couldn’t buy in.


Outside of the Asylum chapter it is not very enjoyable. I can see what they were going for, but it just didn't land. The main two reasons for me, was the story's pacing and the lack of identity. Moments never got to breath once they happened, you just moved on

Played the demo and that was all I needed. Play dishonored instead, it's not worth your time. Lame gameplay, poor optimization and long loading screens. Really not "next gen" (or even previous gen).

The basics of any and for any stealth game are here. But just that.

This game felt like going to see a Nirvana tribute band, only to find Kurt Cobain's mutilated corpse strung up by the overhead railing like a marionette, Fender Mustang bolted to the rotten meat that long ago were once his hands.

Look how they massacred my boy

Ă© um jogo com uma historia interessante, uma gameplay repetitiva assim como as fases (sempre a sensação de estar por um mesmo cenĂĄrio). É aceitĂĄvel, da pra tirar uma brisa no geral

Like a car goin' a 100 and hitting a brick wall after 2km.

i got stuck in an infinite loop on launch week. Every time I finished the 2nd level, it would restart me back at the beginning of the 2nd level.

14 year old me was in love with dishonored at the time, and this game taught me to not preorder full price games based solely on the fact that they look cool. before steams current refund system as well, so thats 60 bucks that's never coming back. this game is batshit boring and i couldn't even finish it back then, let alone now. i dont really have much else to say about this game, other than maybe the ambience is pretty nice? save your money unless you're a thief mega fan and wanna see what this nasty reboot is about.

Mostly enjoyed my time with it. The original Thief is so much better in every single aspect, but I could still enjoy this for what it was.

"I've been a ghost all my life."

I want to preface this review by saying that the game is somewhat solid if it is your first (and preferably ONLY) Thief game you ever played. If you enjoyed it: good! But stay away from the rest of the series because I can guarantee you, you'll either A) won't find the earlier installments as captivating or B) they'll make you hate Thief 2014 retroactively.

If you don't like some old man's rambling about how everything used to be better, just skip to the second half of the review.

Now, I'm a huge fan of the stealth genre in both 2D and 3D, and I also played a lot of the major ones such as Hitman, Splinter Cell and of course, the Thief trilogy. With Thief especially I'd like to point out that I have played these recently for the first time ever, so there was no familiarity or nostalgia involved. Instead, it was an almost marvelous revelation of how a game can present itself with memorable and intricate level design while still giving the player the choice to rummage through the levels as he pleases. Sure, it can be overwhelming at first, even for their time they look ugly as sin, so I'll admit they aren't without faults.

There is however on thing they do right: they let you play the games however you want in whatever way you want. Thief - and by extension, any of the Immersive-Sim games - is something I'd like to compare to something like Pen&Paper or any other board game. You're given a place to play in, have to adhere to the rules the game has set for you and in between starting the level and finishing the objectives it's up to the player to figure out how to do it. There's no handholding or restrictions, other than, you know, a mission failure or death maybe.

Want to ghost the entire mission? You can do that. Knock out any guard and rob the place blind? You're a thief, so naturally you can. Fight every creature to death with your dinky-ass sword? Well good luck trying to evade death.

The beauty that sets the early Thief games apart from its modern successor is immersion. You're a thief, not a fighter. You have a few weapons and tools to dispatch enemies and make your adventure easier. There is an overarching, but negligible story. With every mission, you're given piece-meal information, just enough to know what to look out for. The maps are borderline useless but give enough context for navigation. And honestly, why would some random thief have the fully detailed map for some highly secured mansion or long forgotten dungeon? It all works, but it IMMERSES you into the game.
Onto the ACTUAL review now...

Thief 2014 has the same problems as, ironically, other titles that Square-Enix tried to modernize: Hitman Absolution, Tomb Raider 2013 (and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but I've not played it as of yet): They all fucking suck and have almost nothing in common with the series' roots anymore. This is absolutely hyperbole, but all these games, along with whatever shit comes from Ubisoft/EA, are very much everything what's wrong with TrIpLeAaA-Gaming.

The developers don't even let you properly play the game anymore. You're just being guided on a tour that's all flashy, without any substance to it. Look how great the game looks! Here, check out this cutscene! Whoa, did you absolutely, POSITIVLEY LOVE OUR QTEs WE PUT IN THE GAME? Huh? What's that? You don't?

