Reviews from

in the past

It was probably great for its time and it definitely has an interesting atmosphere, but damn has it aged badly.

mum get of the phone im playing diablo 2 pvp!!!!!!!!!!

My favourite game spent countless day's playing this.

hoping the remake is good, this game is perfection itself

A rock solid looter ARPG even though it some balancing, map issues it's still a solid recommend for anyone interested in ARPGs.

my favorite game of all time: Diablo II
it literally doesn't get better than this.

faz mt tempo que eu joguei isso, então não lembro direito, mas eu lembro q era um jogo mt foda

what the actual shit are these controls

im sure i've played some amount of diablo II in my life
but really i spent more time watching my dad play the game than i ever did play it myself
i don't know the full story cus ive never asked but i remember he was pretty dedicated and was pretty good at the game
and then i remember when diablo III came out my brother got it for him as like a gift
but it just sucked so bad and he only played it like
once or twice

I don't like that you basically need to restart the whole game to try another spec on your class, but that is a minor issue. It is a super fun game with a great story. Better than D3, solely for the fact that you can play it offline.

Absolutely amazing game and nearly perfect. The biggest thing holding it back is the lack of storage space.

Um dos melhores rpgs(se não o melhor que já joguei das antigas), enredo muito bom, te introduz ao universo caótico pelas estradas devastadas pelas hordas demoníacas, bosses realmente desafiadores, e imersão muito boa. Jogo é curto, 4 horas rushado ou cerca de 8 horas se der uma explorada boa, mas vale muito a pena.

Todavía sigo esperando que saquen otro Diablo como este, pray for Diablo 4.

Não joguei na época então definitivamente perdi o hype do jogo mas que é um puta jogasso é.

One of my favorite games of my childhood; classes are fun and unique with plenty of meaningful choices. Good replayability.

Joguei só a demo na época, conta? KEKW

One of the most ground braking game in its genre...

Still amazing after all those years. I really miss old blizzard sometimes

Un clásico de clásicos de los RPG. Diablo II es un pilar bastante fuerte en la industria, tanto así que hasta hoy día y después de tantos años de su lanzamiento, aún se realizan torneos y existen grupos de videojugadores que se reúnen para jugar en línea y acabar con los ejércitos demoníacos del infierno. Con una jugabilidad acertada, una historia interesante y un sinfín de posibilidades de exploración y creación de objetos, Diablo II se gana a pulso su buena reputación, sirviendo de ejemplo para muchos otros juegos que, teniendo más posibilidades técnicas y de desarrollo, no son capaces de igualar un buen diseño acompañado de un fuerte concepto de juego. Altamente recomendado para todos.

Great story, lots of replayability with the different class combinations, and unafraid to be an adult game with gore, horror, and nudity.

One time I brought this game over to a friend's house and installed it on their computer. Their desk was weirdly damp. They laid the jewel case face down on the desk, and the moisture wiped away the CD key. Within two days my computer died and I had to buy a second copy of the game in order to play it again. I did that. I shouldn't have.

lo jugue de pequeño y era muy divertido pese a que no entendia mucho

A classic ARPG that is still remembered with rapture and joy that they once knew how to make games for players.

Классическая ARPG, которая до сих пор вспоминается с упоением и радостью, что когда то умели делать игры для игроков.