Reviews from

in the past

best application of dnd combat to a video game and as a result is kind of freakin juicy

One of my favourite RPGs, I absolutely fell in love with this world and it's characters

its obliqueness is its greatest strength and weakness

70 hours of gameplay and 80 hours of loading

this is a commitment, beware

A simple story, but beautiful visuals, absolute freedom, and characters that grow on you unexpectedly.

Few games reward critical and environmental thinking like Divinity: Original Sin II does, whether that means taking advantage of the battlefield to create the largest fire you've ever seen in a video game, or realizing you can skip an entire dungeon by teleporting to a cliff entrance that most players wouldn't even see.

No matter what your approach, a playthrough of Divinity will feel uniquely yours.

Great game. Even more fun with friends

esta guay en lineas generales pero me da la sensacion de que si no lo llego a jugar con gente no lo habria disfrutado como lo he disfrutado ciertamente

Made me fall in love with isometric rpgs again, very satisfying combat and rpg mechanics and the writing is hilarious.

Had a good time with what I played, but the overtuned fights and bad fight designs (overwhelmed party, terrible placement, etc) that encourage save scumming just aren't interesting
Other than that it was fun but those encounters really just killed the game for me (the one that made me drop it was the one near the entrace of Arx). That and all the cheap stuff that make you just skip a turn because fuck you.

so much emergent gameplay and silly stuff in this game. but especially if youare playing alone the lack of class lines and such feels like you're just grinding the same setup/scenario with each fight, and you see just about all the stuff you can use in the game in one go

Awesome strategy turn base game. Great writing, great combat. The best in category.

I've only played act 1 and only heavily modded with friends forcing me to skip all the story, but even then the sheer quality of this game is undeniable.

super sexy we love everything about this. haven't finished because i tend to play in chunks because of how MASSIVE this game is, but EXTREMELY enjoyable!!

I can see why people adore this game, but I just couldn't put up with the battle system revolving around surface effects.

Edit: Tried playing this again with friends who actually know what they're doing and have fallen in love with the game. It's so addictive.

I played this with 2 seperate squads over many days. We never got out of Joy fucking Fort. It doesn't help that the combat in the beginning takes forever and feels kinda mind numbing. Like I know it's good, but I just cant for the life of me go back and replay through Joy Fort a third time only to experience the rest of the game.

This is almost a perfect game, it has potentially the best combat system and art direction in any rpg i've ever played. The characters are great (I love fane and the red prince) And the game does such a brilliant job of intoducing geniuinlely engaging mysteries and revealing hidden truths about the world it takes place in. However there are a few small issues that just build up throughout the playtime that end up becoming big issues

-In my opinion the biggest issue, and this may not seem that bad if you havent played the game, is when you enter a room, its very time consuming and boring to go through every interactable/searchable/pickupable object in the room, especially with the detailled environments. The devs obviously knew this as they included a button that highlights every object in the room that you can pick up and every dead body. However most rooms have so many pointless loose objects that its a visual nightmare and doesnt tell the player whats important, as well as this it doesnt highlight containers such as chests and bookcases that may contain important items AND it doesnt include every interactable object. This would be so easily fixed by having it only highlight important items, including ones inside containers, quest items, unique items, rare and valuable items, and books and notes that the player has not yet read. And for interactable objects used for puzzles like secret buttons and levers, it could just highlight that there is something in the room that the player has not yet interacted with yet, and the higher the characters wits level, the more precise the highlighting is, this also solves another problem of hidden objects only being detectable when standing right on top of them. This would make the game so much better in my opinion even though it seems like such a tiny thing, it would potentially cut out hours of boring room searching.

-Another small change they could make is adding in a chracter glossary, there are a lot of characters, some who change apperance, and this is a very long game so I ended up forgetting certain characters who show up again later.

-This is a personal preference but I hate being overencumbered in rpgs, i like keeping certain armour sets and unique weapons, and its very annoying to have to keep managing my inventory so I can walk at a nomal pace

-The normal movement speed is too slow, there is a mod that comes with the game to speed it up, but using it means you will get no achievements, implying its not part of the intended experience, as well as this characters who are following you wont walk over
even a tiny amount poison or fire, even if their armour blocks it from damaging them so you have to command them individually, this is annoying.

-The difficulty is a little all over the place, certain bits are insanely difficult like getting through mordus's cave and the lizard dream bit, but there are entire sections that offer little challenge, like bloodmoon island and the entirety of the nameless isle.

