Reviews from

in the past

A good game that was made better with more content+ achievements :)

De los mejores juegos indie que me he encontrado. Se me puden ir muy fácil las horas sin enterarme. Convierte el concepto de gestión de inventario en la propia mecánica más importante del juego.

Was solid but definitely needs more. I will try beating the game with more characters + play some endless mode but there should be more challenges. I feel like luck is pretty strong and with some legendary items you can kind of overwhelm any enemy. I think there should be like some sort of persistent progress a passive buff or a specific item that you keep even after dying somehow. Game has a lot of potential but maybe there will be more to do in the game on or after the full release.

É um jogo incrivelmente bom, viciante e ao mesmo tempo meio frustrante.
O jogo em si de gerenciar inventário, progredir nas dungeons, as mecânicas diferentes são muito boas, interessante, divertidas. Há muita possibilidade e me dá vontade de continuar jogando.
O sistema de progresso no modo história porém me dá uma preguiça. Eu ignoro qualquer lógica de vender item ou qualquer coisa assim, é muito complicado. Eu só não vendo nenhum item e vou clicando em qualquer coisa que posso comprar para desbloquear e é isso ai.
As missões porém, podem ser muito divertidas!

Há alguns bugs e dificuldades em jogar com o controle, geralmente não são impeditivos. Tirando a pochette que buga de mais quando há um inventário por cima do outro. Já tive itens que estavam ocupando lugar, mas não estavam lá. Já tive mochila que eu clicava mais de uma vez, fechava e abria o inventário e ela não estava mais lá. Então há muito espaço para melhora.

E a história e dialogo são desprezíveis e achei muito mal escrito :/

Mas reiteiro: é muito divertido e viciante. Não é atoa que tenho tantas horas assim nele e quero continuar jogando.

Die Kombination aus Inventar Mangement und Rougelike Dungeon Crawler hat mich total gepackt.... wie man an meiner Spielzeit sehen kann. :) Der Umfang ist beeindruckend, denn neben den vielen verschiedenen Items, die für eine Vielfalt als Combos sorgen, gibt es auch noch mehrere Charaktere mit ganz eigenen Spielmechaniken. Nicht alle haben mir gleich gut gefallen, aber man kann sich ja aussuchen, mit wem man spielen möchte.

Mit dem Story Modus bin ich nur teilweise zufrieden. Er erfüllt seinen Zweck und hat mich motiviert, ihn durchzuspielen. Das Freischalten neuer Items mochte ich. Die Bewegung in der Oberwelt, das Mangement der Gebäude, das unterwältigende Finale und die eher überflüssigen Dekorationen wirken allerdings so, als wären sie im Vergleich zum Rest des Spiels auf die Schnelle dazu gestrickt worden. Die Geschichte hinter allem hat mein Interesse auch nicht wecken können.

Wichtig ist aber für mich, dass mir der eigentliche Game Loop unheimlich viel Spaß macht, und dass Backpack Hero durch die unterschiedlichen Builds eine Menge Abwechslung bietet.

Had a lot of fun with the demo. Cool base mechanic.

they made the resident evil inventory into a whole game

enemies dont feel like theyre attacking so it just feels like im low hp out of nowhere

Now that I have played and completed the 1.0 version I have to say I like it quite a bit better than the beta version. Story mode is fun even though the village building aspect is pretty bare-bones. Unlocking new stuff and finding items in the dungeon that have a use in the village was enjoyable. It gives you an incentive to try out the challenges as well which I thought were pretty well made.
I like most of the playable characters and they all offer their own distinct playstyles. Purse, Satchel and CR-8 are fun but they are pretty overpowered. Pochette is pretty hard to lose with as well. Some items are so good they can carry a run on their own. Tote, on the other hand, is pretty rough. Oftentimes I was barely able to get out of the first zone alive. The game still needs some balancing, especially for Tote. There are also quite a few bugs that really should be fixed. Somehow the 1.0 version is buggier than the early access.
Nevertheless, the game is pretty good and I enjoyed my time with it.

In Backpack Hero, inventory management is the name of the game. All items are held in your backpack, including armor and weapons. They get bonuses depending on what is around them or what else is in your backpack. Leveling up allows you to expand your backpack to hold more stuff.

The gameplay loop is a pretty standard roguelike experience similar to what you see in Slay the Spire.

I will re-review after I play the full release on Nintendo Switch

hmmmmm . i dont know its typical run turn based . i just like the inventory management remember me of resident evil 4

Solid RE4 inventory management meets rpg roguelike game, but I feel as though as their updates continually bring the fun of the game a step down from where it was previously.

honestly a really fun game, but the switch version remains deeply bugged and unfinished, which was also the state they released it in back in november

the endgame story stuff straight up glitches out right after you defeat the final boss. the team isn't communicating in a clear or transparent way, and doesn't seem to be addressing this significant bug. really unfortunate, because when it works, it's great

Organizar inventário em vídeo game é um transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo gostoso demais, esse sim pode ser categorizado como saudável né?? Acho que sim.