Everything in Thi4f is a chore and simultaneously so dumbed down. Traversing the open world is no fun. You cannot jump whenever you want. You cannot climb up something whenever you want. You cannot place a rope arrow whenever you want. Actually, this is so terrible I have to mention it again: YOU CANNOT JUMP AT YOUR OWN LEISURE! As a thief! You know? When you need to blow the scene? Get everybody and the stuff together? What the fuck! It's all either scripted, automated nonsense when the game lets you perform a jump (think 3D Zelda for example) or scripted QTE nonsense every time you want to open a window, just to hide the fact the game needs to load the interior of the house or load up the next area of the game when each part barely qualifies as an alley. I think the worst part about it is this automatic, vomit-inducing camera movement every time you pick up some loot, open a closet or the six billion trays of a drawer. The camera goes whoosh and zooms in on the object, tilts and turns, then zooms out again as to simulate player movement, without actually being in control of it. You know how picking up loot worked in previous Thief? You just point the mouse somewhere, click and be done with it. But I digress ...

Besides all the restricting movement that only accentuate how barren and linear the levels are, the MC now sports some additional abilities. Remember, this is way past the prime PC Gaming era, so everything’s gotta get casualized because Stealth is haaaaaaard and I don't wanna put in the effort, dammit!
The first one is a dash, which lets you zip quickly in between hiding places. At first, I thought this ability nifty, to give the game a little more flow or give the player the chance to correct a mistake, as to not be spotted by a guard. However, since there is almost no cooldown on the dash, you can abuse it easily, because you're quicker and basically invisible while performing the dash.
The second one is ... Detective Mode from the Batman Arkham games or Eagle Vision from Assassin's Creed. Because why case the area yourself as a Master Thief when you can have the game highlight the loot and things you can interact with, show the guards patrol route and so on. It's an insult to anyone who went through the earlier games. But yet, here we are. And the most annoying thing? You WILL use it. The game is so chockfull with detailed environments you can't even tell what button you can press, which drawer you can open and so on. It's a necessary evil because the developers know you're an idiot.

My point is, the game doesn't make you think or figure out things on your own, there's no actual exploration, everything is just by the numbers and turned into a cinematic faux-Hollywood dark, brooding edgelord story which only shares the name of the game in similarity to its predecessor.

There are other minor things to gripe about in the game but were personally not huge dealbreakers. The higher focus on the story didn't do it for me. Garett's sidekick acted like a dumb cunt and I couldn't care less for her. The upgrade system had no purpose other than to have an upgrade system in it. Not reusing Garret's well-established voice actor was a bummer and the lack of any fantastical/steampunk elements that enriched previous games with some lore was disappointing but ultimately minor in comparison to what else the game did wrong.

So yeah, fuck this game, fuck the greedy AAA-industry behind it and play Dishonored/Prey instead.

Um dos piores jogos que jĂĄ tive o desprazer de sequer pensar em jogar. A histĂłria Ă© ruim, tem loading o tempo todo, nem tem muito motivo pra roubar as coisas, os inimigos sĂŁo burros, bugados e atĂ© te vĂȘem atravĂ©s de parede, mas quando tu passa agachado na frente deles eles fingem que nĂŁo passou nada ali. Passe bem longe dessa bomba.

I'm not saying anything new, but this is how not to modernize a series. The worst part about it is, that you do sometimes get close to that Thief feeling and imagine what could have been, but then it's gone.

While “Thief” was unique in its day, the controls and general user experience is absolutely from a different time. Why the developers decided to transfer those same controls to this 2014 game, I simply don’t know. It also feels quite clunky on top of that. The world feels like you’re playing an in development game, where it’s full of walls with only specific instances to interact with the game. The load times also just feel old. There’s loading screens between nearly every zone and none of the world feels connected. This is the kind of game I could see someone liking, but it turned me off quick and while I progress a little further into the game I realized I’d seen all there was to see and it wasn’t for me.

The only thing stolen in this experience was the two hours spent on this game.

There is something about these dark games that I like that gets me hooked a above average game in my opinion it is not that bad.

This is the bastardization of the Thief series and stealth games as a whole. Gameplay has been trivialized with lobotomized AI, the world's setting has been butchered by inexperienced writers and even the most iconic characters were not spared in this totally-not-a-remake.

I shall hate this game until the end of days

Perhaps Eidos's worst game by a country mile. Just boring, poorly written, flat characters, mediocre at best performances. The best thing I can say about this game is that it looks and runs well (apart from cinematics) and the art style is incredible. It's what drew me in in the first place.

But what you see in the first 20 minutes is basically what you get for the rest of the game; imagine every action as annoying as RDR2's corpse looting: every door, every drawer, every climb, every jump, every loot is a canned animation. It grated on me so much I almost put it down after an hour, but trudged through another 5 to see if it got interesting and, no, it didn't. I'm pretty sure Garrett's voice actor was recently woken up from a nap, cuz it almost sent me into a deep sleep every time I booted up the game.

Traversing through the city was a nightmare. Each section was as nightmarishly small as a PSP game would be. Finding out where to go for side quests was a nightmare. If the goal of this game was to be a boring nightmare then they succeeded.