-There also doesnt feel like there is much of a middle in terms of plot progression, the first half of the game you still have basically only just escaped prison and then suddenly you are right on the cusp of achieveing the main goal (untill its taken away)

-This is a really minor issue, but the ending sequence doesnt take into account every decision you make (Which character you chose as a love interest, which characters you were an asshole to, in particular there is a certain sidequest involving elves and the house of shadows where you make a pretty important decision and as far as i know it wasnt acknowledged what impact it made at all in the end)

Honestly if they fixed the first issue this game would already be basically perfect, and other that the thing i have mentioned the game is brilliant, just with a few changes it could be a game I could endlessly replay

Countless hours on this masterpiece. Never had a desire to play it by myself but have enjoyed countless hours with friends (and mods).

Made me change my mind of turn based combat.
Awesome game!

When I started playing Dungeons and Dragons, I was the Dungeon Master for our group. I did a lot of research on how to be a good DM and help my players have the most fun; the biggest piece of advice I received was "never say no". A big part of the fun in roleplaying is the freedom to do whatever you want, and a good DM should facilitate that.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is exactly that. This game gives you an incredibly varied gameworld and lets you do whatever you please. It's shockingly open-ended and expects you to come up with interesting solutions to problems. There's no wrong way to play (except maybe playing this like your typical linear RPG!) so you can devise incredible combos that feel like you're breaking the game, do quests out of sequence, or feel like you're playing in a way that opposes what the developer's intended. This is all an illusion, because the intended way to play IS to think outside the box and break rules.

A possible downside to this freedom is the difficulty of the game when on its default setting. It took me many hours to get used to what combat requires, and the min-maxing required may put some people off the game. While there are easier difficulty settings, learning the intricacies of combat and character building is immensely satisfying and worth putting the effort into understanding. Because the game is so open, you'll often find encounter balance varies constantly; some fights will be ridiculously easy while others will take 4 or 5 attempts. It comes with the territory.

As for the quick pros and cons:

+ Best strategic RPG combat system I've ever played (grumbles about mixed armour aside)
+ Flexibility is incredible, it feels like the game wants you to break it and that's so much fun
+ Very cool lore, I particularly loved the elves being able to eat body parts to gain their memories
+ Classes that feel unique, and can be mixed freely. My best tank was a necromancer/mage/hydro mix, while my summoner was a high INT melee prodigy

- Mixed physical/magic armour system starts to feel restrictive despite being interesting at the start. I had to respec to almost pure physical damage/spells to make progress
- Final chapter is a huge difficulty spike with very few places to level up, I had to scour a small zone for non-combat quests while always getting ambushed and having to reload
- Despite being SO open, it is somewhat level gated and can feel like you don't truly have all of the options the game makes you think you do
- Final fight was busted. I had a pretty well optimised team and I just couldn't make progress; I'd get killed before I could even take my turn.

So all in all it was an incredible experience. I very rarely stick with games this long, so the positives very much outweigh the negatives (and the beauty about playing on PC is that you can tweak some things if you start to feel any friction that's truly getting in the way of your enjoyment)

It's a very system driven, hard to get into, rpg. But together with a friend it was a really cool coop experience with a lot of freedom and challenging battles. The ending felt kind of weird tho.

As poucas coisas ruins desse jogo não conseguem ofuscar a qualidade da narrativa e da escrita. É um jogo de RPG excelente, um CRPG excelente e um SRPG excelente, ao mesmo tempo que cria e expande um universo muito bem montado e cheio de possibilidades pra explorar. É um jogo obrigatório para os fãs de todo tipo de RPG. Infelizmente não é um jogo para todo mundo, pois possui uma quantidade muito grande de mecânicas complexas e necessita de exploração e aprendizado para entender todas as possibilidades, o que acaba afastando os jogadores casuais e pessoas que não gostam de jogos que exigem dedicação para serem aproveitados.

Si te gusta el rol estilo Dnd, Pathfinder, etc. Este es tu juego. Me he sentido cómo si estuviera en una campaña de rol, las zonas a las que vas están vivas, todo el mundo te contará algo o sabrá algo, quests secundarias y npcs muy interesantes, BSO que es una delicia, y un sistema de combate que solo le faltan los dados para ser una partida de rol de mesa. Sobre la historia principal está muy bien hecha y además tendrás la historia de tu PJ que variará dependiendo a quien elijas o si te haces tu propio PJ personalizado. Juegazo recomendadisimo

It would've been like 9,5/10 if my friends liked me more to play with me till the end. And if the plot took itself more serious.

Diria que és el meu joc preferit, vaig ver varis finals, a nintendo switch, tot i el Downgrade, és un jocàs!

This game is every bit as good as people say it is. The story, the lore, the gameplay, all thoroughly polished. It was my first CRPG, and it kick-started a love for the genre in me. I cannot recommend enough that you play it.

The game does have a steep learning curve tho. There are so many things you need to keep track of that it might take a while for you to feel comfortable. You'll start winning a lot more battles more easily once you understand all options available to you. Also, the last act has a massive difficulty spike right at the beginning - prepare well.