A satisfação que é organizar e reorganizar sua mochila mágica pra descer o cacete das mais variadas formas em inimigos com sprites fofinhos é mto boa viu.

Essa mecânica deixou o loop roguelite do jogo pra mim muito interessante, visto que só fica entediado entre uma run ou outra quem quiser, porque além das builds padrões de arminha e magia, tem build de jogar bebida nos bicho, build de atacar sem gastar energia nenhuma, build de pedreiro, build de encantar e converter os inimigos com musiquinha, build de pokémon (onde os próprios pokémons tem suas próprias bolsinhas pra colocar itens que só funcionam neles kkkkk), build com itens aleatórios que vão aparecendo a todo turno, e mais um monte de coisa experimental que não repliquei, mas vi em vídeos e em fóruns, coisas totalmente complexas pra minha mente de mamaco.

Em mais de 30h de jogo eu mal explorei algumas delas, magia num geral passou batido por exemplo, porém já vi coisas obscenas feitas com a mesma. No final do jogo eu me ative a algumas builds de arqueiro que ficaram insanas, era tanto dano atrelado a tanto efeito que os bichinhos só derretiam do outro lado.

O aspecto de gerenciamento da vila e o story mode num geral é bem qualquer coisa. Enfeitar a vila e construir coisinhas pra liberar mais e mais itens ainda foi uma leve distração, mas a história, vixi...

Dito isso, ótimo jogo pra ouvir podcast!

Unbalanced and a little artistically messy at times, but the underlying game mechanics are undoubtedly fun if you enjoy space puzzles. Lots of room for strategy and choice throughout.

Maybe the worst Roguelike I played. It's well made but something still disturbs me and I don't know what it is. I just played the demo version but it was enough to know that I won't buy it.

only game ive ever played that has made inventory management not feel like a chore

NOTE: only played the demo

honestly a fun little roguelike. the backpack inventory management system is fun, the gameplay loop is simple while having room for some complexity, and the artsyle is very charming.

if i hadn't played so many of these, i might even have bought it right away! as of now, though, it doesn't do anything unique enough to make me want to sink any real time into it.

solid arcade puzzle/RPG. Unique gameplay mechanic of a turn based battler where the position of your equipment in your bag dictates your stats and abilities

I just found out about this and played a demo. It's cozy, will likely pick it up on sale and do some runs

Divertido, no aguardo do modo história pra continuar (está em alpha)

Fun concept, but a bit too easy (Pls nerf archery)

Played throughout early access and experienced the early part of the story mode after 1.0 came out. The core idea is fun but the game feels bloated and clunky. There's UI problems, the story mode is super repetitive and limits nearly all the cool items behind dozens and dozens of runs. I really wish this had been done better but the end result feels really unpolished.

I did play the browser version quite a few times and I did enjoy it but after a while you kinda have the whole game figured out and you're going to have to use the strategies that you know that work or you won't get far. You cannot really "go" for a certain strategy and you have to work with what you got which is of course the point of the game but sometimes you just get dealt a bad hand and it's almost impossible to beat the third act. Balancing is still going on since the full version hasn’t released yet so that might improve but as of right now it's just a decent game that you can pick up and do like one run. Purse, CR8 and Satchel are nice characters but I am not really liking Tote and Pochetta. Pochetta is a chore to play as with all of her pets and managing every one of their inventories. They're just a bit underwhelming and I expected more of them than just being glorified extra backpacks. I do think they are charming and I'd like for them to stand out more with more abilities or maybe even allow them to level up or something. Tote is just weird and unintuitive to play as. She did get a balancing update but I still do not really like her.

A fun non-deck-building deck-builder that replaces an essential understanding of card advantage with essential understanding of arranging your room.

A recent patch seriously screwed with the strategic nature of choice in the game kinda ruining it for me. I really hope they reconsider the change, as I have no desire to play it now.

Otherwise, Amazing game. Love the core loop of looting and organizing loot for max bonus. The very different characters keep the game interesting as you can play it like a deckbuilder or Autobattler with the Frog and Bear characters

Edit: Feel like the game only gets worse when they add so many more items without balancing it, because it becomes harder and harder to get what you want or need, more RNG based.

I put way more time on this than I ever expected to.
Even if it's just a demo, it has a ton of content with the different weapons, armors, relics and consumables.
There's a whole lot of ways to cheese the game, which is good, because it gets demanding on the later levels.
RNG plays a BIG role in it, both on the items you get and the bosses you face. It can be frustrating on that regard, and perhaps will become even more so, as more items are added in the future.
Still, I really enjoyed the great variety of builds available.

I'll keep playing this, it's possible my opinion will change one way or another, but for now I do really like it. The town building doesn't do much for me but it is cute, inventory management being half the battle itches a special part of my brain that most rogue likes miss out on. Super solid, can't think of another game to compare it to at the moment but it is definitely good.

Real basic rpg roguelike with a cool inventory management mechanic stolen from another game twist. For some reason I cannot like the progression system in this game, either cause of it being too discrete featuring large jumps in stuff to do will larger valleys of catching up on the stuff, or cause it feels like you're not really getting new stuff to do while playing