Reviews from

in the past

I did two playthroughs so far and plan on doing a few more, mainly for the 5ish big story options you can find: Polar Expedition, Black Rose Mystery, and the 3 Jules Verne novel references.

Pretty great so far but you basically never want to redo the same run, it'll be about the same. Also there's no fast forward button when traveling, you get stopped constantly for stories while travelling, but the time doesn't stop while in cities so you can easily miss a trip. Weird choice.


played this tonight and sucked anna into it. what an adventure! so well done on almost every front (the autogenerated convos are... not one of those fronts) but wow meg jayanth created the best choose your own adventure ever! and it's so full of wonder and fear while being comfy. this time we didn't make it. i went and picked ariya up from work, and anna spent a week stranded in singapore, and then fogg got cholera.

a fun take on the novel, couldn't keep my interest for long but I still enjoyed my time with it

Has a lot of character. The world feels alive, compelling.
I thought the writing and the art were excellent but there's not a lot of depth to the gameplay and it occasionally feels a little tedious. I didn't really want to explore the game further after completing one run.
I enjoyed it, but didn't think it had a lot of replay value.

I tried getting throught it twice, but got bored in an hour both times. Third time the charm?

Um bom jogo de exploração e jornada para passar o tempo.

Det her er et digitalt story-board game! Kan og bør spilles af folk, der ikke er største fans af spil generelt men er vild med interaktive fortællinger. Det er indbegrebet af "interaktiv tekst" og done right. (At vi kalder det spil er blot en dækkende medieteknologi-betegnelse, I think. "Spillet" bliver trods alt solgt i digitale spilbutikker på lige fod med spil-spil.)

Du kan gennemføre det på en aften. Du kan genspille det og plotte en ny vej omkring jorden, hvilket leder til nye fortællinger undervejs. Hvis du gennemfører spillet én, så åbner du op for nye passager rundt om jorden.

Virkelig, virkelig imponerende og fint spil. Referencen er jo til en anden bog fra en anden tid. Men spillet leger med sin verden og dens teknologiske fremskridt og momentum og gør det til sit eget. Find ud af hvem Passerpartout og Monsieur Fogg kan være!

En af de bedste gennemspilninger så mig forsøge at krydse Nordpolen. I did not anticipate what happened next!

Skrev også mindre opgave om den her på Uni. Spillet fremstiller "tid" på en ret interessant narratologisk måde, idet det både forsøger at være tekst (altså rumliggjort tidsfremstilling) og virtuel verden (faktisk kvantificeret tid med ur der tikker) på forskellige tidspunkter.

I guess your geometry needs to be excellent enough to play this game. I'd say that I do not quite remember the names of each city. Therefore, it's a pain to proceed with the dialogue and ask about the correct route to where I want to go. (But I made it back within 80 days anyway.)

The second half of the dialogue and story is exceptionally well written, and I love the little fantasy about transportation. At the same time, all the economic systems are still stuck in reality and have not gone far.

+ A lot of replayability
+ Beautiful art
+ Branching and interesting story


A charming retelling of a Jules Verne classic, with the sort of branching decisions that only games can do. Doesn't grab you enough after multiple go-arounds.

A fun take on Jules Verne's "Around the World in 80 Days" through a visual novel.

Played it for a game design class! Super interesting to look at from a narrative design POV. Not really my style of game though.

Only completed 1 trip, but think that's enough. The game has much more to offer, but it's too slow for me during traveling while it refuses to pause time when you want time to think about your future plans. Great writing though, intriguing stories going on in the background.

A Visual novel with more gamification than most and TONNES of agency. I have completed the main objective, but only scratched the surface of the stories they have hidden in this game.

Hope to go back to it eventually.

A breathtaking piece of interactive narrative innovation no one else in the industry has shown any interest in imitating. 80 Days is a masterpiece start to finish, and we deserve way more games with this much interest in weaving words and player agency seamlessly into story.

A captivating journey across the globe. There are so many well-writen, fantastical scenarios to come across and the simple yet beautiful presentation, both in the cities and the skies enveloping our planet itself really make it feel like you’re taking part in this grand journey.

A great little game that embraces completely non-linear narrative. Each adventure is a completely new experience with its dificulties and small subplots. Loved it. Still need to complete the journey in 80 days, missed by 4 days on my first try. :D

Easily one of the best visual novel/choose your own adventure game that I've played. Large variety of options, from deciding on your path, what paths you discover, how you choose to explore areas, what items you buy, who you choose to talk to, and what you say to people. Excellent writing with very different events to discover politics, technology, and side activities in each area with the world often making use of steampunk style technology and dealing with the effects of colonialism. A lot of different ways that you can play your character. Newspapers that can be read while in transit can tell you what happened with some of the people or events that you interacted with. You will likely want to play through the game multiple times, and still have much to discover. I will definitely be playing through the game again.


I had to play this game for a class. I think there was too much reading in this for me. But also, I don't know what I expected.

Juego de texto que da suficientes opciones para tomar la aventura que estás dando como tuya, sin llegar a ser complejo. Solo he dado una vuelta al mundo, llegué tarde por 7 días, pero deduzco que no hay mucho más que ver. Seguramente volveré a él a dar más vueltas cuando me apetezca.

Really fun narrative game, lots of interesting writing that grips you despite the simple overall nature of the mechanics.

One of my favourite narrative games so much re playability and the concept is just so cool (As we’ll as the original book) really underrated imo, I love it so much.

Fun little Visual Novel with tons of replay ability as you choose different paths to travel around the world. There's also some strategy as quicker journeys to travel longer distances can cost more money and you can also carry items to trade for more cash as you go round. All in all, highly recommended.

Lots of endings, lots of routes!

Fun little VN with a twist.

"We are all connected by a hundred untaken journeys." To oč se neúspěšně snažil v našich luzích a hájích Ondřej Neff s jeho sérií „aktualizací verneovek pro dnešního čtenáře“. Akorát ve zdařilé podobě, nápaditě využitém steampunkovém hávu a s přímou účastí čtenáře… Ehm, hráče. Videoherní gamebook, který krom častých a zcela zásadních možností volby doslova na každém kroku přidává i jiné herní prvky (práce s inventářem, obchodování, time management, neustálá dilemata s hledáním nejrychlejší/nejlevnější/nejméně únavné cesty, RPG, adventuření apod.) čili to není pouze o pasivním čtení a klikání na možnosti, které v důsledku nemají valný dopad na průběh. V důsledku čehož je to sympatický počin vhodný skutečně pro každého a ne jen pro úzký okruh hráčů tohoto typu her.

Alfou i omegou veškerých podobných titulů je především to, jak je to napsáno. A nešlo to pro účely hry napsat lépe. Veškeré texty jdou vždy přímo k jádru pudla čili zahlcení stěnami textu nehrozí, ale zároveň to nepůsobí jen jako strohý soupis situace. Naopak, text překypuje atmosférou, budováním napětí, nadsázkou, "šestákovostí" i očividnou láskou k předloze (samozřejmě dojde i na vtípek s "nepřetočenými" hodinkami). K tomu sedne i výtvarný styl, který atmosféru skvostně dotváří, ale prim za všech okolností i tak hraje především představivost podněcovaná oním výtečným textem.

Že jde „pouze“ o port z přenosných zařízení lze poznat jedině z toho, že je to přeci jen titul, který je i navzdory chytlavosti určen spíše k častému hraní po krátkých úsecích než na nějaké souvislé hraní na jeden zátah. Jinak je to bezchybný port šitý na míru PC a nikoli narychlo spíchnutý hybrid.

Každopádně titul s větší „znovuhratelností/znovučitelností“ nenaleznete. Jedna cesta kolem světa zabere nějaké dvě až tři hodiny a navštívíte při ní méně než desetinu lokací v nichž díky svým rozhodnutím, neustálému časovému presu a nejrůznějším proměnným zažijete sotva zlomek toho, co se v každé z nich dá vidět. Dle autorů co průchod hrou, to nějaká tři procenta textu z celkových několika set tisíc slov. Ostatně pro představu - předloha má cca 60 000 slov. Garantuji vám, že se nenajde mnoho gentlemanů, kteří by zůstali pouze u jedné cesty kolem světa, protože vždy je co objevovat a navíc jsou tu díky achievementům mnohé tuhé výzvy, které je radost pokořovat (zkuste to ne za osmdesát, ale čtyřicet dní, byť jádro tkví v cestě samotné a nikoli její rychlosti). Ve výsledku tedy není žádná náhoda, že se tento titul stal loni mnohonásobnou hrou roku nejen v rámci her určených pro mobilních zařízení. A myslím, že letos bude černým koněm na titul roku i pro mnoho PC hráčů… Ehm, čtenářů.

I played this like 10 times and eventually ended up almost dying of gay pining at the north pole. What more can you want from a video game? Awesome game. If you like narrative first experiences and don't mind them being obtuse/punishing (i'm a fallen london player lol) this is one of the great classics.

One of my favorite games, do a playthrough pretty much ever year or so. Really relaxed and feel like I learn a lot about geography and the world in general, even though the game takes place in an alternate universe steampunk world. Great writing.

Exceptionally written. A choose your own adventure has never been this engaging. I way very addicted to this, back in the day. The only issue is replaying the beginning sections again in subsequent playthroughs can feel tedious.